What did our founders really mean when they said “general welfare”?

The president never said all illegals were rapists and criminals. He was referring to the ms13 gangs.

Please listen to the actual speech rather than media edited sound bites that attempt to influence us on a daily basis.
Wrong again my friend

He said it on the day he announced his candidacy. Before he even knew what MS
13 was

Ok, let's look at what was said. He said that Mexico is not sending their best. He said those that are coming are bringing their problems. He said they are rapists and bringing drugs, and he also said "some, I assume, are good people".

Now then, given the context in which he spoke, what part of what he said is untrue? He did say that he assumed some are good people, but, just looking at the news, you can also see that some are not so good.

I'll agree, trump is a bit crass in his choice of words, but, where in that speech did he misrepresent what is happening?

The good news is; the real rightwinger is a “Red, White and Blue” REAL American...he respects U.S. sovereignty, law and order so he really doesn’t care what type of illegal is disrespecting Americans...he knows they are ALL illegal aliens shitting on the faces of good, real Americans.
Ain’t that right rightwinger ?

You only care about the law; when the Poor get punished.

No one is punishing the poor. You're not being punished when someone can afford a Cadillac and you can only afford a Chevy Sprint.

equal protection of the law. do the Poor not deserve it under our form of Capitalism?
We subscribe to Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis. It must be about writing checks. Or, right wingers, why rely on Check Writing from the Government, at all.
Again, as I asked the previous person to reply. Did you read the article? The article wasn't about writing checks, that was just a headline, but the article goes on to describe the intent behind the general welfare clause, and why the meaning behind it cannot mean government has a blank check to spend in any fashion they desire.
Did you read the full article? According to the article, and the federalist papers, and other letters written at the time, general welfare was not to be construed as a blanket clause used to allow the government free reign to do what it wanted.

It actually says that the title "general welfare" is defined by the enumerated powers.
Only the republicans proclaim that; along with tax cut economics and financing government.
It's not Republicans, it was the framers who said that.

Here is a quote from that article:

"Even Alexander Hamilton, the framer most in favor of expansive federal power, conceded as much in Federalist 83.

This specification of particulars [the 18 enumerated powers of Article I, Section 8] evidently excludes all pretension to a general legislative authority, because an affirmative grant of special powers would be absurd as well as useless if a general authority was intended."
Liberals wrote it
Of course we respect it

True...Liberals, not Progressives.
Since you support sovereignty, law and order I should probably tell you that someone else has your login credentials...someone else logs in daily on your account and praises illegal aliens and all the positive things they do for our country.
Since I know you’re not a fucking liar I’m making you aware of this so you can change your password to prevent this from continuing to happen since the imposter makes you look like an anti American, ignorant fool and all.
I am not about to label 11 million people living in the US as murderers and rapists like our president does

I see them mostly as impoverished people trying to do what is best for their families

I would rather give them temporary working papers that allow them to work and pay taxes rather than spending a hundred billion to hunt them down
The president never said all illegals were rapists and criminals. He was referring to the ms13 gangs.

Please listen to the actual speech rather than media edited sound bites that attempt to influence us on a daily basis.
Wrong again my friend

He said it on the day he announced his candidacy. Before he even knew what MS
13 was

Ok, let's look at what was said. He said that Mexico is not sending their best. He said those that are coming are bringing their problems. He said they are rapists and bringing drugs, and he also said "some, I assume, are good people".

Now then, given the context in which he spoke, what part of what he said is untrue? He did say that he assumed some are good people, but, just looking at the news, you can also see that some are not so good.

I'll agree, trump is a bit crass in his choice of words, but, where in that speech did he misrepresent what is happening?

What Trump said was despicable fear mongering and hatred

THEY are rapists and drug smugglers
Some are good people

In actuality,the overwhelming majority are good people. Hard working, religious, looking to support their family
A small percentage are criminal
The power to provide for the general welfare is general, not limited by right wing propaganda and rhetoric.
General welfare is talking about the general welfare of the country as a whole. That is why it say "to provide for the common defense and promote general welfare of the United States".

It was talking about the country as a whole.

I'm not against helping the poor, but I am against the government of a free nation forcing people to help the poor.

Again, if the general welfare clause gave broad power to the government, there would have been no need to outline the government role through the enumerated powers.
The president never said all illegals were rapists and criminals. He was referring to the ms13 gangs.

Please listen to the actual speech rather than media edited sound bites that attempt to influence us on a daily basis.
Wrong again my friend

He said it on the day he announced his candidacy. Before he even knew what MS
13 was

Ok, let's look at what was said. He said that Mexico is not sending their best. He said those that are coming are bringing their problems. He said they are rapists and bringing drugs, and he also said "some, I assume, are good people".

Now then, given the context in which he spoke, what part of what he said is untrue? He did say that he assumed some are good people, but, just looking at the news, you can also see that some are not so good.

I'll agree, trump is a bit crass in his choice of words, but, where in that speech did he misrepresent what is happening?

The good news is; the real rightwinger is a “Red, White and Blue” REAL American...he respects U.S. sovereignty, law and order so he really doesn’t care what type of illegal is disrespecting Americans...he knows they are ALL illegal aliens shitting on the faces of good, real Americans.
Ain’t that right rightwinger ?

You only care about the law; when the Poor get punished.

No one is punishing the poor. You're not being punished when someone can afford a Cadillac and you can only afford a Chevy Sprint.

What an idiotic post

We are talking safety net protections. Not buying the poor Cadillacs to be equal
Wrong again my friend

He said it on the day he announced his candidacy. Before he even knew what MS
13 was

Ok, let's look at what was said. He said that Mexico is not sending their best. He said those that are coming are bringing their problems. He said they are rapists and bringing drugs, and he also said "some, I assume, are good people".

Now then, given the context in which he spoke, what part of what he said is untrue? He did say that he assumed some are good people, but, just looking at the news, you can also see that some are not so good.

I'll agree, trump is a bit crass in his choice of words, but, where in that speech did he misrepresent what is happening?

The good news is; the real rightwinger is a “Red, White and Blue” REAL American...he respects U.S. sovereignty, law and order so he really doesn’t care what type of illegal is disrespecting Americans...he knows they are ALL illegal aliens shitting on the faces of good, real Americans.
Ain’t that right rightwinger ?

You only care about the law; when the Poor get punished.

No one is punishing the poor. You're not being punished when someone can afford a Cadillac and you can only afford a Chevy Sprint.

equal protection of the law. do the Poor not deserve it under our form of Capitalism?
What you are talking about is not equal protection. Just because someone makes enough money to afford a Ferrari doesn't mean everyone should get a Ferrari.

Equal protection under the law implies that you are afforded the same legal rights as any other citizen.

Ok, let's look at what was said. He said that Mexico is not sending their best. He said those that are coming are bringing their problems. He said they are rapists and bringing drugs, and he also said "some, I assume, are good people".

Now then, given the context in which he spoke, what part of what he said is untrue? He did say that he assumed some are good people, but, just looking at the news, you can also see that some are not so good.

I'll agree, trump is a bit crass in his choice of words, but, where in that speech did he misrepresent what is happening?

The good news is; the real rightwinger is a “Red, White and Blue” REAL American...he respects U.S. sovereignty, law and order so he really doesn’t care what type of illegal is disrespecting Americans...he knows they are ALL illegal aliens shitting on the faces of good, real Americans.
Ain’t that right rightwinger ?

You only care about the law; when the Poor get punished.

No one is punishing the poor. You're not being punished when someone can afford a Cadillac and you can only afford a Chevy Sprint.

equal protection of the law. do the Poor not deserve it under our form of Capitalism?
What you are talking about is not equal protection. Just because someone makes enough money to afford a Ferrari doesn't mean everyone should get a Ferrari.

Equal protection under the law implies that you are afforded the same legal rights as any other citizen.

You can’t really pay too much attention to our resident beggars.
They’ll tell you how illegal Guadalupe deserves the right to live the life of Bill Gates because she breathes oxygen in America.
We subscribe to Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis. It must be about writing checks. Or, right wingers, why rely on Check Writing from the Government, at all.
Again, as I asked the previous person to reply. Did you read the article? The article wasn't about writing checks, that was just a headline, but the article goes on to describe the intent behind the general welfare clause, and why the meaning behind it cannot mean government has a blank check to spend in any fashion they desire.
The right wing is clueless and Causeless. This is the general intent:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Did you read the full article? According to the article, and the federalist papers, and other letters written at the time, general welfare was not to be construed as a blanket clause used to allow the government free reign to do what it wanted.

It actually says that the title "general welfare" is defined by the enumerated powers.
Only the republicans proclaim that; along with tax cut economics and financing government.
It's not Republicans, it was the framers who said that.

Here is a quote from that article:

"Even Alexander Hamilton, the framer most in favor of expansive federal power, conceded as much in Federalist 83.

This specification of particulars [the 18 enumerated powers of Article I, Section 8] evidently excludes all pretension to a general legislative authority, because an affirmative grant of special powers would be absurd as well as useless if a general authority was intended."
Yes, our federal Government is limited to the federal sphere not a unitary general authority.
The power to provide for the general welfare is general, not limited by right wing propaganda and rhetoric.
General welfare is talking about the general welfare of the country as a whole. That is why it say "to provide for the common defense and promote general welfare of the United States".

It was talking about the country as a whole.

I'm not against helping the poor, but I am against the government of a free nation forcing people to help the poor.

Again, if the general welfare clause gave broad power to the government, there would have been no need to outline the government role through the enumerated powers.
it applies to equal protection of the law. that is what i am advocating. the power to provide for the general welfare is General, not Common.

Ok, let's look at what was said. He said that Mexico is not sending their best. He said those that are coming are bringing their problems. He said they are rapists and bringing drugs, and he also said "some, I assume, are good people".

Now then, given the context in which he spoke, what part of what he said is untrue? He did say that he assumed some are good people, but, just looking at the news, you can also see that some are not so good.

I'll agree, trump is a bit crass in his choice of words, but, where in that speech did he misrepresent what is happening?

The good news is; the real rightwinger is a “Red, White and Blue” REAL American...he respects U.S. sovereignty, law and order so he really doesn’t care what type of illegal is disrespecting Americans...he knows they are ALL illegal aliens shitting on the faces of good, real Americans.
Ain’t that right rightwinger ?

You only care about the law; when the Poor get punished.

No one is punishing the poor. You're not being punished when someone can afford a Cadillac and you can only afford a Chevy Sprint.

equal protection of the law. do the Poor not deserve it under our form of Capitalism?
What you are talking about is not equal protection. Just because someone makes enough money to afford a Ferrari doesn't mean everyone should get a Ferrari.

Equal protection under the law implies that you are afforded the same legal rights as any other citizen.

equal protection of at-will employment laws.
I doubt if our founders intended to call the shots for hundreds of years

They wanted to create a form of government where We the People would be able to decide what they wanted Government to do for them

Our founders never envisioned a nation from coast to coast with 330 million people and the most powerful economy and military in the world
I doubt if our founders intended to call the shots for hundreds of years

They wanted to create a form of government where We the People would be able to decide what they wanted Government to do for them

Our founders never envisioned a nation from coast to coast with 330 million people and the most powerful economy and military in the world

Negative...our founders never intended for this country to deviate from the basic principles and guidelines of the Constitution.
Before you go there I’d like to say...Fuck Jefferson’s progressive punk ass!
We subscribe to Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis. It must be about writing checks. Or, right wingers, why rely on Check Writing from the Government, at all.
Again, as I asked the previous person to reply. Did you read the article? The article wasn't about writing checks, that was just a headline, but the article goes on to describe the intent behind the general welfare clause, and why the meaning behind it cannot mean government has a blank check to spend in any fashion they desire.
The right wing is clueless and Causeless. This is the general intent:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Ok, so what is the preamble saying?

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

To form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

All of that is talking about providing a secure and free country. That is what the general welfare clause means. Its talking about making sure citizens retain their freedom, for people to have the liberty to live the lives they choose, and not be burdened down by government, and not be under the threat of any foreign power.
Did you read the full article? According to the article, and the federalist papers, and other letters written at the time, general welfare was not to be construed as a blanket clause used to allow the government free reign to do what it wanted.

It actually says that the title "general welfare" is defined by the enumerated powers.
Only the republicans proclaim that; along with tax cut economics and financing government.
It's not Republicans, it was the framers who said that.

Here is a quote from that article:

"Even Alexander Hamilton, the framer most in favor of expansive federal power, conceded as much in Federalist 83.

This specification of particulars [the 18 enumerated powers of Article I, Section 8] evidently excludes all pretension to a general legislative authority, because an affirmative grant of special powers would be absurd as well as useless if a general authority was intended."
Yes, our federal Government is limited to the federal sphere not a unitary general authority.
Exactly, limited to a federal sphere, governed by the 18 enumerated powers that were outlined in the constitution.

The constitution is actually there to keep government in check, to help preserve the freedom of its citizens, and to keep the government from intruding into the lives if the citizenry.
We subscribe to Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis. It must be about writing checks. Or, right wingers, why rely on Check Writing from the Government, at all.
Again, as I asked the previous person to reply. Did you read the article? The article wasn't about writing checks, that was just a headline, but the article goes on to describe the intent behind the general welfare clause, and why the meaning behind it cannot mean government has a blank check to spend in any fashion they desire.
The right wing is clueless and Causeless. This is the general intent:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Ok, so what is the preamble saying?

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

To form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

All of that is talking about providing a secure and free country. That is what the general welfare clause means. Its talking about making sure citizens retain their freedom, for people to have the liberty to live the lives they choose, and not be burdened down by government, and not be under the threat of any foreign power.
the power to provide for the general welfare is general; it must be so, to Promote the general welfare. there is no express enumeration to promote the general warfare or the common offense.
The good news is; the real rightwinger is a “Red, White and Blue” REAL American...he respects U.S. sovereignty, law and order so he really doesn’t care what type of illegal is disrespecting Americans...he knows they are ALL illegal aliens shitting on the faces of good, real Americans.
Ain’t that right rightwinger ?
You only care about the law; when the Poor get punished.
No one is punishing the poor. You're not being punished when someone can afford a Cadillac and you can only afford a Chevy Sprint.
equal protection of the law. do the Poor not deserve it under our form of Capitalism?
What you are talking about is not equal protection. Just because someone makes enough money to afford a Ferrari doesn't mean everyone should get a Ferrari.

Equal protection under the law implies that you are afforded the same legal rights as any other citizen.
equal protection of at-will employment laws.
I'm not sure where you are going with that, and what it has to do with general welfare.

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