What Do You Think About Black People Now?

Has the George Floyd protests done anything to change your opinion of blacks?

  • No change

  • I used to be sympathetic....but not anymore...blacks have lost my support

  • I believe they have a right to show their anger and fully support it

  • I think this was all planned by the left and it's not a protest over George Floyd

  • I'm buying more ammo

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All I get from this OP is fear. Fear of the scary minorities. This attitude is as old as the hills.
Our White Separatist / Nationalist / Supremacist friends here want their own land. I think Utah would be more than enough space, don't you?
People do not want to be around other people for a reason. If you believe it is racism, then go for it until doomsday. It is a sad situation that people leave areas. Perhaps reigning in the excuses will help you.

I'm not making any fucking excuses for anything.
Throughout history whenever Americans have fought for their rights it's been conservative types who stood in their way. This time is no different. These assholes are so closed-minded they have no idea what the protesters even want.
Yep...tearing down George Washington statues really shows us how open-minded you folks on the left are.
More than you who somehow thinks a more equitable criminal justice system means something is being taken from you.
Something is being taken from us.

We are being told that we have no right to defend ourselves from thugs.
We are being told that the police have no right to defend themselves or arrest violent suspects.

We aren't afraid of what a bunch of thugs will do...because we can deal with that.
What most of us are worried about is what someone like Biden will do once he's in the White House.
Democrat governors and mayors are proving to us that they have no spine and refuse to uphold the law.
So Biden will do pretty much the same thing.
Criminals will be given absolute freedom to do what they want and we will be prevented from defending ourselves.
Still not listening. A more equitable criminal justice system costs you nothing except that special feeling of sadistic glee you get when you hear about another incident of police brutality.
Police brutality isn't just a black problem.
But the left thinks they have a monopoly on it.
Nope. This isn't fear.

Sure it is.

This is what you folks wanted.

Don't put your dirty laundry on me. I ain't got one fucking thing to do with your personal hang ups. I'm not black, like you, and that's about the extent of our commonality.

After decades of improvement....now you have widespread violence and hatred.

This is meaningless, alarmist pap. You don't bother even expounding on your definition of 'improvement'. To me, your explanations are the same ignorant and lazy excuses I've heard my whole life. It sounds like you're bent out of shape because you're forced to see that racism is still alive and well in 2020 America, showing that these so-called 'improvements' you prattle on about have done fuck all. Boo fucking hoo.

The violence and hatred is on you just as much as anyone else. This administration emboldens violence and hatred. The fish rots at the head. It's regrettable you've dumbed yourself down so much you refuse to see it, but it ain't my problem. You want to act like an entitled, basic bitch? It's a free country. Live that dream. Just don't expect me to go along with your fakery simply because we may share similar levels of melanin in our skin.

If we're so fucking 'improved' as a nation, then why are you polishing off the same, decades old tired excuses that we are supposed to 'rise above'? Because it's all bullshit.

If you want to make excuses for your prejudices, tell it to the rest of the board Karens that feel entitled to ignore the icky realities of race relations in this country just because of who you are or where you were born. I don't buy that nonsense for one second. I don't live in pretend world, like you obviously do.

I figure that nothing good can come from this....because people are going to end up getting killed on both sides....which is probably what you wanted.

Once again, don't try and dump your stupid hang ups on me, asshole. I'm not the one calling for taking shots at people because of political ideology. I'm not the one calling for a race war because black people don't 'act right' enough for you. What you do isn't improving race relations. It's making them worse, and I think you might even be smart enough to know better, but don't care.

So I don't care about your gripes, because you're not about 'improvement' for anyone but yourself, and those like you that live in safe, comfortable bubbles. In this fight, you are content to stay in the sidelines. And that's fine too.

And don't gaslight me, because I already understand we have very little in common.
Blah...blah....blah....blah....blah....blah..........blah blah blah.
Nope. This isn't fear.

Sure it is.

This is what you folks wanted.

Don't put your dirty laundry on me. I ain't got one fucking thing to do with your personal hang ups. I'm not black, like you, and that's about the extent of our commonality.

After decades of improvement....now you have widespread violence and hatred.

This is meaningless, alarmist pap. You don't bother even expounding on your definition of 'improvement'. To me, your explanations are the same ignorant and lazy excuses I've heard my whole life. It sounds like you're bent out of shape because you're forced to see that racism is still alive and well in 2020 America, showing that these so-called 'improvements' you prattle on about have done fuck all. Boo fucking hoo.

The violence and hatred is on you just as much as anyone else. This administration emboldens violence and hatred. The fish rots at the head. It's regrettable you've dumbed yourself down so much you refuse to see it, but it ain't my problem. You want to act like an entitled, basic bitch? It's a free country. Live that dream. Just don't expect me to go along with your fakery simply because we may share similar levels of melanin in our skin.

If we're so fucking 'improved' as a nation, then why are you polishing off the same, decades old tired excuses that we are supposed to 'rise above'? Because it's all bullshit.

If you want to make excuses for your prejudices, tell it to the rest of the board Karens that feel entitled to ignore the icky realities of race relations in this country just because of who you are or where you were born. I don't buy that nonsense for one second. I don't live in pretend world, like you obviously do.

I figure that nothing good can come from this....because people are going to end up getting killed on both sides....which is probably what you wanted.

Once again, don't try and dump your stupid hang ups on me, asshole. I'm not the one calling for taking shots at people because of political ideology. I'm not the one calling for a race war because black people don't 'act right' enough for you. What you do isn't improving race relations. It's making them worse, and I think you might even be smart enough to know better, but don't care.

So I don't care about your gripes, because you're not about 'improvement' for anyone but yourself, and those like you that live in safe, comfortable bubbles. In this fight, you are content to stay in the sidelines. And that's fine too.

And don't gaslight me, because I already understand we have very little in common.
Blah...blah....blah....blah....blah....blah..........blah blah blah.

That's what I thought. Keep walking, you fucking basic bitch.
Throughout history whenever Americans have fought for their rights it's been conservative types who stood in their way. This time is no different. These assholes are so closed-minded they have no idea what the protesters even want.

Well, it isn't to hard to see they want access to stores where they can shop without paying.
Nope. This isn't fear.

Sure it is.

This is what you folks wanted.

Don't put your dirty laundry on me. I ain't got one fucking thing to do with your personal hang ups. I'm not black, like you, and that's about the extent of our commonality.

After decades of improvement....now you have widespread violence and hatred.

This is meaningless, alarmist pap. You don't bother even expounding on your definition of 'improvement'. To me, your explanations are the same ignorant and lazy excuses I've heard my whole life. It sounds like you're bent out of shape because you're forced to see that racism is still alive and well in 2020 America, showing that these so-called 'improvements' you prattle on about have done fuck all. Boo fucking hoo.

The violence and hatred is on you just as much as anyone else. This administration emboldens violence and hatred. The fish rots at the head. It's regrettable you've dumbed yourself down so much you refuse to see it, but it ain't my problem. You want to act like an entitled, basic bitch? It's a free country. Live that dream. Just don't expect me to go along with your fakery simply because we may share similar levels of melanin in our skin.

If we're so fucking 'improved' as a nation, then why are you polishing off the same, decades old tired excuses that we are supposed to 'rise above'? Because it's all bullshit.

If you want to make excuses for your prejudices, tell it to the rest of the board Karens that feel entitled to ignore the icky realities of race relations in this country just because of who you are or where you were born. I don't buy that nonsense for one second. I don't live in pretend world, like you obviously do.

I figure that nothing good can come from this....because people are going to end up getting killed on both sides....which is probably what you wanted.

Once again, don't try and dump your stupid hang ups on me, asshole. I'm not the one calling for taking shots at people because of political ideology. I'm not the one calling for a race war because black people don't 'act right' enough for you. What you do isn't improving race relations. It's making them worse, and I think you might even be smart enough to know better, but don't care.

So I don't care about your gripes, because you're not about 'improvement' for anyone but yourself, and those like you that live in safe, comfortable bubbles. In this fight, you are content to stay in the sidelines. And that's fine too.

And don't gaslight me, because I already understand we have very little in common.
Blah...blah....blah....blah....blah....blah..........blah blah blah.

That's what I thought. Keep walking, you fucking basic bitch.
Fuck you you fucking cuck.
The violence and hatred is on you just as much as anyone else. This administration emboldens violence and hatred. The fish rots at the head. It's regrettable you've dumbed yourself down so much you refuse to see it, but it ain't my problem. You want to act like an entitled, basic bitch? It's a free country. Live that dream. Just don't expect me to go along with your fakery simply because we may share similar levels of melanin in our skin.

Your words here are exactly what we need to demonstrate how dishonest and unfit Democrats are to run this country. It's what I have always said about being a Democrat. The best part of being a Democrat is that It's never your fault, and a Democrat is never wrong in their minds.

You have likely Democrat people, protesting, rioting and looting, in Democrat led cities and states, but that's a Republican Presidents fault. You have Democrat leaders talking about greatly weakening their police forces by a drastic reduction of funding, or otherwise eliminating them altogether, and that's President Trump's fault. This is the same cut of stupidity in the past have insisted we get rid of ICE.

Trump is not going to win his election, you people are going to win it for him.

"Folks, when you see your adversary making a complete fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is stand back and watch it happen."
Rush Limbaugh

So long as the rioting, looting, burning, and murdering, continues unchecked by the mayors and governors with no repercussions for those instigating and participating there will be nothing to talk about.


Blacks need to learn how to not resist arrest. It always turns out badly for them. EVERY TIME. What don't they get?
All I get from this OP is fear. Fear of the scary minorities. This attitude is as old as the hills.
Our White Separatist / Nationalist / Supremacist friends here want their own land. I think Utah would be more than enough space, don't you?
People do not want to be around other people for a reason. If you believe it is racism, then go for it until doomsday. It is a sad situation that people leave areas. Perhaps reigning in the excuses will help you.

I'm not making any fucking excuses for anything.
They are what they are, but they don't have the balls to admit it. So they try to change the subject and put you on the defensive.

Ugly stuff.
Your words here are exactly what we need to demonstrate how dishonest and unfit Democrats are

This is where I stopped reading. Nothing I said has anything to do with a political party. You suffer from the same affliction. No self awareness. I disagree with you, so I'm a Democrat (when I'm not). End of discussion.

Binary responses are lazy responses. I didn't bother reading the rest.
Throughout history whenever Americans have fought for their rights it's been conservative types who stood in their way. This time is no different. These assholes are so closed-minded they have no idea what the protesters even want.
Yep...tearing down George Washington statues really shows us how open-minded you folks on the left are.
More than you who somehow thinks a more equitable criminal justice system means something is being taken from you.
Something is being taken from us.

We are being told that we have no right to defend ourselves from thugs.
We are being told that the police have no right to defend themselves or arrest violent suspects.

We aren't afraid of what a bunch of thugs will do...because we can deal with that.
What most of us are worried about is what someone like Biden will do once he's in the White House.
Democrat governors and mayors are proving to us that they have no spine and refuse to uphold the law.
So Biden will do pretty much the same thing.
Criminals will be given absolute freedom to do what they want and we will be prevented from defending ourselves.
Still not listening. A more equitable criminal justice system costs you nothing except that special feeling of sadistic glee you get when you hear about another incident of police brutality.
Police brutality isn't just a black problem.
But the left thinks they have a monopoly on it.
Police brutality is not just a black problem but police have a monopoly on committing it. All anyone really wants is what you think you have: the expectation of being treated fairly by the police and courts. As long as there exists clear inequity in the justice system none of has any expectation of fairness.
Throughout history whenever Americans have fought for their rights it's been conservative types who stood in their way. This time is no different. These assholes are so closed-minded they have no idea what the protesters even want.
Bull shit... we know EXACTLY what you want... we see it right here... if you radical fucks were in charge of everything, this is what the entire nation would look like...

Every time yet another young man was murdered by the police and nothing was done was another step on the road to now. No one listened to pleas for action or did a damned thing. MLK said mass protests are the voice of the unheard. Should have listened if the sight of uppity blacks fills you with such incredible fear and loathing.

Wait a minute. What do you mean nothing is done? Every death at the hands of a police officer is intensely investigated, usually by several different agencies.

Who gave us time to do this in the Floyd case? Who gave us time to do this in the Brooks case?

Why do you people refuse to live in a civilized society? Why do you think we should look at some video, and by the cry of the uneducated people, hang a person in public without a trial?
Your words here are exactly what we need to demonstrate how dishonest and unfit Democrats are

This is where I stopped reading. Nothing I said has anything to do with a political party. You suffer from the same affliction. No self awareness. I disagree with you, so I'm a Democrat (when I'm not). End of discussion.

Binary responses are lazy responses. I didn't bother reading the rest.

Good choice on your part.
After all of the violence, looting, and riots....do you have a worse or better opinion of black Americans?

Do you think all of this mess is helping improve race relations...or do you think it's made it much worse?

I think most blacks are better than most conservatives.
Your words here are exactly what we need to demonstrate how dishonest and unfit Democrats are

This is where I stopped reading. Nothing I said has anything to do with a political party. You suffer from the same affliction. No self awareness. I disagree with you, so I'm a Democrat (when I'm not). End of discussion.

Binary responses are lazy responses. I didn't bother reading the rest.

Good choice on your part.

I know. You offer nothing to the discussion.
All I get from this OP is fear. Fear of the scary minorities. This attitude is as old as the hills.
Our White Separatist / Nationalist / Supremacist friends here want their own land. I think Utah would be more than enough space, don't you?
People do not want to be around other people for a reason. If you believe it is racism, then go for it until doomsday. It is a sad situation that people leave areas. Perhaps reigning in the excuses will help you.

I'm not making any fucking excuses for anything.
They are what they are, but they don't have the balls to admit it. So they try to change the subject and put you on the defensive.

Ugly stuff.

Binary, ready-made responses are all these fucking wingers have in their tool chest. I prove this to them everyday, and they hate me for it, for... reasons. Therefore, I must be a Democrat for... other reasons.

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