What do Rightwingers think of the left's hatred of Fox News?

The left throws out all these accusations against "Fox News"...
What exactly do they mean.
Which show offends them the most?
Fox and Friends.
Neil Cavuto.
Megyn Kelly
Bill O'Reilly
Brett Baier.
Sean Hannity
Gretta Van Susteren

Specifics please.

I'm not offended by the shows. They are merely commentary and do not qualify as news. It's actually more like watching the Beverly Hillbillies. I'm going to let you in on a little secret though. I don't watch anyone's commentary. I might catch snips here or there or watch it on occasion but I'm not dedicated because I don't need a bunch of condescending jack asses to explain the news to me. This is something that dedicated hardcore Fox viewers need.

Megyn Kelly is a former attorney and she knows better. In fact, she recently received a letter from the attorney of Mikey Weinstein for defamation.

Would you like me to go on?
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The left throws out all these accusations against "Fox News"...
What exactly do they mean.
Which show offends them the most?
Fox and Friends.
Neil Cavuto.
Megyn Kelly
Bill O'Reilly
Brett Baier.
Sean Hannity
Gretta Van Susteren

Specifics please.

I'm not offended by the shows. They are merely commentary and do not qualify as news. It's actually more like watching the Beverly Hillbillies. I'm going to let you in on a little secret though. I don't watch anyone's commentary. I might catch snips here or there or watch it on occasion but I'm not dedicated because I don't need a bunch of condescending jack asses to explain the news to me. This is something that dedicated hardcore Fox viewers need.

Megyn Kelly is a former attorney and she knows better. In fact, she recently received a letter from the attorney of Mikey Weinstein for defamation.

Would you like me to go on?

to left-wing nutjobs; news just isnt news unless the left-wing talkinghead is dreaming of taking a sh*t in the mouth of Sarah Palin

now THAT is serious news to a left-wing idiot!!
the "tingle downmy leg" crowd is trying to ridicule the quality of Fox News and calling them biased?

LET'S SEE....................................................


unhinged fat loser ed schultz
you had unglued keith olbermann
the black chic that ridicules black babies adopted by republicans
that moron chris mattews

martin bashir


left-wing media is some real serious stuff

idiots and hypocrites
FoxNews helped to get our Messiah elected TWICE

FoxNews unbiased "expert" Karl Rove.....What do you mean Romney didn't win?
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FoxNews helped to get our Messiah elected TWICE

FoxNews unbiased "expert" Karl Rove.....What do you mean Romney didn't win?

no they didnt leftard; brainwashing got your Messiah elected


you're the same losers that call his record welfare and food stamps "forward progress"

nothing Fox said could undo that kind of lemming-like rabid partisanship group-think
FoxNews helped to get our Messiah elected TWICE

FoxNews unbiased "expert" Karl Rove.....What do you mean Romney didn't win?

no they didnt leftard; brainwashing got your Messiah elected


you're the same losers that call his record welfare and food stamps "forward progress"

nothing Fox said could undo that kind of lemming-like rabid partisanship group-think

Oh....now its "brainwashing"

Before it was "Free Stuff" and cheating

Get your excuses straight
I'm not a left winger (I'm a Tory) and I don't hate Fox news.
However, I don't hate dog turds either; I just try not to step in them.

Face it, Fox is crap, unless your brand of politics blinds you to seeing the shit they pump out.
I'm not a left winger (I'm a Tory) and I don't hate Fox news.
However, I don't hate dog turds either; I just try not to step in them.

Face it, Fox is crap, unless your brand of politics blinds you to seeing the shit they pump out.


I'm an 'independant"

i just happen to be whining about Fox News just like the typical left-wing nutjob!
I'm not a left winger (I'm a Tory) and I don't hate Fox news.
However, I don't hate dog turds either; I just try not to step in them.

Face it, Fox is crap, unless your brand of politics blinds you to seeing the shit they pump out.


I'm an 'independant"

i just happen to be whining about Fox News just like the typical left-wing nutjob!

the only whines are the rightwingnut fauxnews wackos

once again.... fake news viewers are the least informed.

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests - Forbes
I'm not a left winger (I'm a Tory) and I don't hate Fox news.
However, I don't hate dog turds either; I just try not to step in them.

Face it, Fox is crap, unless your brand of politics blinds you to seeing the shit they pump out.


I'm an 'independant"

i just happen to be whining about Fox News just like the typical left-wing nutjob!

the only whines are the rightwingnut fauxnews wackos

once again.... fake news viewers are the least informed.

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests - Forbes

you're whining about people that watch Fox News

what a loser
NEWS = relevant FACTS

EDITORIALS = opinions.

Our main stream media has pretty much given up trying to separate them.
FoxNews helped to get our Messiah elected TWICE

FoxNews unbiased "expert" Karl Rove.....What do you mean Romney didn't win?

no they didnt leftard; brainwashing got your Messiah elected


you're the same losers that call his record welfare and food stamps "forward progress"

nothing Fox said could undo that kind of lemming-like rabid partisanship group-think

Oh....now its "brainwashing"

Before it was "Free Stuff" and cheating

Get your excuses straight

Ever heard of, "All of the above"? mo-fucking-ron!! It's that and more.

the Left hates Fox because, unlike your favorite Regime Propaganda Machine, Fox actually reports the truth about the Dictatorial Obama REGIME.

Fox does do something for the Leftist Propaganda Machine, it gives them something to attack when they run out of Obama Propaganda to feed the unwashed, brain dead, peasants.

Without the MSM, the Left would never win another election. Fox doesn't even support Right Wing candidates, they report the facts and leave it to the people to make their own choices.

You Rightwingers are like a bunch of little NAZI's, or Bolsheviks, or fascists, blindly following your naked emperor while raving over his attire!
You find this Left Wing behavior in all Communist cultures, they're trained to avoid and repudiate any contrary opinion
What do Rightwingers think of the left's hatred of Fox News?

It works to the advantage of the Kochs, Adelson, Murdoch and the Repub party who wants to end the middle class and make us all slaves to the wealthy.

Pointing out their dishonesty, proving that faux is really just a huge propaganda machine actually helps those who work to buy votes and trash our Constitution.

The more the right learns they are being lied to, the more they dig in their feet and refuse to educate themselves.
NEWS = relevant FACTS

EDITORIALS = opinions.

Our main stream media has pretty much given up trying to separate them.

I would bet that more than 99% of what is on line is opinion that is accepted as fact.

Our beliefs are being bought by whomever has the most money.
What do Rightwingers think of the left's hatred of Fox News?

It works to the advantage of the Kochs, Adelson, Murdoch and the Repub party who wants to end the middle class and make us all slaves to the wealthy.

Pointing out their dishonesty, proving that faux is really just a huge propaganda machine actually helps those who work to buy votes and trash our Constitution.

The more the right learns they are being lied to, the more they dig in their feet and refuse to educate themselves.

seriously; do you left-wing nutjobs get extra points for listing as many right-wing boogeymen of yours as possible in one post?
What do Rightwingers think of the left's hatred of Fox News?

It works to the advantage of the Kochs, Adelson, Murdoch and the Repub party who wants to end the middle class and make us all slaves to the wealthy.

Pointing out their dishonesty, proving that faux is really just a huge propaganda machine actually helps those who work to buy votes and trash our Constitution.

The more the right learns they are being lied to, the more they dig in their feet and refuse to educate themselves.

seriously; do you left-wing nutjobs get extra points for listing as many right-wing boogeymen of yours as possible in one post?

Adults don't believe in "boogeymen".

Adults DO believe in fighting those who want to end honest elections in the US.

Your vote has been bought and you willingly sold it.
It works to the advantage of the Kochs, Adelson, Murdoch and the Repub party who wants to end the middle class and make us all slaves to the wealthy.

Pointing out their dishonesty, proving that faux is really just a huge propaganda machine actually helps those who work to buy votes and trash our Constitution.

The more the right learns they are being lied to, the more they dig in their feet and refuse to educate themselves.

seriously; do you left-wing nutjobs get extra points for listing as many right-wing boogeymen of yours as possible in one post?

Adults don't believe in "boogeymen".

Adults DO believe in fighting those who want to end honest elections in the US.

Your vote has been bought and you willingly sold it.

you're right nutjob; adults dont; but left-wing nutjobs do
are Rightwingers aware of just how distorted it is? Are they aware it is more a propaganda machine than it is a news source?


That’s the whole point.

For the most part, the partisan right’s political agenda is devoid of anything positive, constructive, or beneficial to all Americans – just the same tired, tedious rhetoric of opposition, obstruction, and repeal.

That’s the purpose of Fox and other rightwing media, to fill the void of republican policy nothingness with lies, distortion, and spin.

Please tell us of a political agenda that is beneficial to ALL Americans.

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