what did the russians do to control the ballot box.... ?

You just proved my point.

You're a Sanders supporter that Believes that someone can win by losing by 3,775,427 popular votes in a primary, which is exactly how badly she BEAT Bernie Sanders ASS. You still believe the deck was stacked against Sanders--& then you voted for Trump to prove your ignorance.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

In comparison Hillary Clinton lost to Barack Obama by a mere 41,622 votes in 2008 and oddly enough no one cried FOUL.
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

We had two candidates that were campaigning on a RIGGED election, (Sanders & Trump) and in truth it was RIGGED only it was rigged against Hillary Clinton.

Via Vladimir Putin, and FBI Director James Comey who deliberatlely violated long standing DOJ protocol to not release information within 60 days of an election. Comey ignored warnings from the DOJ to not send a letter to congress, and did it anyway 11 days before an election. Millions of people voted during those 7 days, believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger, and he is now also under DOJ investigation for his interference into this election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy



Lol, liberal butthurt is so entertaining.

I am NOT a liberal, I have been on this board since 2007 and have over 16,000 posts to prove it, if you want to check. I was a lifelong Republican and changed my status to Independent after you nominated the ass clown and we saw the rise of the Brain Dead in this country. You're conspiracy theories won't work with me.


Conspiracy theory? Do you have any clue at all? The only conspiracy theory is the stupid idea that Putin stole the election.

oh, you aren't a liberal dumbass, you are an independent dumbass. Ok.

Look Lil Eienstein

You're a newby on this board, you are easily outed by your comments. You're way to easy for me. You're on a big boy & girl political forum here, and your conspiracies won't work here.

Now get your crayons and coloring books out, turn on your FOX News & Reich wing talk show hosts and listen to all the BULLSHIT you want too.

It is a FACT that Putin interferred into the election. There is no denying that.

As we know it was John McCain & Lindsey Graham that brought the attention to the forefront of the Russians hacking into the election. McCain states that there are a lot more shoes that will be dropped on this, regarding the continual communication with Trump campaign aids with the Russian Ambassador and Russian intelligence agents throughout the campaign.

CLEVELAND during the RNC Convention: July 2016 Trump advisers admit to meeting with Russian ambassador (after Jeff Sessions was accused of lying under oath to congress.)

Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today. Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

We know that the Trump administration (5 times) denied any contact with Russians during the campaign season.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Jeff Sessions accused of lying under oath during his confirmation hearing. According to a source it's not unusual for member on the armed service committee to meet with Foreign ambassadors, but none of the other 13 on this committee had met with the Russian ambassador, only Sessions did twice during the campaign season. Sessions also filled out a questionaire prior to the confirmation hearing and stated that he had no contact with any Russians and signed it. Sessions then recuses himself from the Russian investigation. When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations - CNNPolitics.com

General Flynn also lied to the FBI. Stating he did not have a conversation with the Russian Ambassador regarding the new sanctions that Obama was imposing on Russia for hacking into the election. Obviously the conversation was wiretapped. Flynn gone.Over this weekend we learned that General Flynn was also a paid lobbyist for Turkey.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

We know that the Russian phone lines were wiretapped, and out comes this information.

We know that Obama ordered this investigation to be done BEFORE he left office, and that he had "preserved intelligence."

citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.
According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence.
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

Now we have Roger Stone a Senior campaign adviser to Trump and long time friend ADMIT that he had contact with the Russian hacker that hacked into the DNC database.
Roger Stone, the flamboyant political adviser who has been connected to President Donald Trump for years, is defending his contacts with "Guccifer 2.0"-- the online persona who claims responsibility for hacking the Democratic National Committee -- as an innocuous "brief exchange" of a few direct messages that he says amount to nothing.
Trump associate plays down Twitter contact with Guccifer 2.0 - CNNPolitics.com

Now if you can't follow those dots then you truly are BRAIN DEAD. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an AMERICAN election is TREASON.

Ok noob listen up! All of that crap has already been debunked. If you weren't a raw rookie noob you'd know that already.

I'd ask AGAIN for you to explain my conspiracy theory you claim I have but you are really too stupid and too much of a rookie for me to waste time on. Go play in the street child.

Anytime you want to pull a trusted verifiable link out of your ass, go ahead. If you can't then it goes into the :bsflag:
Lol, liberal butthurt is so entertaining.

I am NOT a liberal, I have been on this board since 2007 and have over 16,000 posts to prove it, if you want to check. I was a lifelong Republican and changed my status to Independent after you nominated the ass clown and we saw the rise of the Brain Dead in this country. You're conspiracy theories won't work with me.


Conspiracy theory? Do you have any clue at all? The only conspiracy theory is the stupid idea that Putin stole the election.

oh, you aren't a liberal dumbass, you are an independent dumbass. Ok.

Look Lil Eienstein

You're a newby on this board, you are easily outed by your comments. You're way to easy for me. You're on a big boy & girl political forum here, and your conspiracies won't work here.

Now get your crayons and coloring books out, turn on your FOX News & Reich wing talk show hosts and listen to all the BULLSHIT you want too.

It is a FACT that Putin interferred into the election. There is no denying that.

As we know it was John McCain & Lindsey Graham that brought the attention to the forefront of the Russians hacking into the election. McCain states that there are a lot more shoes that will be dropped on this, regarding the continual communication with Trump campaign aids with the Russian Ambassador and Russian intelligence agents throughout the campaign.

CLEVELAND during the RNC Convention: July 2016 Trump advisers admit to meeting with Russian ambassador (after Jeff Sessions was accused of lying under oath to congress.)

Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today. Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

We know that the Trump administration (5 times) denied any contact with Russians during the campaign season.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Jeff Sessions accused of lying under oath during his confirmation hearing. According to a source it's not unusual for member on the armed service committee to meet with Foreign ambassadors, but none of the other 13 on this committee had met with the Russian ambassador, only Sessions did twice during the campaign season. Sessions also filled out a questionaire prior to the confirmation hearing and stated that he had no contact with any Russians and signed it. Sessions then recuses himself from the Russian investigation. When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations - CNNPolitics.com

General Flynn also lied to the FBI. Stating he did not have a conversation with the Russian Ambassador regarding the new sanctions that Obama was imposing on Russia for hacking into the election. Obviously the conversation was wiretapped. Flynn gone.Over this weekend we learned that General Flynn was also a paid lobbyist for Turkey.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

We know that the Russian phone lines were wiretapped, and out comes this information.

We know that Obama ordered this investigation to be done BEFORE he left office, and that he had "preserved intelligence."

citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.
According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence.
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

Now we have Roger Stone a Senior campaign adviser to Trump and long time friend ADMIT that he had contact with the Russian hacker that hacked into the DNC database.
Roger Stone, the flamboyant political adviser who has been connected to President Donald Trump for years, is defending his contacts with "Guccifer 2.0"-- the online persona who claims responsibility for hacking the Democratic National Committee -- as an innocuous "brief exchange" of a few direct messages that he says amount to nothing.
Trump associate plays down Twitter contact with Guccifer 2.0 - CNNPolitics.com

Now if you can't follow those dots then you truly are BRAIN DEAD. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an AMERICAN election is TREASON.

Ok noob listen up! All of that crap has already been debunked. If you weren't a raw rookie noob you'd know that already.

I'd ask AGAIN for you to explain my conspiracy theory you claim I have but you are really too stupid and too much of a rookie for me to waste time on. Go play in the street child.

Anytime you want to pull a trusted verifiable link out of your ass, go ahead. If you can't then it goes into the :bsflag:

What are you doing here? I told you to go play in the street. Get to it!
I am NOT a liberal, I have been on this board since 2007 and have over 16,000 posts to prove it, if you want to check. I was a lifelong Republican and changed my status to Independent after you nominated the ass clown and we saw the rise of the Brain Dead in this country. You're conspiracy theories won't work with me.


Conspiracy theory? Do you have any clue at all? The only conspiracy theory is the stupid idea that Putin stole the election.

oh, you aren't a liberal dumbass, you are an independent dumbass. Ok.

Look Lil Eienstein

You're a newby on this board, you are easily outed by your comments. You're way to easy for me. You're on a big boy & girl political forum here, and your conspiracies won't work here.

Now get your crayons and coloring books out, turn on your FOX News & Reich wing talk show hosts and listen to all the BULLSHIT you want too.

It is a FACT that Putin interferred into the election. There is no denying that.

As we know it was John McCain & Lindsey Graham that brought the attention to the forefront of the Russians hacking into the election. McCain states that there are a lot more shoes that will be dropped on this, regarding the continual communication with Trump campaign aids with the Russian Ambassador and Russian intelligence agents throughout the campaign.

CLEVELAND during the RNC Convention: July 2016 Trump advisers admit to meeting with Russian ambassador (after Jeff Sessions was accused of lying under oath to congress.)

Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today. Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

We know that the Trump administration (5 times) denied any contact with Russians during the campaign season.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Jeff Sessions accused of lying under oath during his confirmation hearing. According to a source it's not unusual for member on the armed service committee to meet with Foreign ambassadors, but none of the other 13 on this committee had met with the Russian ambassador, only Sessions did twice during the campaign season. Sessions also filled out a questionaire prior to the confirmation hearing and stated that he had no contact with any Russians and signed it. Sessions then recuses himself from the Russian investigation. When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations - CNNPolitics.com

General Flynn also lied to the FBI. Stating he did not have a conversation with the Russian Ambassador regarding the new sanctions that Obama was imposing on Russia for hacking into the election. Obviously the conversation was wiretapped. Flynn gone.Over this weekend we learned that General Flynn was also a paid lobbyist for Turkey.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

We know that the Russian phone lines were wiretapped, and out comes this information.

We know that Obama ordered this investigation to be done BEFORE he left office, and that he had "preserved intelligence."

citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.
According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence.
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

Now we have Roger Stone a Senior campaign adviser to Trump and long time friend ADMIT that he had contact with the Russian hacker that hacked into the DNC database.
Roger Stone, the flamboyant political adviser who has been connected to President Donald Trump for years, is defending his contacts with "Guccifer 2.0"-- the online persona who claims responsibility for hacking the Democratic National Committee -- as an innocuous "brief exchange" of a few direct messages that he says amount to nothing.
Trump associate plays down Twitter contact with Guccifer 2.0 - CNNPolitics.com

Now if you can't follow those dots then you truly are BRAIN DEAD. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an AMERICAN election is TREASON.

Ok noob listen up! All of that crap has already been debunked. If you weren't a raw rookie noob you'd know that already.

I'd ask AGAIN for you to explain my conspiracy theory you claim I have but you are really too stupid and too much of a rookie for me to waste time on. Go play in the street child.

Anytime you want to pull a trusted verifiable link out of your ass, go ahead. If you can't then it goes into the :bsflag:

What are you doing here? I told you to go play in the street. Get to it!

Clearly you haven't been able to pull a link out of your ass--so I just kicked it.


Therefore, you have lost all credibility like Trump and you're now on IGNORE.
Conspiracy theory? Do you have any clue at all? The only conspiracy theory is the stupid idea that Putin stole the election.

oh, you aren't a liberal dumbass, you are an independent dumbass. Ok.

Look Lil Eienstein

You're a newby on this board, you are easily outed by your comments. You're way to easy for me. You're on a big boy & girl political forum here, and your conspiracies won't work here.

Now get your crayons and coloring books out, turn on your FOX News & Reich wing talk show hosts and listen to all the BULLSHIT you want too.

It is a FACT that Putin interferred into the election. There is no denying that.

As we know it was John McCain & Lindsey Graham that brought the attention to the forefront of the Russians hacking into the election. McCain states that there are a lot more shoes that will be dropped on this, regarding the continual communication with Trump campaign aids with the Russian Ambassador and Russian intelligence agents throughout the campaign.

CLEVELAND during the RNC Convention: July 2016 Trump advisers admit to meeting with Russian ambassador (after Jeff Sessions was accused of lying under oath to congress.)

Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today. Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

We know that the Trump administration (5 times) denied any contact with Russians during the campaign season.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Jeff Sessions accused of lying under oath during his confirmation hearing. According to a source it's not unusual for member on the armed service committee to meet with Foreign ambassadors, but none of the other 13 on this committee had met with the Russian ambassador, only Sessions did twice during the campaign season. Sessions also filled out a questionaire prior to the confirmation hearing and stated that he had no contact with any Russians and signed it. Sessions then recuses himself from the Russian investigation. When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations - CNNPolitics.com

General Flynn also lied to the FBI. Stating he did not have a conversation with the Russian Ambassador regarding the new sanctions that Obama was imposing on Russia for hacking into the election. Obviously the conversation was wiretapped. Flynn gone.Over this weekend we learned that General Flynn was also a paid lobbyist for Turkey.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

We know that the Russian phone lines were wiretapped, and out comes this information.

We know that Obama ordered this investigation to be done BEFORE he left office, and that he had "preserved intelligence."

citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.
According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence.
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

Now we have Roger Stone a Senior campaign adviser to Trump and long time friend ADMIT that he had contact with the Russian hacker that hacked into the DNC database.
Roger Stone, the flamboyant political adviser who has been connected to President Donald Trump for years, is defending his contacts with "Guccifer 2.0"-- the online persona who claims responsibility for hacking the Democratic National Committee -- as an innocuous "brief exchange" of a few direct messages that he says amount to nothing.
Trump associate plays down Twitter contact with Guccifer 2.0 - CNNPolitics.com

Now if you can't follow those dots then you truly are BRAIN DEAD. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an AMERICAN election is TREASON.

Ok noob listen up! All of that crap has already been debunked. If you weren't a raw rookie noob you'd know that already.

I'd ask AGAIN for you to explain my conspiracy theory you claim I have but you are really too stupid and too much of a rookie for me to waste time on. Go play in the street child.

Anytime you want to pull a trusted verifiable link out of your ass, go ahead. If you can't then it goes into the :bsflag:

What are you doing here? I told you to go play in the street. Get to it!

Clearly you haven't been able to pull a link out of your ass--so I just kicked it.


Therefore, you have lost all credibility like Trump and you're now on IGNORE.

...You just proved my point...
No, son, you just proved mine... namely, that you cannot provide a defensible metric to gauge the impact of the leaks-disclosures on the Clinton-vs-Trump contest.

All you can serve up is a recital of protocol violations and circumstances; you have not told us how many people switched their votes from Clinton to Trump at that time.

...You're a Sanders supporter...
Correct. I was. I voted for Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton in the Illinois Primary last year.

...that Believes that someone can win by losing by
3,775,427 popular votes in a primary, which is exactly how badly she BEAT Bernie Sanders ASS. You still believe the deck was stacked against Sanders...
But the deck WAS stacked against Bernie Sanders; that's how Shrillary won by the margins she did in many states; leaning on the Democratic Party Ruling Elites to push her to the fore and to push Bernie into the background; to do her dirty work for her; so that she would not have the appearance of having dirty hands; an idea that backfired.

Had the deck NOT been stacked, the vote would probably have been closer; although that, too, is groundless speculation, akin to your own, with a different focus; the differene between us being that I am willing to concede the speculative nature of that observation, whereas you (and yours) delude yourselves that Shrillary lost due to outside influence.

...& then you voted for Trump to prove your ignorance...
Incorrect. I voted for Shrillary rather than He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named; although I felt dirty doing it, and wanted a shower by the time I got home from the polling place.

...We had two candidates that were campaigning on a RIGGED election, (Sanders & Trump) and in truth it was RIGGED, only it was rigged against Hillary Clinton...
Oh, look, Mumsie, it's another Kornspiracy Theory Stab-In-the-Back nutjob... isn't it a cute little delusional twit?

That's right, LibTard... blame everybody else but yourselves and your staggeringly flawed candidate for your humiliation at the polls.

Ya'll really need to grow-the-phukk up and think really hard about why White Christian Middle America just bitch-slapped you at the polls on November 8, 2016.

Get a grip, kid, and get some eyeglasses...

You're gonna need 'em when it comes time to take that long, hard look in the mirror, seeking the true cause for your defeat at the polls.

For those few of you who are honest enough and pragmatic enough to do it, anyway...
Last edited:
For the thousandth time, they used the criminal enterprise of hacking to invade the privacy rights of people in the DNC and released the stolen material to the public for the express purpose of undermining the Clinton campaign.
Irrelevant. The Electoral College isn't influenced by the Russians and it went for Trump, based upon states policies of the "winner-take-all" Electoral votes in those states. Too bad, so sad, you proto-communists lost.....legitimately.
can someone explain this ?

where there russian operatives (e.g. the black panthers) at the polling sites ? did they mess with with electronic ballots. where they having secret russian meetings convincing obama supporters to vote for hillary ?

what specifically did they do to throw our election.

They exposed the truth about the Bulldyke, and that kind of thing can not be tolerated. They also sent Russian operatives here to respond to the polls so they we all wrong. They also gave Donna Brazile the wrong debate questions because they knew that evil bitch would give them to Hellary. Yea, Russian fingerprints are all over this election.
What the hacking did was expose the corruption going on within the DNC with them putting their thumb on the scale for Hillary in the primaries the hacked Podesta e-mails showed how much of an elitist Clinton and her campigan were. I'm not defending the hacking and the Republicans would be wise to realize they could be the ones getting hacked next time the Clinton supporters reaction to this hacking reminds me of the Hollywood celebrity who takes nude photos of themselves saves them on the computer and then is shocked that somone might hack them and release them. The truth is if you are in the public eye and even if your not you need to be very careful of what you put online or in an e-mail anyone can get that stuff and anyone who have been in politics as long as Clinton and Podesta should have known this.
...You just proved my point...
No, son, you just proved mine... namely, that you cannot provide a defensible metric to gauge the impact of the leaks-disclosures on the Clinton-vs-Trump contest.

All you can serve up is a recital of protocol violations and circumstances; you have not told us how many people switched their votes from Clinton to Trump at that time.

...You're a Sanders supporter...
Correct. I was. I voted for Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton in the Illinois Primary last year.

...that Believes that someone can win by losing by
3,775,427 popular votes in a primary, which is exactly how badly she BEAT Bernie Sanders ASS. You still believe the deck was stacked against Sanders...
But the deck WAS stacked against Bernie Sanders; that's how Shrillary won by the margins she did in many states; leaning on the Democratic Party Ruling Elites to push her to the fore and to push Bernie into the background; to do her dirty work for her; so that she would not have the appearance of having dirty hands; an idea that backfired.

Had the deck NOT been stacked, the vote would probably have been closer; although that, too, is groundless speculation, akin to your own, with a different focus; the differene between us being that I am willing to concede the speculative nature of that observation, whereas you (and yours) delude yourselves that Shrillary lost due to outside influence.

...& then you voted for Trump to prove your ignorance...
Incorrect. I voted for Shrillary rather than He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named; although I felt dirty doing it, and wanted a shower by the time I got home from the polling place.

...We had two candidates that were campaigning on a RIGGED election, (Sanders & Trump) and in truth it was RIGGED, only it was rigged against Hillary Clinton...
Oh, look, Mumsie, it's another Kornspiracy Theory Stab-In-the-Back nutjob... isn't it a cute little delusional twit?

That's right, LibTard... blame everybody else but yourselves and your staggeringly flawed candidate for your humiliation at the polls.

Ya'll really need to grow-the-phukk up and think really hard about why White Christian Middle America just bitch-slapped you at the polls on November 8, 2016.

Get a grip, kid, and get some eyeglasses...

You're gonna need 'em when it comes time to take that long, hard look in the mirror, seeking the true cause for your defeat at the polls.

For those few of you who are honest enough and pragmatic enough to do it, anyway...
OP- DUMB. Only the dupes are going on about collusion. There is circumstantial evidence and need for an investigation

Bernie says there was no rigging DUH. But 8 months of media self promoting BS about STUPID staff bs OF COURSE cost Hillary. Not as much as COMEY the GOP a-hole....just like lying cheating greedy rich GOP and the silly dupes like you. Enjoy the giant tax cuts for the rich...
can someone explain this ?

where there russian operatives (e.g. the black panthers) at the polling sites ? did they mess with with electronic ballots. where they having secret russian meetings convincing obama supporters to vote for hillary ?

what specifically did they do to throw our election.

Apparently, they're accused of accessing and releasing completely true information, which allegedly changed some people's minds about who to vote for.

I know, the horror, right?

So if someone HACKED your personal information, and published it, you wouldn't have a problem.

Why don't you give us all your usernames and passwords, if you don't have any need of privacy rights?
nice try alinsky.
...You just proved my point...
No, son, you just proved mine... namely, that you cannot provide a defensible metric to gauge the impact of the leaks-disclosures on the Clinton-vs-Trump contest.

All you can serve up is a recital of protocol violations and circumstances; you have not told us how many people switched their votes from Clinton to Trump at that time.

...You're a Sanders supporter...
Correct. I was. I voted for Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton in the Illinois Primary last year.

...that Believes that someone can win by losing by
3,775,427 popular votes in a primary, which is exactly how badly she BEAT Bernie Sanders ASS. You still believe the deck was stacked against Sanders...
But the deck WAS stacked against Bernie Sanders; that's how Shrillary won by the margins she did in many states; leaning on the Democratic Party Ruling Elites to push her to the fore and to push Bernie into the background; to do her dirty work for her; so that she would not have the appearance of having dirty hands; an idea that backfired.

Had the deck NOT been stacked, the vote would probably have been closer; although that, too, is groundless speculation, akin to your own, with a different focus; the differene between us being that I am willing to concede the speculative nature of that observation, whereas you (and yours) delude yourselves that Shrillary lost due to outside influence.

...& then you voted for Trump to prove your ignorance...
Incorrect. I voted for Shrillary rather than He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named; although I felt dirty doing it, and wanted a shower by the time I got home from the polling place.

...We had two candidates that were campaigning on a RIGGED election, (Sanders & Trump) and in truth it was RIGGED, only it was rigged against Hillary Clinton...
Oh, look, Mumsie, it's another Kornspiracy Theory Stab-In-the-Back nutjob... isn't it a cute little delusional twit?

That's right, LibTard... blame everybody else but yourselves and your staggeringly flawed candidate for your humiliation at the polls.

Ya'll really need to grow-the-phukk up and think really hard about why White Christian Middle America just bitch-slapped you at the polls on November 8, 2016.

Get a grip, kid, and get some eyeglasses...

You're gonna need 'em when it comes time to take that long, hard look in the mirror, seeking the true cause for your defeat at the polls.

For those few of you who are honest enough and pragmatic enough to do it, anyway...
OP- DUMB. Only the dupes are going on about collusion. There is circumstantial evidence and need for an investigation

Bernie says there was no rigging DUH. But 8 months of media self promoting BS about STUPID staff bs OF COURSE cost Hillary. Not as much as COMEY the GOP a-hole....just like lying cheating greedy rich GOP and the silly dupes like you. Enjoy the giant tax cuts for the rich...
as a vermonter i can attest that bernie got rigged.
...You just proved my point...
No, son, you just proved mine... namely, that you cannot provide a defensible metric to gauge the impact of the leaks-disclosures on the Clinton-vs-Trump contest.

All you can serve up is a recital of protocol violations and circumstances; you have not told us how many people switched their votes from Clinton to Trump at that time.

...You're a Sanders supporter...
Correct. I was. I voted for Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton in the Illinois Primary last year.

...that Believes that someone can win by losing by
3,775,427 popular votes in a primary, which is exactly how badly she BEAT Bernie Sanders ASS. You still believe the deck was stacked against Sanders...
But the deck WAS stacked against Bernie Sanders; that's how Shrillary won by the margins she did in many states; leaning on the Democratic Party Ruling Elites to push her to the fore and to push Bernie into the background; to do her dirty work for her; so that she would not have the appearance of having dirty hands; an idea that backfired.

Had the deck NOT been stacked, the vote would probably have been closer; although that, too, is groundless speculation, akin to your own, with a different focus; the differene between us being that I am willing to concede the speculative nature of that observation, whereas you (and yours) delude yourselves that Shrillary lost due to outside influence.

...& then you voted for Trump to prove your ignorance...
Incorrect. I voted for Shrillary rather than He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named; although I felt dirty doing it, and wanted a shower by the time I got home from the polling place.

...We had two candidates that were campaigning on a RIGGED election, (Sanders & Trump) and in truth it was RIGGED, only it was rigged against Hillary Clinton...
Oh, look, Mumsie, it's another Kornspiracy Theory Stab-In-the-Back nutjob... isn't it a cute little delusional twit?

That's right, LibTard... blame everybody else but yourselves and your staggeringly flawed candidate for your humiliation at the polls.

Ya'll really need to grow-the-phukk up and think really hard about why White Christian Middle America just bitch-slapped you at the polls on November 8, 2016.

Get a grip, kid, and get some eyeglasses...

You're gonna need 'em when it comes time to take that long, hard look in the mirror, seeking the true cause for your defeat at the polls.

For those few of you who are honest enough and pragmatic enough to do it, anyway...
OP- DUMB. Only the dupes are going on about collusion. There is circumstantial evidence and need for an investigation

Bernie says there was no rigging DUH. But 8 months of media self promoting BS about STUPID staff bs OF COURSE cost Hillary.

Not as much as COMEY the GOP a-hole....just like lying cheating greedy rich GOP and the silly dupes like you. Enjoy the giant tax cuts for the rich...
as a vermonter i can attest that bernie got rigged.

How was it rigged against Bernie Sanders? You can also provide links to those ridiculous claims also.
...You just proved my point...
No, son, you just proved mine... namely, that you cannot provide a defensible metric to gauge the impact of the leaks-disclosures on the Clinton-vs-Trump contest.

All you can serve up is a recital of protocol violations and circumstances; you have not told us how many people switched their votes from Clinton to Trump at that time.

...You're a Sanders supporter...
Correct. I was. I voted for Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton in the Illinois Primary last year.

...that Believes that someone can win by losing by
3,775,427 popular votes in a primary, which is exactly how badly she BEAT Bernie Sanders ASS. You still believe the deck was stacked against Sanders...
But the deck WAS stacked against Bernie Sanders; that's how Shrillary won by the margins she did in many states; leaning on the Democratic Party Ruling Elites to push her to the fore and to push Bernie into the background; to do her dirty work for her; so that she would not have the appearance of having dirty hands; an idea that backfired.

Had the deck NOT been stacked, the vote would probably have been closer; although that, too, is groundless speculation, akin to your own, with a different focus; the differene between us being that I am willing to concede the speculative nature of that observation, whereas you (and yours) delude yourselves that Shrillary lost due to outside influence.

...& then you voted for Trump to prove your ignorance...
Incorrect. I voted for Shrillary rather than He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named; although I felt dirty doing it, and wanted a shower by the time I got home from the polling place.

...We had two candidates that were campaigning on a RIGGED election, (Sanders & Trump) and in truth it was RIGGED, only it was rigged against Hillary Clinton...
Oh, look, Mumsie, it's another Kornspiracy Theory Stab-In-the-Back nutjob... isn't it a cute little delusional twit?

That's right, LibTard... blame everybody else but yourselves and your staggeringly flawed candidate for your humiliation at the polls.

Ya'll really need to grow-the-phukk up and think really hard about why White Christian Middle America just bitch-slapped you at the polls on November 8, 2016.

Get a grip, kid, and get some eyeglasses...

You're gonna need 'em when it comes time to take that long, hard look in the mirror, seeking the true cause for your defeat at the polls.

For those few of you who are honest enough and pragmatic enough to do it, anyway...
OP- DUMB. Only the dupes are going on about collusion. There is circumstantial evidence and need for an investigation

Bernie says there was no rigging DUH. But 8 months of media self promoting BS about STUPID staff bs OF COURSE cost Hillary. Not as much as COMEY the GOP a-hole....just like lying cheating greedy rich GOP and the silly dupes like you. Enjoy the giant tax cuts for the rich...
as a vermonter i can attest that bernie got rigged.
BS. And I voted for him in NY. She took it REAL easy on him. Ask Bernie.
can someone explain this ?

where there russian operatives (e.g. the black panthers) at the polling sites ? did they mess with with electronic ballots. where they having secret russian meetings convincing obama supporters to vote for hillary ?

what specifically did they do to throw our election.

If you look at all the accusations, you see that the left is saying that they helped get the truth out about Hillary and the DNC, and that those facts turned people away.

So, Hillary lost because of the truth. And the left is angry at Russia because they believe that some Russians were behind exposing that truth.

So, we are supposed to be more angry at whoever bought the truth to light than we are about how corrupt Hillary and the DNC have been.

Tough to follow but that's the gist of it.

Of course, WikiLeaks took credit from the start for much of it. Then there was that DNC insider who was murdered right after it was known he might be the one helping Assange.

So many coincidences surrounding this. Yet another person who could hurt Hillary dying a sudden death.
...You just proved my point...
No, son, you just proved mine... namely, that you cannot provide a defensible metric to gauge the impact of the leaks-disclosures on the Clinton-vs-Trump contest.

All you can serve up is a recital of protocol violations and circumstances; you have not told us how many people switched their votes from Clinton to Trump at that time.

...You're a Sanders supporter...
Correct. I was. I voted for Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton in the Illinois Primary last year.

...that Believes that someone can win by losing by
3,775,427 popular votes in a primary, which is exactly how badly she BEAT Bernie Sanders ASS. You still believe the deck was stacked against Sanders...
But the deck WAS stacked against Bernie Sanders; that's how Shrillary won by the margins she did in many states; leaning on the Democratic Party Ruling Elites to push her to the fore and to push Bernie into the background; to do her dirty work for her; so that she would not have the appearance of having dirty hands; an idea that backfired.

Had the deck NOT been stacked, the vote would probably have been closer; although that, too, is groundless speculation, akin to your own, with a different focus; the differene between us being that I am willing to concede the speculative nature of that observation, whereas you (and yours) delude yourselves that Shrillary lost due to outside influence.

...& then you voted for Trump to prove your ignorance...
Incorrect. I voted for Shrillary rather than He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named; although I felt dirty doing it, and wanted a shower by the time I got home from the polling place.

...We had two candidates that were campaigning on a RIGGED election, (Sanders & Trump) and in truth it was RIGGED, only it was rigged against Hillary Clinton...
Oh, look, Mumsie, it's another Kornspiracy Theory Stab-In-the-Back nutjob... isn't it a cute little delusional twit?

That's right, LibTard... blame everybody else but yourselves and your staggeringly flawed candidate for your humiliation at the polls.

Ya'll really need to grow-the-phukk up and think really hard about why White Christian Middle America just bitch-slapped you at the polls on November 8, 2016.

Get a grip, kid, and get some eyeglasses...

You're gonna need 'em when it comes time to take that long, hard look in the mirror, seeking the true cause for your defeat at the polls.

For those few of you who are honest enough and pragmatic enough to do it, anyway...
OP- DUMB. Only the dupes are going on about collusion. There is circumstantial evidence and need for an investigation

Bernie says there was no rigging DUH. But 8 months of media self promoting BS about STUPID staff bs OF COURSE cost Hillary.

Not as much as COMEY the GOP a-hole....just like lying cheating greedy rich GOP and the silly dupes like you. Enjoy the giant tax cuts for the rich...
as a vermonter i can attest that bernie got rigged.

How was it rigged against Bernie Sanders? You can also provide links to those ridiculous claims also.
the dnc wasn't interested and a fair primary. they chose their candidate early.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz And The DNC Favored Hillary Clinton Over Bernie Sanders. Where's The Outrage? | The Huffington Post
You just proved my point.

You're a Sanders supporter that Believes that someone can win by losing by 3,775,427 popular votes in a primary, which is exactly how badly she BEAT Bernie Sanders ASS. You still believe the deck was stacked against Sanders--& then you voted for Trump to prove your ignorance.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

In comparison Hillary Clinton lost to Barack Obama by a mere 41,622 votes in 2008 and oddly enough no one cried FOUL.
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

We had two candidates that were campaigning on a RIGGED election, (Sanders & Trump) and in truth it was RIGGED only it was rigged against Hillary Clinton.

Via Vladimir Putin, and FBI Director James Comey who deliberatlely violated long standing DOJ protocol to not release information within 60 days of an election. Comey ignored warnings from the DOJ to not send a letter to congress, and did it anyway 11 days before an election. Millions of people voted during those 7 days, believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger, and he is now also under DOJ investigation for his interference into this election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy



Lol, liberal butthurt is so entertaining.

I am NOT a liberal, I have been on this board since 2007 and have over 16,000 posts to prove it, if you want to check. I was a lifelong Republican and changed my status to Independent after you nominated the ass clown and we saw the rise of the Brain Dead in this country. You're conspiracy theories won't work with me.


Conspiracy theory? Do you have any clue at all? The only conspiracy theory is the stupid idea that Putin stole the election.

oh, you aren't a liberal dumbass, you are an independent dumbass. Ok.

Look Lil Eienstein

You're a newby on this board, you are easily outed by your comments. You're way to easy for me. You're on a big boy & girl political forum here, and your conspiracies won't work here.

Now get your crayons and coloring books out, turn on your FOX News & Reich wing talk show hosts and listen to all the BULLSHIT you want too.

It is a FACT that Putin interferred into the election. There is no denying that.

As we know it was John McCain & Lindsey Graham that brought the attention to the forefront of the Russians hacking into the election. McCain states that there are a lot more shoes that will be dropped on this, regarding the continual communication with Trump campaign aids with the Russian Ambassador and Russian intelligence agents throughout the campaign.

CLEVELAND during the RNC Convention: July 2016 Trump advisers admit to meeting with Russian ambassador (after Jeff Sessions was accused of lying under oath to congress.)

Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today. Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

We know that the Trump administration (5 times) denied any contact with Russians during the campaign season.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Jeff Sessions accused of lying under oath during his confirmation hearing. According to a source it's not unusual for member on the armed service committee to meet with Foreign ambassadors, but none of the other 13 on this committee had met with the Russian ambassador, only Sessions did twice during the campaign season. Sessions also filled out a questionaire prior to the confirmation hearing and stated that he had no contact with any Russians and signed it. Sessions then recuses himself from the Russian investigation. When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations - CNNPolitics.com

General Flynn also lied to the FBI. Stating he did not have a conversation with the Russian Ambassador regarding the new sanctions that Obama was imposing on Russia for hacking into the election. Obviously the conversation was wiretapped. Flynn gone.Over this weekend we learned that General Flynn was also a paid lobbyist for Turkey.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

We know that the Russian phone lines were wiretapped, and out comes this information.

We know that Obama ordered this investigation to be done BEFORE he left office, and that he had "preserved intelligence."

citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.
According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence.
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

Now we have Roger Stone a Senior campaign adviser to Trump and long time friend ADMIT that he had contact with the Russian hacker that hacked into the DNC database.
Roger Stone, the flamboyant political adviser who has been connected to President Donald Trump for years, is defending his contacts with "Guccifer 2.0"-- the online persona who claims responsibility for hacking the Democratic National Committee -- as an innocuous "brief exchange" of a few direct messages that he says amount to nothing.
Trump associate plays down Twitter contact with Guccifer 2.0 - CNNPolitics.com

Now if you can't follow those dots then you truly are BRAIN DEAD. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an AMERICAN election is TREASON.

Ok noob listen up! All of that crap has already been debunked. If you weren't a raw rookie noob you'd know that already.

I'd ask AGAIN for you to explain my conspiracy theory you claim I have but you are really too stupid and too much of a rookie for me to waste time on. Go play in the street child.

what are you guys the fuckin' hall monitors ? anyone can say anything, how long they have been here is irrelevant.
can someone explain this ?

where there russian operatives (e.g. the black panthers) at the polling sites ? did they mess with with electronic ballots. where they having secret russian meetings convincing obama supporters to vote for hillary ?

what specifically did they do to throw our election.

What did the new black panthers do ?? Stand around ?
well let's see...

ANd ?

They were standing outside , just like that white lady behind them .

what were the clubs for, wayward renegade seniors ?
can someone explain this ?

where there russian operatives (e.g. the black panthers) at the polling sites ? did they mess with with electronic ballots. where they having secret russian meetings convincing obama supporters to vote for hillary ?

what specifically did they do to throw our election.
All the Russians did was surround the state of Wisconsin so Robby ("Have you SEEN the way they dress in those states!?") the fag Mook couldn't get Hillary into the state to campaign.
can someone explain this ?

where there russian operatives (e.g. the black panthers) at the polling sites ? did they mess with with electronic ballots. where they having secret russian meetings convincing obama supporters to vote for hillary ?

what specifically did they do to throw our election.

They exposed the truth about the Bulldyke, and that kind of thing can not be tolerated. They also sent Russian operatives here to respond to the polls so they we all wrong. They also gave Donna Brazile the wrong debate questions because they knew that evil bitch would give them to Hellary. Yea, Russian fingerprints are all over this election.
how ? who gave wrong questions, this is news to me.
...You just proved my point...
No, son, you just proved mine... namely, that you cannot provide a defensible metric to gauge the impact of the leaks-disclosures on the Clinton-vs-Trump contest.

All you can serve up is a recital of protocol violations and circumstances; you have not told us how many people switched their votes from Clinton to Trump at that time.

...You're a Sanders supporter...
Correct. I was. I voted for Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton in the Illinois Primary last year.

...that Believes that someone can win by losing by
3,775,427 popular votes in a primary, which is exactly how badly she BEAT Bernie Sanders ASS. You still believe the deck was stacked against Sanders...
But the deck WAS stacked against Bernie Sanders; that's how Shrillary won by the margins she did in many states; leaning on the Democratic Party Ruling Elites to push her to the fore and to push Bernie into the background; to do her dirty work for her; so that she would not have the appearance of having dirty hands; an idea that backfired.

Had the deck NOT been stacked, the vote would probably have been closer; although that, too, is groundless speculation, akin to your own, with a different focus; the differene between us being that I am willing to concede the speculative nature of that observation, whereas you (and yours) delude yourselves that Shrillary lost due to outside influence.

...& then you voted for Trump to prove your ignorance...
Incorrect. I voted for Shrillary rather than He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named; although I felt dirty doing it, and wanted a shower by the time I got home from the polling place.

...We had two candidates that were campaigning on a RIGGED election, (Sanders & Trump) and in truth it was RIGGED, only it was rigged against Hillary Clinton...
Oh, look, Mumsie, it's another Kornspiracy Theory Stab-In-the-Back nutjob... isn't it a cute little delusional twit?

That's right, LibTard... blame everybody else but yourselves and your staggeringly flawed candidate for your humiliation at the polls.

Ya'll really need to grow-the-phukk up and think really hard about why White Christian Middle America just bitch-slapped you at the polls on November 8, 2016.

Get a grip, kid, and get some eyeglasses...

You're gonna need 'em when it comes time to take that long, hard look in the mirror, seeking the true cause for your defeat at the polls.

For those few of you who are honest enough and pragmatic enough to do it, anyway...
OP- DUMB. Only the dupes are going on about collusion. There is circumstantial evidence and need for an investigation

Bernie says there was no rigging DUH. But 8 months of media self promoting BS about STUPID staff bs OF COURSE cost Hillary. Not as much as COMEY the GOP a-hole....just like lying cheating greedy rich GOP and the silly dupes like you. Enjoy the giant tax cuts for the rich...
as a vermonter i can attest that bernie got rigged.
BS. And I voted for him in NY. She took it REAL easy on him. Ask Bernie.
i will ask him. it wasn't just hillary doing the rigging.

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