What do you like about Biden & Harris?

Xiden? Maybe some of the tax increases, like the transaction tax.

Kamala? Nothing. Maybe I like her dad.
What do you like about Biden?

What do you like about Harris?
I like that they are boring and lowering the temperature of our political discourse. I like that Biden is a good dude and working towards repairing some of the relationships Trump broke on the world stage. Policy wise I’m not excited about much as I lean more conservative. Harris I’ve never been impressed with. I think symbolically it’s great that a black woman is representing at the highest level but I’m not a big fan of her personally.
They are not the bad orange man.
The bad orange man was vilified by the media and mindless people did not look at their pocket books and bank accounts and believed the 95% negative coverage by the media. The bad orange man can fart roses and he would be blamed for making the place smell like roses.
So they voted for an empty suit who mumbles and a racist asshole who is more wrapped up in her home building than she is in the American People who she refers to as as racist society.
Elections have consequences.
However, in Bidens defense...he DID play a role in the vaccination development. You know....the one he got before he was inaugurated? Yeah. That one.
He is a lying empty suit and the media gives him a pass.
There is nothing to like. Harris is a whore and I never liked Biden anyway, he's nothing but a career, prevaricating politician. He never had a real job, never ran a business and spent his whole life living off the American taxpayer. He is also a traitor.
What do you like about Biden?

What do you like about Harris?
-What about not having to argue about if it's right or not to blackmail an ally in order to win an election?
-What about not having to argue that if you have to choose between Putin and your own intelligence community, Putin is a better choice?
-What about not having to argue that when faced with a global pandemic the prudent choice is to wear masks?
-What about not having to argue whether or not it's a good idea to ingest bleach to kill the virus?

What about being able to argue again about whether or not taxing the rich in order to fund social programs is a moral thing to do?

What about listening to Hannity talking about Biden's dog trying to make an argument that somehow signals a fault in the US president instead of listening to him justifying insurrection in order to protect a US president?

What about just enjoying the peace and quiet of not having to be confronted by daily stupidity coming out of the Twitter feed of the sitting US president?

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