What Did You Do Today For Exercise or Workout

Temps have skyrocketed up to 50’s today after blizzard less than a week ago. Wanted to do outdoors stuff but way too much melting snow and mud and puddles.
Yesterday was soggy all day so I missed my walk. I think I'll be able to get it in during the afternoon. In the summer I walk about 21 miles/week. Less during the school year, but now that I'm on break trying to walk daily again
The heavyweights wanted to learn some new throws today, so the old bones are aching.

I got some hand weights today from my granddaughter. Cute little colorful stand too.
I did make my walk and it started raining, I finished it in the rain.
I need to vacuum and mop the floors and I'll dance later to some music.

Last night I thought I was on the way out , hard time breathing but today I'm fine.
If I ever do slow down for more than a week, I feel I won't ever crank back up.

Glad y'all are giving me some encouragement by posting with me on this thread.Thank you.
Temps have skyrocketed up to 50’s today after blizzard less than a week ago. Wanted to do outdoors stuff but way too much melting snow and mud and puddles.

I'm sure you can't do much in that mud. Hope you can find some kind of indoor exercise to do and tell us about it. Good luck.
Yesterday was soggy all day so I missed my walk. I think I'll be able to get it in during the afternoon. In the summer I walk about 21 miles/week. Less during the school year, but now that I'm on break trying to walk daily again

21 miles a week, Sue,thats great.
After waking up and gathering my energy for a couple of hours, I kicked off the sheets and sat up and THEN … I stood up.
Waiting for some sunshine to go for walk, it is very foggy here today.
Took a day off so no walk today, did do a little weightlifting and dance.
Took my half mile little walk, lifted a couple hand weights, and feel better, at first, I didn't feel good much less like taking a walk, I pushed myself into it.

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