What do progressives support?

I asked you if you had a link to something other than your own first post. Thank you for confirming that you haven't.
Yeah stupid...in my second post. Having trouble reading today, are we??? :lmao:

When you're finished addressing "stupid," you can explain to Arianrhod why you think citing two posts by the same one poster somehow strengthens your "argument."

Are you identical to every other regressive on this board? In America? What's that you say? You're a unique individual? How can that be?
I have given comprehensive explanations of the progressive ideology many times, only to hear them deny it all, cry and complain about my posts, and insist that their lies are actually the truth. Well - here was another accidental moment of honesty from a progressive who has once again proven me rights (as they always do).

In post #3879 a progressive States the following:

What I want is for America to be like France or Germany...

Well, here is the truth about France and Germany:

France’s unemployment rate has soared to an 18-year high of 10.6%, against a European Union average of 9.8% and 5.4% in Britain. Facing re-election next year an increasingly desperate President Hollande proposes to pay French employers to hire young unemployed people as a means to restore confidence in his country’s “broken” economic model, one which is marred by low output and stagnant growth.

France’s state of economic emergency was declared at the same time as Germany faces its most difficult start to a year in recent memory, reports The Express. With consumer confidence plummeting, industrial production growth in the EU’s biggest economy has slipped to zero per cent.

France Declares State of Economic Emergency

See progressives aren't the least bit interested in prosperity. The only thing they are interested in is having society pay their way through life and dragging everyone down to their miserable level so that everyone is "equal" - even if that means everyone is equal in poverty and misery. The progressive said himself that he wants France and Germany (and generally says Europe) - all of which are on the verge of collapse. Greece has completed collapsed already and the EU average unemployment is 9.8%. This is the kind of failure that progressives "support" and wish to bring to the U.S.
I'm glad you concede that Obama’s economy is doing comparatively well.
'What do progressives support?'

To throw all of you into FEMA reeducation camps so you stop asking stupid questions of course.
I have given comprehensive explanations of the progressive ideology many times, only to hear them deny it all, cry and complain about my posts, and insist that their lies are actually the truth. Well - here was another accidental moment of honesty from a progressive who has once again proven me rights (as they always do).

In post #3879 a progressive States the following:

What I want is for America to be like France or Germany...

Well, here is the truth about France and Germany:

France’s unemployment rate has soared to an 18-year high of 10.6%, against a European Union average of 9.8% and 5.4% in Britain. Facing re-election next year an increasingly desperate President Hollande proposes to pay French employers to hire young unemployed people as a means to restore confidence in his country’s “broken” economic model, one which is marred by low output and stagnant growth.

France’s state of economic emergency was declared at the same time as Germany faces its most difficult start to a year in recent memory, reports The Express. With consumer confidence plummeting, industrial production growth in the EU’s biggest economy has slipped to zero per cent.

France Declares State of Economic Emergency

See progressives aren't the least bit interested in prosperity. The only thing they are interested in is having society pay their way through life and dragging everyone down to their miserable level so that everyone is "equal" - even if that means everyone is equal in poverty and misery. The progressive said himself that he wants France and Germany (and generally says Europe) - all of which are on the verge of collapse. Greece has completed collapsed already and the EU average unemployment is 9.8%. This is the kind of failure that progressives "support" and wish to bring to the U.S.
I'm glad you concede that Obama’s economy is doing comparatively well.
Nice try buttercup. Obama's economy was over 10% unemployment. Then the American people threw Dumbocrats out of office in record numbers during the 2010 mid-terms (the House, the Senate, state legislatures, governors, local mayors, etc.) and they were able to rescue the economy from collapse despite Obama's idiocy.
The fruits of somebody else's labor.

It's the party line. Kinda like hildaskank's colostomy bag. Can't see it. But you know it's there.

So you've got nothing. No surprise there.
Oh, I have something. You libstains just want to take it. It's what you do - TAKE.

No one wants your colostomy bag.
Then stop asking for it sweetie. Plus...after your bizarre sexual history...I'm betting his colostomy bag is exactly what you want (among other things)
So you've got nothing. No surprise there.
Says the troll who has avoided every question, every fact, every link, etc. Come on sweetie - we're still waiting for you to articulate how Joseph is wrong since you proclaim that he is one voice that does not represent progressives.

Why so quiet?!? :lmao:
I have given comprehensive explanations of the progressive ideology many times, only to hear them deny it all, cry and complain about my posts, and insist that their lies are actually the truth. Well - here was another accidental moment of honesty from a progressive who has once again proven me rights (as they always do).

In post #3879 a progressive States the following:

What I want is for America to be like France or Germany...

Well, here is the truth about France and Germany:

France’s unemployment rate has soared to an 18-year high of 10.6%, against a European Union average of 9.8% and 5.4% in Britain. Facing re-election next year an increasingly desperate President Hollande proposes to pay French employers to hire young unemployed people as a means to restore confidence in his country’s “broken” economic model, one which is marred by low output and stagnant growth.

France’s state of economic emergency was declared at the same time as Germany faces its most difficult start to a year in recent memory, reports The Express. With consumer confidence plummeting, industrial production growth in the EU’s biggest economy has slipped to zero per cent.

France Declares State of Economic Emergency

See progressives aren't the least bit interested in prosperity. The only thing they are interested in is having society pay their way through life and dragging everyone down to their miserable level so that everyone is "equal" - even if that means everyone is equal in poverty and misery. The progressive said himself that he wants France and Germany (and generally says Europe) - all of which are on the verge of collapse. Greece has completed collapsed already and the EU average unemployment is 9.8%. This is the kind of failure that progressives "support" and wish to bring to the U.S.
I'm glad you concede that Obama’s economy is doing comparatively well.
Nice try buttercup. Obama's economy was over 10% unemployment. Then the American people threw Dumbocrats out of office in record numbers during the 2010 mid-terms (the House, the Senate, state legislatures, governors, local mayors, etc.) and they were able to rescue the economy from collapse despite Obama's idiocy.
Believe whatever insane garbage that you want.
I asked you if you had a link to something other than your own first post. Thank you for confirming that you haven't.
Yeah stupid...in my second post. Having trouble reading today, are we??? :lmao:

When you're finished addressing "stupid," you can explain to Arianrhod why you think citing two posts by the same one poster somehow strengthens your "argument."
Sweetie....I mean stupid....you asked about links. I provided two separate links to two separate external sites. You are really struggling today, uh? :lol:
So you've got nothing. No surprise there.
Says the troll who has avoided every question, every fact, every link, etc. Come on sweetie - we're still waiting for you to articulate how Joseph is wrong since you proclaim that he is one voice that does not represent progressives.

Why so quiet?!? :lmao:

You keep replying to my posts even though you're addressing someone called "sweetie." I'm waiting for you to realize your mistake.
This is what progressives support - corruption...

Picking his way through the Soviet archives that Boris Yeltsin had just thrown open, in 1991 Tim Sebastian, a reporter for the London Times, came across an arresting memorandum. Composed in 1983 by Victor Chebrikov, the top man at the KGB, the memorandum was addressed to Yuri Andropov, the top man in the entire USSR. The subject: Sen. Edward Kennedy.

Kennedy’s message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election.

Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit

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