What do progressives support?

Why would any conservative accept THEIR "progressive" label.

A culture only DEGERATES under their dominance.

They are the degenerates.
Bwahahaha! The obstructionist Dumbocrats are blocking legislation that would prevent a government shut down. Remember when Democrats whined and cried, pissed and moaned about the last government shut down that was the result of Republicans? It is astounding how stupid progressives are. They believe everything the Dumbocrat masters in Washington spoon feed them. Everything. They even believe that people like Barack Obama and Hitlery Clinton "care" about them. :lol:

Senate Democrats block legislation that would prevent government shutdown
This is the exact idiocy that progressive support. Confiscate all firearms. Implement socialism. Watch everyone wallow in extreme poverty and misery "equally".

However, since Chavez imposed what he and his followers proudly called “21st- Century Socialism” on one of the wealthiest nations in South America, Venezuela has been in economic, political and social free fall. Disarming the country won’t work, but one can certainly understand current President Nicolas Maduro’s desire to disarm as many Venezuelans as possible. He and his cronies are increasingly worried that an angry and frustrated populace could turn his country into a revolutionary cauldron.

Venezuela faces collapse because of socialist government, disarmed populace
What do progressives support? This...

France and Germany are being overrun by Islamic Radicals who rape and kill people.

Sounds like a perfect fit for the Progs. They hate humanity, too.

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