What Country Does Obama Think He's President Of?

From "45 Communist Goals":
Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35
January 10, 1963:
1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

'Goals' 4-45 can be found here:
Communist Goals - 1963 Congressional Record
☭proletarian☭;2187400 said:
Congratulations to President Obama.....

Looks like he is on his way to a second straight Nobel Peace Prize

What's a shame is that you and others who think like you do are too stupid to realize that a strong America is what keeps the peace on this planet.

By installing dictators, crushing popular uprisings, creating insurrections when convenient, and giving the world a common enemy?

And you would rather the ilk like Chavez be in the same position of power that the US has? You think he and others like him around the globe wouldn't do far worse? You're a fool for attacking your own country and it's military. You're a fool if you believe that the world would be a better place without having the US and its strong military defending peace for the last century.
Congratulations to President Obama.....

Looks like he is on his way to a second straight Nobel Peace Prize

What's a shame is that you and others who think like you do are too stupid to realize that a strong America is what keeps the peace on this planet.

I would say it's even. You guys start just as much shit as you stop....
☭proletarian☭;2187403 said:
What's a shame is that you and others who think like you do are too stupid to realize that a strong America is what keeps the peace on this planet.

they don't care until we are attacted again.
America gets attacked because of America's actions.

What an idiot you are. For someone who thinks so highly of his own intelligence, you are sadly lacking in it.
And you would rather the ilk like Chavez be in the same position of power that the US has? You think he and others like him around the globe wouldn't do far worse? You're a fool for attacking your own country and it's military. You're a fool if you believe that the world would be a better place without having the US and its strong military defending peace for the last century.

1) You didn't do it alone
2) Tell that to central america and Chile
3) What is wrong with Chavez? Do you know that state of most Venezualans before he came to power? How 99 percent of them lived in abject poverty...Sure, he might not be the BEST answer, but he's sure as shit better than what was in place before to most Venezualans. What some blue-blood Yank thinks is neither here nor there
From "45 Communist Goals":
Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35
January 10, 1963:
1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

'Goals' 4-45 can be found here:
Communist Goals - 1963 Congressional Record

Russia is not Communist. The Cold War is over........remember?
☭proletarian☭;2187403 said:
they don't care until we are attacted again.
America gets attacked because of America's actions.

What an idiot you are. For someone who thinks so highly of his own intelligence, you are sadly lacking in it.

And if you DON'T think you get attacked for those actions, you are the idiot. Why do you think you get attacked??
Congratulations to President Obama.....

Looks like he is on his way to a second straight Nobel Peace Prize

What's a shame is that you and others who think like you do are too stupid to realize that a strong America is what keeps the peace on this planet.

they don't care until we are attacted again.

"attacted" ????

Do you mean like when we were "attacted" when George Bush was President?
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And you would rather the ilk like Chavez be in the same position of power that the US has? You think he and others like him around the globe wouldn't do far worse? You're a fool for attacking your own country and it's military. You're a fool if you believe that the world would be a better place without having the US and its strong military defending peace for the last century.

1) You didn't do it alone
2) Tell that to central america and Chile
3) What is wrong with Chavez? Do you know that state of most Venezualans before he came to power? How 99 percent of them lived in abject poverty...Sure, he might not be the BEST answer, but he's sure as shit better than what was in place before to most Venezualans. What some blue-blood Yank thinks is neither here nor there

I know that I'm in the right place whenever my opinions are on the oppisite end of the spectrum from yours. :clap2: Sounds like you suffer from jealousy, hence your biased opinion of the US.
Obama has signed a treaty today that in all respects handcuffs us and won't allow us to test new nuclear weapons systems. Boy...you could tell the Russians were happy about that.

So let me get this straight....we can't drill, we can't test new weapons systems, we soon won't be able to take heavy payloads into space because he's canceled any new shuttle programs.

What is this guy doing? Does he want us to fall behind everyone else. It seems Obama is trying to turn us into a 3rd rate world power...purposely setting us years back in advancements in science and technology.

Is Obama selling us down the river just so he can justify his Nobel prize?

If I were a competitor of the United States I would be doing cartwheels right now.

I have asked this question in previous threads and replies.

Who is this president working for US or THEM?

I, for one, am very concerned who may be pulling his strings and I think it's an alarm bell for every citizen of this great country. :confused:

We have a very serious problem folks, could it be that THEY have already taken over? Discuss.........
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I know that I'm in the right place whenever my opinions are on the oppisite end of the spectrum from yours. :clap2: Sounds like you suffer from jealousy, hence your biased opinion of the US.

Oh please, anything but the moronic 'you're jealous" crap. I could have moved to the States many times over. There is a reason I haven't....The world doesn't begin and end at the US...

I thought Gunny had kicked all the moronic mods to touch after KK left...looks like he replaced one with another....
I know that I'm in the right place whenever my opinions are on the oppisite end of the spectrum from yours. :clap2: Sounds like you suffer from jealousy, hence your biased opinion of the US.

Oh please, anything but the moronic 'you're jealous" crap. I could have moved to the States many times over. There is a reason I haven't....The world doesn't begin and end at the US...

I thought Gunny had kicked all the moronic mods to touch after KK left...looks like he replaced one with another....

Ah, I'm a moron because I love my country and defend it? :lol: And I think you doth protest too much, your envy is showing.
The Obama should be IMPEACHED, the sooner the better.

He is a danger to us and our country.

Impeached under what charges?

Being a fucking socialist/marxist/commie/whatever left wing label you want to stick on him.

Can you reference the Costitutional clause where grounds for impeachment include "Being a fucking socialist/marxist/commie/whatever left wing label you want to stick on him"

Being a member of another political party is not grounds for impeachment. Of course, it doesn't mean the Republicans won't try

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