What Did Trump Say At the Ellipse?

Care to examine all the evidence one by one and show us how all of it is baseless, where you have to support everything you say with facts?
Present your case one at a time of the voter fraud you think took place and I will gladly debate and refute each one of your claims....one at a time.

To save time, please present your claims only on your alleged fraud cases that could affect the results of the election, in that state.
Over 200,000 more votes counted than ballots cast in Pennsylvania.

Those aren't my numbers, they're Pennsylvania's.

Debooooonk that NOW!

**Jeopardy tune plays**
Didn't happen.

There were not more votes than voters in Pennsylvania
December 29, 2020
CLAIM: There were 205,000 more votes than voters in the 2020 election in Pennsylvania.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. This analysis is based on incomplete data, according to the Pennsylvania Department of State.

THE FACTS: A misleading claim about election results from a group of Republican state lawmakers in Pennsylvania is circulating widely on social media a week before Congress meets to reaffirm Joe Biden’s decisive presidential win.


The claim emerged in a release from the Republican state Rep. Frank Ryan and several others on Monday.

“A comparison of official county election results to the total number of voters who voted on Nov. 3, 2020, as recorded by the Department of State shows that 6,962,607 total ballots were reported as being cast, while DoS/SURE system records indicate that only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted,” the release said.

The claim then spread to several right-wing websites and social media influencers, including Trump, whose tweet claiming Pennsylvania had 205,000 more votes than voters was retweeted 117,000 times.

However, these claims rely on incomplete data, according to Wanda Murren, communications director for the Pennsylvania Department of State, who called the lawmakers’ release “obvious misinformation.”
AP is a shit source...Has been since at least the 1990s.
Care to examine all the evidence one by one and show us how all of it is baseless, where you have to support everything you say with facts?
Present your case one at a time of the voter fraud you think took place and I will gladly debate and refute each one of your claims....one at a time.

To save time, please present your claims only on your alleged fraud cases that could affect the results of the election, in that state.
Over 200,000 more votes counted than ballots cast in Pennsylvania.

Those aren't my numbers, they're Pennsylvania's.

Debooooonk that NOW!

**Jeopardy tune plays**
Didn't happen.

There were not more votes than voters in Pennsylvania
December 29, 2020
CLAIM: There were 205,000 more votes than voters in the 2020 election in Pennsylvania.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. This analysis is based on incomplete data, according to the Pennsylvania Department of State.

THE FACTS: A misleading claim about election results from a group of Republican state lawmakers in Pennsylvania is circulating widely on social media a week before Congress meets to reaffirm Joe Biden’s decisive presidential win.


The claim emerged in a release from the Republican state Rep. Frank Ryan and several others on Monday.

“A comparison of official county election results to the total number of voters who voted on Nov. 3, 2020, as recorded by the Department of State shows that 6,962,607 total ballots were reported as being cast, while DoS/SURE system records indicate that only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted,” the release said.

The claim then spread to several right-wing websites and social media influencers, including Trump, whose tweet claiming Pennsylvania had 205,000 more votes than voters was retweeted 117,000 times.

However, these claims rely on incomplete data, according to Wanda Murren, communications director for the Pennsylvania Department of State, who called the lawmakers’ release “obvious misinformation.”
AP is a shit source...Has been since at least the 1990s.
Says who?
Easy for you to start with post #3......and there I am doing your work for you.....sigh.
Post #3 from Oddball
"...march peacefully and patriotically..." is what he said, asshole.

Jesus!! What an indictment!!! Are you drunk honey?
I'm just pointing out that that was never said in trump's speech. And then all the trump Qultists went nuts.
Oh, I found the error...The word "march" isn't literally in there, in that conjugation....It was in the gerund form...My bad.

Now go fuck yourself with a cactus.
You sound upset. Vel corrected me on the "peacefully and patriotically"...it is indeed in the speech. I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong......
I'm not upset at all...You're a lying, parsing, conniving, piece of shit, who has made me regret ever being nice to you.

Fact remains that my recollection is correct in substance, and you are just being an insufferable shithead.
Easy for you to start with post #3......and there I am doing your work for you.....sigh.
Post #3 from Oddball
"...march peacefully and patriotically..." is what he said, asshole.

Jesus!! What an indictment!!! Are you drunk honey?
I'm just pointing out that that was never said in trump's speech. And then all the trump Qultists went nuts.
Oh, I found the error...The word "march" isn't literally in there, in that conjugation....It was in the gerund form...My bad.

Now go fuck yourself with a cactus.
You sound upset. Vel corrected me on the "peacefully and patriotically"...it is indeed in the speech. I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong......
I'm not upset at all...You're a lying, parsing, conniving, piece of shit, who has made me regret ever being nice to you.

Fact remains that my recollection is correct in substance, and you are just being an insufferable shithead.
If you have to name-call, you obviously have some issues with your surrender. Awkward.
Care to examine all the evidence one by one and show us how all of it is baseless, where you have to support everything you say with facts?
Present your case one at a time of the voter fraud you think took place and I will gladly debate and refute each one of your claims....one at a time.

To save time, please present your claims only on your alleged fraud cases that could affect the results of the election, in that state.
Over 200,000 more votes counted than ballots cast in Pennsylvania.

Those aren't my numbers, they're Pennsylvania's.

Debooooonk that NOW!

**Jeopardy tune plays**
Didn't happen.

Click to copy
There were not more votes than voters in Pennsylvania
December 29, 2020
CLAIM: There were 205,000 more votes than voters in the 2020 election in Pennsylvania.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. This analysis is based on incomplete data, according to the Pennsylvania Department of State.

THE FACTS: A misleading claim about election results from a group of Republican state lawmakers in Pennsylvania is circulating widely on social media a week before Congress meets to reaffirm Joe Biden’s decisive presidential win.


The claim emerged in a release from the Republican state Rep. Frank Ryan and several others on Monday.

“A comparison of official county election results to the total number of voters who voted on Nov. 3, 2020, as recorded by the Department of State shows that 6,962,607 total ballots were reported as being cast, while DoS/SURE system records indicate that only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted,” the release said.

The claim then spread to several right-wing websites and social media influencers, including Trump, whose tweet claiming Pennsylvania had 205,000 more votes than voters was retweeted 117,000 times.

However, these claims rely on incomplete data, according to Wanda Murren, communications director for the Pennsylvania Department of State, who called the lawmakers’ release “obvious misinformation.”
Care to examine all the evidence one by one and show us how all of it is baseless, where you have to support everything you say with facts?
Present your case one at a time of the voter fraud you think took place and I will gladly debate and refute each one of your claims....one at a time.

To save time, please present your claims only on your alleged fraud cases that could affect the results of the election, in that state.
Over 200,000 more votes counted than ballots cast in Pennsylvania.

Those aren't my numbers, they're Pennsylvania's.

Debooooonk that NOW!

**Jeopardy tune plays**
Didn't happen.

Click to copy
There were not more votes than voters in Pennsylvania
December 29, 2020
CLAIM: There were 205,000 more votes than voters in the 2020 election in Pennsylvania.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. This analysis is based on incomplete data, according to the Pennsylvania Department of State.

THE FACTS: A misleading claim about election results from a group of Republican state lawmakers in Pennsylvania is circulating widely on social media a week before Congress meets to reaffirm Joe Biden’s decisive presidential win.


The claim emerged in a release from the Republican state Rep. Frank Ryan and several others on Monday.

“A comparison of official county election results to the total number of voters who voted on Nov. 3, 2020, as recorded by the Department of State shows that 6,962,607 total ballots were reported as being cast, while DoS/SURE system records indicate that only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted,” the release said.

The claim then spread to several right-wing websites and social media influencers, including Trump, whose tweet claiming Pennsylvania had 205,000 more votes than voters was retweeted 117,000 times.

However, these claims rely on incomplete data, according to Wanda Murren, communications director for the Pennsylvania Department of State, who called the lawmakers’ release “obvious misinformation.”
Uh-huh...G Godron Liddy and E Howard Hunt did a thorough investigation into the Watergate charges and found that there was nothing to this "break-in" conspiracy theory.
Care to examine all the evidence one by one and show us how all of it is baseless, where you have to support everything you say with facts?
Present your case one at a time of the voter fraud you think took place and I will gladly debate and refute each one of your claims....one at a time.

To save time, please present your claims only on your alleged fraud cases that could affect the results of the election, in that state.
Nearly 78,000 more votes counted than ballots cast in Nevada.

Those aren't my numbers, they're Nevada's.

Deboooonk that NOW!

**Jeopardy tune plays**

registration numbers for eight key states
By Reuters Staff

Social media users have been sharing content online that claims that eight key election states had a higher number of votes cast than there were registered voters, therefore being evidence of electoral fraud. This claim is false as the numbers of registered voters presented are outdated.

Reuters Fact Check. REUTERS
Examples can be seen here and here .

The posts show a table which lists Nevada, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona and Georgia. The table compares the number of registered voters, projected votes and percentage of turnout for each state.

The table lists its two sources as realclearpolitics.com and a worldpopulationview.com URL. This URL ( here ) no longer reflects the numbers in the claim, as it has likely been updated since. Most of the states listed had a significantly higher number of registered voters closer to the election.

The post implies that the high vote projection and high turnout (often higher than the registered voters mentioned in the list) for these eight states is proof of fraud, with one post reading, “Sometimes the obvious is right in front of our face but the media won’t mention it which allows the authorities to ignore it.”

A live Reuters count of the number of votes cast in the 2020 presidential election can be found here , selectable by state here .

The posts give Nevada’s registered voters total as 1,277,000 and projected votes as 1,593,143.

Nevada has same day registration available, so registered voter numbers may have increased on the day of the election ( here and here ) .

As of this article’s publication, Nevada’s voter turnout has been 69.99% for having 1,821,864 active registered voters and 1,275,207 ballots cast as of Nov. 4, 2020 ( here ) .

The posts give Pennsylvania’s registered voters as 6,469,000 and projected votes as 7,041,672.

The total number of registered voters shown in the “Voter registration statistics by county” excel document on the Pennsylvania Department of State website shows a total of 9,091,371 as of Nov. 2, 2020 ( here ). This is significantly higher than the number in the claim.
Care to examine all the evidence one by one and show us how all of it is baseless, where you have to support everything you say with facts?
Present your case one at a time of the voter fraud you think took place and I will gladly debate and refute each one of your claims....one at a time.

To save time, please present your claims only on your alleged fraud cases that could affect the results of the election, in that state.
Nearly 78,000 more votes counted than ballots cast in Nevada.

Those aren't my numbers, they're Nevada's.

Deboooonk that NOW!

**Jeopardy tune plays**

registration numbers for eight key states
By Reuters Staff

Social media users have been sharing content online that claims that eight key election states had a higher number of votes cast than there were registered voters, therefore being evidence of electoral fraud. This claim is false as the numbers of registered voters presented are outdated.

Reuters Fact Check. REUTERS
Examples can be seen here and here .

The posts show a table which lists Nevada, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona and Georgia. The table compares the number of registered voters, projected votes and percentage of turnout for each state.

The table lists its two sources as realclearpolitics.com and a worldpopulationview.com URL. This URL ( here ) no longer reflects the numbers in the claim, as it has likely been updated since. Most of the states listed had a significantly higher number of registered voters closer to the election.

The post implies that the high vote projection and high turnout (often higher than the registered voters mentioned in the list) for these eight states is proof of fraud, with one post reading, “Sometimes the obvious is right in front of our face but the media won’t mention it which allows the authorities to ignore it.”

A live Reuters count of the number of votes cast in the 2020 presidential election can be found here , selectable by state here .

The posts give Nevada’s registered voters total as 1,277,000 and projected votes as 1,593,143.

Nevada has same day registration available, so registered voter numbers may have increased on the day of the election ( here and here ) .

As of this article’s publication, Nevada’s voter turnout has been 69.99% for having 1,821,864 active registered voters and 1,275,207 ballots cast as of Nov. 4, 2020 ( here ) .

The posts give Pennsylvania’s registered voters as 6,469,000 and projected votes as 7,041,672.

The total number of registered voters shown in the “Voter registration statistics by county” excel document on the Pennsylvania Department of State website shows a total of 9,091,371 as of Nov. 2, 2020 ( here ). This is significantly higher than the number in the claim.
Reuters....And I thought that you couldn't get a less reputable source than AP.

The guy who took down the New York mobs has the real numbers....And I don't really like him that much...But I'll take his prosecutortorial reputation over that of hacks in the media and bureaucracy any day of the week.
I'm just pointing out that that was never said in trump's speech. And then all the trump Qultists went nuts.
Well then, again, what did he say that has your panties in a wad? EXACTLY what were the words Trump uttered that make you think he incited violence?
I'm just pointing out that that was never said in trump's speech. And then all the trump Qultists went nuts.
Well then, again, what did he say that has your panties in a wad? EXACTLY what were the words Trump uttered that make you think he incited violence?
You want me to do your research of this thread again? Sigh, such laziness.
Go on down there and cheer for some but not for some others and fight for your rights
Scary stuff
I'm just pointing out that that was never said in trump's speech. And then all the trump Qultists went nuts.
Well then, again, what did he say that has your panties in a wad? EXACTLY what were the words Trump uttered that make you think he incited violence?

I watched the whole thing, live streaming, with no MSM commentary or selective editing. At no time did I pick up on incitement.
No comment tards?

Well you'll be seeing montages like this in the Impeachment trial
I won't. I'll be watching 'The Coin Show'. Then I'll watch the Senate vote which will exonerate Trump.
Have a nice day watching Wolf jack off.
I'm just pointing out that that was never said in trump's speech. And then all the trump Qultists went nuts.
Well then, again, what did he say that has your panties in a wad? EXACTLY what were the words Trump uttered that make you think he incited violence?

I watched the whole thing, live streaming, with no MSM commentary or selective editing. At no time did I pick up on incitement.
Well, the crowd sure did......I wonder why.
He repeated EVERY lie and conspiracy theory that has been put out there. He whipped that crowd up with fear of "re-education" and "steals" and claims of unconstitutionality told that crowd that THIS was the MOMENT... He claimed that things could actually be made to have a different out come if only the Republican legislators weren't weak and if "we" were strong. He talked of fighting over and over.
Here are some excerpts

In no state is there any question or effort made to verify the identity, citizenship, residency, or eligibility of the votes cast. The Republicans have to get tougher. You're not going to have a Republican Party if you don't get tougher. They want to play so straight. They want to play so, sir, yes, the United States.


01:02:24 - 01:02:45 (21 sec)

The Constitution doesn't allow me to send them back to the States. Well, I say, yes, it does because the Constitution says you have to protect our country and you have to protect our Constitution, and you can't vote on fraud. And fraud breaks up everything, doesn't it? When you catch somebody in a fraud, you're allowed to go by very different rules.

As we shall see he absolutely did incite that insurrection. Not that the crowd needed much. He had been priming them for weeks

This is not just a matter of domestic politics, this is a matter of national security.
Spare us. Dims accuse Republicans of being murderers. Maxine waters said Trump should be prosecuted for murder. A leftwing group said Ted Cruz wants to push granny off a cliff.

You people are the lowest kind of scum, and they you falsely accuse Republicans of what you do.
You are like all liberals and fake news who take a sentence here and a part of a sentence there, omit a sentence here and then add an assumption there until you get your lie together.
The really telling videos were the parler videos taken by the crowd where they comment on all those highlighted parts of that speech.

That's devastating
How are they "telling?" How do you know they were on Parler?

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