What do Rightwingers think of the left's hatred of Fox News?

Opposing voices must be silenced! His Royal Highness Barack Hussein Obama must never be questioned!
Oh....now its "brainwashing"

Before it was "Free Stuff" and cheating

Get your excuses straight

Ever heard of, "All of the above"? mo-fucking-ron!! It's that and more.

the Left hates Fox because, unlike your favorite Regime Propaganda Machine, Fox actually reports the truth about the Dictatorial Obama REGIME.

Fox does do something for the Leftist Propaganda Machine, it gives them something to attack when they run out of Obama Propaganda to feed the unwashed, brain dead, peasants.

Without the MSM, the Left would never win another election. Fox doesn't even support Right Wing candidates, they report the facts and leave it to the people to make their own choices.

You Rightwingers are like a bunch of little NAZI's, or Bolsheviks, or fascists, blindly following your naked emperor while raving over his attire!

How could I forget?

The excuses for Republicans losing elections:

1. The media is against them
2. Democrats cheat
3. Democrats give "free stuff"
4. Brainwashing
5. Low information voters

Did I leave anthing off?

Dead people always vote a lot.
What do Rightwingers think of the left's hatred of Fox News?

Speaking for myself, I think it's hilarious and shows how utterly stupid liberals are.
Why do people even care about FOX News? Hardly anyone even watches them. Their audience demographics are very limited and they don't even capture the majority of their most popular demographic. They are small fish in a big pond.
Do they get it? Do they understand why we would hate it? I mean are Rightwingers aware of just how distorted it is? Are they aware it is more a propaganda machine than it is a news source?

I mean sure it is fair to compare MSNBC to Fox News, but there really isn't another liberal source that even comes close to FN's bullshit. Do conservatives grasp that fact? Are they smart enough to grasp that fact?
There are no 'news' programs on MSNBC. It is all punditry, no reporting. And that difference is what makes Fox News so egregious.
I'm sorry but if you watch Fox News regularly and buy into their bullshit, you are an idiot. Plain and simple.
At least with Republican leadership we could engage in some legitimate TORTURE. Not like that libtard Obama


Funny how liberals still believe Bush condoned torture.

The Facts are, it was the Army Times that broke the story about Abu Gharib and the alleged torture incident that happened there. The media actually ignored the story until the photos were leaked. By the time the media started paying attention, the Army was already investigating it and put a stop to it. Not much of a systematic torture program if the Army let it be investigated and the story released in the Army Times. Bush's policies are what shut it down, as soon as it was found out, not liberal outrage long after the fact.

The liberals just used the incident to attack Bush and turn world wide opinion of the US. That after all, promotes the Progressive Agenda, and that is much more important than winning a war. Liberals that pushed the lie of a systematic torture program condoned by the US government and President, caused outrage and undoubtably encouraged more terrorist attacks, especially against our troops overseas.

But hey, jepardizing the lives of troops is OK, so long as the Progressive Agenda is pushed.

Carry on, dipshit.
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Fox News is number one in cable news;

the left-wing media just cant compete

that just kills the loser Left

so they post nonsense like the stupidity above on message boards out of frustration
so what the BBC global news has an audience of 256 million.
Fox News is number one in cable news;

the left-wing media just cant compete

that just kills the loser Left

so they post nonsense like the stupidity above on message boards out of frustration
Ratings indicate quality? The more popular something is the better?

Should we then regard Lady Gaga as a greater musical force than Mozart because she out sold him?
Fox News is number one in cable news;

the left-wing media just cant compete

that just kills the loser Left

so they post nonsense like the stupidity above on message boards out of frustration
Ratings indicate quality? The more popular something is the better?

Should we then regard Lady Gaga as a greater musical force than Mozart because she out sold him?

so low ratings equal quality?

thanks dimwit; arent you one of the losers that insists the Tea Party is fading away?

and that the low approval rating of congress reflects on republicans more than anybody/

can you get your idiotic excuses in order?
Fox News is number one in cable news;

the left-wing media just cant compete

that just kills the loser Left

so they post nonsense like the stupidity above on message boards out of frustration
Ratings indicate quality? The more popular something is the better?

Should we then regard Lady Gaga as a greater musical force than Mozart because she out sold him?

Fox is number one on cable but are far from number one overall. Network news stomps them

Fox does well on cable because they are the only option for conservatives. Watch Fox or nothing. Liberals split their viewing among half a dozen news sources
Fox News is number one in cable news;

the left-wing media just cant compete

that just kills the loser Left

so they post nonsense like the stupidity above on message boards out of frustration
Ratings indicate quality? The more popular something is the better?

Should we then regard Lady Gaga as a greater musical force than Mozart because she out sold him?

Fox is number one on cable but are far from number one overall. Network news stomps them

Fox does well on cable because they are the only option for conservatives. Watch Fox or nothing. Liberals split their viewing among half a dozen news sources

if fox brought their cable news people to broadcast they would stomp them there too

you're a loser
Ratings indicate quality? The more popular something is the better?

Should we then regard Lady Gaga as a greater musical force than Mozart because she out sold him?

Fox is number one on cable but are far from number one overall. Network news stomps them

Fox does well on cable because they are the only option for conservatives. Watch Fox or nothing. Liberals split their viewing among half a dozen news sources

if fox brought their cable news people to broadcast they would stomp them there too

you're a loser

Fox has a nework station, it does not stomp anyone with its news coverage.

Fox has a conservative monopoly and milks it to the hilt. If Fox is so influential, why dd they fail so miserably in their attempt to derail Obama and kill Obamacare?
Fox is number one on cable but are far from number one overall. Network news stomps them

Fox does well on cable because they are the only option for conservatives. Watch Fox or nothing. Liberals split their viewing among half a dozen news sources

if fox brought their cable news people to broadcast they would stomp them there too

you're a loser

Fox has a nework station, it does not stomp anyone with its news coverage.

Fox has a conservative monopoly and milks it to the hilt. If Fox is so influential, why dd they fail so miserably in their attempt to derail Obama and kill Obamacare?

Because they hold no seats in Congress... Was that a trick question

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
FOX NEWS is a small fish in a big pond. They convince their base of viewers that they are relevant as a marketing tool to portray a false sense of superior intelligence and knowledge amongst their small, but very local base of followers. It is cult like in every respect. They use the psychology of fear and hate which creates a sense of desperation which in turn creates a need for the individual to take action to fulfill the need and impulse of defense.
Statistical evidence consistently proves that FOX New's relevancy is grossly over exaggerated by it's supporters.
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FOX NEWS is a small fish in a big pond. They convince their base of viewers that they are relevant as a marketing tool to portray a false sense of superior intelligence and knowledge amongst their small, but very local base of followers. It is cult like in every respect. They use the psychology of fear and hate which creates a sense of desperation which in turn creates a need for the individual to take action to fulfill the need and impulse of defense.
Statistical evidence consistently proves that FOX New's relevancy is grossly over exaggerated by it's supporters.



it's amazing how many excuses the Left finds for it's failures; they always involve an attempt to belittle others; rather than a valid defense of their own failures

head to head against the other cable news outlets; Fox wins; and wins big

libs are crybabies and loser excuse-makers

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