What do you think of an employer that does this?

My niece has developed problems with her gall bladder, and has missed days at her new job (she has been in very bad shape). The place where she has been working has a policy of no missed days for the first six months (a common probationary period). A couple of days ago she was in such bad shape that she was admitted to the hospital for further testing. She was released after a day, but her doctor had scheduled her to have surgery. He also wrote her a note for her work. She called her manager to tell him that she had a note from her doctor but that she would try to come in if it meant keeping her job. He told her that HR had already fired her. She called HR and they said the manager had fired her. Now she not only doesn't have a job, she has no insurance and is facing an expensive operation and convalescence, and still has a family with three children to raise.

I think that any employer that does this to its employees, particularly one like her that they admitted was a good worker, is dastardly and not worth working for. So my question is should employers be allowed to do this to new employees?

If she's on their insurance, she can go on Cobra to cover her surgery.
Probably nothing she can do about the job.

Cobra aint cheap.

Cheaper than whatever surgery she needs.
I think the cost is 103% of the cost of the group policy.
Better benefits cheaper than she could get on her own, most likely.
What if she found out she had cancer and had to do chemo after surgery? Would they fire her then, too?
I'd contact the local news and make a ruckus. Yep. Sure would. And blackballing me? Pfffffft. She can give her references and leave out the assholes that fired her when she is ready to go job hunting again.

I hate to break it to you but they have no obligation to hold a job for you when you get sick.
I understand that and agree. They have no obligation. No empathy either. And stupid in my opinion. *shuddering at teaching new employee*. Again, for MYSELF, I would cause havoc. Just cuz. Karma's a bitch, lol. They don't care? Neither do I. Smear their lack of empathy around and let them scramble, says I. :lol:

I've always just went on down the road when dealing with asshole companies.
They eventually asshole themselves right out of business because nobody with skills will work for them.
My niece has developed problems with her gall bladder, and has missed days at her new job (she has been in very bad shape). The place where she has been working has a policy of no missed days for the first six months (a common probationary period). A couple of days ago she was in such bad shape that she was admitted to the hospital for further testing. She was released after a day, but her doctor had scheduled her to have surgery. He also wrote her a note for her work. She called her manager to tell him that she had a note from her doctor but that she would try to come in if it meant keeping her job. He told her that HR had already fired her. She called HR and they said the manager had fired her. Now she not only doesn't have a job, she has no insurance and is facing an expensive operation and convalescence, and still has a family with three children to raise.

I think that any employer that does this to its employees, particularly one like her that they admitted was a good worker, is dastardly and not worth working for. So my question is should employers be allowed to do this to new employees?

If she's on their insurance, she can go on Cobra to cover her surgery.
Probably nothing she can do about the job.

Cobra aint cheap.

Cheaper than whatever surgery she needs.
I think the cost is 103% of the cost of the group policy.
Better benefits cheaper than she could get on her own, most likely.

Oh absolutely.
I used it in the eighties after being laid off during the oil crunch.
If memory serves it was around 600 bucks a month.
Talk about an incentive to find another job....
HWGA, you outed yourself, you are well aware of the management's hatred for any part of labor saying "let up some, butthole", and that is your problem.
Oh, and I HIGHLY recommend she get a second opinion about the Gall BLadder. Docs are lazy. And cheap. Instead of removing the stone or whatever is causing her problems, they remove the gall bladder and say that organ is not necessary. Um. YES IT IS. They took mine out. Now I don't go ANYWHERE without a porta potty in my car or knowing EXACTLY where the nearest bathroom is, and I always carry extra clothes in case I don't make it in time.

Read this. And believe 95% of it. Once that GB is gone....shit happens. Literally.

Find a doc that will find another remedy instead of removing the organ itself.


I still have my gall bladder and suffer these same problems. Must have been the chow I ate in the USMC caused my gall bladder to stop functioning...
My niece has developed problems with her gall bladder, and has missed days at her new job (she has been in very bad shape). The place where she has been working has a policy of no missed days for the first six months (a common probationary period). A couple of days ago she was in such bad shape that she was admitted to the hospital for further testing. She was released after a day, but her doctor had scheduled her to have surgery. He also wrote her a note for her work. She called her manager to tell him that she had a note from her doctor but that she would try to come in if it meant keeping her job. He told her that HR had already fired her. She called HR and they said the manager had fired her. Now she not only doesn't have a job, she has no insurance and is facing an expensive operation and convalescence, and still has a family with three children to raise.

I think that any employer that does this to its employees, particularly one like her that they admitted was a good worker, is dastardly and not worth working for. So my question is should employers be allowed to do this to new employees?

In most other modern nations they couldn't
Oh, and I HIGHLY recommend she get a second opinion about the Gall BLadder. Docs are lazy. And cheap. Instead of removing the stone or whatever is causing her problems, they remove the gall bladder and say that organ is not necessary. Um. YES IT IS. They took mine out. Now I don't go ANYWHERE without a porta potty in my car or knowing EXACTLY where the nearest bathroom is, and I always carry extra clothes in case I don't make it in time.

Read this. And believe 95% of it. Once that GB is gone....shit happens. Literally.

Find a doc that will find another remedy instead of removing the organ itself.


I still have my gall bladder and suffer these same problems. Must have been the chow I ate in the USMC caused my gall bladder to stop functioning...
My sister had hers removed. No bathroom problems. She just has problems with gas and indigestion now.
My niece has developed problems with her gall bladder, and has missed days at her new job (she has been in very bad shape). The place where she has been working has a policy of no missed days for the first six months (a common probationary period). A couple of days ago she was in such bad shape that she was admitted to the hospital for further testing. She was released after a day, but her doctor had scheduled her to have surgery. He also wrote her a note for her work. She called her manager to tell him that she had a note from her doctor but that she would try to come in if it meant keeping her job. He told her that HR had already fired her. She called HR and they said the manager had fired her. Now she not only doesn't have a job, she has no insurance and is facing an expensive operation and convalescence, and still has a family with three children to raise.

I think that any employer that does this to its employees, particularly one like her that they admitted was a good worker, is dastardly and not worth working for. So my question is should employers be allowed to do this to new employees?

Social Media is a great way to protest, if the company has a Facebook page, you can also Twitter, use the company's name and go at it. Let me know if it is done and I'll retweet and repost. Hit them the hospital and insurance angle. Company's can't handle bad press.
i have ....in the US Postal Service.....

So what does that tell you?
um....that the PO has had brutal labor policies?.....:dunno:

Okay,now we've established you'll work for a company you feel was cheating you.
cheating me?.....how does brutal labor policies = cheating someone?....i was paid,got great benefits....i got everything they said i would get as did everyone else....learn the difference between treating people like shit and being cheated....and you called me stupid?....

I guess you'll have to explain these so called brutal labor practices than.
If they are over working you without compensation then yes they are cheating you.
Personally I'd go look for another job.
I guess you'll have to explain these so called brutal labor practices than.
there was a reason for all the Postal Shootings last Century....Postal middle managers are some of the biggest assholes you will ever meet....
If they are over working you without compensation then yes they are cheating you.
everyone got paid OT for anything over 8 and got double time for anything over 10....once again for the slower people here....there is a difference between how people are treated as to your benefits and pay....postal shootings were not about compensation....they were about how the shooter felt he was being treated by management....
Personally I'd go look for another job.
maybe not if you were working there.....the pay and benefits were better than many jobs out there,i was making better money and better benefits than many of the teachers i delivered too....and after you left the office you were on your own outside getting some decent walking exercise,meeting different people,great women to look at everyday....some people could not handle it....if you can handle the bullshit you have to put up with,inside,it was a pretty decent job....
More than 200 employees in four states? Still run by my family?

You work for others, sonny. You always have.

So you work for daddy and mommy huh? Why am I not surprised.
No wonder you're so full of white guilt. You didnt earn your life,mom and dad gave it to you.
Me? I retired at 46 on my own merit.

I didn't start this thread for your amusement. Please stay on topic, or leave.

OMG!!! The Thread Police has arrived!!!

It's my thread. get over it.

Actually, it isn't --- despite your obviously inflated sense of self-importance (or, is it impotence), you don't own threads. You may start one - as dumb as most of them are - and you may comment on them, but you don't own a damn thing. Now, THAT makes you impotent, doesn't it?
My niece has developed problems with her gall bladder, and has missed days at her new job (she has been in very bad shape). The place where she has been working has a policy of no missed days for the first six months (a common probationary period). A couple of days ago she was in such bad shape that she was admitted to the hospital for further testing. She was released after a day, but her doctor had scheduled her to have surgery. He also wrote her a note for her work. She called her manager to tell him that she had a note from her doctor but that she would try to come in if it meant keeping her job. He told her that HR had already fired her. She called HR and they said the manager had fired her. Now she not only doesn't have a job, she has no insurance and is facing an expensive operation and convalescence, and still has a family with three children to raise.

I think that any employer that does this to its employees, particularly one like her that they admitted was a good worker, is dastardly and not worth working for. So my question is should employers be allowed to do this to new employees?

Six months probation? That's weird, it's usually 90 days. Sucks about her gallbladder but she took the job knowing that there was a probationary period. She can not fulfill her end of the commitment, tough break.

Stop with the bleeding heart shit, she can sign up for obamacare insurance under the exception rule.

Is she sure she needs it removed? I had gallstones and they insisted I have my gallbladder removed. The stones passed (yes, it is extremely painful but tylenol w/codeine was very effective in relieving the pain). I held off on surgery. That was ten years ago, not a problem since then.
In some jobs it's 2-3 years probation. But like I said...during probation they can let you go for whatever reason or no reason at all. Is it nice? No...but businesses usually don't run on nice.

Many businesses do not give a crap about their employees ... not these days, anyway.

Never have, never will --- learn it, live it, love it.
HWGA, you outed yourself, you are well aware of the management's hatred for any part of labor saying "let up some, butthole", and that is your problem.

Once more in English please.
That you have trouble with diction and syntax and semantics is your problem, son.

Lacking an appropriate response, you have resort to childish drivel like this? And, then you do it with a poorly constructed sentence?? That's sum funny shit, right thar!
HWGA, you outed yourself, you are well aware of the management's hatred for any part of labor saying "let up some, butthole", and that is your problem.

Once more in English please.
That you have trouble with diction and syntax and semantics is your problem, son.

Lacking an appropriate response, you have resort to childish drivel like this? And, then you do it with a poorly constructed sentence?? That's sum funny shit, right thar!
Translation of Spare's nonsense: I have nothing, so I will attack the other person rather than his posts.

Let's see if you can answer sensible and concisely, Spare. Your language skills have been deficient; HGWA has not performed any better.
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My niece has developed problems with her gall bladder, and has missed days at her new job (she has been in very bad shape). The place where she has been working has a policy of no missed days for the first six months (a common probationary period). A couple of days ago she was in such bad shape that she was admitted to the hospital for further testing. She was released after a day, but her doctor had scheduled her to have surgery. He also wrote her a note for her work. She called her manager to tell him that she had a note from her doctor but that she would try to come in if it meant keeping her job. He told her that HR had already fired her. She called HR and they said the manager had fired her. Now she not only doesn't have a job, she has no insurance and is facing an expensive operation and convalescence, and still has a family with three children to raise.

I think that any employer that does this to its employees, particularly one like her that they admitted was a good worker, is dastardly and not worth working for. So my question is should employers be allowed to do this to new employees?
this is what happens in non-union places....sorry to say Oro,but if the company has a policy about attendance,than thats the policy,its fucked up of them since this is somewhat different than just calling in saying you dont feel good.....but 90% of the companies out there can care less about the welfare of its employees,something happens to you,tough shit.....they expect loyalty from you but they dont feel they need to return any....i delivered mail for 33 years and have heard this story hundreds of times over the years from people on the route....

What a load of horseshit.
If you're any good at what you do they arent going to fire you.

They can and do. In many states, an employer doesn't need a reason to can your arse. They just can't openly violate your civil rights when they do. But there are always ways to get around that, unfortunately.
you have no civil right to a job.
My niece has developed problems with her gall bladder, and has missed days at her new job (she has been in very bad shape). The place where she has been working has a policy of no missed days for the first six months (a common probationary period). A couple of days ago she was in such bad shape that she was admitted to the hospital for further testing. She was released after a day, but her doctor had scheduled her to have surgery. He also wrote her a note for her work. She called her manager to tell him that she had a note from her doctor but that she would try to come in if it meant keeping her job. He told her that HR had already fired her. She called HR and they said the manager had fired her. Now she not only doesn't have a job, she has no insurance and is facing an expensive operation and convalescence, and still has a family with three children to raise.

I think that any employer that does this to its employees, particularly one like her that they admitted was a good worker, is dastardly and not worth working for. So my question is should employers be allowed to do this to new employees?
this is what happens in non-union places....sorry to say Oro,but if the company has a policy about attendance,than thats the policy,its fucked up of them since this is somewhat different than just calling in saying you dont feel good.....but 90% of the companies out there can care less about the welfare of its employees,something happens to you,tough shit.....they expect loyalty from you but they dont feel they need to return any....i delivered mail for 33 years and have heard this story hundreds of times over the years from people on the route....

What a load of horseshit.
If you're any good at what you do they arent going to fire you.

They can and do. In many states, an employer doesn't need a reason to can your arse. They just can't openly violate your civil rights when they do. But there are always ways to get around that, unfortunately.
you have no civil right to a job.
Laws do give citizens the right granted to them in certain circumstances to challenge their employers' decisions.
My niece has developed problems with her gall bladder, and has missed days at her new job (she has been in very bad shape). The place where she has been working has a policy of no missed days for the first six months (a common probationary period). A couple of days ago she was in such bad shape that she was admitted to the hospital for further testing. She was released after a day, but her doctor had scheduled her to have surgery. He also wrote her a note for her work. She called her manager to tell him that she had a note from her doctor but that she would try to come in if it meant keeping her job. He told her that HR had already fired her. She called HR and they said the manager had fired her. Now she not only doesn't have a job, she has no insurance and is facing an expensive operation and convalescence, and still has a family with three children to raise.

I think that any employer that does this to its employees, particularly one like her that they admitted was a good worker, is dastardly and not worth working for. So my question is should employers be allowed to do this to new employees?
this is what happens in non-union places....sorry to say Oro,but if the company has a policy about attendance,than thats the policy,its fucked up of them since this is somewhat different than just calling in saying you dont feel good.....but 90% of the companies out there can care less about the welfare of its employees,something happens to you,tough shit.....they expect loyalty from you but they dont feel they need to return any....i delivered mail for 33 years and have heard this story hundreds of times over the years from people on the route....

What a load of horseshit.
If you're any good at what you do they arent going to fire you.

They can and do. In many states, an employer doesn't need a reason to can your arse. They just can't openly violate your civil rights when they do. But there are always ways to get around that, unfortunately.
you have no civil right to a job.

We have a right to our humanity, though.
HWGA, you outed yourself, you are well aware of the management's hatred for any part of labor saying "let up some, butthole", and that is your problem.

Once more in English please.
That you have trouble with diction and syntax and semantics is your problem, son.

Lacking an appropriate response, you have resort to childish drivel like this? And, then you do it with a poorly constructed sentence?? That's sum funny shit, right thar!
Translation of Spare's nonsense: I have nothing, so I will attack the other person rather than his posts.

Let's see if you can answer sensible and concisely, Spare. Your language skills have been deficient; HGWA has not performed any better.

You, sir, are incapable of translating logical thought, so please don't embarrass yourself by attempting to twist words to meet your preconceived goal.

I am amused that you, of all people, would accuse someone of attacking another person in lieu of posting a logical response. My post was, in fact, on point to the drivel you posted, which was a poor attempt to on your part to attack the poster, not for the content of his comment, but for what you perceived to be faulty posting protocol. Of all those guilty of this (which seems to be epidemic among our liberal posters), you definitely fit in the top five. Frankly, you're good at it ... but you ain't THAT good.
Spare has made no logical response other than some muumbling, so we will leave it at that until something of worth is posted.

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