What do you think about Trump's comments about Mexican immigrants?

His comments cost him any chance for the nomination.

But in the meantime, he can do a lot of damage to the GOP nominee, and the Democratic Party thanks him for this.

Both NeoCommie DemocRATS and RINO'S are scared SHIT of Trump, just look at the polls, The Heir Apparent, Bush III is in BIG TROUBLE after Trumps ONE WEEK spree of truisms!

Yes, terrified:

National: Clinton 59 /Trump 35, margin: Clinton +24

Yes, terrified in deed.

Kentucky: Clinton 45 / Trump 42, margin: Clinton +3

Yes, just terrified.

Please, by all means, run Donald Trump as your nominee. Please, let's have a replay of 1964.
His comments cost him any chance for the nomination.

But in the meantime, he can do a lot of damage to the GOP nominee, and the Democratic Party thanks him for this.

Both NeoCommie DemocRATS and RINO'S are scared SHIT of Trump, just look at the polls, The Heir Apparent, Bush III is in BIG TROUBLE after Trumps ONE WEEK spree of truisms!

Yes, terrified:

National: Clinton 59 /Trump 35, margin: Clinton +24

Yes, terrified in deed.

Kentucky: Clinton 45 / Trump 42, margin: Clinton +3

Yes, just terrified.

Please, by all means, run Donald Trump as your nominee. Please, let's have a replay of 1964.

She better be MORE SCARED of Bernie, or she won't run at all! ROTFLMFAO

I said you scum were all socialists!

Bernie Sanders sends a chilling message to Hillary campaign

American Thinker ^

Hillary Clinton and her campaign cronies saw something frightening yesterday: a fired-up crowd of ten thousand people in Madison, Wisconsin, packing the Veterans Memorial Coliseum to the rafters in support of a candidate best known as Not Hillary. The previously fairly obscure Senator Bernie Sanders is drawing the same kind of enthusiasm that Eugene McCarthy sparked in 1968 when he drive an even more inevitable nominee from the Democratic ticket, incumbent President Lyndon Johnson. It is clear that the progressive base of the Democratic Party is fed up with Hillary Clinton, the cozy-with-Wall-Street party insider who parlayed political connections into...
As a member of the Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers just 35 miles north of the border, I sure which someone would report all those rapes to us. We have no record of any rapes occurring during border crossings. This failure to report these crimes is hampering our ability to do our job!

Now, that I think about it, I would be interested in any media report whatsoever of rapings by people crossing the border. By that, I don't mean Fox news rants. I mean actual documented events.
As a member of the Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers just 35 miles north of the border, I sure which someone would report all those rapes to us. We have no record of any rapes occurring during border crossings. This failure to report these crimes is hampering our ability to do our job!

Now, that I think about it, I would be interested in any media report whatsoever of rapings by people crossing the border. By that, I don't mean Fox news rants. I mean actual documented events.

Why would they rape crossing the border? All they are interested in is getting as far away from the border as possible...Now give them a month and see what the stats are!
As a member of the Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers just 35 miles north of the border, I sure which someone would report all those rapes to us. We have no record of any rapes occurring during border crossings. This failure to report these crimes is hampering our ability to do our job!

Now, that I think about it, I would be interested in any media report whatsoever of rapings by people crossing the border. By that, I don't mean Fox news rants. I mean actual documented events.

Why would they rape crossing the border? All they are interested in is getting as far away from the border as possible...Now give them a month and see what the stats are!

Well, the last time we turned a rapist who was a illegal alien in our county over to border patrol for deportation was last December. I would hardly call that a national crisis.
I don't understand why he is always bashed for his views. Seems like the main media outlets are doing everything possible to discredit Donald Trump. Not a single candidate is attacked so frequently. Maybe it's because he has his own opinion on things? Anyway, if you look at crime and immigration rates he is right. The majority of crimes are being performed by illegals and everyone understands that.

I think he stated it poorly, but his view is correct. I lived on that border for 17 years and I can tell you that it's an open freeway for crime be it drug runners, human trafficking, theft, murder...you name it. I have three children and all of them almost got kidnapped by illegals at least once and one of them twice. Now where he messed up was in his delivery. He didn't give equal emphasis to the people that come over simply because they want a better life. Let's be honest, if I was a Mexican I'd cross the border too. So, he is right, he just said it badly and the liberals pounced.
Racist and bigots stereotype ethnic groups. A person running for President or a person of celebrity should know how powerful and influential their words can be. Trump inferred that the bulk of Mexicans coming across the border were rapist when he said "some" were probably good people. Referring to only some being ok or good people indicates a belief that he believes the majority are rapist. Perception means everything. Trump wants to become President using street hustler techniques and methods. He thinks he can hustle his way to the White House, or he is just taking everyone for a ride. Either way, it is a hustle and a scam.

Your own president is a racist and a bigot, and he's filled his cabinets with races and bigots of all colors. Obama also made the outrageous statement that "racism is genetic".

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