What crazy shit will Democrats ‘get behind’ next? Your predictions please.

And just to prove how communist they are, Democrats even want to prevent Russia from being able to interfere with any of our elections. Yes, seriously!
But not any other country....

Brown people are always right after all.....
Full normalization of pedophilia as a sexual orientation. You can already see the beginning of it.
And none of these idiots have the balls to admit it.

I was talking about this years ago when Occupy Wallstreet had its own pedophilia and bestiality booth, and the typical left wing assholes ignored it back then as well.
To recap, in short....we’ve seen them support degenerate men in dresses shitting next to little girls, gender choice, illegal aliens above real Americans, free shit for the world, legalization of drugs, baby killing....etc
You gotta wonder where they’re headed.
Coming from the party of Denny Hastert, Roy Moore and ped protector, Jim Jordon, this is especially funny.
To recap, in short....we’ve seen them support degenerate men in dresses shitting next to little girls, gender choice, illegal aliens above real Americans, free shit for the world, legalization of drugs, baby killing....etc
You gotta wonder where they’re headed.
well I listen to npr, so I've heard some good ones.

mandated stock market investment (with them making the investments, of course)
government regulated over fans.
mandated supply of tampons
mandated number of women bathrooms (basically 4x the number for men)
post birth abortion. they made one run at it already.

I don't think pedos are on the near horizon
To recap, in short....we’ve seen them support degenerate men in dresses shitting next to little girls, gender choice, illegal aliens above real Americans, free shit for the world, legalization of drugs, baby killing....etc
You gotta wonder where they’re headed.
Coming from the party of Denny Hastert, Roy Moore and ped protector, Jim Jordon, this is especially funny.
That is a pretty short list of unsubstantiated claims of pedophilia.

NAMBLA doesn’t have any Republican members.
To recap, in short....we’ve seen them support degenerate men in dresses shitting next to little girls, gender choice, illegal aliens above real Americans, free shit for the world, legalization of drugs, baby killing....etc
You gotta wonder where they’re headed.

I don't know where they are headed.... but I thank god it isn't the office.
To recap, in short....we’ve seen them support degenerate men in dresses shitting next to little girls, gender choice, illegal aliens above real Americans, free shit for the world, legalization of drugs, baby killing....etc
You gotta wonder where they’re headed.
well I listen to npr, so I've heard some good ones.

mandated stock market investment (with them making the investments, of course)
government regulated over fans.
mandated supply of tampons
mandated number of women bathrooms (basically 4x the number for men)
post birth abortion. they made one run at it already.

I don't think pedos are on the near horizon
yeah they actually have a bill to fund tampons.....the left is insane...they don't want to pay for anything themselves.
Liberals will want to ban the National Anthem and any form of patriotism totally.

You know what sucks about this thread? As humorous as it might seem, it's all true.
To recap, in short....we’ve seen them support degenerate men in dresses shitting next to little girls, gender choice, illegal aliens above real Americans, free shit for the world, legalization of drugs, baby killing....etc
You gotta wonder where they’re headed.
Coming from the party of Denny Hastert, Roy Moore and ped protector, Jim Jordon, this is especially funny.
Jim Jordan was a victim, not a protector. Hastert and Moore suffered the consequences, either going to jail or losing their election. The republican party hasn't normalized it. The Democrats haven't either, but some left-wing media voices have started talking about it in terms that aren't negative.
To recap, in short....we’ve seen them support degenerate men in dresses shitting next to little girls, gender choice, illegal aliens above real Americans, free shit for the world, legalization of drugs, baby killing....etc
You gotta wonder where they’re headed.
Yeah..."crazy shit" like Civil Rights...Women's Equal Rights", "Marriage Equality", Raising the age of consent....all those crazy things that Righties hate.

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