What do you remember about Sept 11, 2001?

You little cadre of "MODS" seem to think you are doing people a favor by letting them post in this cess-pool, but with your attitudes, who in the hell would want to be here except your own clones who all agree on everything for fear of getting banned? I say FUCK YOU assholes.
You little cadre of "MODS" seem to think you are doing people a favor by letting them post in this cess-pool, but with your attitudes, who in the hell would want to be here except your own clones who all agree on everything for fear of getting banned? I say FUCK YOU assholes.

I'm shaking in my non-animal made black boots with the 4 inch heels, Lasher. Big tuff old boy you. BOO!
Can someone tell me who this character "wicked jester" is? He seems to think he is the Nazi chief of the board.

Wicked Jester is a friend of mine and a member of this board giving you a courteous reminder of what the mods have already said - loud and clear. This is not the thread to play games in, or with.

You should remember that a person is known by his friends, and if you think it is courteous to call someone "dumbass" right off the bat, you are cut from the same cloth as he is. He didn't explain at all just what I posted that he didn't like, just started in showing his authority like a school kid. Some people aren't cut out to deal with the public, and the two of you seem to belong in that genre. And why do you say I am playing games? If "wicked" had spoken with a grain of decency to me, none of this would have occured, but his response leads me to think I posted something that was personal to him, and that is no way to serve as a Mod.
Look man, i've seen you on another thread spewing all kinds of racist BS. Then you come on this thread and start spewing loony conspiracy BS, when it was clearly laid out by modbert that, that kind of BS won't be tolerated on THIS thread. There is an entire section on this board dedicated solely to that conspiracy BS. Park your ass over there if ya' want to chime in with that crap. 9/11 affected many people up here very deeply. A couple actually lost loved ones or friends in the attack. Out of respect to them, lay off.
Wicked Jester is a friend of mine and a member of this board giving you a courteous reminder of what the mods have already said - loud and clear. This is not the thread to play games in, or with.

You should remember that a person is known by his friends, and if you think it is courteous to call someone "dumbass" right off the bat, you are cut from the same cloth as he is. He didn't explain at all just what I posted that he didn't like, just started in showing his authority like a school kid. Some people aren't cut out to deal with the public, and the two of you seem to belong in that genre. And why do you say I am playing games? If "wicked" had spoken with a grain of decency to me, none of this would have occured, but his response leads me to think I posted something that was personal to him, and that is no way to serve as a Mod.
Look man, i've seen you on another thread spewing all kinds of racist BS. Then you come on this thread and start spewing loony conspiracy BS, when it was clearly laid out by modbert that, that kind of BS won't be tolerated on THIS thread. There is an entire section on this board dedicated solely to that conspiracy BS. Park your ass over there if ya' want to chime in with that crap. 9/11 affected many people up here very deeply. A couple actually lost loved ones or friends in the attack. Out of respect to them, lay off.

Oh, I think he'll be laying off now. :lol::lol:
Come to think of it, before 911 I actually believed that the terrorism was shunned by mainstream Islam, and going out of fashion as the world embarked on an era of peace, cooperation and prosperity. Maybe that is because my formative years were through the 90's in a period of relative stability.

The reality of how things work thus caught me off guard. I'm sure I'm not the only one who felt that way.

The 90's were not relatively stable in the middle east, or most of the Muslim world. It was simply not talked about much here.
I was in the Bronx, after a long and late night of working on websites with my business partner.

Woke up to see the 2nd plane crash.

Started calling like crazy to find out and make sure all of my friends, some of whom worked around Ground Zero were OK.

One lady I know saw the first plane from an adjascent building slam into it and hauled ass.

Some of my friends were on their way to work on the subway when they got turned back.

I remember NOONE having an open cell line...EVERYBODY was calling.

By the time my parents managed to get me on my cell to find out if I was OK it was like 3/4 in the afternoon.

What a day.
I was out shopping when I heard about it. Don't remember where though. Finally saw it on the news later that day.

The Kennedy assassination sticks in my mind more than 9/11 does.
I was in the Bronx, after a long and late night of working on websites with my business partner.

Woke up to see the 2nd plane crash.

Started calling like crazy to find out and make sure all of my friends, some of whom worked around Ground Zero were OK.

One lady I know saw the first plane from an adjascent building slam into it and hauled ass.

Some of my friends were on their way to work on the subway when they got turned back.

I remember NOONE having an open cell line...EVERYBODY was calling.

By the time my parents managed to get me on my cell to find out if I was OK it was like 3/4 in the afternoon.

What a day.

The Cell towers went down with the buildings. From Queens you'd need 50+ tries to get a single call through.
I was in the Bronx, after a long and late night of working on websites with my business partner.

Woke up to see the 2nd plane crash.

Started calling like crazy to find out and make sure all of my friends, some of whom worked around Ground Zero were OK.

One lady I know saw the first plane from an adjascent building slam into it and hauled ass.

Some of my friends were on their way to work on the subway when they got turned back.

I remember NOONE having an open cell line...EVERYBODY was calling.

By the time my parents managed to get me on my cell to find out if I was OK it was like 3/4 in the afternoon.

What a day.

The Cell towers went down with the buildings. From Queens you'd need 50+ tries to get a single call through.

Added by everyone IN the city trying to call out and lots of people OUT the city national and abroad trying to call in...it was damn near impossible,

Yep...you're right.
Come to think of it, before 911 I actually believed that the terrorism was shunned by mainstream Islam, and going out of fashion as the world embarked on an era of peace, cooperation and prosperity. Maybe that is because my formative years were through the 90's in a period of relative stability.

The reality of how things work thus caught me off guard. I'm sure I'm not the only one who felt that way.

The 90's were not relatively stable in the middle east, or most of the Muslim world. It was simply not talked about much here.

You're right, but that was part of it. Once the USSR collapsed, we Americans enjoyed a peaceful existence. A few incidents now and then by no doubt 'crazed' militants did not shake our confidence and sense of security that we had no significant natural enemies. 9/11 shattered that innocence and naivete. Everything changed.
You're right, but that was part of it. Once the USSR collapsed, we Americans enjoyed a peaceful existence. A few incidents now and then by no doubt 'crazed' militants did not shake our confidence and sense of security that we had no significant natural enemies. 9/11 shattered that innocence and naivete. Everything changed.

Without the Nazi's.......

Almost like, without the USSR to fear, we needed something to fill the vacuum?


We don't seem to do very well as a Democracy unless we have something to convince us that if we didn't stick together, the Enemy would Rape, Pillage, and Burn.
Come to think of it, before 911 I actually believed that the terrorism was shunned by mainstream Islam, and going out of fashion as the world embarked on an era of peace, cooperation and prosperity. Maybe that is because my formative years were through the 90's in a period of relative stability.

The reality of how things work thus caught me off guard. I'm sure I'm not the only one who felt that way.

The 90's were not relatively stable in the middle east, or most of the Muslim world. It was simply not talked about much here.

and certainly not a 'safe' time for US interests abroad, allowing the sheep people to keep watching their money grow into good times.

A few of those incidents from the peaceful 1990's:

frontline: hunting bin laden: the trail of evidence and the warnings | PBS
Marriot Hotel At Ground Zero

Many do not realize that the Marriot Hotel that stood right next to the Twin Towers took the brunt of the collapses of both towers.

Some incredible miracles happened at the Marriot that day.

Interestingly, the part of the Marriot that held up to the impact of both towers was a part that was retro-fitted with extra steel girders after the first attempted bombing back in the 90's in the garage area of the World Trade center.

The side of the Marriot that was closest to the garage was weakened by that first garage bombing.

History channel had a very good show in the evening about the Marriot aired on 9/11/10.
There's something else that has bothered me about the film coverage by the major media back in 2001.

They made a point to not show the many people that jumped out of the towers in desperation from the heat of the fire that was burning them. They had two ways to die...........slowly burn to death, or jump.......as there access to get down downstairs and out of the building was blocked.

I don't think that keeping the public from seeing that immensity of the tragedy, and the absolute suffering, and demise of those folks in the towers was the media's decision.

I'm not some person looking for death thrills........just the opposite!

I think the American public needed to see the absolute tragedy in it's fullest in respect to human lives. Some may say it's done in respect to the loved ones of those that died in the building or had jumped to their death, but us fellow Americans can't be insulated from the immensity of this travesty of murder/war brought upon us.

The media, even that day was making it's first move to keep us from experiencing a strong angst towards Islamic fanaticalism, and it aftermath when it succeeds in it's Jihadis bent.
I even have a hard time nowadays when I'm at the store or in public and see some lady at Target with her head covering. I just get the feeling/thoughts that Islam is just brandishing itself in our collective, American faces.

Even France has made moves to outlaw the wearing of Burkahs in public.........And boy oh boy does France have heap of worries about Islamic extremism! Their populous is rapidly changing towards a muslim majority. France allowed a very large immigration of Muslim workers and their families some years ago. I think they are kicking their collective butts for doing so.
As mentioned earlier.........Islam, and the American Way of life based on the U.S. Constitution are not at all compatible. Sharia law is theocratic law/rule.

Even you liberals out there should start waking up, as you will probably be the very first to be subjugated if Sharia law takes over America. The rest of us will have our pistols, and rifles, and will do our best to save your butts. ;) Thank God for the Second Amendment!!!
I actually had 9/11/2001 circled on my calender for a month. It's true.

It was the first day of my then four year old's (now 13) preschool.

As we were driving there the first report came on about a plane hitting one of the buildings.

I noted to her pre-school teacher that this had happened and the teacher said, that she had heard it was only a commuter plane that hit the building.

When I got back to the car, they were reporting another plane at hit the other building. I then knew this was serious, and something terrible was happening.

I then spent the next (I don't know really how long) hour or two sitting in the parking lot of that church (where the pre-school was located) listening to the radio and crying, too scared to death to leave my four year old.

When I heard the plane had crashed in Pennsylvania, I really hit the panic button. "That's a state away," I thought. "Oh my LORD, THE SCHOOLS!"

That's when I marched into the pre-school, announced I was taking my kid home and drove all the way to the middle school, where my (now college age kid) eleven year old was going to school. I stood with five other parents also waiting to get their kids.

The eleven year old came out crying, and saying, "What's happened? Is she all right?"

She thought something had happened to the four year old. Apparently, the school decided to keep from the kids what was happening, and when I picked up the older kid, they told her the reason, she was being picked up was a "family emergency." She assumed something must have happened to the four year old.

I have to admit I was just a tad below hysterical at that point. "Don't you know what's happening, the country is under attack!"

So, I took the kids home and within five minutes of getting home, my husband called.

"Are the kids home!" That was the first thing he said.

"Yes," I said, "the kids are home."

"Don't go ANYWHERE!" He sounded like he was fighting off hysteria himself. "Stay where you are! All hell is breaking loose, here. They are trying to shut off the gas at the wells!" Then he hung up.

I remember feeling a real cold dread at that, because Ohio runs on gas and planes hitting those wells. I had no idea what that could do.

Within two minutes, his sister called. "Are the kids home!" First thing she said.

"Yes, I answered, "the kids are home!

"I can't find Tammy (Tammy worked at the airport at the time)." She did sound hysterical. "I've been calling everywhere." Then she wanted to know where my husband was.

I assured her my husband was fine and at work.

We had Fox News on all day.

At bed time, the oldest started crying, because we lived in a two story condo at the time, and she was scared to death to go upstairs to bed. She cried she was afraid a plane would hit the building. (She was only 11 at the time)

We all got sleeping bags and slept together on the floor of the living room, so the kids wouldn't be scared, although, the four year old was pretty oblivious to the whole thing. It was the 11 year old that was so scared.
Marriot Hotel At Ground Zero

Many do not realize that the Marriot Hotel that stood right next to the Twin Towers took the brunt of the collapses of both towers.

Some incredible miracles happened at the Marriot that day.

Interestingly, the part of the Marriot that held up to the impact of both towers was a part that was retro-fitted with extra steel girders after the first attempted bombing back in the 90's in the garage area of the World Trade center.

The side of the Marriot that was closest to the garage was weakened by that first garage bombing.

History channel had a very good show in the evening about the Marriot aired on 9/11/10.
There's something else that has bothered me about the film coverage by the major media back in 2001.

They made a point to not show the many people that jumped out of the towers in desperation from the heat of the fire that was burning them. They had two ways to die...........slowly burn to death, or jump.......as there access to get down downstairs and out of the building was blocked.

I don't think that keeping the public from seeing that immensity of the tragedy, and the absolute suffering, and demise of those folks in the towers was the media's decision.

I'm not some person looking for death thrills........just the opposite!

I think the American public needed to see the absolute tragedy in it's fullest in respect to human lives. Some may say it's done in respect to the loved ones of those that died in the building or had jumped to their death, but us fellow Americans can't be insulated from the immensity of this travesty of murder/war brought upon us.

The media, even that day was making it's first move to keep us from experiencing a strong angst towards Islamic fanaticalism, and it aftermath when it succeeds in it's Jihadis bent.
I even have a hard time nowadays when I'm at the store or in public and see some lady at Target with her head covering. I just get the feeling/thoughts that Islam is just brandishing itself in our collective, American faces.

Even France has made moves to outlaw the wearing of Burkahs in public.........And boy oh boy does France have heap of worries about Islamic extremism! Their populous is rapidly changing towards a muslim majority. France allowed a very large immigration of Muslim workers and their families some years ago. I think they are kicking their collective butts for doing so.
As mentioned earlier.........Islam, and the American Way of life based on the U.S. Constitution are not at all compatible. Sharia law is theocratic law/rule.

Even you liberals out there should start waking up, as you will probably be the very first to be subjugated if Sharia law takes over America. The rest of us will have our pistols, and rifles, and will do our best to save your butts. ;) Thank God for the Second Amendment!!!

The History Channel had a special on 9/11 called "Hotel 9/11."

I never knew until that program about the Marriot between the two towers.

I watched the whole show just crying. It was so awful.

The worst was the poor man who survived the day only to find out his daughter and grandaughter had been on the first plane that hit the (I think it was) the North Tower. (It was the North tower hit first right?)

I mean I just cried and cried watching that.

How ironic that those that survived in the Marriot did so because of the 1993 bombing. After that bombing, they reinforced the South side of the Marriot, and that's why that side of the building stood up to the WTC towers falling on it. Ironies of Ironies.

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