What do Cubans think of Americans who welcome communism?

Every time some Cuban republican talks about fleeing communism they are lying their ass off. Their elite landlord families fled a justified peasant revolt with everything that wasn't nailed down. Even today they have quietly made preparations to go back at the earliest opportunity and reclaim what they think is still theirs.
No idea what you are rambling about. Sadly neither do you.

In a free market where do we find the chapter where someone has to get the permission of the government to do business?

How many do business without a license?
How many do business without a license?

I could get wise and note "the smart ones" but lol, very few.

But those who claim "free markets" know they do not exist. I support the idea of "freer markets" but even then, I support some restrictions.
It does in their minds. Anyone who doesn't agree with them is a commie. They're absolutely certain.
And Ds call Rs fascists, insurrectionists, and terrorists.

The ways of the duopoly.
And Ds call Rs fascists, insurrectionists, and terrorists.

The ways of the duopoly.
Which is a result of being fed the lie that this country was a democracy. As a result of feeding that lie to us through our globalist marxist centers called public education, we allowed identity politics (formulated in 1920s at the Frankfurt School,) to make voting A RIGHT.

Voting was never supposed to be a right and as a result of that, we truly turned into a democracy which caused the malignant cancer to cause of us to go the way of all "democracies." We are an official demogoguery run by corrupt evil power hungry demogogues.

What, we didn't think there would be mass cheating to gain absolute control of the free world?

The board marxists deny they are commies and yet they will never defend the free market. All while defending big pharma, and every other industry thar is determined to destroy small businesses and establish monopolies under the disguise of "capitalism."

I wonder for example, if any leftist ever criticized Commie Kaepernick for taking $50 million dollars from Nike Corporation while they have their factories in Vietnam and other totalitarian countries taking advantage of slave labor.

They certainly won't even address the point made by the Cubans that make the point that I have made a thousand times here.

Why, if marxism is so great, don't any leftist move there? They are FREE TO DO IT. They can all actually live in these commie paradises they defend and welcome here.

Woke for thee but not for me says every pathetic hypocritical leftist.
Yep, seems it's your side that defends big pharma:

I could get wise and note "the smart ones" but lol, very few.

But those who claim "free markets" know they do not exist. I support the idea of "freer markets" but even then, I support some restrictions.

We have to have some restrictions, I agree. But, I also know that regulation is used to pick and choose winners and losers.

We have to have some restrictions, I agree. But, I also know that regulation is used to pick and choose winners and losers.

They absolutely do which is why I state we do not have free markets.
Which is a result of being fed the lie that this country was a democracy. As a result of feeding that lie to us through our globalist marxist centers called public education, we allowed identity politics (formulated in 1920s at the Frankfurt School,) to make voting A RIGHT.

Voting was never supposed to be a right and as a result of that, we truly turned into a democracy which caused the malignant cancer to cause of us to go the way of all "democracies." We are an official demogoguery run by corrupt evil power hungry demogogues.

What, we didn't think there would be mass cheating to gain absolute control of the free world?

People voting is "Cheating"? Tell me more.

The biggest problem is that when the majority doesn't benefit from a system, eventually, they will get rid of it through election or revolution.

Elections are better... or at least less bloody.

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