What do Rightwingers think of the left's hatred of Fox News?

Do they get it? Do they understand why we would hate it? I mean are Rightwingers aware of just how distorted it is? Are they aware it is more a propaganda machine than it is a news source?

I mean sure it is fair to compare MSNBC to Fox News, but there really isn't another liberal source that even comes close to FN's bullshit. Do conservatives grasp that fact? Are they smart enough to grasp that fact?

Imagine a world without Fox news.

Imagine a world without Ted Cruz.

Who would you blame, for what our policies that seem insane?

Who would you rail against like an ass.

As you see the destruction of the middle class?
the Left desperately needs the Right; needs Fox News

left-wing nutcases actally call the RECORD welfare and food stamps on their watch "forward progress"
they MUST HAVE a foil to deflect attention away from the obvious lies THE LEFT TELLS THEMSELVES
Do they get it? Do they understand why we would hate it? I mean are Rightwingers aware of just how distorted it is? Are they aware it is more a propaganda machine than it is a news source?

If you've gotten yourself worked up to the point of "hatred", surely you can provide specific examples and objective evidence to support your claim? Please don't tell me this is another "because I say so" argument!

Personally, I wouldn't label an entire network or news organization in such a way. There are a lot people with differing opinions at Fox...and the New York Times for that matter. Some I agree with, others not. Some I would consider distortions and propaganda, others not. Perhaps you shouldn't paid with such a broad brush.

Personally, I like Judge Napolitano and John Stossel. I think O'Reilly is a Progressive asshat. Hannity, at least, is upfront about his Conservative agenda, much of which I would stand against. Megan Kelley? Well, her I just want to...well, you get the idea.

I mean sure it is fair to compare MSNBC to Fox News, but there really isn't another liberal source that even comes close to FN's bullshit.

I take it you've never seen Al Sharpton...:dunno:

Do conservatives grasp that fact? Are they smart enough to grasp that fact?

The left's hatred for Fox is incoherent and frankly scary. It's clear that the left is at war with the 1st Amendment and information. Most lefties are just blog zombies and don't have the intelligence to argue about a political issue so heir solution is the cyber version of book burning and censorship.
The left's hatred for Fox is incoherent and frankly scary. It's clear that the left is at war with the 1st Amendment and information. Most lefties are just blog zombies and don't have the intelligence to argue about a political issue so heir solution is the cyber version of book burning and censorship.

So true; thanks.

and the shrill hysterics from the Left about Fox News; and any other outfit with the gall to question the failed left-wing agenda, only gets scarier and angrier by the day as elections approach
The lefty paranoia about Fox is quite entertaining in some respects. Yep, Fox absolutely dominates the Al Sharpton and Clinton News Network's audiences, often combined. However, the combined audiences of the left leaning Big Three broadcast networks is ten or more times the size of Fox's. Then layer in their faux news comedy stars and whatnot, and it's a massive army of fluffers for Barry and the dimocrats. The low information boobs, like in here, hear the community agitator in chief and other prominent dims say negative things about Fox, and, bingo, they've got their cue and commence the regurgitation process.

They're sort of like trained animals. Come...sit...stay...
Do they get it? Do they understand why we would hate it? I mean are Rightwingers aware of just how distorted it is? Are they aware it is more a propaganda machine than it is a news source?

I mean sure it is fair to compare MSNBC to Fox News, but there really isn't another liberal source that even comes close to FN's bullshit. Do conservatives grasp that fact? Are they smart enough to grasp that fact?

Some of what you say...well a little of what you say...er, hardly any of what you say is true, but what the heck, being a liberal you are totally devoid of objective a rational tinking.

The REAL reason that you liberal bozos hate FNC is the fact that you looked at the shreiking harridans on CNN, MSNBC and the broadcast networks, and realized that they can in no way compete with the educated, erudite, well-spoken and beautiful ladies on FNC.

Hell, even the Democratic ladies on FNC are better looking and smarter than ladies on other networks.

Envy is a bitch, ain't it??
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no they didnt leftard; brainwashing got your Messiah elected


you're the same losers that call his record welfare and food stamps "forward progress"

nothing Fox said could undo that kind of lemming-like rabid partisanship group-think

Oh....now its "brainwashing"

Before it was "Free Stuff" and cheating

Get your excuses straight

Ever heard of, "All of the above"? mo-fucking-ron!! It's that and more.

the Left hates Fox because, unlike your favorite Regime Propaganda Machine, Fox actually reports the truth about the Dictatorial Obama REGIME.

Fox does do something for the Leftist Propaganda Machine, it gives them something to attack when they run out of Obama Propaganda to feed the unwashed, brain dead, peasants.

Without the MSM, the Left would never win another election. Fox doesn't even support Right Wing candidates, they report the facts and leave it to the people to make their own choices.

You Rightwingers are like a bunch of little NAZI's, or Bolsheviks, or fascists, blindly following your naked emperor while raving over his attire!

How could I forget?

The excuses for Republicans losing elections:

1. The media is against them
2. Democrats cheat
3. Democrats give "free stuff"
4. Brainwashing
5. Low information voters

Did I leave anthing off?
Oh....now its "brainwashing"

Before it was "Free Stuff" and cheating

Get your excuses straight

Ever heard of, "All of the above"? mo-fucking-ron!! It's that and more.

the Left hates Fox because, unlike your favorite Regime Propaganda Machine, Fox actually reports the truth about the Dictatorial Obama REGIME.

Fox does do something for the Leftist Propaganda Machine, it gives them something to attack when they run out of Obama Propaganda to feed the unwashed, brain dead, peasants.

Without the MSM, the Left would never win another election. Fox doesn't even support Right Wing candidates, they report the facts and leave it to the people to make their own choices.

You Rightwingers are like a bunch of little NAZI's, or Bolsheviks, or fascists, blindly following your naked emperor while raving over his attire!

How could I forget?

The excuses for Republicans losing elections:

1. The media is against them
2. Democrats cheat
3. Democrats give "free stuff"
4. Brainwashing
5. Low information voters

Did I leave anthing off?

you're right leftard; all of the above are reasons Dems win by appealing to the ignorant

but you left out the race card you losers play
Oh....now its "brainwashing"

Before it was "Free Stuff" and cheating

Get your excuses straight

Ever heard of, "All of the above"? mo-fucking-ron!! It's that and more.

the Left hates Fox because, unlike your favorite Regime Propaganda Machine, Fox actually reports the truth about the Dictatorial Obama REGIME.

Fox does do something for the Leftist Propaganda Machine, it gives them something to attack when they run out of Obama Propaganda to feed the unwashed, brain dead, peasants.

Without the MSM, the Left would never win another election. Fox doesn't even support Right Wing candidates, they report the facts and leave it to the people to make their own choices.

You Rightwingers are like a bunch of little NAZI's, or Bolsheviks, or fascists, blindly following your naked emperor while raving over his attire!

How could I forget?

The excuses for Republicans losing elections:

1. The media is against them
2. Democrats cheat
3. Democrats give "free stuff"
4. Brainwashing
5. Low information voters

Did I leave anthing off?

Nope. That pretty much covers it.

Democrats cheat should be number 1 though. Everything revolves around that.
Ever heard of, "All of the above"? mo-fucking-ron!! It's that and more.

the Left hates Fox because, unlike your favorite Regime Propaganda Machine, Fox actually reports the truth about the Dictatorial Obama REGIME.

Fox does do something for the Leftist Propaganda Machine, it gives them something to attack when they run out of Obama Propaganda to feed the unwashed, brain dead, peasants.

Without the MSM, the Left would never win another election. Fox doesn't even support Right Wing candidates, they report the facts and leave it to the people to make their own choices.

You Rightwingers are like a bunch of little NAZI's, or Bolsheviks, or fascists, blindly following your naked emperor while raving over his attire!

How could I forget?

The excuses for Republicans losing elections:

1. The media is against them
2. Democrats cheat
3. Democrats give "free stuff"
4. Brainwashing
5. Low information voters

Did I leave anthing off?

Nope. That pretty much covers it.

Democrats cheat should be number 1 though. Everything revolves around that.


proof of the truth of the forbes article.
Ever heard of, "All of the above"? mo-fucking-ron!! It's that and more.

the Left hates Fox because, unlike your favorite Regime Propaganda Machine, Fox actually reports the truth about the Dictatorial Obama REGIME.

Fox does do something for the Leftist Propaganda Machine, it gives them something to attack when they run out of Obama Propaganda to feed the unwashed, brain dead, peasants.

Without the MSM, the Left would never win another election. Fox doesn't even support Right Wing candidates, they report the facts and leave it to the people to make their own choices.

You Rightwingers are like a bunch of little NAZI's, or Bolsheviks, or fascists, blindly following your naked emperor while raving over his attire!

How could I forget?

The excuses for Republicans losing elections:

1. The media is against them
2. Democrats cheat
3. Democrats give "free stuff"
4. Brainwashing
5. Low information voters

Did I leave anthing off?

you're right leftard; all of the above are reasons Dems win by appealing to the ignorant

but you left out the race card you losers play

Its just so......unfair

Everyone is picking on Republicans. All they are trying to do is make the world a better place for wealthy, white Christians and what thanks do they get?

All the stupid people vote for Democrats while the intelligent minority vote to ensure that "Real Americans" (white, Christian, rural. male) continue to call the shots
If it wasn't for tax exempt Media Matters (we monitor only conservative speech) and tax exempt Newshounds (we monitor Fox so you don't have to) the radical left wouldn't have a thought in their empty heads.
If it wasn't for tax exempt Media Matters (we monitor only conservative speech) and tax exempt Newshounds (we monitor Fox so you don't have to) the radical left wouldn't have a thought in their empty heads.

You forgot Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow
How could I forget?

The excuses for Republicans losing elections:

1. The media is against them
2. Democrats cheat
3. Democrats give "free stuff"
4. Brainwashing
5. Low information voters

Did I leave anthing off?

leftard; things were better for ALL AMERICANS when Republicans ran things

stop embarrassing yourself telling yourself lies

you're right leftard; all of the above are reasons Dems win by appealing to the ignorant

but you left out the race card you losers play

Its just so......unfair

Everyone is picking on Republicans. All they are trying to do is make the world a better place for wealthy, white Christians and what thanks do they get?

All the stupid people vote for Democrats while the intelligent minority vote to ensure that "Real Americans" (white, Christian, rural. male) continue to call the shots

leftard; EVERYBODY had it better when Republicans ran things
16 million less Americans were on food stamps before Democrats started running the counry

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Do they get it? Do they understand why we would hate it? I mean are Rightwingers aware of just how distorted it is? Are they aware it is more a propaganda machine than it is a news source?

I mean sure it is fair to compare MSNBC to Fox News, but there really isn't another liberal source that even comes close to FN's bullshit. Do conservatives grasp that fact? Are they smart enough to grasp that fact?

Sure, we get that the left is delusional from having their collective heads up their asses for so long that they don't know shit from shinola.

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