What do you blacks want?

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The OP makes no rational sense, as usual.

Black people are not bees ffs. They don't think with a hive mentality. They do not think as one. They are just as varied in their lives, their beliefs and their habits as any other race. Where one black sees reparations and revenge for centuries of slavery, another is completely indifferent (like myself).

Of course the OP and those of his ilk will not understand any of the this because they don't really want to, but I'm bored so yeah.
The OP makes no rational sense, as usual.

Black people are not bees ffs. They don't think with a hive mentality. They do not think as one. They are just as varied in their lives, their beliefs and their habits as any other race. Where one black sees reparations and revenge for centuries of slavery, another is completely indifferent (like myself).

Of course the OP and those of his ilk will not understand any of the this because they don't really want to, but I'm bored so yeah.

Think for a minute....Every single race enslaved human beings 200 years ago, but it was the white race that got the ball rolling towards the freedom of many. What more do you want outside of freedom?
Whites were the only race that stopped to think that this isn't right. Yet, you hate us.

Holy shit you're stupid. And stop with the "us" talk. You speak only for your own pathetic self, you fucking loser.
I've met plenty of whacked-out black people, and more than my fair share of banjo-whites.

After college, I was in sales making cold-calls to the back hills of Tennessee Appalachia. You wouldn't believe some of the shit I saw.

Bottom line- it comes down to respect. Sometimes it's in the form of simple eye contact and a nod.
Other times, it's just shutting up and listening.

Eyes and ears, respect and deference. The human race is comprised of many colors but in the end it's about recognition and respect. And knowing when to shut the fuck up and listen.

I never got dissed turning my back on a black person, but I did get bit when I turned my back on a little shit Chihuahua dog.

Don't get me wrong- there are plenty of human animals out there. But as with any animal, eye contact is the great equalizer. Oh- and shut the fuck up. :D
And this op wonders why some black people feel the way they do about whites. Not saying that it is right but it is probably the reason that the op feels the way he does.
OK let the brothah chime in on this.
What does THIS black man want from white people in general?
#1. To be treated as an individual. The attitude of the op is that no matter what I have done, No matter how many degrees I have. No matter how hard I have worked to get where I am today, I'm still the same drug dealing, murdering, rapist, welfare recipient that we all are. See where all this hard work gets me? So why do it all.

#2. Don't just criticize. Do something. I go home to visit my family and I see street corners filled with drug dealers conducting business in broad day light with impunity. I was watching this one day and thought. WOW!!! If these cats tried that shit in my neighborhood they would be thrown under the jail. So the question hit me. Why are these people not? Where is the 14 Amendment around here? Why are criminals allowed to rule the street? But if there was a major crime like when Jennifer Hudson's family was killed (1 block away from my family) the police shut down all criminal activity and the pressure is on until an arrest is made and the news media is gone. Why can't they do this all the time? Where is the equal protection?

#3. As far as Trayvon is concerned. Why do you always bring up the fact that he has been in some minor teen age trouble but never mention Zimmerman's past with assaulting a police officer, beating an ex and having a restraining order against him? All of wich are reasons to be denied a CCW.

#4. On prison terms. I have a question. If blacks make up 52% of the prison population then shouldn't the felony arrest data reflect that? Well it doesn't. According to the FBI's UCR table 43 in 2009 there were 10,690,561 felony arrest. 7,389,208 by whites and 3,027,153 by blacks. Outside murder and robbery white crimes far outnumber black crimes. Just to give an example
White=10,644, Blacks =5,319

Aggravated Assault
White=209,922, Black=111,904

White=155,994, Black=74,419

Drug Offences (now we know black folks will take this one right? They make up 60% of all drug cases)
White=845,974, Black=437,623 (Here's where that crack vs cocaine law and those dealing drugs within 1000 ft of a government building shit comes into play. Their are government buildings all over the urban areas, schools, projects, currency exchanges and so on.)

WTF do I want you to do? Easy one here. Treat me as an individual. Judge me on my own merits. And if you think that no matter how hard a brothah or sistah worked to get where she is, it was affirmative action then we need that shit. Respect me as me and judge me for what I have done. If you can't do that then just leave me alone.
One and more thing. That voting shit you talking. Do you muhfuggahs actually think some big fat food stamp using baby factory of any race, or some Al Coholic crack head lazy ass bastard living off his lazy fat ass baby momma and her food stamps and section 8 is actually going to get off their fat lazy asses and vote? REALLY? Well let me tell you, they aint.
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I think one of the first things blacks want is for white people to stop speaking to them as if they all think the same way as the OP presumes.

From what I read, over 98% of black people voted for Obama in the last election. Do you really believe that they all studied the issues, researched the positions of each candidate and made a thoughtful decision?
The OP makes no rational sense, as usual.

Black people are not bees ffs. They don't think with a hive mentality. They do not think as one. They are just as varied in their lives, their beliefs and their habits as any other race. Where one black sees reparations and revenge for centuries of slavery, another is completely indifferent (like myself).

Of course the OP and those of his ilk will not understand any of the this because they don't really want to, but I'm bored so yeah.

That's how he thinks of Muslims. That they all act as one
Do you want us whites not to criticize you and just hand over all of our jobs, bank accounts and beg for forgiveness for doing something all races did?

I hear you protesting about our justice system arresting a black person for beating, raping or killing. You think they should get off Scot free. Look at Trayvon to prove one such case. Do you really want such people within your race to get away with violence?

Do you really want whites to stop criticizing Obama? Hell, the very idea of a democracy is the ability to criticize and discuss the issues of our leadership. Seems that you think we should just shut up.

90% of blacks vote for democrats based on welfare, but somehow it is racist for me to call you on it. On and on, I can go.

Wtf do you want? Do you want a double standard with lighter prison terms for your crimes? Do you want us to hand over our jobs, even though the boss might not consider your resume as good as another guys???? This is what happened in Zimbabwe and now South Africa.

You people would destroy this nation rather be equal to whites within it.

As for you leftist that screams racism at every white that criticizes Obama. Well, you're just making it harder.

Every single race enslaved other human beings 200 years ago and from the dawn of humanity. What part of that can't people understand? The honest truth is whites are the only race to fight for human freedoms and for that you hate us. Maybe because we have all the wealth as we work hard to create wealth and a viable society.

Why don't you go fuck yourself, you dumbass cracker!

In prison, you'd be a "tossed salad", because you talk like a little bitch!
Do you want us whites not to criticize you and just hand over all of our jobs, bank accounts and beg for forgiveness for doing something all races did?

I hear you protesting about our justice system arresting a black person for beating, raping or killing. You think they should get off Scot free. Look at Trayvon to prove one such case. Do you really want such people within your race to get away with violence?

Do you really want whites to stop criticizing Obama? Hell, the very idea of a democracy is the ability to criticize and discuss the issues of our leadership. Seems that you think we should just shut up.

90% of blacks vote for democrats based on welfare, but somehow it is racist for me to call you on it. On and on, I can go.

Wtf do you want? Do you want a double standard with lighter prison terms for your crimes? Do you want us to hand over our jobs, even though the boss might not consider your resume as good as another guys???? This is what happened in Zimbabwe and now South Africa.

You people would destroy this nation rather be equal to whites within it.

As for you leftist that screams racism at every white that criticizes Obama. Well, you're just making it harder.

Every single race enslaved other human beings 200 years ago and from the dawn of humanity. What part of that can't people understand? The honest truth is whites are the only race to fight for human freedoms and for that you hate us. Maybe because we have all the wealth as we work hard to create wealth and a viable society.

Why don't you go fuck yourself, you dumbass cracker!

In prison, you'd be a "tossed salad", because you talk like a little bitch!

This is the height of the debating skill of the other side. I just lol'ed. :badgrin: No wonder 70% of blacks in Africa are starving and need to beg for our help. LOL. The ability to reason is what sets whites and blacks apart.

BBC: 52.2% of all murders, not of the black population in prison.
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Do you want me to get down on my knee's and kiss your feet for the next 60 years?

No, but you should throw away your ignorance.

Yay, everything is ignorance to you morons.

Is 72% of black men leaving their woman to take care of their children also Ignorance? cnn pointed this out yesterday.
Do you want us whites not to criticize you and just hand over all of our jobs, bank accounts and beg for forgiveness for doing something all races did?

I hear you protesting about our justice system arresting a black person for beating, raping or killing. You think they should get off Scot free. Look at Trayvon to prove one such case. Do you really want such people within your race to get away with violence?

Do you really want whites to stop criticizing Obama? Hell, the very idea of a democracy is the ability to criticize and discuss the issues of our leadership. Seems that you think we should just shut up.

90% of blacks vote for democrats based on welfare, but somehow it is racist for me to call you on it. On and on, I can go.

Wtf do you want? Do you want a double standard with lighter prison terms for your crimes? Do you want us to hand over our jobs, even though the boss might not consider your resume as good as another guys???? This is what happened in Zimbabwe and now South Africa.

You people would destroy this nation rather be equal to whites within it.

As for you leftist that screams racism at every white that criticizes Obama. Well, you're just making it harder.

Every single race enslaved other human beings 200 years ago and from the dawn of humanity. What part of that can't people understand? The honest truth is whites are the only race to fight for human freedoms and for that you hate us. Maybe because we have all the wealth as we work hard to create wealth and a viable society.


Cease to exist.
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