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What did GWB do to cause the great recession? DJIA crash? Financial meltdown?

If one makes a loan on false info or trys to aquire one doing the same, laws were broke.

No-one but the greedy caused the bubble

Bank fraud is what one would call the issue, thats were it began

GWB had nothing to do with that, no democrat or GOP politician did

You cannot legeslate morality

actually, the laws were removed to allow for crazy loans to be made.

This caused fly by night companies to constantly call people telling them to refinance their homes and use the equity to invest or spend, spend , spend.

it got so bad that the national do not call list more than tripled in size.

The government backed the subprime loans, so the banks had NO RISK at all.

Heres the rub...if it wasnt subprime, the government didnt back it, so the bank took risks. So the banksters pushed as many loans as possible into the subprime market, even for those with better but not perfect credit.

Whats worse is they werent really loaning money. They were given the power to print their own money by simply making an entry in their computers. So again, no risk, because they actually gave out nothing.

Eventually, somebody wanted actual money and there was nothing there to pay them and the whole house of cards came tumbling down.

Its happening again, right now, with student loan debt. This recession is the perfect storm for that type of lending. Retrain! Get a better job! Heres all this debt, but there isnt really a job waiting after graduation. A huge debt is forming.

Debt is the slavery of the free.
Publilius Syrus

Vidi if one lies to obtain a loan from a bank it is fraud
If a loan is givin on info that is a lie it is fraud
Thats against the law
banks took risk on subprimes, I agree, but many of those who failed lied or had data provided that was not true
thats fraud
this entire mess has about a 13% failure rate

from 2010

10% Del Rate
I am so sick of hearing the libs blaming all of this on W
OK Libs lets hear it
what did GWB do to cause any of it?

I don't feel like reading through 14 pages, so I don't know if I am repeating anyone.

Federal regulations increased in every department under Bush, except for two. Bush even created a whole new department, Homeland Security.

The two areas in which Bush decreased regulation were the EPA and the SEC.

Christopher Cox should be in prison. I truly believe that.

But I also believe the CFMA of 2000, enacted by a GOP Congress and signed by Bill Clinton, had more to do with the crash than anything Bush did.
Mike K congress declared both wars
The defict in 2007, the last GOP budget was 163 billion
its that simple and

9-11 was an act of war
Hans Blix told the world in Jan of 2003 that Saddam had WMDs, anthrax as well as other "stuff" as mandated by the UN he was suppose to have destroyed, this as congress had mandated including 21 Dems was the reason for war # 2

Only 21? That's not many. That's probably all the conservative Blue Dog Democrats.

But the facts the right wing choose to ignore are these:

Saddam was a defeated dictator. His country's economy was in shambles. They made nothing of any value. They were under sanctions. They were trading oil for food and medical supplies.
Bush Sr. was an officer during WWII. Head of the CIA. Vice President. Then President. He knew what Saddam had. He stopped at the border for a reason.
A man with that background wouldn't stop keeping an eye on a defeated enemy.
Sometimes, the truth is the truth. In light of those facts, right wing conspiracy theories about Saddam are idiotic.
Bush Jr. was after "oil" and "glory". He got neither.

Yea I see that Oil thing worked out just like he wanted to
As a liberal when does the facts matter?
you provide an opinion I provide facts

BHO was elected on opinions that became facts, look where we are now
I am so sick of hearing the libs blaming all of this on W
OK Libs lets hear it
what did GWB do to cause any of it?

I don't feel like reading through 14 pages, so I don't know if I am repeating anyone.

Federal regulations increased in every department under Bush, except for two. Bush even created a whole new department, Homeland Security.

The two areas in which Bush decreased regulation were the EPA and the SEC.

Christopher Cox should be in prison. I truly believe that.

But I also believe the CFMA of 2000, enacted by a GOP Congress and signed by Bill Clinton, had more to do with the crash than anything Bush did.

dont forget Sarbanes
Why do you think Cox should be in prison?
The SEC had nothing to do with the bubble
now shorting stocks should have been halted early in 08
Mike K congress declared both wars
The defict in 2007, the last GOP budget was 163 billion
its that simple and

9-11 was an act of war
Hans Blix told the world in Jan of 2003 that Saddam had WMDs, anthrax as well as other "stuff" as mandated by the UN he was suppose to have destroyed, this as congress had mandated including 21 Dems was the reason for war # 2

Only 21? That's not many. That's probably all the conservative Blue Dog Democrats.

But the facts the right wing choose to ignore are these:

Saddam was a defeated dictator. His country's economy was in shambles. They made nothing of any value. They were under sanctions. They were trading oil for food and medical supplies.
Bush Sr. was an officer during WWII. Head of the CIA. Vice President. Then President. He knew what Saddam had. He stopped at the border for a reason.
A man with that background wouldn't stop keeping an eye on a defeated enemy.
Sometimes, the truth is the truth. In light of those facts, right wing conspiracy theories about Saddam are idiotic.
Bush Jr. was after "oil" and "glory". He got neither.

Yea I see that Oil thing worked out just like he wanted to
As a liberal when does the facts matter?
you provide an opinion I provide facts

BHO was elected on opinions that became facts, look where we are now

WMD's were not "facts". They were a "lie". Everything I wrote are the facts.
I am so sick of hearing the libs blaming all of this on W
OK Libs lets hear it
what did GWB do to cause any of it?

Bush AND the Republicans. Why does such recent history need to be explained again and again. Isn't the war in Iraq, the gigantic deficit, the millions unemployed, and all the other fiascoes enough evidence? How much more do you need?

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URL :Free Online Personals | Flight Johannesburg | High School Alumni Websites at Aisj.org

Trains community organizers who can “transform poor communities” by agitating for increased government spending on city services, drug interdiction, crime prevention, housing, public-sector jobs, access to healthcare, and public schools
Closely tied to ACORN

The American Institute for Social Justice (AISJ) is one of four national affiliates of the community organization ACORN. (The other three are the ACORN Housing Corporation, the ACORN Institute, and Project Vote.) Founded in 1972 as the Arkansas Institute for Social Justice (the name change took place in the late 1990s), AISJ today describes itself as a “provider of training and technical assistance in organizing principles and methods, and a center for research and public policy development on issues of concern to low and moderate income people.” Its goal is to produce skilled community organizers who can “transform poor communities” by agitating for increased government spending on city services, drug interdiction, crime prevention, housing, public-sector jobs, access to healthcare, and public schools. AISJ trainings include on-site consultations, small- and large-group sessions, and one-day or weekend seminars. The tactics taught at these forums are modeled on the organizing blueprint developed by the late Saul Alinsky.

Between 1993 and 2005, AISJ collected $32,497,575 in contributions from individuals and foundations nationwide. The organization's leading donors in recent years have included the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Open Society Institute, the Rockefeller Family Fund, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Wallace Global Fund, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Arca Foundation, the JEHT Foundation, the Bauman Family Foundation, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Sandler Family Supporting Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation, and the Tides Foundation.

AISJ has also received numerous large grants from the federal government, including $17,665 in 2000; $100,000 in 2001; $170,000 in 2002; $70,000 in 2003; $132,000 in 2004; $107,488 in 2005; and $53,870 in 2006.

AISJ, ACORN, and ACORN's other affiliates and front groups routinely funnel large sums of money to and from one another's coffers. Between 2000 and 2008, for instance, AISJ paid at least $8,563,303 to ACORN (including a $4,952,288 grant in 2006), plus another $258,593 to ACORN Associates Inc. and $362,464 to Citizens' Services Inc. (also an ACORN affiliate). Conversely, AISJ was on the receiving end of nearly $4 million from the ACORN Housing Corporation between 2000 and 2006. According to Matthew Vadum, a senior editor with the Capital Research Center:

“The money flowing to AISJ from ACORN Housing should be a huge red flag for investigators because almost all the federal money that the ACORN network receives goes into its housing affiliate. So it’s entirely possible that when money was being transferred to the national ACORN organization from AISJ, taxpayer money designated for nonpartisan purposes might have been used for blatantly partisan purposes. These transfers are extremely suspicious. This is the type of financial activity that we see with organized crime and it should be investigated.”

The ACORN-AISJ alliance was also in evidence in 2002, when the latter made a $9,637 loan to another ACORN affiliate, SEIU Local 100, based at 1024 Elysian Fields Avenue in New Orleans, the official address of many ACORN allies and front groups.


One of Many ACORN Spawn Affiliates.

Considering what Republicans get from big business, $50,000 is peanuts.
Only 21? That's not many. That's probably all the conservative Blue Dog Democrats.

But the facts the right wing choose to ignore are these:

Saddam was a defeated dictator. His country's economy was in shambles. They made nothing of any value. They were under sanctions. They were trading oil for food and medical supplies.
Bush Sr. was an officer during WWII. Head of the CIA. Vice President. Then President. He knew what Saddam had. He stopped at the border for a reason.
A man with that background wouldn't stop keeping an eye on a defeated enemy.
Sometimes, the truth is the truth. In light of those facts, right wing conspiracy theories about Saddam are idiotic.
Bush Jr. was after "oil" and "glory". He got neither.

Yea I see that Oil thing worked out just like he wanted to
As a liberal when does the facts matter?
you provide an opinion I provide facts

BHO was elected on opinions that became facts, look where we are now

WMD's were not "facts". They were a "lie". Everything I wrote are the facts.

Defense.gov News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says
that link will dis prove your claim of being accurate there was WMDs found and presented to congress as stated

Now the claim there were there before we invaded was the UN that triggered the event, this is the Libs worse nightmare

from the UN Jan 2003
Iraq has declared that it only produced VX on a pilot scale, just a few tonnes and that the quality was poor and the product unstable. Consequently, it was said, that the agent was never weaponised. Iraq said that the small quantity of agent remaining after the Gulf War was unilaterally destroyed in the summer of 1991.

UNMOVIC, however, has information that conflicts with this account. There are indications that Iraq had worked on the problem of purity and stabilization and that more had been achieved than has been declared. Indeed, even one of the documents provided by Iraq indicates that the purity of the agent, at least in laboratory production, was higher than declared.

There are also indications that the agent was weaponised. In addition, there are questions to be answered concerning the fate of the VX precursor chemicals, which Iraq states were lost during bombing in the Gulf War or were unilaterally destroyed by Iraq.

I would now like to turn to the so-called “Air Force document” that I have discussed with the Council before. This document was originally found by an UNSCOM inspector in a safe in Iraqi Air Force Headquarters in 1998 and taken from her by Iraqi minders. It gives an account of the expenditure of bombs, including chemical bombs, by Iraq in the Iraq-Iran War. I am encouraged by the fact that Iraq has now provided this document to UNMOVIC.

The document indicates that 13,000 chemical bombs were dropped by the Iraqi Air Force between 1983 and 1988, while Iraq has declared that 19,500 bombs were consumed during this period. Thus, there is a discrepancy of 6,500 bombs. The amount of chemical agent in these bombs would be in the order of about 1,000 tonnes. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, we must assume that these quantities are now unaccounted for.

The discovery of a number of 122 mm chemical rocket warheads in a bunker at a storage depot 170 km southwest of Baghdad was much publicized. This was a relatively new bunker and therefore the rockets must have been moved there in the past few years, at a time when Iraq should not have had such munitions.
Update 27 January 2003
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JRK is still attempting to claim that there were WMD's! This is precious.

Even the Bush administration gave up making that claim several years ago.

No, my claim has been that the WMD claim came from every-one including the UN and that technically there was enough found to satisfy the intent of congress in 02

I have not claimed any-thing else

As a liberal you created a comclusion that has nothing to do with the info I have provided

The blame was towards GWB, yet the link comes from the UN and Hans Blix, not GWB, of missing WMDs and articles not in compliance of the resolve, the event that brought those events surronding Iraq to an end
JRK is still attempting to claim that there were WMD's! This is precious.

Even the Bush administration gave up making that claim several years ago.

No, my claim has been that the WMD claim came from every-one including the UN and that technically there was enough found to satisfy the intent of congress in 02

you should tell the Bush administration about this find, because they stated there were no WMD's.
JRK is still attempting to claim that there were WMD's! This is precious.

Even the Bush administration gave up making that claim several years ago.

No, my claim has been that the WMD claim came from every-one including the UN and that technically there was enough found to satisfy the intent of congress in 02

you should tell the Bush administration about this find, because they stated there were no WMD's.

Your boring
every-one know and as GWB stated they did not find the items that the UN claimed to be there
BHO will no get re elected un less you libs find something to say about BHO
blaming GWB worked in 08, enough of the truth has got out along with BHO and his performance
keep it up
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I am so sick of hearing the libs blaming all of this on W
OK Libs lets hear it
what did GWB do to cause any of it?

Since the right wing blames the entire failure on the expansion of mortgages held by low income mostly minorities (aka CRA), this should do:

In June, President Bush announced the national goal of increasing the number of minority homeowners by at least 5.5 million by the end of this decade.

President Hosts Conference on Minority Homeownership
JRK is still attempting to claim that there were WMD's! This is precious.

Even the Bush administration gave up making that claim several years ago.

No no really they found some old dilapidated ordnance from the 80's. A time when the Raygun Administration was trading duel use technology to Iraq. A time when the Raygun administration green lighted our allies to also sell to Iraq. And they did. Western companies all across the globe were selling to the bastards.

What they didn't find was the stuff the Bush Administration claimed they had. No new chemical or biological production facilities. No mobile labs. No Nuclear weapons. No deployable WMD.

The war was not justified.

President Bush shamed America.
I am so sick of hearing the libs blaming all of this on W
OK Libs lets hear it
what did GWB do to cause any of it?

Since the right wing blames the entire failure on the expansion of mortgages held by low income mostly minorities (aka CRA), this should do:

In June, President Bush announced the national goal of increasing the number of minority homeowners by at least 5.5 million by the end of this decade.

President Hosts Conference on Minority Homeownership

what does that have to do with bad people giving bad loans to bad people?
The liberal cannot grasp the facts that create these events
People blame B Frank and Clinton (Glass Segall)
I do not blame any of them

People gave loans to people who could not make the payment
People bought homes for far more than what they were worth, which is as much as the issue as the forclosures

People underwater means the bank is the same
Blind Boo your on ignore
You have no class dude

Then why did you respond? No one reposted it. So how did you see it? Are you lying again JR?

Your posts are reprehensible. Furthermore, name calling is just that, name calling.

It will not stop me from responding to your lies and misrepresentations of the facts. Your response matters not.

Have a great day.
Today's economic problems might very well have not have started with Bush, but rather with Reagan.
Reagan, in his zeal to give tax cuts to the rich, tripled the national debt. America might have survived that, but then along comes Bush with his two endless wars, a tax cut for the wealthy and a doubling of the national debt. That damage to the debt is pretty difficult for any nation to take and recover, and we suddenly had a recession on our hands, and worse, a possible slide into another great depression. Bush at the end of his term enacted Keynsian policies with his bailout to prevent the downward slide. Since then we have had to tolerate Boener and his no, no, no chant about any attempt to stop more of the depression slide. In any case the slide seems to have stopped and we are slowly climbing out of the hole.
Today's economic problems might very well have not have started with Bush, but rather with Reagan.
Reagan, in his zeal to give tax cuts to the rich, tripled the national debt. America might have survived that, but then along comes Bush with his two endless wars, a tax cut for the wealthy and a doubling of the national debt. That damage to the debt is pretty difficult for any nation to take and recover, and we suddenly had a recession on our hands, and worse, a possible slide into another great depression. Bush at the end of his term enacted Keynsian policies with his bailout to prevent the downward slide. Since then we have had to tolerate Boener and his no, no, no chant about any attempt to stop more of the depression slide. In any case the slide seems to have stopped and we are slowly climbing out of the hole.

Both Wars had the full support of congress and the American people, we were with-in 163 billion of a balanced budget in 2007, the last GOP budget (with less than 5% UE)

The debt balloon began in 2008, the year the dems took over congress and we lost 6 million jobs, surly no fault of Reagan GWB nor BHO

We have yet to recover as BHO sole purpose of the stimulus but to acheive budget numbers we live with today, that was his deal and the congress of the same, no-one else

picture is worth 1 million words
Budget 2011: Past Deficits vs. Obama’s Deficits in Pictures

Do some DD and stop reading blogs by Libs who the real truth means little
Today's economic problems might very well have not have started with Bush, but rather with Reagan.
Reagan, in his zeal to give tax cuts to the rich, tripled the national debt. America might have survived that, but then along comes Bush with his two endless wars, a tax cut for the wealthy and a doubling of the national debt. That damage to the debt is pretty difficult for any nation to take and recover, and we suddenly had a recession on our hands, and worse, a possible slide into another great depression. Bush at the end of his term enacted Keynsian policies with his bailout to prevent the downward slide. Since then we have had to tolerate Boener and his no, no, no chant about any attempt to stop more of the depression slide. In any case the slide seems to have stopped and we are slowly climbing out of the hole.

Both Wars had the full support of congress and the American people, we were with-in 163 billion of a balanced budget in 2007, the last GOP budget (with less than 5% UE)

The debt balloon began in 2008, the year the dems took over congress and we lost 6 million jobs, surly no fault of Reagan GWB nor BHO

We have yet to recover as BHO sole purpose of the stimulus but to acheive budget numbers we live with today, that was his deal and the congress of the same, no-one else

picture is worth 1 million words
Budget 2011: Past Deficits vs. Obama’s Deficits in Pictures

Do some DD and stop reading blogs by Libs who the real truth means little

The supposed full support of the American people and Congress is not quite true however. The Bush Whitehouse did not release to Congress or the American people information the CIA director had about Iraq's WMD programs. Once the people found out that they were mislead, they turned, and anyone who does DD knows it.

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