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What did GWB do to cause the great recession? DJIA crash? Financial meltdown?

I am so sick of hearing the libs blaming all of this on W
OK Libs lets hear it
what did GWB do to cause any of it?
For one thing he launched two unnecessary and enormously costly military engagements at the same time as he lowered taxes on the wealthy, which, according to every economic expert who has commented on it, were unprecedented and potentially ruinous actions.

I am an economics dummy but there is no doubt in my mind that George W. Bush was installed as President for the express purpose of putting the final touches on Reaganomics and disempowering the middle class, which is exactly what he did. If our democratic republic manages to survive the deliberate and malicious damage done to it by greedy financial elitists who foisted Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush on us it will take many years to fully recover.

George W. Bush is a criminal. If rather than acting to protect Bush, Obama had appointed a motivated prosecutor and as much energy and resources were expended on investigating the Bush Administration as were wasted on investigating the Clinton blowjob, I have no doubt that Bush along with Cheney, Libby, Gonzales, Addington, Yu, Ashcroft, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Rice and several other conspirators would be serving long prison terms.

In the final analysis, George W. Bush has inflicted more damage on the United States than Osama bin Laden and his entire following has done. And that is not a rhetorical exaggeration
So banks breaking the law is GWB fault?
Indirectly, yes.

He was manifestly friendly toward the finance and banking industries both of which clearly assumed they had carte blanche under his Administration which was fundamentally dedicated to diverting America's financial resources toward the category of citizens known to Bush as his "base."

There is no question that a class war is taking place in America and that the objective of the upper class is to methodically eliminate the middle class. George W. Bush was clearly engaged in facilitating that process.
The politicians have ruined about all they can ruin in this country and all they can say is, "It's Broken and we have to fix it.” It makes me sick that they talk to us like were three years old. Both democrats and republicans are equally to blame for the state of this country.

The only way to begin to repair the damage that has been done by all past and present politicians is to first stop the hemorrhaging. Americans need jobs and homes and a future for their children.

I think we need to down size the government and stop foreign aid to the Middle East, Mexico and China.

We need to close the Southern Border and deport illegal aliens sucking up social services and jobs. The illegal aliens keep the wages stagnant. (Cost for illegal aliens is estimated to be around a Trillion dollars a year.)

Next, put a high import tax on everything coming from overseas and Mexico and get the Hell out of the Middle East, end the wars and do not enter into any more wars! Then the very next election no matter what level national, state or local VOTE THE BUMS OUT! All of them, never let any politicians have more than one term in office because they longer they’re in office the more corrupt they become.

We need to reverse some laws too. Make it illegal for politicians to accept campaign bribes/contributions from big businesses. We need to make it illegal for foreign countries to own American businesses or property. We also, need to strongly enforce the existing immigration laws already on the books and deport illegal aliens without exception. Also, reverse the Obama Bill that allows people with AIDS to legally enter the country.

The politicians have stolen the wealth from this country to make themselves and their friends rich. They’re putting the average American citizen in poverty and debt and making everything from personal possession to education for their children unaffordable.

We’re on the brink of experiencing an inflation rate that we have never experienced before. Last week one of Obamas aids said this about high inflation when asked, “It’s not inflation, it’s that you’re not getting wage raises that make it feel like that.” So, when you go to the grocery store to buy that coffee you use to buy for $5.99 which is now $12.99 that’s not inflation it’s that you’re not getting paid enough. So it’s pass the buck and don’t blame the government but blame your employer for high inflation when it comes knocking on your door.

I think there are enough Americans who are paying attention and are willing to act who will formulate plans in their own states and communities to tackle the problems. First rule of thumb is to THROW THE BUMS OUT. Then put some John Q taxpayers in political power and pull the reigns back in on government spending. Just play it by ear I’m sure something will come to you. Letting the current politicians take us down the same road would be sure disaster for you, your children and grandchildren. We have got to try and try soon!
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Companies go south every day, not the size of Enron
Enron has nothing to do with any president those who caused that crap were thieves
You cannot legislate morality
When the cat's away. . . .

The conduct of some corporate executives is influenced by the level of oversight and the potential for discovery. And with the Bush Administration in place it is not surprising that those with criminal potential would feel more comfortable in operating illegal schemes. See the following:


Published on Friday, May 26, 2006 by The Nation
Ken Lay--Guilty. George Bush--Guilty.
by John Nichols

The man who paid many of the biggest bills for George Bush's political ascent, Enron founder Kenneth Lay, has been found guilty of conspiracy and fraud almost five years after his dirty dealings created the greatest corporate scandal in what will be remembered as an era of corporate crime.

On the sixth day of deliberations following the conclusion of a long-delayed federal trial, a Houston jury found Lay guilty on six counts of fraud and conspiracy. In a separate decision, US District Judge Sim Lake ruled that Lay was guilty of four counts of fraud and making false statements.

The same jury that convicted Lay found Enron's former chief executive, Jeffrey Skilling, guilty on 19 counts of fraud, conspiracy, making false statements and engaging in insider trading.

Lay, who President Bush affectionately referred to as "Kenny-boy" when the two forged an alliance in the 1990s to advance Bush's political ambitions and Lay's business prospects, contributed $122,500 to Bush's gubernatorial campaigns in Texas. Lay would later explain to a PBS "Frontline" interviewer that, though he had worked closely with former Texas Governor Ann Richards, the Democrat incumbent who Bush challenged in 1994, he backed the Republican because "I was very close to George W."

Needless to say, once Bush became governor, Lay got his phone calls returned. A report issued by Public Citizen in February, 2001, months before the Enron scandal broke, identified Lay as "a long-time Bush family friend and an architect of Bush's policies on electricity deregulation, taxes and tort reform while Bush was Texas governor."

No wonder Lay had Enron give $50,000 to pay for Bush's second inaugural party in Austin in 1999 -- a showcase event that was organized by Karl Rove and others to help the Texas governor step onto the national political stage.

After Bush gave Enron exactly what it wanted in 1999, by signing legislation that deregulated the state's electrical markets, Lay knew he had found his candidate for president.

More here: Ken Lay--Guilty. George Bush--Guilty.
Because it did not cause the world wide crash.

The subprime mess did cause it.

The sub primes mess?

People not paying there bills did not have anything to do with it?
Taking on more debt than they could pay?
the banker loaning out more than he should have?
I am so sick of hearing the libs blaming all of this on W
OK Libs lets hear it
what did GWB do to cause any of it?
For one thing he launched two unnecessary and enormously costly military engagements at the same time as he lowered taxes on the wealthy, which, according to every economic expert who has commented on it, were unprecedented and potentially ruinous actions.

I am an economics dummy but there is no doubt in my mind that George W. Bush was installed as President for the express purpose of putting the final touches on Reaganomics and disempowering the middle class, which is exactly what he did. If our democratic republic manages to survive the deliberate and malicious damage done to it by greedy financial elitists who foisted Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush on us it will take many years to fully recover.

George W. Bush is a criminal. If rather than acting to protect Bush, Obama had appointed a motivated prosecutor and as much energy and resources were expended on investigating the Bush Administration as were wasted on investigating the Clinton blowjob, I have no doubt that Bush along with Cheney, Libby, Gonzales, Addington, Yu, Ashcroft, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Rice and several other conspirators would be serving long prison terms.

In the final analysis, George W. Bush has inflicted more damage on the United States than Osama bin Laden and his entire following has done. And that is not a rhetorical exaggeration

I have no respect for the comment that they where un necessary, we did not start those wars
If W is a criminal, then so is Obama
In fact Obama is using more drones in countries we are not at war with that congress has approved than W ever did
You lost all respect from me when you went there
that should take care of iraq
And as far as tax rebates

where do you think the US government got that money
You got no class dude
comparing W with OBL shows your age and your IQ
you can always grow up, or get smart, or both. You will get no respect until you do
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If you keep making this a PARTISAN issue, you'll continue to NOT understand the nature of the problem.

FORGET politics. They are shadow puppet threater designed to fool the fools.

follow the money!
Why was the bill called the GRAMM LEACH BILIEY act?

Because it was written By Phil Gramm.

The reason bill Clinton signed it was because it had those protections in it to keep this type of shit from happening.

The Bush admin held up those VERY protections to make it a FREE FOR ALL for the lenders.

The economy we now have is a result of their dishonest chopping up of the bill.

You asked and you have recieved a SEC document to PROVE how shitty your Bush was.

Let me get this straight
A bill that had bi partisan support
signed by a president prior to GWB
That was being abused by individuals in the free market, both lendee, lender and stock broker
was GWB fault?
Nahhhhhhhhhhh......he was merely one o' the hired pitchmen.....


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkAtUq0OJ68]YouTube - ‪George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want.‬‏[/ame]

$ $ $ $ $

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFTe-wSczl4]YouTube - ‪AMERICAN CASINO[/ame]​
I think the subprime mortgages catastrophe had a lot to do with the American's losing their jobs because their factory moved overseas or corporations chose to hire cheap illegal alien labor in the U.S.

When the Americans lost their jobs and couldn't find comparable work they then lost their houses in foreclosures. The housing market was greatly secured by foreign investors. That trail leads right back to Bill Clinton.

Wolfman one of the key reasons jobs have went overseas is corporate taxes

Corporations do not pay taxes
people pay taxes
if the corporate rate is 35%
then guess what
thats what the rate you and I pay to purchase there product

wages do matter
but no more than the rate of tax we the consumer has to pay for a product
The mortgage/ sub-prime loan crash was actually a result of the Carter admin. As far as W, do you remember that check he sent everyone after his election? He ruined the entire surplus that the Clinton admin. built or more accurately, the dot com bubble. I know that conservatives think that the economy works better if you give the money back to the people, but when most people will just blow it all at wal-mart on Chinese goods, it doesn't. So now, the debt clock is back and boom! 9/11. Off to Afghanistan we go and rightfully so, but then W gets this bright idea to invade Iraq and finish what daddy started, even though Iraq was no threat, we knew Bin Laden wasn't there and all evidence of WMD was proven false. So now we have 2 wars, 1 for 9/11 and 1 for fun. During this time, W deregulated most of the laws that protect consumers from such predatory practices, thus Corporations could do what ever they saw fit in the name of profit. Also, in 2008, he signed the first bailout from China, for these banks and financial institutions such as Goldman-Sachs that caused the BS in the first place, not to mention that those financial institutions were making record profits, but magically, showed a big loss right before W signed the bailout bill. It's not only what W did, but what he didn't do. The mortgage crises has been brewing since Carter. W, like Clinton, H.W and Regan before him, chose to ignore it. The republican want to blame the Dems for "kicking the can" instead of fixing it, but what they don't tell you is that they were kicking that can just as much while holding the Dems hands kicking merrily along the way.

Yoda W made some mistakes
Iraq was not a mistake. the war in Iraq cost so much because the very people who attacked us went there and fought us
we where not fighting Iraqis as much as we were fighting the Taliban
look at the first war, it lasted days
let me add there was
Who Is Lying About Iraq? – Dem Quotes | Sweetness & Light

STOP THAT LIE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE
I am so sick of hearing the libs blaming all of this on W
OK Libs lets hear it
what did GWB do to cause any of it?
For one thing he launched two unnecessary and enormously costly military engagements at the same time as he lowered taxes on the wealthy, which, according to every economic expert who has commented on it, were unprecedented and potentially ruinous actions.

I am an economics dummy but there is no doubt in my mind that George W. Bush was installed as President for the express purpose of putting the final touches on Reaganomics and disempowering the middle class, which is exactly what he did. If our democratic republic manages to survive the deliberate and malicious damage done to it by greedy financial elitists who foisted Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush on us it will take many years to fully recover.

George W. Bush is a criminal. If rather than acting to protect Bush, Obama had appointed a motivated prosecutor and as much energy and resources were expended on investigating the Bush Administration as were wasted on investigating the Clinton blowjob, I have no doubt that Bush along with Cheney, Libby, Gonzales, Addington, Yu, Ashcroft, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Rice and several other conspirators would be serving long prison terms.

In the final analysis, George W. Bush has inflicted more damage on the United States than Osama bin Laden and his entire following has done. And that is not a rhetorical exaggeration

The US congress voted to support both wars
Bi partisan
For the right reasons. We did not start either of those wars

we have had 40 million jobs created sense regannomics began
4-5 million during GWB term

If GWB broke the law, he would have been investigated

Please stop lying
The inevitable happened just when George W. Bush captured the presidency in 2000, and when Republican majorities reigned in both houses of Congress. Bush's "compassionate conservatism" translated into compassionate tax giveaways to the plutocrats, along with new deregulating of corporate accounting.

Cynics on Wall Street called it the new age of Harvey Pitt. Pitt was appointed to be chairman of the Securities Exchange Commission precisely because he had been legal counsel to the Big Four accounting firms. Pitt's first speech proclaimed the new day of a "kinder SEC."

Lawyers, accountants and CEO's caught Pitt's innuendo: Reach for that dubious tax-avoidance loophole, and the IRS will not mind. Conceal losses and exaggerate profits by various off-balance-sheet devices that violate strict accounting rules legislated in the years before Bush.

Why rehash this somewhat old hat history?

For one good reason: Today's global bankruptcies and macroeconomic quagmires trace directly to the financial engineering shenanigans that the Bush era officialdom both countenanced and encouraged.

The Bush-Rove version of plutocratic democracy accomplished the singular alchemy of converting a usual plain-vanilla boom-and-bust in housing into an old-fashioned, hard-to-manage, worldwide financial panic.

Parlaying deregulation into panic - The New York Times
The inevitable happened just when George W. Bush captured the presidency in 2000, and when Republican majorities reigned in both houses of Congress. Bush's "compassionate conservatism" translated into compassionate tax giveaways to the plutocrats, along with new deregulating of corporate accounting.

Cynics on Wall Street called it the new age of Harvey Pitt. Pitt was appointed to be chairman of the Securities Exchange Commission precisely because he had been legal counsel to the Big Four accounting firms. Pitt's first speech proclaimed the new day of a "kinder SEC."

Lawyers, accountants and CEO's caught Pitt's innuendo: Reach for that dubious tax-avoidance loophole, and the IRS will not mind. Conceal losses and exaggerate profits by various off-balance-sheet devices that violate strict accounting rules legislated in the years before Bush.

Why rehash this somewhat old hat history?

For one good reason: Today's global bankruptcies and macroeconomic quagmires trace directly to the financial engineering shenanigans that the Bush era officialdom both countenanced and encouraged.

The Bush-Rove version of plutocratic democracy accomplished the singular alchemy of converting a usual plain-vanilla boom-and-bust in housing into an old-fashioned, hard-to-manage, worldwide financial panic.

Parlaying deregulation into panic - The New York Times

2001-03 the democrats had the majority in the senate
as far as the rest of your babble, other than your opinion do you have any facts that has anything to do with this thread?
The DOJ run by Cox under Bush put off implimenting the protections in the Gramm leach Bliely act until righ before they left office.

The bill Bill Clinton signed had broker definitions that would have made it so the banks had to hire TRAINED brokers

Without the protections in the law being implimented the brokers could be any smuck the banks hired and then trained their own way.

They gamed the system so that the banks could roll shitbag loans into securities and then sell them off to unsupecting buyers while their "brokers" would have no idea what was going on.


ALL brokers need to be licensed. No one can hire any Schmoe and have them sell securities of any kind.

And Graham Leach Bailey which Slick Willy signed did more to deregulate the banking, insurance and investment industries than anything in the last 30 years.
The DOJ run by Cox under Bush put off implimenting the protections in the Gramm leach Bliely act until righ before they left office.

The bill Bill Clinton signed had broker definitions that would have made it so the banks had to hire TRAINED brokers

Without the protections in the law being implimented the brokers could be any smuck the banks hired and then trained their own way.

They gamed the system so that the banks could roll shitbag loans into securities and then sell them off to unsupecting buyers while their "brokers" would have no idea what was going on.


ALL brokers need to be licensed. No one can hire any Schmoe and have them sell securities of any kind.

And Graham Leach Bailey which Slick Willy signed did more to deregulate the banking, insurance and investment industries than anything in the last 30 years.

The liberal is told the lie
he repeats the lie
and as far as the de regulation you pointed out, it is by far the largest event that impacted the housing bubble
Greed that followed in the free market blew it up
The DOJ run by Cox under Bush put off implimenting the protections in the Gramm leach Bliely act until righ before they left office.

The bill Bill Clinton signed had broker definitions that would have made it so the banks had to hire TRAINED brokers

Without the protections in the law being implimented the brokers could be any smuck the banks hired and then trained their own way.

They gamed the system so that the banks could roll shitbag loans into securities and then sell them off to unsupecting buyers while their "brokers" would have no idea what was going on.


ALL brokers need to be licensed. No one can hire any Schmoe and have them sell securities of any kind.

And Graham Leach Bailey which Slick Willy signed did more to deregulate the banking, insurance and investment industries than anything in the last 30 years.

Let's bump this one back onto the radar screen.

What is so funny is that the left, which call Bush an idiot (and I can't disagree in many ways) somehow thinks he orchestrated this whole thing.

How is that if the guy can't walk and chew gum at the same time ?
The DOJ run by Cox under Bush put off implimenting the protections in the Gramm leach Bliely act until righ before they left office.

The bill Bill Clinton signed had broker definitions that would have made it so the banks had to hire TRAINED brokers

Without the protections in the law being implimented the brokers could be any smuck the banks hired and then trained their own way.

They gamed the system so that the banks could roll shitbag loans into securities and then sell them off to unsupecting buyers while their "brokers" would have no idea what was going on.


ALL brokers need to be licensed. No one can hire any Schmoe and have them sell securities of any kind.

And Graham Leach Bailey which Slick Willy signed did more to deregulate the banking, insurance and investment industries than anything in the last 30 years.

Let's bump this one back onto the radar screen.

What is so funny is that the left, which call Bush an idiot (and I can't disagree in many ways) somehow thinks he orchestrated this whole thing.

How is that if the guy can't walk and chew gum at the same time ?

Add to that th genius' that are Gore, Clinton (both), Kerry, Berger, etc. all were duped by Bush the idiot.

ALL brokers need to be licensed. No one can hire any Schmoe and have them sell securities of any kind.

And Graham Leach Bailey which Slick Willy signed did more to deregulate the banking, insurance and investment industries than anything in the last 30 years.

Let's bump this one back onto the radar screen.

What is so funny is that the left, which call Bush an idiot (and I can't disagree in many ways) somehow thinks he orchestrated this whole thing.

How is that if the guy can't walk and chew gum at the same time ?

Add to that th genius' that are Gore, Clinton (both), Kerry, Berger, etc. all were duped by Bush the idiot.

No it wasn't Bush he was merely a puppet of some yet to be determined evil genius.

Everyone seemingly are totally unaware of these events that is costing the US treasury $300 billion a year!

EVERYONE seems to forget the $5 trillion MARKET loss due to the dot.com BUST.
As a result of this $5 trillion in losses starting in 2002 allowed taxpayers to reduce their tax bill by $166 billion for the next 30 years!

Then 9/11 occurred.. another $2 trillion losses does anyone remember that???

So starting in 2004 $232 billion again written off against taxes for next 30 years!

Finally surely WE all can remember the WORST Hurricane SEASONS.. 2003 - 2007 including Katrina???
Another $1 trillion in losses ..
All toll nearly $ 8 trillion in losses, dot.com/9/11 worst hurricanes.

IF those events DID NOT OCCUR there would have been in federal revenue from:

2001 to 2008 nearly $1.6 TRILLION more revenue.
But due to Net Operating Loss tax write off against taxes which even Obama writes off at over $100k a year!

If those EVENTS beyond ANYONE's control had NOT occurred there would NOT be a need for a new Agency ..Homeland Security that has cost $600 billion over last 8 years!

Bush would have left to Obama a $146 billion surplus!!!

BUT for some reason EVERYONE including those conservatives don't seem to realize
that $ 8 trillion was lost..
1 million jobs were lost.
6,000 people killed 9/11/Hurricanes!
20,000 businesses wiped out.
Airlines stopped flying for 3 days
Wall street close 10 days and
NO ONE seems to remember Anthrax attacks and the anxiety they caused right after 9/11?
NO one remembers ANY of that !

HISTORY will remember though.
And in 20 to 30 years historians will after analysis of the extreme bias of the news media that daily bashed Bush.. and the bashing even by supposedly conservatives "drunken sailor??" tag...

Historians will declare Bush a "Great" President that in spite of the bashing... helped the nation SURVIVE the worst financial losses in the dot.com bust the worst attack on USA soil and the worst hurricanes!
Deregulation, cronyism, and outright incompetence in all things....typical Pub, dupes....

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