What do you mean when you refer to the left or right?


Nov 6, 2013
I always feel like when people refer to the left or right(political alignment I presume) they automatically refer to the extremes. I.E left=communism, right=fascist
I'd like to know how you see either and why.

For me I see the right as more traditional and obviously conservative in their actions, which may not always be a bad thing. They are fundamental and look at things through practicality.
The left for me stands for ambitious or progressive reform that is not always in sync with tradition. They are liberal, and by that I mean are positive in the view of human nature.
P.S. not to confuse anyone but I do believe there is progressive right reform, and conservative left reform.
left-right is based on the basic economic distinction, not the superstructure ( which cultural things are).

more private enterprise/less government regulation - the right
more government regulations/less private enterprise - the left
You're talking about the way the right used to be.

Now, it's 90% white and they have been terrorized and threatened by their own leaders so much, they believe the boogeyman is under every bed and behind every bush. They have circled the wagons and hate not only everyone not them, but everything that's good for America. Education, infrastructure, personal freedom, helping the poor. All these things have somehow become "freebies".
Left: Pro-choice. Anti gun. Pro ObamaCare. Pro "tax the rich more". Government as nanny. The Democratic version of a liberal is tax-and-spend, pro gay marriage, pro welfare state.

Right: Pro-life. Pro gun. Anti ObamaCare. Pro tax cuts. Government as cop. The Republican version of a conservative is borrow-and-spend, anti gay marriage, anti Muslim, anti black, anti immigrant.

P.S.: Are you going to finish your other topic before starting a new one?
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You're talking about the way the right used to be.

Now, it's 90% white and they have been terrorized and threatened by their own leaders so much, they believe the boogeyman is under every bed and behind every bush. They have circled the wagons and hate not only everyone not them, but everything that's good for America. Education, infrastructure, personal freedom, helping the poor. All these things have somehow become "freebies".

you are talking the leftard propaganda crap.
I'd like to follow up by asking whether any of you guys are static in your beliefs or do you find that their is a level of blending when it comes to certain issues?
I always feel like when people refer to the left or right(political alignment I presume) they automatically refer to the extremes. I.E left=communism, right=fascist
I'd like to know how you see either and why.

For me I see the right as more traditional and obviously conservative in their actions, which may not always be a bad thing. They are fundamental and look at things through practicality.
The left for me stands for ambitious or progressive reform that is not always in sync with tradition. They are liberal, and by that I mean are positive in the view of human nature.
P.S. not to confuse anyone but I do believe there is progressive right reform, and conservative left reform.

It depends on the era.

I come from a point in time that left was very liberal. But liberal was truly liberal where everything meant freedom.

Now left means control.Control to mean you can't do anything unless the government allows you to do so.

And it's sad, because that is what left means today.
I'd like to follow up by asking whether any of you guys are static in your beliefs or do you find that their is a level of blending when it comes to certain issues?


Do I believe every woman has a right to do so?

It is the law of the land.

Now can we discuss the morality of this?

Yes we should many times over. But then we enter this different world and not a worry because I think we always should. I think this conversation should never be over.

I think it should always be fluid. I think we cannot ever demand that it's one way or another. The conversation should and must be always that we can and should understand life changes should it not? And no matter our position, we should be able to bend.
You're talking about the way the right used to be.

Now, it's 90% white and they have been terrorized and threatened by their own leaders so much, they believe the boogeyman is under every bed and behind every bush. They have circled the wagons and hate not only everyone not them, but everything that's good for America. Education, infrastructure, personal freedom, helping the poor. All these things have somehow become "freebies".

I keep asking what is 90% white?

Define us.

Are we Italian white?

Are we Croatian white?

Are we Brazilian white?

Are we Irish white?

Are we South African white?

what type of white are we?

Sweet Lord don't you understand what a bigot you are?

Oh I am so tired of this idiocy but I will continue to fight it.

What type of white am I?
Left: Pro-choice. Anti gun. Pro ObamaCare. Pro "tax the rich more". Government as nanny. The Democratic version of a liberal is tax-and-spend, pro gay marriage, pro welfare state.

Right: Pro-life. Pro gun. Anti ObamaCare. Pro tax cuts. Government as cop. The Republican version of a conservative is borrow-and-spend, anti gay marriage, anti Muslim, anti black, anti immigrant.

P.S.: Are you going to finish your other topic before starting a new one?

I always feel like when people refer to the left or right(political alignment I presume) they automatically refer to the extremes. I.E left=communism, right=fascist
I'd like to know how you see either and why.

For me I see the right as more traditional and obviously conservative in their actions, which may not always be a bad thing. They are fundamental and look at things through practicality.
The left for me stands for ambitious or progressive reform that is not always in sync with tradition. They are liberal, and by that I mean are positive in the view of human nature.
P.S. not to confuse anyone but I do believe there is progressive right reform, and conservative left reform.
"What do you mean when you refer to the left or right?"

Is this more of a philosophical question than a purely political one? If so...
I for one am against the idea of referring to each other as either left or right. We as humans go through so much that it would be impossible to really be defined under one spectrum. As long as educated debate exists with objective information and analytical skills we can always have a thorough discussion in which direction the country should go.
You're talking about the way the right used to be.

Now, it's 90% white and they have been terrorized and threatened by their own leaders so much, they believe the boogeyman is under every bed and behind every bush. They have circled the wagons and hate not only everyone not them, but everything that's good for America. Education, infrastructure, personal freedom, helping the poor. All these things have somehow become "freebies".

you are talking the leftard propaganda crap.

It's only "propaganda crap" if it's not true.
Left: Pro-choice. Anti gun. Pro ObamaCare. Pro "tax the rich more". Government as nanny. The Democratic version of a liberal is tax-and-spend, pro gay marriage, pro welfare state.

Right: Pro-life. Pro gun. Anti ObamaCare. Pro tax cuts. Government as cop. The Republican version of a conservative is borrow-and-spend, anti gay marriage, anti Muslim, anti black, anti immigrant.

P.S.: Are you going to finish your other topic before starting a new one?

At some point, you can't tax the rich any less.
Government as "nanny"? What does that mean? When I pay for a car, I want to use it.
Pro gay marriage. Good. Stable relationships are a good thing.
Pro welfare state. For those who need it. Even right wing Glenn Beck fanatics.

Bush tax cuts for the rich.
Two unfunded wars
Red Welfare States after 150 years of conservative policies

Who created the deficit?

Facts make this too, too easy.
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Left: Pro-choice. Anti gun. Pro ObamaCare. Pro "tax the rich more". Government as nanny. The Democratic version of a liberal is tax-and-spend, pro gay marriage, pro welfare state.

Right: Pro-life. Pro gun. Anti ObamaCare. Pro tax cuts. Government as cop. The Republican version of a conservative is borrow-and-spend, anti gay marriage, anti Muslim, anti black, anti immigrant.

P.S.: Are you going to finish your other topic before starting a new one?

Right: That way >>>>>>>>>>>>
Left: This way <<<<<<<<<<<<<

I hate labels. I am pro life, pro gun, anti obamacare, pro tax cuts. I am against government as a cop, for gay unions (not necessarily call it "marriage" or wedding), against singling out religion (muslim), far from anti black, want immigrants to go the route my great great greats did when they came here instead of sneaking and using what they came here for (my great greats).

So what does that make me?
I for one am against the idea of referring to each other as either left or right. We as humans go through so much that it would be impossible to really be defined under one spectrum. As long as educated debate exists with objective information and analytical skills we can always have a thorough discussion in which direction the country should go.

This is what it should be.

Thank you. Now I can battle on a silly board but we should always and always debate. The day we stop debating and having fun ripping each other open is the day we lay down.

I don't want to do that. I am sure you don't as well. I love this. It's the moments of lives that come together.

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