What did Trump do for Ukraine while President?

Kept Putin from invading. Biden invited him to do it.
Said like a true Trump cultist. Part of being a Trump cultist is realizing you must love and admire Putin.
Trumpism and Trumpists are the same as Putinism and Putinists. Braindead followers motivated by fear.
Sad, sorry humans.
Did Biden ever say that Shokin was investigating his son?

No. That’s the part that didn’t happen.
He was investigating the company his son was paid to sit on their board of directors. This is a documented fact.

If you can’t face the facts, don’t even comment. If you’re only going to be a hack keep it to yourself
Are progs ever going to stop spouting this obvious lie? What is the evidence that Trump is pro Putin?

Do you have even a smidgeon of evidence for this fantasy?
Trumpism and Trumpists are the same as Putinism and Putinists. Braindead followers motivated by fear.
Sad, sorry humans.
He was investigating the company his son was paid to sit on their board of directors. This is a documented fact.

If you can’t face the facts, don’t even comment. If you’re only going to be a hack keep it to yourself
It's too bad the Republicans already cleared Biden on this.

It didn’t? Explain this…..

It's true that Joe Biden leveraged $1 billion in aid to persuade Ukraine to oust its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, in March 2016. But it wasn't because Shokin was investigating Burisma. It was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians.
As European and American diplomats pressed Ukraine to clean up its corruption, they focused on Shokin's leadership of the Prosecutor General's Office, which he took over in February 2015.

Lol!!! You mean bragging Brandon wasn’t quite stupid enough to say the phrase “investigating my son” when we know what was being investigated anyway? Lol.

You hacks will be hacks.
Of course he didn’t say it.

We should tell the other poster who claimed Biden was bragging about it. Would you be so kind as to set them straight?
He was investigating the company his son was paid to sit on their board of directors. This is a documented fact.

If you can’t face the facts, don’t even comment. If you’re only going to be a hack keep it to yourself
Is it a documented fact?

I don’t think so.
The problem is you believe you are the good guys.
Putinists and Trumpists think they are good but they along with ISIS and the Taliban are the evil of the world. They will never understand.
Of course he didn’t say it.

We should tell the other poster who claimed Biden was bragging about it. Would you be so kind as to set them straight?
I showed a video of Biden bragging about it. And you think you want to set me straight? Lol.
Said like a true Trump cultist. Part of being a Trump cultist is realizing you must love and admire Putin.
Trumpism and Trumpists are the same as Putinism and Putinists. Braindead followers motivated by fear.
Sad, sorry humans.
We must warn. Face it. You kjill each other with imunity.
Putinists and Trumpists think they are good but they along with ISIS and the Taliban are the evil of the world. They will never understand.
Globalists bring trials and tribulations to the west. For nothing. I will say this. Most people who have screwed with others in employment and other ways are lying low to not be charged and collect their pensions. And that is the kiss of death for the old way. Resources will be removed from the West to upgrade the 2nd and 3rd world nations through massive taxes or inflation and green agendas from climate change. They who are your gods on earth will turn on you.
It's true that Joe Biden leveraged $1 billion in aid to persuade Ukraine to oust its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, in March 2016. But it wasn't because Shokin was investigating Burisma. It was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians.
As European and American diplomats pressed Ukraine to clean up its corruption, they focused on Shokin's leadership of the Prosecutor General's Office, which he took over in February 2015.

He was indeed investigating Burisma. Biden’s son was raking in millions being “employed” by Burisma even shine he had no experience what-so-ever in that field. That is corruption at the highest level.
Then you need to take off the hack glasses and acknowledge reality.
I don’t think so.

Can anyone point to anyone working on the investigation? No. Who was interviewed? No one. Any court filings? Not really. Subpoenas? No. Indictments? Ha!

The documentation appears to be quite lacking.

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