What Do You Think About Black People Now?

Has the George Floyd protests done anything to change your opinion of blacks?

  • No change

  • I used to be sympathetic....but not anymore...blacks have lost my support

  • I believe they have a right to show their anger and fully support it

  • I think this was all planned by the left and it's not a protest over George Floyd

  • I'm buying more ammo

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All I get from this OP is fear. Fear of the scary minorities. This attitude is as old as the hills.
Our White Separatist / Nationalist / Supremacist friends here want their own land. I think Utah would be more than enough space, don't you?

Utah is too nice. I'm thinking Siberia has even more real estate.
Utah has gone liberal.

States to avoid....CA, OR, WA, MINN, MI, NY, NJ, TX, AZ, NM,CO, VA, NC,.....

Cities to avoid....Portland, SF, NY, Minneapolis, Baltimore, Houston, Seattle, Detroit, St Louis, or just anywhere a Democrat is in charge.

Chicago, D.C, Atlanta....
After all of the violence, looting, and riots....do you have a worse or better opinion of black Americans?

Do you think all of this mess is helping improve race relations...or do you think it's made it much worse?
I live in 'REAL' America....

By that I mean I interact with people of all colors / races daily. Even if you don't know each other you smile, say hi, do small acts of kindness....a place that rejects the politically and media driven manipulation, the foreign-funded division and attempt to incite violence.

We recognize we are a collective community that depends on each other to maintain balance and harmony.

Both Antifa and BLM reps showed up here to try to start up and organize trouble - the community together told them to GTFO or they would be removed...they left.

We have civil, peaceful discussions where we share thoughts and ideas, LISTEN, and we may not all agree or share the same ideas, but we can agree to disagree peacefully.

We have no desire to burn down anyone's store or house. If there is a need we don't loot. There is a local charity supported by ALL the churches and community that helps people in need pay their rent, electricity, etc..., hands out food and clothes, and takes care of one another.

We treat others as the Bible teaches us we should, loving one another as God teaches us to. We are not a Utopia, are not perfect, but it is devoid of the infectious, socialist, Marxist, communist, liberal / Democrat mental insanity that is ravaging many places elsewhere.

Thankfully nothing has changed where I live. Hopefully what we have will spread and beat back the 'darkness' and forces that seek to destroy us.

Why are you lying about "ANTIFA and BLM reps" being run out of your town? Does that make you feel less like a chicken shit?
Unless you live where I do, FUCK YOU!

Trying to speak about something you know nothing about makes you look like / proves you are an idiot.


Where are the Iphone videos? Nobody took any? No media witnessed this great purge of those thugs?

You are a fucking liar, chief.
After all of the violence, looting, and riots....do you have a worse or better opinion of black Americans?

Do you think all of this mess is helping improve race relations...or do you think it's made it much worse?
I live in 'REAL' America....

By that I mean I interact with people of all colors / races daily. Even if you don't know each other you smile, say hi, do small acts of kindness....a place that rejects the politically and media driven manipulation, the foreign-funded division and attempt to incite violence.

We recognize we are a collective community that depends on each other to maintain balance and harmony.

Both Antifa and BLM reps showed up here to try to start up and organize trouble - the community together told them to GTFO or they would be removed...they left.

We have civil, peaceful discussions where we share thoughts and ideas, LISTEN, and we may not all agree or share the same ideas, but we can agree to disagree peacefully.

We have no desire to burn down anyone's store or house. If there is a need we don't loot. There is a local charity supported by ALL the churches and community that helps people in need pay their rent, electricity, etc..., hands out food and clothes, and takes care of one another.

We treat others as the Bible teaches us we should, loving one another as God teaches us to. We are not a Utopia, are not perfect, but it is devoid of the infectious, socialist, Marxist, communist, liberal / Democrat mental insanity that is ravaging many places elsewhere.

Thankfully nothing has changed where I live. Hopefully what we have will spread and beat back the 'darkness' and forces that seek to destroy us.

Why are you lying about "ANTIFA and BLM reps" being run out of your town? Does that make you feel less like a chicken shit?
Unless you live where I do, FUCK YOU!

Trying to speak about something you know nothing about makes you look like / proves you are an idiot.


Ironic. You do this all the time. Why are you exempt from your own rules of engagement?

Could it be because you're a gigantic hypocrite?
Throughout history whenever Americans have fought for their rights it's been conservative types who stood in their way. This time is no different. These assholes are so closed-minded they have no idea what the protesters even want.

Factually false.
Throughout history whenever Americans have fought for their rights it's been conservative types who stood in their way. This time is no different. These assholes are so closed-minded they have no idea what the protesters even want.

Factually false.

Another binary response. Why even bother without further explanation?

Because you don't want discussion. You want to be right.
My opinion hasn't changed, most of 'em are good people that want a decent life for themselves and their kids. Fair treatment before the law and in the marketplace, same as everyone else. Nothing wrong with that, but many of them feel they ain't getting a fair shake, and in many cases they're right. Problem is, IMHO they are not making the smartest decisions to change the situation.

Awwww. You don't like the way that an oppressed group protests. How sad.

Taking a knee and trying to vote without bullshit voter suppression tactics didn't work. So the
time came to take to the streets. Twenty five days and counting. Change will result.

I wasn't talking about protests, I was talking about the continual election of democrats in our major cities. Which to me is dumbshit stupid, what is it they say about expecting different results if you don't change anything?

Are you talking about protests, or rioting, burning, and looting? I take it you are in favor of all of that, right? So how much good has that done since the days of the Watts riots in the early 1990s? That kind of shit does nothing to promote cooperation and progress.
Throughout history whenever Americans have fought for their rights it's been conservative types who stood in their way. This time is no different. These assholes are so closed-minded they have no idea what the protesters even want.

I know you’re going to ignore this post and I don’t give a shit, I‘all tell you anyway. The democrats stoke animosity and division to get power. The media does it because it sells. People like you who buy into it are the problem. Without you the democrats and the media wouldn’t be doing what they’re doing. Yes, you’re doing your part to keep the hatred going. You never let facts get in your way.
That’s the problem liberals refuse to hold the democrats responsible and media responsible for their evil deeds. It’s a breakdown in society. Whites are not the devil. If there’s going to be real change, not the phony change liberals and blacks are pushing for then those groups need to look within. There’s never going to be a solution because all the attention goes to the fake problems and the real problem get swept under the rug.
My opinion hasn't changed, most of 'em are good people that want a decent life for themselves and their kids. Fair treatment before the law and in the marketplace, same as everyone else. Nothing wrong with that, but many of them feel they ain't getting a fair shake, and in many cases they're right. Problem is, IMHO they are not making the smartest decisions to change the situation.

Awwww. You don't like the way that an oppressed group protests. How sad.

Taking a knee and trying to vote without bullshit voter suppression tactics didn't work. So the
time came to take to the streets. Twenty five days and counting. Change will result.

I wasn't talking about protests, I was talking about the continual election of democrats in our major cities. Which to me is dumbshit stupid, what is it they say about expecting different results if you don't change anything?

Are you talking about protests, or rioting, burning, and looting? I take it you are in favor of all of that, right? So how much good has that done since the days of the Watts riots in the early 1990s? That kind of shit does nothing to promote cooperation and progress.

Oooooohhhh! You are one of those wonderful RW nutbags who thinks that Republicans are REALLY the leaders
who want to help black and brown Americans experience all our great nation has to offer! Cool!

But....they are all just too fucking stupid to realize it and they keep voting for the racist Dems.

Right. The best argument Evvvaaaahhhh!
Throughout history whenever Americans have fought for their rights it's been conservative types who stood in their way. This time is no different. These assholes are so closed-minded they have no idea what the protesters even want.
Bull shit... we know EXACTLY what you want... we see it right here... if you radical fucks were in charge of everything, this is what the entire nation would look like...

Every time yet another young man was murdered by the police and nothing was done was another step on the road to now. No one listened to pleas for action or did a damned thing. MLK said mass protests are the voice of the unheard. Should have listened if the sight of uppity blacks fills you with such incredible fear and loathing.

Wait a minute. What do you mean nothing is done? Every death at the hands of a police officer is intensely investigated, usually by several different agencies.

Who gave us time to do this in the Floyd case? Who gave us time to do this in the Brooks case?

Why do you people refuse to live in a civilized society? Why do you think we should look at some video, and by the cry of the uneducated people, hang a person in public without a trial?

We just keep on hiring the same old 80 IQ, ex-jock, ex-solider kind of guy who readily resorts to violence in a stressful situation. We have to do better. We cannot just keep on telling these low performing people that they deserve automatic respect and compliance no mater how crappy they are.
Throughout history whenever Americans have fought for their rights it's been conservative types who stood in their way. This time is no different. These assholes are so closed-minded they have no idea what the protesters even want.
Bull shit... we know EXACTLY what you want... we see it right here... if you radical fucks were in charge of everything, this is what the entire nation would look like...

Every time yet another young man was murdered by the police and nothing was done was another step on the road to now. No one listened to pleas for action or did a damned thing. MLK said mass protests are the voice of the unheard. Should have listened if the sight of uppity blacks fills you with such incredible fear and loathing.

Wait a minute. What do you mean nothing is done? Every death at the hands of a police officer is intensely investigated, usually by several different agencies.

Who gave us time to do this in the Floyd case? Who gave us time to do this in the Brooks case?

Why do you people refuse to live in a civilized society? Why do you think we should look at some video, and by the cry of the uneducated people, hang a person in public without a trial?

We just keep on hiring the same old 80 IQ, ex-jock, ex-solider kind of guy who readily resorts to violence in a stressful situation. We have to do better. We cannot just keep on telling these low performing people that they deserve automatic respect and compliance no mater how crappy they are.

Yes keep ignoring that police brutality is a statistical rarity.. Keep demeaning the people that keep you safe. Keep up the “quest for equal rights”.
Idiots like occupied will broad brush cops without the slightest bit of evidence to support their conclusion. They’re brainwashed by politicians and the media. They are the first to say we need to have a discussion, but do not tolerate anyone challenging their views. Pathetic
Throughout history whenever Americans have fought for their rights it's been conservative types who stood in their way. This time is no different. These assholes are so closed-minded they have no idea what the protesters even want.
Bull shit... we know EXACTLY what you want... we see it right here... if you radical fucks were in charge of everything, this is what the entire nation would look like...

Every time yet another young man was murdered by the police and nothing was done was another step on the road to now. No one listened to pleas for action or did a damned thing. MLK said mass protests are the voice of the unheard. Should have listened if the sight of uppity blacks fills you with such incredible fear and loathing.

Wait a minute. What do you mean nothing is done? Every death at the hands of a police officer is intensely investigated, usually by several different agencies.

Who gave us time to do this in the Floyd case? Who gave us time to do this in the Brooks case?

Why do you people refuse to live in a civilized society? Why do you think we should look at some video, and by the cry of the uneducated people, hang a person in public without a trial?

We just keep on hiring the same old 80 IQ, ex-jock, ex-solider kind of guy who readily resorts to violence in a stressful situation. We have to do better. We cannot just keep on telling these low performing people that they deserve automatic respect and compliance no mater how crappy they are.

Yes keep ignoring that police brutality is a statistical rarity.. Keep demeaning the people that keep you safe. Keep up the “quest for equal rights”.

Police do very little to keep you safe. At best they will show up after the crime and arrest the suspect if they happen to still be standing around. Otherwise they file a report and forget all about you. Most of time they spend their days looking for easy marks to cite or arrest just to generate revenue, feed the prison industry and justify their phoney boloney jobs.
That’s the problem liberals refuse to hold the democrats responsible and media responsible for their evil deeds. It’s a breakdown in society.

Cult45 never holds their own responsible for ANYTHING. THEY. SAY. OR. DO. You can't even see your own hypocrisy in your comments. It's definitely a fucking breakdown is society.

Whites are not the devil.

Some definitely fucking are, so I don't agree with you at all. But that's beside the point.

If there’s going to be real change, not the phony change liberals and blacks are pushing for then those groups need to look within.

You automatically discount the 'phony change' being sought by liberals and minorities. You haven't been self reflecting at all. Why demand it from them?

There’s never going to be a solution because all the attention goes to the fake problems and the real problem get swept under the rug.

You never identify the 'real problem'. Why would anyone take you seriously?

You expect things from others you refuse to do yourself.
All I get from this OP is fear. Fear of the scary minorities. This attitude is as old as the hills.
Our White Separatist / Nationalist / Supremacist friends here want their own land. I think Utah would be more than enough space, don't you?

Like the Mexican who was fired for throwing a White Supremacy hand gesture?

How many WHITE SUPREMACISTS do you estimate are active in the USA?
Throughout history whenever Americans have fought for their rights it's been conservative types who stood in their way. This time is no different. These assholes are so closed-minded they have no idea what the protesters even want.
Bull shit... we know EXACTLY what you want... we see it right here... if you radical fucks were in charge of everything, this is what the entire nation would look like...

Every time yet another young man was murdered by the police and nothing was done was another step on the road to now. No one listened to pleas for action or did a damned thing. MLK said mass protests are the voice of the unheard. Should have listened if the sight of uppity blacks fills you with such incredible fear and loathing.

Wait a minute. What do you mean nothing is done? Every death at the hands of a police officer is intensely investigated, usually by several different agencies.

Who gave us time to do this in the Floyd case? Who gave us time to do this in the Brooks case?

Why do you people refuse to live in a civilized society? Why do you think we should look at some video, and by the cry of the uneducated people, hang a person in public without a trial?

We just keep on hiring the same old 80 IQ, ex-jock, ex-solider kind of guy who readily resorts to violence in a stressful situation. We have to do better. We cannot just keep on telling these low performing people that they deserve automatic respect and compliance no mater how crappy they are.

Yes keep ignoring that police brutality is a statistical rarity.. Keep demeaning the people that keep you safe. Keep up the “quest for equal rights”.

Police do very little to keep you safe. At best they will show up after the crime and arrest the suspect if they happen to still be standing around. Otherwise they file a report and forget all about you. Most of time they spend their days looking for easy marks to cite or arrest just to generate revenue, feed the prison industry and justify their phoney boloney jobs.

What do you propose as a replacement?
How many WHITE SUPREMACISTS do you estimate are active in the USA?
Couldn't tell you. But between White Supremacists, White Nationalists, White Separatists, people who choose to enable racism, and old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid racists, that's clearly a pretty significant size. And they have become far more willing to self identify for us in the age of Trump, including right here on good ol' USMB.
Throughout history whenever Americans have fought for their rights it's been conservative types who stood in their way. This time is no different. These assholes are so closed-minded they have no idea what the protesters even want.

I know you’re going to ignore this post and I don’t give a shit, I‘all tell you anyway. The democrats stoke animosity and division to get power. The media does it because it sells. People like you who buy into it are the problem. Without you the democrats and the media wouldn’t be doing what they’re doing. Yes, you’re doing your part to keep the hatred going. You never let facts get in your way.

Slight disagreement.
The Democratic Media does it for the same reason that the Democratic Party does.
How many WHITE SUPREMACISTS do you estimate are active in the USA?
Couldn't tell you. But between White Supremacists, White Nationalists, White Separatists, people who choose to enable racism, and old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid racists, that's clearly a pretty significant size. And they have become far more willing to self identify for us in the age of Trump, including right here on good ol' USMB.

And crush you fucks hopefully.
Throughout history whenever Americans have fought for their rights it's been conservative types who stood in their way. This time is no different. These assholes are so closed-minded they have no idea what the protesters even want.
Bull shit... we know EXACTLY what you want... we see it right here... if you radical fucks were in charge of everything, this is what the entire nation would look like...

Every time yet another young man was murdered by the police and nothing was done was another step on the road to now. No one listened to pleas for action or did a damned thing. MLK said mass protests are the voice of the unheard. Should have listened if the sight of uppity blacks fills you with such incredible fear and loathing.

Wait a minute. What do you mean nothing is done? Every death at the hands of a police officer is intensely investigated, usually by several different agencies.

Who gave us time to do this in the Floyd case? Who gave us time to do this in the Brooks case?

Why do you people refuse to live in a civilized society? Why do you think we should look at some video, and by the cry of the uneducated people, hang a person in public without a trial?

We just keep on hiring the same old 80 IQ, ex-jock, ex-solider kind of guy who readily resorts to violence in a stressful situation. We have to do better. We cannot just keep on telling these low performing people that they deserve automatic respect and compliance no mater how crappy they are.

Yes keep ignoring that police brutality is a statistical rarity.. Keep demeaning the people that keep you safe. Keep up the “quest for equal rights”.

Police do very little to keep you safe. At best they will show up after the crime and arrest the suspect if they happen to still be standing around. Otherwise they file a report and forget all about you. Most of time they spend their days looking for easy marks to cite or arrest just to generate revenue, feed the prison industry and justify their phoney boloney jobs.

You’re fixated and invested in bullshit..

There is no more important institution to keeping law and order than the police force in our country. The fact that you don’t believe means you are too far gone

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