What do ‘Independents’ and swing voters think about the Trump indictment?

People like you are are not shameful in any way when you have voted or back people that make statements...."During the segment filmed prior to Trump’s indictment, Stahl’s mostly softball interview discussed Greene’s rise in the Republican Party and what 60 Minutes described as her “America First, populist views,” including her assertion that Democrats are a party of “pedophiles.” She doubled-down on Sunday: “I would definitely say so they support grooming children,” she claimed, conflating Democrats’ support of trans rights with pedophilia."
Nothing you say nor anything you can retort is of any intrinsic value if you do not condemn blanket statements coming from the mouths of those you hold in high regard.

You don't have any idea how I vote
Catsinsweaters is an independent like Jill is a real doctor
All I wonder is whether it is an utter lack of self-awareness or complete dishonesty?

These little ultra-conformist sheeple repeat every single talking point of the globalist technocrat left and then turn around and try to claim they are independent? That is some serious cognitive dissonance at work there, folks.
including her assertion that Democrats are a party of “pedophiles.” She doubled-down on Sunday: “I would definitely say so they support grooming children,” she claimed, conflating Democrats’ support of trans rights with pedophilia."
Where is the evidence that Dems haven't been supporting peds, pervs & groomers in schools?

Every time we try to protect children, you progbots accuse us of censorship, violating free speech, trans genocide or something equally stupid.
If you aren't pederasts, why do you support giving pederast/grooming materials to children?
People like you are are not shameful in any way when you have voted or back people that make statements...."During the segment filmed prior to Trump’s indictment, Stahl’s mostly softball interview discussed Greene’s rise in the Republican Party and what 60 Minutes described as her “America First, populist views,” including her assertion that Democrats are a party of “pedophiles.” She doubled-down on Sunday: “I would definitely say so they support grooming children,” she claimed, conflating Democrats’ support of trans rights with pedophilia."
Nothing you say nor anything you can retort is of any intrinsic value if you do not condemn blanket statements coming from the mouths of those you hold in high regard.

Why would any intelligent person not agree with MTG - she is correct.
I neither support or condemn what has happened to Trump because I like 99% of the people do not have all the facts.
Why would any intelligent person not agree with MTG - she is correct.
MTG is literally retarded.

I know I use the word retard a lot, but when it comes to MTG, she really is a retard.

She and the people of her district have been drinking toxic water for decades. I kid you not.
The only question is what are my choices? Biden, Trump who?? I'm never going to vote for Biden, he is the very definition of a twofaced, lifelong crooked politician.
Any and all of you idiots in this thread that still think that any vote that is not for The Republican candidate, doesn't destroy the country, should march themselves down to your closest law enforcement office and turn yourself in for Treason.
Where is the evidence that Dems haven't been supporting peds, pervs & groomers in schools?

Every time we try to protect children, you progbots accuse us of censorship, violating free speech, trans genocide or something equally stupid.
If you aren't pederasts, why do you support giving pederast/grooming materials to children?
It is a very predictable pattern across the board for most of the conformist leftists here.

If a person takes a stand against child grooming, lewd drag shows for children, school libraries featuring books showing underaged boys giving blowjobs or rainbow flags in classrooms, that person will be attacked with 100% certainty. They will be accused of being a bigot, a homophobe, being a "Trumpster" or any other epithet these mental midgets can come up with.

Right after this they bat their insincere little eyes and try to claim "Of course I am not actually FOR any of this. They are all too stupid to realize if that were actually true, they would not be beating up those who are actually against it.
I ask because Independents tend to sell themselves as the most intelligent, most logical, most reasonable, most sensible of all voters. That said, their opinion on the matter might be the difference maker come general election time.
Your thoughts?
Democrats have pushed me from a left leaning independent in 2016 to a full blown MAGA righty today

This abuse has to stop. This two tier justice system has to stop. This indoctrination of the youth has to stop. This wrecking of the economy and never ending wars has to stop. This assault on our liberties has to stop. DC elitist of the uniparty need to know the people are sick of this shit!

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