What do liberals think of Trump accusations Vs Democrat guilt?


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
Sure, we get it. Trump won, you're pissed, and the only source for progressive peace are lies, deceptions, accusations, projection and excuses. I'd find these things would only add to the heartache, but it's your world, I can't speak for you.

There's no evidence of the Trump collusion progressives long for. It's a fabrication, a big "nothing burger". Meanwhile, progressives continue to speak as if it exists, they say things that can't possibly be true, and to this day I've never seen anyone articulate why the narratives are true. We only know Trump will be impeached just cuz.

However, thanks to Wikileaks, we know there was lots of wrong-doing by the Democrats. Course they and progressives blame the "enemy" Russia" as a method for distraction. As if these Democrats are not the enemy from within. Shame on the naughty Russians for their part in exposing a corrupt Democrat party. Go figure.

Most recently, Wasserman appears to have been involved in exactly what the progressives accuse the Republicans of doing. Difference is there's real evidence, at least one arrest, and genuine obstruction of justice. Wasserman is a key player in the Clinton posse.

So my question to progressives is, what do you think you value most, your reality and desires or the palpable?
What do we think?

We think you're delusional. There's zero evidence of Democratic guilt, and good evidence of Trump guilt.

We think you're making up stories because you're desperate.
What do we think?

We think you're delusional. There's zero evidence of Democratic guilt, and good evidence of Trump guilt.

We think you're making up stories because you're desperate.

You're doing what's commonly referred to a "Whistling past the graveyard."

Republicans showing us how they treat the American People.


They are doing just what they said. So stop whining and take it deep.
Don't like it? Then VOTE!
What do we think?

We think you're delusional. There's zero evidence of Democratic guilt, and good evidence of Trump guilt.

We think you're making up stories because you're desperate.
This is called "Getting Help from the GOP".

Interesting. I suspect you're in your safe space

I know you're delusional now. The way you copied a list of conspiracy theories showed. If you fell for such nonsense, you're clearly not attached to reality.

Do you notice how nobody outside of your snowflake reality is paying any attention to your conspiracy theories? it's not because of a conspiracy against you. It's because you're babbling nonsense that is so far out there, even FOX news won't touch it.
Interesting. I suspect you're in your safe space

I know you're delusional now. The way you copied a list of conspiracy theories showed. If you fell for such nonsense, you're clearly not attached to reality.

Do you notice how nobody outside of your snowflake reality is paying any attention to your conspiracy theories? it's not because of a conspiracy against you. It's because you're babbling nonsense that is so far out there, even FOX news won't touch it.

Conspiracy theories? Now I know you're in your safe space. You shouldn't call me a snowflake. It's projection, and demonstrates you cannot come up with genuine material.
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So I only looked at one. Because it seemed the most stupid:

PROOF that liberal protesters are paid

$1,500.00 to show up and protest? 1500 bucks? Sh!t, I'll do that. Where do I sign up?
All the Russia stuff is just one giant projection. They are screaming so loud... what they did wrong must be absolutely massive.
Sure, we get it. Trump won, you're pissed, and the only source for progressive peace are lies, deceptions, accusations, projection and excuses. I'd find these things would only add to the heartache, but it's your world, I can't speak for you.

There's no evidence of the Trump collusion progressives long for. It's a fabrication, a big "nothing burger".

Why are you so terrified of the investigation?

It is no lie that the FBI, the Republican House and the Republican Senate are all investigating Russia's interference in our last election- and that includes whether the Trump campaign had any ties or collusion with Russia.

You Trumpsters keep parroting that there is 'no evidence' at the same time the investigation continues and you don't know what 'evidence' there is.

Personally I hope that the investigations conclude that there was no collusion. A discovery of actual collusion would be terrible for our country, because patriotic Americans would be calling for Trump's resignation or impeachment, while Trumpsters would still defend him.

I hope that the investigation decides that there is no collusion. I also hope that Trump gets bored with his shiny new toy and resigns.

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