Here is a political doozie from England about VP Harris

The Democrat party is a bunch of rich establishment elitists, whose power depends on their ability to con minorities, youth, deviants, criminals and the poor. These groups are starting to see through their donkey bullshit, but let's see if they'll finally vote in their own self-interest come November. MAGA
"You are miserable. You are a victim. It is so unfair. The reason you are a miserable victim is because of those guys over there getting more than their fair share. Vote for me and I will talk lots about how unfair it all is"

"while making sure the status quo continues"

Does anyone here buy that?

Seriously, are there liberal Democrats who see Harris as anything like a viable candidate?
I don't buy it for a second. You can see by the "Independent's" logo that they're as woke and stupid as a dumbass site can get. Given a choice between someone scratching a chalkboard and Heels-Up-Harris's cackle ... I gotta go with the chalkboard.
1. Harris told the press that her job was "difficult."
2. Harris' team don't like her, and some have quit.
3. If she considered her job as vice-president as difficult, when her primary duty is to simply promote the president's policies. How can she think she could handle the actual job of being a president and since he's incompetent, she will be even more so?
Apparently, being in charge of border security is hard, so hard that after 3 years, they've declared a crisis and are demanding that Republicans bail them out.
So then Biden is shit for keeping boxes of classified material in 3 locations for 5 years, even in his own garage haphazardly stacked on the floor.
I doubt he ever even thought about them being there, until Trump's trouble began, then he notified the appropriate office to come get them, cooperated with investigation and gladly returned all reported or requested. Sound like somebody on the up and up, not like trump, trying keep them, hide them, pay people to move them when Feds were coming for them, instructing lawyers to say all had been returned and no more left in his possession. Trump acted like a guilty SOB trying to get away with keeping them, from the beginning. It is a case for a jury trial to decide, but certainly does not sound good for Trump. I dealt with highly classified documents and files from time to time. If I had done like Donny, there is no doubt, I would be in jail.
So you think Alvin Bragg was following the rules when he brought those charges? No.

Was Biden following the rules when he took classified documents home as a Senator? No.

Are Democrats following Article 4, Section 4 of The Constitution right now? No.
Bragg followed the rules. Appeal to New York Appellate court is unlikely to succeed. But this has nothing to do with Harris Doozie article
Biden has nothing to do with Trump's falsification of business records trial, or the Harris Doozie article.
Article 4, Section 4 has nothing to do with Trump's falsification of business records trial.

What is it? You were totally without argument, so thought a change of subject was the way to go?

I am still happy, living by the rules, and think those that do not, are shit. :cool:
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Democrats are rich establishment elitists. The rat bastards running the Democrat party always nominate a yes man to be their Presidential puppet. Harris would serve that purpose just as well as Biden has. But the most illogical thing is how rich Democrat elitists have convinced any average person to vote for them. When they badmouth rich elitists who don't pay their fair share of taxes and are above the law, they're badmouthing themselves. So why are so many people bamboozled by their promise to rein in the rich? Democrats ARE the rich, and they're not going to do anything that would cost their greedy asses a cent. The moral of this story is "you middle class dummies need to wake up and realize that Democrats are not looking out for your best interests." MAGA

You mean because they have more manners than Trump?
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If what all these candidates have done hasn't embarrassed their two so-called political parties enough to choose others, nothing will. We are stuck with the dualism voters insist upon maintaining.
You are stuck in that dumb both sides bullshit. Both parties have not done embarassing things. There is no equivalence between the two sides. And you cannot name anyone better than Biden. Produce a canddate wirh his job experience. There are more than these two running. You can vote for Jill Stein, Cornel West, the libertarian guy, and when you look at your ballot on election day, you will see a list of candidates from more than 2 parties.
Why, what has she done that's so "embarrassing?"
You know what it is. But they won't come out and say it. Now watch how one of these morons gets indignant and tell me how I only see race as if what they say about Harris isn't because of her race.
I could see a scenario, where Joe serves until 2026 or 2027, announces to the country that for medical reasons, he's decided to step down. Tells Americans the country is in good hands with Kumula. She then gets to serve a year or two, gains the experience, and she's set up for 2028.
So let me get this straight

Trump Humpers don’t like her?

Color me shocked
She gets the money for Ukraine. You alright with that. call up the treasury department with the okay of the privately owned Federal Reserve and print up another 100 billion dollars on the taxpayer's dime. Her family history is of slave owners. Privileged. And has contempt for Joe as he is a racist. A convicted racist in many people's minds that vote Prog also. They do not say it. They know it though.

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