What Do You Think About Black People Now?

Has the George Floyd protests done anything to change your opinion of blacks?

  • No change

  • I used to be sympathetic....but not anymore...blacks have lost my support

  • I believe they have a right to show their anger and fully support it

  • I think this was all planned by the left and it's not a protest over George Floyd

  • I'm buying more ammo

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Treating everyone with respect regardless of race or gender is not an issue for 99% of people. We are arguing over actions of 1%. The Leftists like Mac and Tumbleweed are sensitive snowflakes. The OP sees the 1% as closer to 50%. It’s not. Relax people.
All I get from this OP is fear. Fear of the scary minorities. This attitude is as old as the hills.
Our White Separatist / Nationalist / Supremacist friends here want their own land. I think Utah would be more than enough space, don't you?
People do not want to be around other people for a reason. If you believe it is racism, then go for it until doomsday. It is a sad situation that people leave areas. Perhaps reigning in the excuses will help you.

I'm not making any fucking excuses for anything.
They are what they are, but they don't have the balls to admit it. So they try to change the subject and put you on the defensive.

Ugly stuff.

Binary, ready-made responses are all these fucking wingers have in their tool chest. I prove this to them everyday, and they hate me for it, for... reasons. Therefore, I must be a Democrat for... other reasons.
You’re hated because you’re a condescending asshole who believes his opinion to be fact.
Your words here are exactly what we need to demonstrate how dishonest and unfit Democrats are

This is where I stopped reading. Nothing I said has anything to do with a political party. You suffer from the same affliction. No self awareness. I disagree with you, so I'm a Democrat (when I'm not). End of discussion.

Binary responses are lazy responses. I didn't bother reading the rest.

Good choice on your part.

I know. You offer nothing to the discussion.

How would you know that if you "stopped reading" right there?

You people just hate truth. Showing you truth is like showing Dracula the cross. If I can't debate a point or points, I'll just claim they are not worth debating.
Your words here are exactly what we need to demonstrate how dishonest and unfit Democrats are

This is where I stopped reading. Nothing I said has anything to do with a political party. You suffer from the same affliction. No self awareness. I disagree with you, so I'm a Democrat (when I'm not). End of discussion.

Binary responses are lazy responses. I didn't bother reading the rest.

Good choice on your part.

I know. You offer nothing to the discussion.

How would you know that if you "stopped reading" right there?

You people just hate truth. Showing you truth is like showing Dracula the cross. If I can't debate a point or points, I'll just claim they are not worth debating.
They just quickly claim you’re a racist and a Trump supporter like lemmings.
How would you know that if you "stopped reading" right there?

Because your binary response to any thought out response you disagree with is: "DERP! Shut up, libtard"

You people just hate truth. Showing you truth is like showing Dracula the cross. If I can't debate a point or points, I'll just claim they are not worth debating.

"You people just hate truth". Another useless, binary reaction. When you make an actual point, I'm happy to discuss it.
Your words here are exactly what we need to demonstrate how dishonest and unfit Democrats are

This is where I stopped reading. Nothing I said has anything to do with a political party. You suffer from the same affliction. No self awareness. I disagree with you, so I'm a Democrat (when I'm not). End of discussion.

Binary responses are lazy responses. I didn't bother reading the rest.

Good choice on your part.

I know. You offer nothing to the discussion.

How would you know that if you "stopped reading" right there?

You people just hate truth. Showing you truth is like showing Dracula the cross. If I can't debate a point or points, I'll just claim they are not worth debating.
They just quickly claim you’re a racist and a Trump supporter like lemmings.

I don't know why they waste their time. I come here to debate politics and issues. I thought that was the goal of most if not all members here.
How would you know that if you "stopped reading" right there?

Because your binary response to any thought out response you disagree with is: "DERP! Shut up, libtard"

You people just hate truth. Showing you truth is like showing Dracula the cross. If I can't debate a point or points, I'll just claim they are not worth debating.

"You people just hate truth". Another useless, binary reaction. When you make an actual point, I'm happy to discuss it.

Apparently that's a lie. Any point you know you'd lose the debate on, you call binary to weasel out of it.
My opinion hasn't changed, most of 'em are good people that want a decent life for themselves and their kids. Fair treatment before the law and in the marketplace, same as everyone else. Nothing wrong with that, but many of them feel they ain't getting a fair shake, and in many cases they're right. Problem is, IMHO they are not making the smartest decisions to change the situation.
How would you know that if you "stopped reading" right there?

Because your binary response to any thought out response you disagree with is: "DERP! Shut up, libtard"

You people just hate truth. Showing you truth is like showing Dracula the cross. If I can't debate a point or points, I'll just claim they are not worth debating.

"You people just hate truth". Another useless, binary reaction. When you make an actual point, I'm happy to discuss it.

Apparently that's a lie. Any point you know you'd lose the debate on, you call binary to weasel out of it.

How are you going to win any debate when you can't even grasp the language? Do you even understand what a binary response is?
After all of the violence, looting, and riots....do you have a worse or better opinion of black Americans?

Do you think all of this mess is helping improve race relations...or do you think it's made it much worse?

I get your frustration—I really get it. Just let me whip out an anecdote real quick here, okay? A few houses down from ours there's this big bear of a black dude who lives to sit out on his back deck and smoke fake Cubans. He's a retired E-9 infantryman—airborne all the way. If I had prejudged or stereotyped this man on his skin color alone I'd have lost out on some of the best conversations in my recent life's history. This dude is sage—like a black, grizzled Yoda. I mean, my wife and I LOVE this dude. He doesn't seem to judge us by skin color either, only by his oft repeated mantra: "If you ain't Airborne, you ain't shit."

Now, all of that being said, there are cultures embraced by many ethnicities my wife and I despise. Bad cultures. Cultures like inner-city black thuggery and lyrical misogyny as a way of life. Gang banging and street hustling and dope dealing. We got no time for that, and we'll avoid it, condemn it, blow it away if it ever kicks down our front door. Same goes for the mob mentality, black or white. But it ain't black folk who are systemically fucked up, it is bad black culture and mob violence and mistrust/hatred of other races driven by leftist ideology.

Either way, we're buying more ammo and reloading even more than that.

You have a black friend? Wow. You aren't racist at all.
All I get from this OP is fear. Fear of the scary minorities. This attitude is as old as the hills.
Our White Separatist / Nationalist / Supremacist friends here want their own land. I think Utah would be more than enough space, don't you?
People do not want to be around other people for a reason. If you believe it is racism, then go for it until doomsday. It is a sad situation that people leave areas. Perhaps reigning in the excuses will help you.

I'm not making any fucking excuses for anything.
They are what they are, but they don't have the balls to admit it. So they try to change the subject and put you on the defensive.

Ugly stuff.

Binary, ready-made responses are all these fucking wingers have in their tool chest. I prove this to them everyday, and they hate me for it, for... reasons. Therefore, I must be a Democrat for... other reasons.
In large part, this is why I refer to talk radio so much. Over its 3+ decades, it has soaked into the minds of these people at a far more profound level than just the parroting of words & phrases. It now appears to control their very thought processes - the most obvious and glaring example being the way that any information that appears from outside their approved list of providers is summarily and comprehensively dismissed as "fake news" - and is essentially organic with them at this point.

So, as you describe, they exist with this limited tool chest, and that's all that is needed for them to ignore, avoid, attack and distort anything that makes them uncomfortable. It's both fascinating and really disturbing to watch.
After all of the violence, looting, and riots....do you have a worse or better opinion of black Americans?

Do you think all of this mess is helping improve race relations...or do you think it's made it much worse?

I get your frustration—I really get it. Just let me whip out an anecdote real quick here, okay? A few houses down from ours there's this big bear of a black dude who lives to sit out on his back deck and smoke fake Cubans. He's a retired E-9 infantryman—airborne all the way. If I had prejudged or stereotyped this man on his skin color alone I'd have lost out on some of the best conversations in my recent life's history. This dude is sage—like a black, grizzled Yoda. I mean, my wife and I LOVE this dude. He doesn't seem to judge us by skin color either, only by his oft repeated mantra: "If you ain't Airborne, you ain't shit."

Now, all of that being said, there are cultures embraced by many ethnicities my wife and I despise. Bad cultures. Cultures like inner-city black thuggery and lyrical misogyny as a way of life. Gang banging and street hustling and dope dealing. We got no time for that, and we'll avoid it, condemn it, blow it away if it ever kicks down our front door. Same goes for the mob mentality, black or white. But it ain't black folk who are systemically fucked up, it is bad black culture and mob violence and mistrust/hatred of other races driven by leftist ideology.

Either way, we're buying more ammo and reloading even more than that.

You have a black friend? Wow. You aren't racist at all.

Wow, your ironic isn't sarcastic at all. Or is it?
After all of the violence, looting, and riots....do you have a worse or better opinion of black Americans?

Do you think all of this mess is helping improve race relations...or do you think it's made it much worse?
I live in 'REAL' America....

By that I mean I interact with people of all colors / races daily. Even if you don't know each other you smile, say hi, do small acts of kindness....a place that rejects the politically and media driven manipulation, the foreign-funded division and attempt to incite violence.

We recognize we are a collective community that depends on each other to maintain balance and harmony.

Both Antifa and BLM reps showed up here to try to start up and organize trouble - the community together told them to GTFO or they would be removed...they left.

We have civil, peaceful discussions where we share thoughts and ideas, LISTEN, and we may not all agree or share the same ideas, but we can agree to disagree peacefully.

We have no desire to burn down anyone's store or house. If there is a need we don't loot. There is a local charity supported by ALL the churches and community that helps people in need pay their rent, electricity, etc..., hands out food and clothes, and takes care of one another.

We treat others as the Bible teaches us we should, loving one another as God teaches us to. We are not a Utopia, are not perfect, but it is devoid of the infectious, socialist, Marxist, communist, liberal / Democrat mental insanity that is ravaging many places elsewhere.

Thankfully nothing has changed where I live. Hopefully what we have will spread and beat back the 'darkness' and forces that seek to destroy us.

Why are you lying about "ANTIFA and BLM reps" being run out of your town? Does that make you feel less like a chicken shit?
All I get from this OP is fear. Fear of the scary minorities. This attitude is as old as the hills.
Our White Separatist / Nationalist / Supremacist friends here want their own land. I think Utah would be more than enough space, don't you?
People do not want to be around other people for a reason. If you believe it is racism, then go for it until doomsday. It is a sad situation that people leave areas. Perhaps reigning in the excuses will help you.

I'm not making any fucking excuses for anything.
They are what they are, but they don't have the balls to admit it. So they try to change the subject and put you on the defensive.

Ugly stuff.

Binary, ready-made responses are all these fucking wingers have in their tool chest. I prove this to them everyday, and they hate me for it, for... reasons. Therefore, I must be a Democrat for... other reasons.
In large part, this is why I refer to talk radio so much. Over its 3+ decades, it has soaked into the minds of these people at a far more profound level than just the parroting of words & phrases. It now appears to control their very thought processes - the most obvious and glaring example being the way that any information that appears from outside their approved list of providers is summarily and comprehensively dismissed as "fake news" - and is essentially organic with them at this point.

So, as you describe, they exist with this limited tool chest, and that's all that is needed for them to ignore, avoid, attack and distort anything that makes them uncomfortable. It's both fascinating and really disturbing to watch.

Believe me. The irony of a message board for political discussion being used as an echo chamber to suppress it is not lost on me.
After all of the violence, looting, and riots....do you have a worse or better opinion of black Americans?

Do you think all of this mess is helping improve race relations...or do you think it's made it much worse?

I feel sorry for them........they have hitched their wagon to the racist party, and their children are dying because of it. The democrats lied to them in the 1960s, then the left took over the education system and prevents them from understanding the truth.........

The worst cities for Black Americans are the ones controlled by the democrat party for decades....until they see that, and stop voting their oppressors power, they will continue to suffer.....
After all of the violence, looting, and riots....do you have a worse or better opinion of black Americans?

Do you think all of this mess is helping improve race relations...or do you think it's made it much worse?
I live in 'REAL' America....

By that I mean I interact with people of all colors / races daily. Even if you don't know each other you smile, say hi, do small acts of kindness....a place that rejects the politically and media driven manipulation, the foreign-funded division and attempt to incite violence.

We recognize we are a collective community that depends on each other to maintain balance and harmony.

Both Antifa and BLM reps showed up here to try to start up and organize trouble - the community together told them to GTFO or they would be removed...they left.

We have civil, peaceful discussions where we share thoughts and ideas, LISTEN, and we may not all agree or share the same ideas, but we can agree to disagree peacefully.

We have no desire to burn down anyone's store or house. If there is a need we don't loot. There is a local charity supported by ALL the churches and community that helps people in need pay their rent, electricity, etc..., hands out food and clothes, and takes care of one another.

We treat others as the Bible teaches us we should, loving one another as God teaches us to. We are not a Utopia, are not perfect, but it is devoid of the infectious, socialist, Marxist, communist, liberal / Democrat mental insanity that is ravaging many places elsewhere.

Thankfully nothing has changed where I live. Hopefully what we have will spread and beat back the 'darkness' and forces that seek to destroy us.

Why are you lying about "ANTIFA and BLM reps" being run out of your town? Does that make you feel less like a chicken shit?
Unless you live where I do, FUCK YOU!

Trying to speak about something you know nothing about makes you look like / proves you are an idiot.

Judging by early results....it's clear that these tactics have made race-relations worse.....and I think that's the ultimate goal of the left anyway.

Yes....democrats need Blacks and Whites hating each other.....that is how the democrat party gains money and power....
My opinion hasn't changed, most of 'em are good people that want a decent life for themselves and their kids. Fair treatment before the law and in the marketplace, same as everyone else. Nothing wrong with that, but many of them feel they ain't getting a fair shake, and in many cases they're right. Problem is, IMHO they are not making the smartest decisions to change the situation.

Awwww. You don't like the way that an oppressed group protests. How sad.

Taking a knee and trying to vote without bullshit voter suppression tactics didn't work. So the
time came to take to the streets. Twenty five days and counting. Change will result.

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