What could possibly go wrong?

First you tried stealing their children. Yet they come. Now you will circumvent the law & purposefully delay their asylum request until they just leavre.

I thought we were a nation of laws. Evidently to you & your ilk that is ony when it is convenient.
You can appear for a judge within days.

Here, put down the gun & read the article at this link.

Can You Request Asylum At The U.S. Border?

OMG I can't believe you actually posted that steaming pile of horse shit.

What is not true?????

Militias are heading to the border

Trump had painted this as an invasion

It is an invasion even if your stupid ass doesn't believe it.

Oh and all that shit about stealing their kids??

A steaming pile of horse shit. Just up your alley.
An "invasion"?

Like every other caravan (there have been many) the numbers are declining as they walk. The LAST caravan began with 4,000 and dwindled to 200 by the time they got to the border. Most were refused entry.

Some "invasion" huh?

And yes...the Trump admin (ICE actually) DID kidnap children (some of whom have STILL not been returned to their parents) as a PUNISHMENT and to deter asylum seekers.

NOot only was it blatant disgusting cynicism...it didn't fucking work...obviously

No, that’s a lie. The children were placed with people from their own country or family members. Because some are illegal themselves, they are not answering the door or phone when authorities check on them.

Well, the crying left did work. Now Trump won’t even let them into the country so he doesn’t have to deal with that nonsense anymore.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Wow, you believe everything that orange POS says.

As of the first of October, hundreds of children still were not reunited with their parents. A lot of these parents were deported without their kids.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

Alex Jones much?
Oh fuck you. Get informed for a fucking change. This has been widely reported & the Gov of Texas has warned people close to the border.
Jesus fuck. Get a God damn education.

Put the pipe down retard, your wet dream about a bunch of rebel flag waving rednecks shooting a bunch of illegal aliens just ain’t going to happen. No matter what George Noory says, milita are not heading to the border, and if they are, they will be dealt with. You never even been to the borde. If you had, your stupid ass would know that unless they are on private property, there really ain’t allot of places your fantasy milita just couldn’t do what you are saying they are.

You are such a dumbass. There are militia members now that patrol the border & call Border Patrol when they see something.

Trump has created this. Any bloodshed will be his hands.

I have been to the border. That is how I know it is not open like you assfucks say. There are actually fences & stuff,.

You are a bigger fucking retard then I ever thought. Next thing you say will be that neighborhood watch are milita to. You ar an even bigger retard saying Trump created them. Stupidest thing I have ever heard. Add to that, you are a liar. Watching Rick Bayless on food network isn’t going to the border. To stupid to carry on with.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

OMG!!! A sovereign nation defending it's borders! How dare the President actually do his job.
Oh go fuck yourself. " OMG we can't build a wall or we can't lie about a caravan , we aren't protecting our border"?

That is really fucking stupid.
Had Hillary won, they would have been handed a Social Security check and a voter ID at the border
There has already been armed militia in various places for some time now, and nothing's ever happened, otherwise it would have been all over the MSM. They have been spotting illegal crossings and notifying the Border Patrol for some years now. I doubt that you'll see many of them once the military is in place, they know better than to get in the way of the military.

I was listening to a report on Laura's show yesterday. The new batch is being stopped at their southern border by the Mexican police. Supposedly, they are tossing fireworks at the police and even gunshots rang out.

No, we probably don't need our military, but these are desperate people, and we have to be prepared for anything.
The Mexican police can be very difficult to deal with. Unless you’ve got a few spare pesos but dollars work best.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

Alex Jones much?
Oh fuck you. Get informed for a fucking change. This has been widely reported & the Gov of Texas has warned people close to the border.
Jesus fuck. Get a God damn education.

Put the pipe down retard, your wet dream about a bunch of rebel flag waving rednecks shooting a bunch of illegal aliens just ain’t going to happen. No matter what George Noory says, milita are not heading to the border, and if they are, they will be dealt with. You never even been to the borde. If you had, your stupid ass would know that unless they are on private property, there really ain’t allot of places your fantasy milita just couldn’t do what you are saying they are.

You are such a dumbass. There are militia members now that patrol the border & call Border Patrol when they see something.

Trump has created this. Any bloodshed will be his hands.

I have been to the border. That is how I know it is not open like you assfucks say. There are actually fences & stuff,.

You are a bigger fucking retard then I ever thought. Next thing you say will be that neighborhood watch are milita to. You ar an even bigger retard saying Trump created them. Stupidest thing I have ever heard. Add to that, you are a liar. Watching Rick Bayless on food network isn’t going to the border. To stupid to carry on with.
Neighborhood watch are not armed you stupid fuck.
These people call themselves militias you stupid fuck.
Trump created this because he lied about the caravan. And you were dumb enough to believe it.
OMG I can't believe you actually posted that steaming pile of horse shit.

What is not true?????

Militias are heading to the border

Trump had painted this as an invasion

It is an invasion even if your stupid ass doesn't believe it.

Oh and all that shit about stealing their kids??

A steaming pile of horse shit. Just up your alley.
An "invasion"?

Like every other caravan (there have been many) the numbers are declining as they walk. The LAST caravan began with 4,000 and dwindled to 200 by the time they got to the border. Most were refused entry.

Some "invasion" huh?

And yes...the Trump admin (ICE actually) DID kidnap children (some of whom have STILL not been returned to their parents) as a PUNISHMENT and to deter asylum seekers.

NOot only was it blatant disgusting cynicism...it didn't fucking work...obviously

No, that’s a lie. The children were placed with people from their own country or family members. Because some are illegal themselves, they are not answering the door or phone when authorities check on them.

Well, the crying left did work. Now Trump won’t even let them into the country so he doesn’t have to deal with that nonsense anymore.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Wow, you believe everything that orange POS says.

As of the first of October, hundreds of children still were not reunited with their parents. A lot of these parents were deported without their kids.
------------------------------- its a shame because now i gotta raise those mexicans with my and other Americans money RDave .
Alex Jones much?
Oh fuck you. Get informed for a fucking change. This has been widely reported & the Gov of Texas has warned people close to the border.
Jesus fuck. Get a God damn education.

Put the pipe down retard, your wet dream about a bunch of rebel flag waving rednecks shooting a bunch of illegal aliens just ain’t going to happen. No matter what George Noory says, milita are not heading to the border, and if they are, they will be dealt with. You never even been to the borde. If you had, your stupid ass would know that unless they are on private property, there really ain’t allot of places your fantasy milita just couldn’t do what you are saying they are.

You are such a dumbass. There are militia members now that patrol the border & call Border Patrol when they see something.

Trump has created this. Any bloodshed will be his hands.

I have been to the border. That is how I know it is not open like you assfucks say. There are actually fences & stuff,.

You are a bigger fucking retard then I ever thought. Next thing you say will be that neighborhood watch are milita to. You ar an even bigger retard saying Trump created them. Stupidest thing I have ever heard. Add to that, you are a liar. Watching Rick Bayless on food network isn’t going to the border. To stupid to carry on with.
Neighborhood watch are not armed you stupid fuck.
These people call themselves militias you stupid fuck.
Trump created this because he lied about the caravan. And you were dumb enough to believe it.
----------------------------------------------- tell 'tray tray trayvon martin' that neighborhood watch ain't armed RDave and Crixus.
Last edited:
Had Hillary won, they would have been handed a Social Security check and a voter ID at the border
Lying fuck Frank. I guess you were so fucking stupid you think Democrats want open borders.

Well you did when Clinton was President. Once Soros bought the party and tried to get Gore elected that all changed.

You're telling me dems support controlling the border and Immigration reform, ending anchors babies?
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

OMG!!! A sovereign nation defending it's borders! How dare the President actually do his job.
I think a lot of the taunting is because of the disproportional response. It's overkill to send thousands of troops to the border for that caravan. It's got folks twitching their trigger fingers and dreaming of a fight against unarmed people. It's just crazy. Sure, send down some extra help if you need it, but thousands?

The Southern border is 1000s of miles long. The caravan has 1000s in it and there are reportedly more behind it. If you want law and order and things done in a humane way you need numbers on your side. Otherwise it'll be a cluster-F***.
But the caravan isn't dispersing over 1000's of miles. It is headed to one location. Where they are setting up tents to house them. Now, if the Pres is just coincidentally sending troops to help over all the 1000's of miles of the border, that is another story.
What could go right? We could import people, make them live in a city owned formerly abandoned house in the ghettos of Cleveland or Detroit for a decade like a new version of the Homestead Act and make them citizens if they work and stay clean.
Or we could import them into YOUR hometown and let them drag your schools down, overcrowd your hospitals, increase your property taxes and lower your property values. It's all warm fuzzy goodness until they become YOUR problem.

And when your kid comes home from school and dies from some disease we wiped out years ago, tell us how great immigration is.
Small pox no longer exists. Anywhere. If you're talking about polio or measles, vaccinate your own kids and you won't have to worry about it.
More indoctrination I see... You need to stay the fuck out of other people’s personal lives.
???? Whatshisface is into the "personal lives" of these supposedly disease-ridden people trekking thousands of miles (sure--they're really sick) and he's not only "into" their lives, he's making up bullshit about them.
Vaccinating them is the simple answer that 90+ percent of Americans do routinely, anyway.
We already have far too many illegal aliens in country....
OMG I can't believe you actually posted that steaming pile of horse shit.

What is not true?????

Militias are heading to the border

Trump had painted this as an invasion

It is an invasion even if your stupid ass doesn't believe it.

Oh and all that shit about stealing their kids??

A steaming pile of horse shit. Just up your alley.
An "invasion"?

Like every other caravan (there have been many) the numbers are declining as they walk. The LAST caravan began with 4,000 and dwindled to 200 by the time they got to the border. Most were refused entry.

Some "invasion" huh?

And yes...the Trump admin (ICE actually) DID kidnap children (some of whom have STILL not been returned to their parents) as a PUNISHMENT and to deter asylum seekers.

NOot only was it blatant disgusting cynicism...it didn't fucking work...obviously

No, that’s a lie. The children were placed with people from their own country or family members. Because some are illegal themselves, they are not answering the door or phone when authorities check on them.

Well, the crying left did work. Now Trump won’t even let them into the country so he doesn’t have to deal with that nonsense anymore.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Wow, you believe everything that orange POS says.

As of the first of October, hundreds of children still were not reunited with their parents. A lot of these parents were deported without their kids.

So what's your point? If they can't get in contact with their kids, what do you want Trump do do about it?

And no, Trump didn't tell me anything. It was reported by USA Today.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

OMG!!! A sovereign nation defending it's borders! How dare the President actually do his job.
I think a lot of the taunting is because of the disproportional response. It's overkill to send thousands of troops to the border for that caravan. It's got folks twitching their trigger fingers and dreaming of a fight against unarmed people. It's just crazy. Sure, send down some extra help if you need it, but thousands?

A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried. We don't know how many will actually make it here. Why take chances?
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.
The caravan won't make it to the border. Just like the last one Fox News had all the pseudocons shitting their pants in April didn't make it.

Trump knows the caravan isn't going to make it, so he is capitalizing on that. Bigly. And Fox News is inventing all kinds of horseshit about the caravan. Leprosy, small pox, Middle Eastern terrorists. Small pox was wiped out 40 years ago!

This caravan has become a mixing bowl of every prejudice Trumpies have.

"George Soros is leading the caravan, with Saul Alinsky bringing up the rear!"
What could go right? We could import people, make them live in a city owned formerly abandoned house in the ghettos of Cleveland or Detroit for a decade like a new version of the Homestead Act and make them citizens if they work and stay clean.
Or we could import them into YOUR hometown and let them drag your schools down, overcrowd your hospitals, increase your property taxes and lower your property values. It's all warm fuzzy goodness until they become YOUR problem.

And when your kid comes home from school and dies from some disease we wiped out years ago, tell us how great immigration is.
Small pox no longer exists. Anywhere. If you're talking about polio or measles, vaccinate your own kids and you won't have to worry about it.

So lets see, to accommodate these people, we need to spend billions of dollars on lawyers, courts, and child care. We need to become a bilingual country, and now we have to immunize our children. Gotcha.

Anything else we can do for these people because somehow that doesn’’t seem like enough?

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We've always needed to immunize our children. That's how we and the rest of the world eradicated small pox.
Spending billions to vet immigrant applications, refugees and asylum applications is what we have always done. As a matter of fact, there is quite a hefty fee associated with all of those, so I'm not sure how many billions we're out.
Yeah, I get it; you don't like foreigners, legal or illegal. Your argument to completely do away with new people coming to these shores is not gonna happen, though, so you can keep howling at the moon. No one is taking you seriously.

Apparently Trump is taking me (and millions like me) seriously.

I know we won't completely do away with foreigners, but the more limitation on them, the better for the country.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

Didn't bring enough handcuffs?

View attachment 225995

Our federal military can't do that.

The Posse Comitatas Act makes it illegal for any of our federal troops to enforce any of our domestic laws and policies.

So they can't even legally put handcuffs on anyone at the border.

That's only for American citizens--not foreigners invading our land.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.
You know what happened last time we sent troops to the border.
All bullshit

Whatever number of troops get sent to the border...they will DIE...of boredom.

They will bake in the sun...put up tents and clean their gear.

End of story.

The caravan will dwindle down to a few hundred like it always does...and they'll be refused entry...like they always are

The militia creeps will show up...drink beer. Makes asses of themselves...get bored and go home (if they don't shoot themselves or someone else)

Relax people.

This has been played out before
They don't get per diem either.

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