What do Rightwingers think of the left's hatred of Fox News?

leftard; things were better for ALL AMERICANS when Republicans ran things

stop embarrassing yourself telling yourself lies

you're right leftard; all of the above are reasons Dems win by appealing to the ignorant

but you left out the race card you losers play

Its just so......unfair

Everyone is picking on Republicans. All they are trying to do is make the world a better place for wealthy, white Christians and what thanks do they get?

All the stupid people vote for Democrats while the intelligent minority vote to ensure that "Real Americans" (white, Christian, rural. male) continue to call the shots

leftard; EVERYBODY had it better when Republicans ran things

I know....life is just so unfair

At least with Republicans we had some decent wars to send our soldiers to. We had Freedom Fries. You could drill baby, drill to your hearts content. You could watch the value of your home and retirement savings go down the toilet, You could watch as your cities got attacked by terrorists

Damn...those were the good ole days

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Its just so......unfair

Everyone is picking on Republicans. All they are trying to do is make the world a better place for wealthy, white Christians and what thanks do they get?

All the stupid people vote for Democrats while the intelligent minority vote to ensure that "Real Americans" (white, Christian, rural. male) continue to call the shots

leftard; EVERYBODY had it better when Republicans ran things

I know....life is just so unfair

At least with Republicans we had some decent wars to send our soldiers to. We had Freedom Fries. You could drill baby, drill to your hearts content. You could watch the value of your home and retirement savings go down the toilet, You could watch as your cities got attacked by terrorists

Damn...those were the good ole days


I don't live in a city.
Its just so......unfair

Everyone is picking on Republicans. All they are trying to do is make the world a better place for wealthy, white Christians and what thanks do they get?

All the stupid people vote for Democrats while the intelligent minority vote to ensure that "Real Americans" (white, Christian, rural. male) continue to call the shots

leftard; EVERYBODY had it better when Republicans ran things

I know....life is just so unfair

At least with Republicans we had some decent wars to send our soldiers to. We had Freedom Fries. You could drill baby, drill to your hearts content. You could watch the value of your home and retirement savings go down the toilet, You could watch as your cities got attacked by terrorists

Damn...those were the good ole days

lol it's like you ENJOY making a fool of yourself!!

are you sure Karl Rove didnt send you to embarrass Democrats?

At least with Republicans you had:
lower food and gas prices
lower unemployment
lower misery index
less welfare
less food stamps
higher labor market participation
less people on federal disability
less lont-term unemployment
lower Poverty Rate

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Do they get it? Do they understand why we would hate it? I mean are Rightwingers aware of just how distorted it is? Are they aware it is more a propaganda machine than it is a news source?

I mean sure it is fair to compare MSNBC to Fox News, but there really isn't another liberal source that even comes close to FN's bullshit. Do conservatives grasp that fact? Are they smart enough to grasp that fact?

You remind me of a little guy who has led a Bizarro Life.

Known inhabitants

Bizarro - The Bizarro version of Superman.
Bizarro Amazo - The Bizarro version of Amazo.
Bizarro Big Barda - The Bizarro version of Big Barda.
Bizarro Black Manta - The Bizarro version of Black Manta.
Bizarro Brainiac - The Bizarro version of Brainiac.
Bizarro Catwoman - The Bizarro version of Catwoman.
Bizarro Computo - The Bizarro version of Computo.
Bizarro Doomsday - The Bizarro version of Doomsday.
Bizarro Jimmy Olsen -
Bizarro Joker - The only sane person in Bizarro World.
Bizarro Justice League - The Bizarro version of the Justice League.
Batzarro - The Bizarro version of Batman. He is the "World's Worst Detective."
Bizarra - The Bizarro version of Wonder Woman.
Bizarro Aquaman - The Bizarro version of Aquaman.
Bizarro Blue Beetle - The Bizarro version of Blue Beetle.
Bizarro Booster Gold - The Bizarro version of Booster Gold.
Bizarro Flash - The Bizarro version of Flash.
Bizarro Green Arrow - The Bizarro version of Green Arrow.
Bizarro Hawkgirl - The Bizarro version of Hawkgirl.
Bizarro Hawkman - The Bizarro version of Hawkman.
Bizarro Ice - The Bizarro version of Ice.
Bizarro Martian Manhunter - The Bizarro version of Martian Manhunter.
Bizarro Robin - The Bizarro version of Robin.
Yellow Lantern - The Bizarro version of Green Lantern.
Bizarro Krypto - The Bizarro version of Krypto.
Bizarro Lana Lang - The Bizarro version of Lana Lang.
Bizarro Legion of Super-Heroes - The Bizarro version of the Legion of Super-Heroes who were created by Bizarro Superboy II.
Bizarro Brainiac 5 - The Bizarro version of Brainiac 5.
Bizarro Chameleon Boy - The Bizarro version of Chameleon Boy.
Bizarro Cosmic Boy - The Bizarro version of Cosmic Boy.
Bizarro Invisible Kid - The Bizarro version of Invisible Kid.
Bizzaro Lightning Lad - The Bizarro version of Lightning Lad.
Bizarro Mon El - The Bizarro version of Mon El.
Bizarro Saturn Girl - The Bizarro version of Saturn Girl.
Bizarro Ultra Boy - The Bizarro version of Ultra Boy.
Bizarro Lex Luthor - The Bizarro version of Lex Luthor.
Bizarro Lois Lane - The Bizarro version of Lois Lane.
Bizarro Lois Lane Jr. - The daughter of Bizarro and Bizarro Lois Lane.
Bizarro Lucy Lane - The Bizarro version of Lucy Lane.
Bizarro Jr. - The son of Bizarro and Bizarro Lois Lane.
Bizarro Mister Kltpzyxm - The Bizarro version of Mister Mxyzptlk. He lives by the opposite of the Bizarro Code by fixing things up.
Bizarro Morgan Edge - The Bizarro version of Morgan Edge.
Bizarro Perry White - The Bizarro version of Perry White.
Bizarro Shaggy Man - The Bizarro version of Shaggy Man. He only sits and thinks.
Bizarro Superboy I - The Bizarro version of Superboy. Professor Dalton's imperfect Duplicator Ray had zapped Superboy and created the Bizarro version of him. He was accidentally destroyed by Superboy.
Bizarro Superboy II - The second Bizarro version of Superboy.
Bizarro Supergirl - The Bizarro version of Supergirl that was created by Bizarro Jr.
Bizarro Titano - The Bizarro version of Titano.
Bizarro Toyman - The Bizarro version of Toyman.
Points of Interest[edit]
Daily Htrae -
Fourtriss uv Bizarro -
Mutropolis -
Dali Planit (also spelled Dayli Planet) -

Bizarro World - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bizarro Billy000, you and your brethren, the misfits, are in the minority.

The rest of America is starting to see the inferiority of Liberalism.

Bill Clinton let in every single one of the people who went on to comitt 9-11

you will have to do better than that leftard
Do they get it? Do they understand why we would hate it? I mean are Rightwingers aware of just how distorted it is? Are they aware it is more a propaganda machine than it is a news source?

I mean sure it is fair to compare MSNBC to Fox News, but there really isn't another liberal source that even comes close to FN's bullshit. Do conservatives grasp that fact? Are they smart enough to grasp that fact?

We understand perfectly why liberals hate it, because they are the one network that exposes liberal politicians and their lies. In their book, if you're not on board with pushing the Progressive Agenda, then it means you have a "slant" against it. Do they also promote conservative ideology in their opinion shows? Sure, but all the other news channels have the same opinion shows that push the liberal agenda. I suppose that could be defined as "propaganda", but like I said, the other news channels are doing the exact same thing in favor of the Progressive Agenda.

I think liberals "hate" Fox News because it offers an alternative view and opinion than that of every other network, which happen to be lock, stock and barrel Progressive. Allowing this "opposition" to continue to voice its criticisms of their Progressive Agenda is really what gets under the liberals' skin. They wish they could silence it. They wish everyone would just fall in line with their Agenda.

I think Karl Marx said it best--"The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism". This describes the liberal mindset to a tee. This is why any contrary opinion voiced in opposition to their socialist agenda is met with disdain, contempt, suspicion, and vitriol.
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leftard; EVERYBODY had it better when Republicans ran things

I know....life is just so unfair

At least with Republicans we had some decent wars to send our soldiers to. We had Freedom Fries. You could drill baby, drill to your hearts content. You could watch the value of your home and retirement savings go down the toilet, You could watch as your cities got attacked by terrorists

Damn...those were the good ole days

lol it's like you ENJOY making a fool of yourself!!

are you sure Karl Rove didnt send you to embarrass Democrats?

Boy do we miss Republican leadership


Imagine if Brownie wasn't doing a heckuva job?
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I know....life is just so unfair

At least with Republicans we had some decent wars to send our soldiers to. We had Freedom Fries. You could drill baby, drill to your hearts content. You could watch the value of your home and retirement savings go down the toilet, You could watch as your cities got attacked by terrorists

Damn...those were the good ole days

lol it's like you ENJOY making a fool of yourself!!

are you sure Karl Rove didnt send you to embarrass Democrats?

Boy do we miss Republican leadership


Imagine if Brownie wasn't doing a heckuva job?


Democrat Mayor (now in prison)

Democrat Governor

and you just keep on making a fool of yourself
lol it's like you ENJOY making a fool of yourself!!

are you sure Karl Rove didnt send you to embarrass Democrats?

Boy do we miss Republican leadership


Imagine if Brownie wasn't doing a heckuva job?


Democrat Mayor (now in prison)

Democrat Governor

and you just keep on making a fool of yourself

At least with Republican leadership we could engage in some legitimate TORTURE. Not like that libtard Obama

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Boy do we miss Republican leadership


Imagine if Brownie wasn't doing a heckuva job?


Democrat Mayor (now in prison)

Democrat Governor

and you just keep on making a fool of yourself

At least with Republican leadership we could engage in some legitimate TORTURE. Not like that libtard Obama


actual real progressives have SUED obama; saying his anti-terror program is WORSE THAN BUSH'S.
obama doesnt torture; he hands people over to others who torture them (rendition)

gosh you're such a loser; wallowing in ignorance, denial and projection
i see a guy standing on a box

is that your idea of torture?

lol what a sissy!
Do they get it? Do they understand why we would hate it? I mean are Rightwingers aware of just how distorted it is? Are they aware it is more a propaganda machine than it is a news source?

I mean sure it is fair to compare MSNBC to Fox News, but there really isn't another liberal source that even comes close to FN's bullshit. Do conservatives grasp that fact? Are they smart enough to grasp that fact?

If you want them to get it, try inviting a conservative
to a meeting or presentation of Pacifica and Public Radio.
Do they get it? Do they understand why we would hate it? I mean are Rightwingers aware of just how distorted it is? Are they aware it is more a propaganda machine than it is a news source?

I mean sure it is fair to compare MSNBC to Fox News, but there really isn't another liberal source that even comes close to FN's bullshit. Do conservatives grasp that fact? Are they smart enough to grasp that fact?

Not that you are actually looking to know the answer but here's what this conservative thinks:

You hate them because they oppose you and your way of thinking. The excuse that FOX lies is complete bull shit. FOX doesn't lie any more than NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, or MSNBC, who have been caught lying so many times they are a joke. More so than FOX in fact.

You dislike them because they tell the truth about your politicians and your way of thinking, and if you were honest with yourself and us, you'd admit that.
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Fox News is number one in cable news;

the left-wing media just cant compete

that just kills the loser Left

so they post nonsense like the stupidity above on message boards out of frustration

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