What did our founders really mean when they said “general welfare”?

I am so tired of having this argument. Leftist commies will "interpret" the constitution the way they see fit to achieve their goose-stepping agenda.

They only way to settle this is to have a fucking war. The talking should be over by now.
Negative...our founders never intended for this country to deviate from the basic principles and guidelines of the Constitution.
Before you go there I’d like to say...Fuck Jefferson’s progressive punk ass!
We haven’t
We are functioning as a 21st century democracy instead of an 18th century democracy

Imagine if we were..imagine how much better off this nation would be today...huh?
Imagine what a backwards shithole we would be if we constrained ourselves to the visions of 18 th century aristocrats

Be specific...tell us how this nation and GOOD Americans have benefited by deviating from the original words of our founders?
We’ll be standing by waiting patiently....You might want to pretend you didn’t see this post.

We have evolved from being a bunch of states that are united to being THE UNITED STATES

NO, NO....that’s semantics.
How have GOOD, REAL Americans benefited by deviating from the original words of our founders?
Negative...our founders never intended for this country to deviate from the basic principles and guidelines of the Constitution.
Before you go there I’d like to say...Fuck Jefferson’s progressive punk ass!
We haven’t
We are functioning as a 21st century democracy instead of an 18th century democracy

Imagine if we were..imagine how much better off this nation would be today...huh?
Imagine what a backwards shithole we would be if we constrained ourselves to the visions of 18 th century aristocrats

Be specific...tell us how this nation and GOOD Americans have benefited by deviating from the original words of our founders?
We’ll be standing by waiting patiently....You might want to pretend you didn’t see this post.

We have evolved from being a bunch of states that are united to being THE UNITED STATES

And you supposedly get paid for this drivel?
I am so tired of having this argument. Leftist commies will "interpret" the constitution the way they see fit to achieve their goose-stepping agenda.

They only way to settle this is to have a fucking war. The talking should be over by now.
the right wing has no arguments. they don't care about the concepts enough to even ask questions.
The good news is; the real rightwinger is a “Red, White and Blue” REAL American...he respects U.S. sovereignty, law and order so he really doesn’t care what type of illegal is disrespecting Americans...he knows they are ALL illegal aliens shitting on the faces of good, real Americans.
Ain’t that right rightwinger ?
You only care about the law; when the Poor get punished.
No one is punishing the poor. You're not being punished when someone can afford a Cadillac and you can only afford a Chevy Sprint.
What an idiotic post

We are talking safety net protections. Not buying the poor Cadillacs to be equal
We have safety net protections in the United States. You've obviously never been exposed to real poverty in other parts of the world. The poor in the United States have microwave ovens, television, cell phones, and buy bacon and eggs with food stamps.
I’m sorry, I hold the US to a higher standard than third world shitholes
We already have a higher standard. I just explained it to you. I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
I am so tired of having this argument. Leftist commies will "interpret" the constitution the way they see fit to achieve their goose-stepping agenda.

They only way to settle this is to have a fucking war. The talking should be over by now.
We have a Supreme Court to do that
The "general welfare" clause was meant as a limitation on the taxation power. Even Hamilton made this point, before he hooked up with the banksters.

The Founders were revolting against the King of England, widely accused of taxing the colonies for his own welfare, and not that of the people he ruled. They wanted to make sure that future leaders of the US weren't allowed to tax us just to fatten up the state coffers.
We haven’t
We are functioning as a 21st century democracy instead of an 18th century democracy

Imagine if we were..imagine how much better off this nation would be today...huh?
Imagine what a backwards shithole we would be if we constrained ourselves to the visions of 18 th century aristocrats

Be specific...tell us how this nation and GOOD Americans have benefited by deviating from the original words of our founders?
We’ll be standing by waiting patiently....You might want to pretend you didn’t see this post.

We have evolved from being a bunch of states that are united to being THE UNITED STATES

NO, NO....that’s semantics.
How have GOOD, REAL Americans benefited by deviating from the original words of our founders?
That is a reality of how Americans view their status as citizens

Once we became THE UNITED STATES
We became a super power

How have we benefitted?
We are the most dominant nation on earth
We haven’t
We are functioning as a 21st century democracy instead of an 18th century democracy

Imagine if we were..imagine how much better off this nation would be today...huh?
Imagine what a backwards shithole we would be if we constrained ourselves to the visions of 18 th century aristocrats

Be specific...tell us how this nation and GOOD Americans have benefited by deviating from the original words of our founders?
We’ll be standing by waiting patiently....You might want to pretend you didn’t see this post.

We have evolved from being a bunch of states that are united to being THE UNITED STATES

And you supposedly get paid for this drivel?
Prove me wrong
The "general welfare" clause was meant as a limitation on the taxation power. Even Hamilton made this point, before he hooked up with the banksters.

The Founders were revolting against the King of England, widely accused of taxing the colonies for his own welfare, and not that of the people he ruled. They wanted to make sure that future leaders of the US weren't allowed to tax us just to fatten up the state coffers.
Promote the General Welfare has nothing to do with taxation
It is HOW we use that revenue
The "general welfare" clause was meant as a limitation on the taxation power. Even Hamilton made this point, before he hooked up with the banksters.

The Founders were revolting against the King of England, widely accused of taxing the colonies for his own welfare, and not that of the people he ruled. They wanted to make sure that future leaders of the US weren't allowed to tax us just to fatten up the state coffers.
Promote the General Welfare has nothing to do epwith taxation
It is HOW we use that revenue

Then why is it attached to the taxation power line item? I smell bullshit.
Imagine if we were..imagine how much better off this nation would be today...huh?
Imagine what a backwards shithole we would be if we constrained ourselves to the visions of 18 th century aristocrats

Be specific...tell us how this nation and GOOD Americans have benefited by deviating from the original words of our founders?
We’ll be standing by waiting patiently....You might want to pretend you didn’t see this post.

We have evolved from being a bunch of states that are united to being THE UNITED STATES

NO, NO....that’s semantics.
How have GOOD, REAL Americans benefited by deviating from the original words of our founders?
That is a reality of how Americans view their status as citizens

Once we became THE UNITED STATES
We became a super power

How have we benefitted?
We are the most dominant nation on earth

Cool...our military is badass.
How has Americans benefited by deviating from the original words of our founders?
No one is punishing the poor. You're not being punished when someone can afford a Cadillac and you can only afford a Chevy Sprint.
equal protection of the law. do the Poor not deserve it under our form of Capitalism?
What you are talking about is not equal protection. Just because someone makes enough money to afford a Ferrari doesn't mean everyone should get a Ferrari.

Equal protection under the law implies that you are afforded the same legal rights as any other citizen.
equal protection of at-will employment laws.
I'm not sure where you are going with that, and what it has to do with general welfare.
the welfare, general.
If socialism is so good and capitalism so bad, why is the caravan leaving socialism and trying to get into capitalism?
The "general welfare" clause was meant as a limitation on the taxation power. Even Hamilton made this point, before he hooked up with the banksters.

The Founders were revolting against the King of England, widely accused of taxing the colonies for his own welfare, and not that of the people he ruled. They wanted to make sure that future leaders of the US weren't allowed to tax us just to fatten up the state coffers.
Promote the General Welfare has nothing to do epwith taxation
It is HOW we use that revenue

Then why is it attached to the taxation power line item? I smell bullshit.
It is also in the Preamble

It provides Congress with guidance on why they are here
I am so tired of having this argument. Leftist commies will "interpret" the constitution the way they see fit to achieve their goose-stepping agenda.

They only way to settle this is to have a fucking war. The talking should be over by now.
the right wing has no arguments. they don't care about the concepts enough to even ask questions.
I have a question for you. If socialism is so successful, why are the poor people in the caravan from socialism heading towards capitalism?
equal protection of the law. do the Poor not deserve it under our form of Capitalism?
What you are talking about is not equal protection. Just because someone makes enough money to afford a Ferrari doesn't mean everyone should get a Ferrari.

Equal protection under the law implies that you are afforded the same legal rights as any other citizen.
equal protection of at-will employment laws.
I'm not sure where you are going with that, and what it has to do with general welfare.
the welfare, general.
If socialism is so good and capitalism so bad, why is the caravan leaving socialism and trying to get into capitalism?

All governments have elements of both socialism and capitalism
The "general welfare" clause was meant as a limitation on the taxation power. Even Hamilton made this point, before he hooked up with the banksters.

The Founders were revolting against the King of England, widely accused of taxing the colonies for his own welfare, and not that of the people he ruled. They wanted to make sure that future leaders of the US weren't allowed to tax us just to fatten up the state coffers.
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises,
to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;
but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Our federal Constitution is Express not Implied.
equal protection of the law. do the Poor not deserve it under our form of Capitalism?
What you are talking about is not equal protection. Just because someone makes enough money to afford a Ferrari doesn't mean everyone should get a Ferrari.

Equal protection under the law implies that you are afforded the same legal rights as any other citizen.
equal protection of at-will employment laws.
I'm not sure where you are going with that, and what it has to do with general welfare.
the welfare, general.
If socialism is so good and capitalism so bad, why is the caravan leaving socialism and trying to get into capitalism?
capitalism died in the US in 1929; we have the best form of socialism in the world.
The "general welfare" clause was meant as a limitation on the taxation power. Even Hamilton made this point, before he hooked up with the banksters.

The Founders were revolting against the King of England, widely accused of taxing the colonies for his own welfare, and not that of the people he ruled. They wanted to make sure that future leaders of the US weren't allowed to tax us just to fatten up the state coffers.
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises,
to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;
but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Our federal Constitution is Express not Implied.
Are you going to answer my question?

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