What do you think about Trump's comments about Mexican immigrants?


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
I don't understand why he is always bashed for his views. Seems like the main media outlets are doing everything possible to discredit Donald Trump. Not a single candidate is attacked so frequently. Maybe it's because he has his own opinion on things? Anyway, if you look at crime and immigration rates he is right. The majority of crimes are being performed by illegals and everyone understands that.
I agree with his comments.

He is telling it as it is. :clap2:
Main stream media dictates and utilizes political correctness as a tool to silence those with apposing beliefs. Trumps position is correct in the sense that a portion of those crossing the boarders illegally are in fact criminals. Did he say all illegals are criminals?, no, yet the media reports his statement as if his position is all illegal immigrants are drug runners, murderers, and criminals. Do we have a problem? yes, and until the boarders are secure there will never be meaningful immigration reform.
Trump this Gertrude.... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

His rhetoric feeds into the very ignorance we see on this board. Even thpough we now have net zero illegals coming in, the willfully ignorant STILL believe they are pouring over the border by the millions and that they're taking US jobs.

The US invites them here.
The US buys their drugs.
The US trashed their agriculture and manufacturing.
The US needs them as much as they need us.

Trump is a joke. All he knows is to inherit millions, put companies into bankruptcy and huff and puff. Americans are not stupid enough to vote for him.
Trump is not serious.

He wouldn't do a damn thing about immigration even if he was in office. Hell, he is starting to look like the biggest exporter of jobs and employer of illegals in the US.

Also, he has a bad habit of disrespecting us, the American people. I don't agree with Trump. Trump is an arrogant nut.
Racist and bigots stereotype ethnic groups. A person running for President or a person of celebrity should know how powerful and influential their words can be. Trump inferred that the bulk of Mexicans coming across the border were rapist when he said "some" were probably good people. Referring to only some being ok or good people indicates a belief that he believes the majority are rapist. Perception means everything. Trump wants to become President using street hustler techniques and methods. He thinks he can hustle his way to the White House, or he is just taking everyone for a ride. Either way, it is a hustle and a scam.
Mr. Trump is doing good , he speaks for lots of Americans Camp !!
Do you think well-educated, gainfully employed Mexicans are the ones crossing the border illegally?

In fact, the vast majority of illegals aren't even Mexicans! They come from Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua - nations in turmoil and bankrupt due to socialist programs. They are mainly criminals, gang members, drug mules, or otherwise unsavory types.

Trump scares the hell of our Lefties because he's saying what the huge majority of Americans say amongst themselves.
Trump is not serious.

He wouldn't do a damn thing about immigration even if he was in office. Hell, he is starting to look like the biggest exporter of jobs and employer of illegals in the US.

Also, he has a bad habit of disrespecting us, the American people. I don't agree with Trump. Trump is an arrogant nut.

And obama and the left respects the rights of the sovereign citizens of this country?
and hey Jake , cost him the nomination ehh ?? And yeah , you might be correct but who cares . I just like seeing Mr. Trump speak the truth and get rid of the 'pc' talk of , we are all immigrants . I like the conversation that's going on and I hope that it continues , might open the eyes of some 'sheeple' of the future that they are building , especially for the younger crowd and their kids .
I don't understand why he is always bashed for his views. Seems like the main media outlets are doing everything possible to discredit Donald Trump. Not a single candidate is attacked so frequently. Maybe it's because he has his own opinion on things? Anyway, if you look at crime and immigration rates he is right. The majority of crimes are being performed by illegals and everyone understands that.
I understand why Donald Trump is bashed for the idiotic statements he makes.
Do you really feel that the majority of illegal hispanic immigrants are rapists, drug traffickers and criminals? The majority of illegal immigrants come to take low wage jobs to help businesses keep their costs down. Jobs that US citizens will not take. If we went after the employers we could stop a majority of the immigrants. It would hurt businesses and we would all pay more for many things that low wage illegal immigrants keep the costs down.

The criminals, rapists and drug traffickers are a minority of the immigrants.

Trump should know this. He is an idiot.
Trump scares no one, son. The comments ended any chance for a successful candidacy. He can continue talking stupidly for the stupid ones who loves his words. It's the American way.
Mr. Trump is doing good , he speaks for lots of Americans Camp !!
It sounds like his hometown is getting ready to dump him. No doubt he talks for lots of Americans. We have no shortage of idiots.
This is shaping up to be a very entertaining election.......:rofl:
Trump is not serious.

He wouldn't do a damn thing about immigration even if he was in office. Hell, he is starting to look like the biggest exporter of jobs and employer of illegals in the US.

Also, he has a bad habit of disrespecting us, the American people. I don't agree with Trump. Trump is an arrogant nut.

And obama and the left respects the rights of the sovereign citizens of this country?

Yeah right, he's called us greedy, bible thumping gun clingers. but lets get all bent over something about Trump says about the millions of people INVADING our country. can't talk badly about them you know
I don't understand why he is always bashed for his views. Seems like the main media outlets are doing everything possible to discredit Donald Trump. Not a single candidate is attacked so frequently. Maybe it's because he has his own opinion on things? Anyway, if you look at crime and immigration rates he is right. The majority of crimes are being performed by illegals and everyone understands that.
I don't think about Trump's comments.

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