What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

His religion was no more a "knock off" or "copy cat" religion than any other but the claim seems to have become an "accepted" bashing. Christianity, Judaism, Islam are built upon older faiths faiths, reincarnations of something more ancient. As for hallucinatory...well...seriously now....we have prophets who recieve the words of a diety through incendiary shrubbery, a zombie prophet who claimed to be a son of God....Hallucinatory Experience Religion Formation Issue 91 Philosophy Now.

Violence? Christ preached peace, but threatened violence (or at least those that wrote about him after death inserted lots of God's wrath for not following orders)...the Jews were hardly pacifists in their hey day -- look the OT, or at the Maccabees, who expanded Judea by conquest (how is that different than Mohammed's conquest of Arabia?).

Thing is - it's become politically correct to bash Islam on events that were typical of the era in which it sprung and conveniently ignore the history of the other religions.

Can you think of ANY prophets that didn't hallucinate? They're an odd bunch, you have to admit :)

"Politically correct?" Is that what CAIR tells you to say because you have once again indulged in a dishonest brand of Orwellian Newspeak where you attempt to create definitions of terms in diametrical opposition to their actual meaning. Political correctness is the fundamentalism of the useful idiot portion of the left that goes out of its way to DEFEND anything associated with Islam.

Good try at your usual subterfuge, but no dice.

Can you actually post something that makes sense for once? Or actually addresses the points?
Can you actually post something that makes sense for once? Or actually addresses the points?

If you are having difficulty in comprehending the English language, I would be most happy to suggest some remedial courses that might help bring you up to speed.

....at least in this country, anyway. If you are in Pakistan or Egypt, such resources might prove more difficult to find.
Arab nations seem to know where the borders are. That's why they don't cross them.
You don't seem to know where they are. Is that because you're not Arab?

Arab nations seem to know where the borders are. That's why they don't cross them.
You don't seem to know where they are. Is that because you're not Arab?

I know exactly where they are. So does the world. Are you having a problem sticking to the topic of this thread? It's not Israel's borders. :cuckoo:
Can you actually post something that makes sense for once? Or actually addresses the points?

If you are having difficulty in comprehending the English language, I would be most happy to suggest some remedial courses that might help bring you up to speed.

....at least in this country, anyway. If you are in Pakistan or Egypt, such resources might prove more difficult to find.

Ok, the answer is "no" then.

Do you approve of the persecution of Muslims in Myanmar then, since they are Muslim after all?
He was not a pedophile nor was he particularly blood thirsty. He was a man of his times and preached a pretty good message for his times. It's worthwhile to read a good biography of him and the history of the era. Otherwise, you sound just like Haissem.
All legitimately debatable.

He was a being of very common clay, and caused great mischief in the world, with his hallucinatory, knock-off, copy-cat religion, with an original and violence-prone perverse twist, originally marketed to aggressive, ignorant pagan Arab tribal folk.

His religion was no more a "knock off" or "copy cat" religion than any other but the claim seems to have become an "accepted" bashing. Christianity, Judaism, Islam are built upon older faiths faiths, reincarnations of something more ancient. As for hallucinatory...well...seriously now....we have prophets who recieve the words of a diety through incendiary shrubbery, a zombie prophet who claimed to be a son of God....Hallucinatory Experience Religion Formation Issue 91 Philosophy Now. ...
I concede a valid counter-point, while preserving the original observation.

...Violence? Christ preached peace, but threatened violence (or at least those that wrote about him after death inserted lots of God's wrath for not following orders)...
Agreed. Those who followed embellished-upon and rationalized and built-upon Jesus' teachings, to allow for the violence that Jesus, himself, spoke against.

Unlike Muhammed, who encouraged war and killing in the name of his vision of the godhead and to advance or defend his religion at the drop of a hat - invoked after his death at the whim of any local-yokel street-corner mullah.

...the Jews were hardly pacifists in their hey day -- look the OT, or at the Maccabees, who expanded Judea by conquest (how is that different than Mohammed's conquest of Arabia?)....

The Hebrews of Antiquity were only peaceful, once they had their land, and so long as they were in control of it.

But their scriptures did not incorporate copious and repetitive injunctions to go abroad in the world and conquer in the name of the godhead and the faith.

Just a wee bit o' difference there.

A highly significant wee bit o' difference.

...Thing is - it's become politically correct to bash Islam on events that were typical of the era in which it sprung and conveniently ignore the history of the other religions...
Trouble is, the other religions have largely grown out of that.

Islam is like the retarded younger sibling - developmentally challenged, and showing little sign or likelihood of moving past its disabilities and backwardness.

The world is a different place now, with high-speed communications and global commerce and interaction, not to mention high-speed war on a global scale - and there is no place in it for backwards-thinking misogyny and religiously-inflamed sugar-plum visions of global conquest and arbitrarily imposed medievalism.

...Can you think of ANY prophets that didn't hallucinate? They're an odd bunch, you have to admit :)
True enough.
All legitimately debatable.

He was a being of very common clay, and caused great mischief in the world, with his hallucinatory, knock-off, copy-cat religion, with an original and violence-prone perverse twist, originally marketed to aggressive, ignorant pagan Arab tribal folk.
Him, too, but at least his followers aren't serious contenders in the Global Conquest parlor game.
Arab nations seem to know where the borders are. That's why they don't cross them.
You don't seem to know where they are. Is that because you're not Arab?

Arab nations seem to know where the borders are. That's why they don't cross them.
You don't seem to know where they are. Is that because you're not Arab?

I know exactly where they are. So does the world. Are you having a problem sticking to the topic of this thread? It's not Israel's borders. :cuckoo:

Didn't Israel declare independence without declaring borders?
Gotta go longer and more generic than that, Roudy... a peace-loving type like Jesus would probably not have said such a thing about anybody, based upon his M.O.

Muhammed (Peanut butter and jelly Be Upon Him), on the other hand, was a bloodthirsty pedophile who perverted the vision of an all-loving, all-forgiving godhead into something savage and hateful, and the ignorant goal-buggerers of Arabia bought into it hook, line and sinker.

I don't think it is quite accurate to call the murderous war lord a pedophile. It's not like he didn't enjoy having sex with children, mind you, but more that he would have sex with anything with a vagina. Pedophiles are attracted to children for being children, whereas Mohammad had older chattel in his stable as well.
Whoops... yeah... he just married a six-year-old, and waited 'til she was nine, or something like that - not to mention killing a Jew defending a fortress during the day, and marrying his widow that same night... yeah... he was a charmer, alright.
Whoops... yeah... he just married a six-year-old, and waited 'til she was nine, or something like that - not to mention killing a Jew defending a fortress during the day, and marrying his widow that same night... yeah... he was a charmer, alright.

Thus answering the question "WWMD?"

His treatment of Abu Afak was particularly kind. I'm just waiting for coyote to spin some of her typical lies trying to claim Jesus murdered various poets.
Gotta go longer and more generic than that, Roudy... a peace-loving type like Jesus would probably not have said such a thing about anybody, based upon his M.O.

Muhammed (Peanut butter and jelly Be Upon Him), on the other hand, was a bloodthirsty pedophile who perverted the vision of an all-loving, all-forgiving godhead into something savage and hateful, and the ignorant goal-buggerers of Arabia bought into it hook, line and sinker.

I don't think it is quite accurate to call the murderous war lord a pedophile. It's not like he didn't enjoy having sex with children, mind you, but more that he would have sex with anything with a vagina. Pedophiles are attracted to children for being children, whereas Mohammad had older chattel in his stable as well.
Whoops... yeah... he just married a six-year-old, and waited 'til she was nine, or something like that - not to mention killing a Jew defending a fortress during the day, and marrying his widow that same night... yeah... he was a charmer, alright.

Debatable. The truth about Muhammad and Aisha Myriam Fran ois-Cerrah Comment is free The Guardian
Whoops... yeah... he just married a six-year-old, and waited 'til she was nine, or something like that - not to mention killing a Jew defending a fortress during the day, and marrying his widow that same night... yeah... he was a charmer, alright.

Thus answering the question "WWMD?"

His treatment of Abu Afak was particularly kind. I'm just waiting for coyote to spin some of her typical lies trying to claim Jesus murdered various poets.

I've never made that claim dude but I'm sure you'll make something up to fit and then go silent when asked for links.

Mohammed - like many so-called prophets - was a man of his times. Murder? Violence? Check out the OT.

Times were rough back then. Read a book sometime.

Yes -- let's google up the words "Mohammad" and "Pedophile" and then select the one link on the first page that acts as confirmation bias.

If you google "Mohammad" and "Pedophile" what you comes up is anything but thoughtful or scholarly or historical - mostly a lot of anti-Muslim hate sites.

I didn't look up Mohammed and Pedophile but Mohammed and Aisha.

And, it's not the "one link". Feel free to find something scholarly to refute it.
Didn't Israel declare independence without declaring borders?

Wow, what an amazing statement, you really hit hard with that one...just...so...powerful...

What was the point of it, imbecile?

It's a freaking question numbnuts!

You see the "?" on the end of the line, thats a question mark. It indicates that this is a question not a statement.

Don't stay up too late you got school tomorrow... I hope its English in the morning! Ask your teacher what a "?" means!
Arab nations seem to know where the borders are. That's why they don't cross them.
You don't seem to know where they are. Is that because you're not Arab?

Arab nations seem to know where the borders are. That's why they don't cross them.
You don't seem to know where they are. Is that because you're not Arab?

I know exactly where they are. So does the world. Are you having a problem sticking to the topic of this thread? It's not Israel's borders. :cuckoo:

Didn't Israel declare independence without declaring borders?
Nope. There were borders, not the one intended by the UN and international community, but what Israel ended up with after Arabs attacked it. Hence resolution 181. However, even after Arabs had chopped Israel in half after their barbaric attack, Arabs attacked Israel again with the hopes of destroying the Jewish state. And ended up with even less. Now they're crying over what they caused.

Did this so called "Palestine" declare borders, after it made a bullshit declaration of "statehood", a few years ago?
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