What did our founders really mean when they said “general welfare”?

The "general welfare" clause was meant as a limitation on the taxation power. Even Hamilton made this point, before he hooked up with the banksters.

The Founders were revolting against the King of England, widely accused of taxing the colonies for his own welfare, and not that of the people he ruled. They wanted to make sure that future leaders of the US weren't allowed to tax us just to fatten up the state coffers.
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises,
to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;
but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Our federal Constitution is Express not Implied.
Are you going to answer my question?
Our federal Constitution is Express not Implied.
What you are talking about is not equal protection. Just because someone makes enough money to afford a Ferrari doesn't mean everyone should get a Ferrari.

Equal protection under the law implies that you are afforded the same legal rights as any other citizen.
equal protection of at-will employment laws.
I'm not sure where you are going with that, and what it has to do with general welfare.
the welfare, general.
If socialism is so good and capitalism so bad, why is the caravan leaving socialism and trying to get into capitalism?
capitalism died in the US in 1929; we have the best form of socialism in the world.
No, we have the best form of government in the world, and we're trying to keep it out of the hands of socialists.
equal protection of at-will employment laws.
I'm not sure where you are going with that, and what it has to do with general welfare.
the welfare, general.
If socialism is so good and capitalism so bad, why is the caravan leaving socialism and trying to get into capitalism?
capitalism died in the US in 1929; we have the best form of socialism in the world.
No, we have the best form of government in the world, and we're trying to keep it out of the hands of socialists.
Where does our Constitution say anything about Capitalism?
equal protection of at-will employment laws.
I'm not sure where you are going with that, and what it has to do with general welfare.
the welfare, general.
If socialism is so good and capitalism so bad, why is the caravan leaving socialism and trying to get into capitalism?
capitalism died in the US in 1929; we have the best form of socialism in the world.
No, we have the best form of government in the world, and we're trying to keep it out of the hands of socialists.
Government is socialism.
The "general welfare" clause was meant as a limitation on the taxation power. Even Hamilton made this point, before he hooked up with the banksters.

The Founders were revolting against the King of England, widely accused of taxing the colonies for his own welfare, and not that of the people he ruled. They wanted to make sure that future leaders of the US weren't allowed to tax us just to fatten up the state coffers.
Promote the General Welfare has nothing to do epwith taxation
It is HOW we use that revenue

Then why is it attached to the taxation power line item? I smell bullshit.
It is also in the Preamble

It provides Congress with guidance on why they are here

The preamble describes the general purposes of government. The Constitution empowers the federal government to pursue those purposes with the enumerated powers, which are very carefully limited. On purpose. The "broad general power" exploit is just excuse making for people who want no limits on the federal government's power.
The "general welfare" clause was meant as a limitation on the taxation power. Even Hamilton made this point, before he hooked up with the banksters.

The Founders were revolting against the King of England, widely accused of taxing the colonies for his own welfare, and not that of the people he ruled. They wanted to make sure that future leaders of the US weren't allowed to tax us just to fatten up the state coffers.
Promote the General Welfare has nothing to do epwith taxation
It is HOW we use that revenue

Then why is it attached to the taxation power line item? I smell bullshit.
It is also in the Preamble

It provides Congress with guidance on why they are here

The preamble describes the general purposes of government. The Constitution empowers the federal government to pursue those purposes with the enumerated powers, which are very carefully limited. On purpose. The "broad general power" exploit is just excuse making for people who want no limits on the federal government's power.
the right wing always claims that of the left. yet, the common defense according the right wing, encompasses the general warfare and common offense.
I'm not sure where you are going with that, and what it has to do with general welfare.
the welfare, general.
If socialism is so good and capitalism so bad, why is the caravan leaving socialism and trying to get into capitalism?
capitalism died in the US in 1929; we have the best form of socialism in the world.
No, we have the best form of government in the world, and we're trying to keep it out of the hands of socialists.
Where does our Constitution say anything about Capitalism?
It doesn't. Where does our Constitution say anything about Socialism?
the welfare, general.
If socialism is so good and capitalism so bad, why is the caravan leaving socialism and trying to get into capitalism?
capitalism died in the US in 1929; we have the best form of socialism in the world.
No, we have the best form of government in the world, and we're trying to keep it out of the hands of socialists.
Where does our Constitution say anything about Capitalism?
It doesn't. Where does our Constitution say anything about Socialism?
Our Constitution defines our form of social-ism.
If socialism is so good and capitalism so bad, why is the caravan leaving socialism and trying to get into capitalism?
capitalism died in the US in 1929; we have the best form of socialism in the world.
No, we have the best form of government in the world, and we're trying to keep it out of the hands of socialists.
Where does our Constitution say anything about Capitalism?
It doesn't. Where does our Constitution say anything about Socialism?
Our Constitution defines our form of social-ism.
That's your definition only.
capitalism died in the US in 1929; we have the best form of socialism in the world.
No, we have the best form of government in the world, and we're trying to keep it out of the hands of socialists.
Where does our Constitution say anything about Capitalism?
It doesn't. Where does our Constitution say anything about Socialism?
Our Constitution defines our form of social-ism.
That's your definition only.
social-relating to society or its organization.
No, we have the best form of government in the world, and we're trying to keep it out of the hands of socialists.
Where does our Constitution say anything about Capitalism?
It doesn't. Where does our Constitution say anything about Socialism?
Our Constitution defines our form of social-ism.
That's your definition only.
social-relating to society or its organization.
Do you believe groceries should be taxed?
The "general welfare" clause was meant as a limitation on the taxation power. Even Hamilton made this point, before he hooked up with the banksters.

The Founders were revolting against the King of England, widely accused of taxing the colonies for his own welfare, and not that of the people he ruled. They wanted to make sure that future leaders of the US weren't allowed to tax us just to fatten up the state coffers.
Promote the General Welfare has nothing to do epwith taxation
It is HOW we use that revenue

Then why is it attached to the taxation power line item? I smell bullshit.
It is also in the Preamble

It provides Congress with guidance on why they are here

The preamble describes the general purposes of government. The Constitution empowers the federal government to pursue those purposes with the enumerated powers, which are very carefully limited. On purpose. The "broad general power" exploit is just excuse making for people who want no limits on the federal government's power.

Yet the courts disagree with you on the overarching scope of Government

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