What did the amateur touch that DIDN'T turn to shit?

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Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
Barack "always wrong" Obama had the Midas touch but in reverse; everything he touched turned to shit. Is there anything that he did that DIDN'T turn to shit? Help me out, I can't think of one.
He was a super gun salesman.

That's all I got.
Barack "always wrong" Obama had the Midas touch but in reverse; everything he touched turned to shit. Is there anything that he did that DIDN'T turn to shit? Help me out, I can't think of one.
Just another typical day for you I see. Absolutely nothing better to do with your time, and all day to do it. What a waste of oxygen and space. Sad.
Barack "always wrong" Obama had the Midas touch but in reverse; everything he touched turned to shit. Is there anything that he did that DIDN'T turn to shit? Help me out, I can't think of one.

The markets did much better his first 450 days in office than we have seen in the last 450 days. But that might be because he did not do anything to screw them up.
Yea he did somethings ,he helped put Trump in office.
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Barack "always wrong" Obama had the Midas touch but in reverse; everything he touched turned to shit. Is there anything that he did that DIDN'T turn to shit? Help me out, I can't think of one.
Obama tried to screw up the economy so that it would crash and we would have to become a Socialist country, but he failed.
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He averted total depression, passed the greatest social reform since the 60s, seven and a half years straight of economic growth. Sorry the GOP doups missed it all on the BS hate propaganda network...
Barack "always wrong" Obama had the Midas touch but in reverse; everything he touched turned to shit. Is there anything that he did that DIDN'T turn to shit? Help me out, I can't think of one.
Obama tried to screw up the economy so that it would crash and we would have to become a Socialist country and he failed.
Another brainwashed functional cretin... Averted another corrupt GOP depression only cost 8 trillion dollars, seven and a half years of growth despite ridiculous GOP obstruction.
Obama's successes exist only in a narrative.
Barack "always wrong" Obama had the Midas touch but in reverse; everything he touched turned to shit. Is there anything that he did that DIDN'T turn to shit? Help me out, I can't think of one.

Only a bigoted piece of garbage would think President Obama was always wrong but the insane pathetic sociopath in the White House now isn’t.

Wack job
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Barack "always wrong" Obama had the Midas touch but in reverse; everything he touched turned to shit. Is there anything that he did that DIDN'T turn to shit? Help me out, I can't think of one.

It is actually a documented phenomenon called The Asshole Touch.

The meat puppet faggot was animated by the biggest assholes on earth. Assholes like Soros in particular, but then we have bomb throwers like Bill Ayers, "religious" influences like "Rev" God Damn America Wright and the parasite who fathered obozo, Frank Marshal Davis.

Everything the meat puppet faggot "did" (as much as Kermit the Frog "did" anything) was deliberately designed to make things worse. The left's agenda has always been focused on the destruction of capitalism and the country that most effectively exploited the concept is The USA. They have been chipping away at our very foundation for decades. They have assassinated presidents, blown up buildings, kidnapped prominent people, committed all sorts of terrorism, robberies, and incited riots in an effort to foment a bolshevik revolution to no avail. They have fully infiltrated the democrook party and have a choke hold on the republicrats.

I know Trump is not a conservative, or a libertarian. He does not share all my values. No illusions there.

He does appear to be the most patriotic president we have had since Reagan and believes in capitalism and national sovereignty. The Bushes were globalists, the Clintons are sociopaths, but the meat puppet faggot was a cult of personality. Utterly vacuous, void of substance, but behind the scenes the people who wielded real power and influence were absolute traitors that Khrushchev promised to deliver. Trump is doing a great job reversing the damage.

Barack "always wrong" Obama had the Midas touch but in reverse; everything he touched turned to shit. Is there anything that he did that DIDN'T turn to shit? Help me out, I can't think of one.

It is actually a documented phenomenon called The Asshole Touch.

The meat puppet faggot was animated by the biggest assholes on earth. Assholes like Soros in particular, but then we have bomb throwers like Bill Ayers, "religious" influences like "Rev" God Damn America Wright and the parasite who fathered obozo, Frank Marshal Davis.

Everything the meat puppet faggot "did" (as much as Kermit the Frog "did" anything) was deliberately designed to make things worse. The left's agenda has always been focused on the destruction of capitalism and the country that most effectively exploited the concept is The USA. They have been chipping away at our very foundation for decades. They have assassinated presidents, blown up buildings, kidnapped prominent people, committed all sorts of terrorism, robberies, and incited riots in an effort to foment a bolshevik revolution to no avail. They have fully infiltrated the democrook party and have a choke hold on the republicrats.

I know Trump is not a conservative, or a libertarian. He does not share all my values. No illusions there.

He does appear to be the most patriotic president we have had since Reagan and believes in capitalism and national sovereignty. The Bushes were globalists, the Clintons are sociopaths, but the meat puppet faggot was a cult of personality. Utterly vacuous, void of substance, but behind the scenes the people who wielded real power and influence were absolute traitors that Khrushchev promised to deliver. Trump is doing a great job reversing the damage.

You will fall 4 anything LOL...
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