what do you think of this

A couple of times at a restaueant, I have had a waiter that was obviously a homo.

I called the manager over and asked for a different server.

The manager complied and I received a different waiter.

If I was the manager, I make sure that your first waiter spilled his jizz in your soup.
Would you remain their friend?
Read post #33
...meaning you would lose the friend for something the friend's child did.

Would you cease to be friends with a previously close friend whose child raped a neighbor's child?...murdered someone?...refused to join your religious group?

I'm just trying to get an idea of where you rank being gay among things really worthy of shame.
I would NEVER blame the parents if the child decided to become a sodomite or became a rapist or child molester.

But I would distance myself and family from any parents who encouraged or accepted their childs perversions of rape, molesting children, honosexuality, beastiality, etc.
A couple of times at a restaueant, I have had a waiter that was obviously a homo.

I called the manager over and asked for a different server.

The manager complied and I received a different waiter.
Someday...it may happen, you may find yourself in an accident, or severe sudden illness - and the doctor or ambulance worker will work to save your life.

The nurse tending to you in the hospital, though you may be even unable to talk or move, or urinate without assistance, will be there to provide care for you.

And that person, or persons, will be gay or lesbian.

Godspeed to you on your journey to understanding the ones you detest so much, have much more humanity and love in their heart than you could ever imagine, and will be there for you, even as you banish them to your hell.
"Will be gay or lesbian" :lol:

Nice fantasy post.

But chances are, it ain't gonna happen that way.
Maybe. Maybe not.

Karma has a way of being a great equalizer...and introspection provider.
A couple of times at a restaueant, I have had a waiter that was obviously a homo.

I called the manager over and asked for a different server.

The manager complied and I received a different waiter.

If I was the manager, I make sure that your first waiter spilled his jizz in your soup.

Anybody who has ever worked in a restaurant knows that as a diner, you never send anything back to the kitchen or complain about the help.

I suspect that with his attitude, Sunni Man has eaten his share of hockers compliments of the kitchen and wait staff.
Karma is basically a Buddhist and Hindu belief.

I am neither one, and veiw it as mystical nonsense.

It ranks right up ther with astrology and tarot cards.

Mystical nonsense is the cornerstone of any religion.
Anybody who has ever worked in a restaurant knows that as a diner, you never send anything back to the kitchen or complain about the help.

I suspect that with his attitude, Sunni Man has eaten his share of hockers compliments of the kitchen and wait staff.

Never said I sent any food back.

I just ask the manager for a different waiter, and gave no explaination.
Anybody who has ever worked in a restaurant knows that as a diner, you never send anything back to the kitchen or complain about the help.

I suspect that with his attitude, Sunni Man has eaten his share of hockers compliments of the kitchen and wait staff.

Never said I sent any food back.

I just ask the manager for a different waiter, and gave no explaination.

How did you like your hockers?
Karma has a way of being a great equalizer...and introspection provider.

Sorry to pop your bubble, but I don't believe in silly nonsense of something called karma :eusa_angel:

But it most certainly believes in you.

So, I'm gathering you deal in finites. Ok...that's cool. But just a little friendly advice. The world itself does not deal in finites.

Kharma will come calling some day. And kharma just adores shreading finites.
What was "obviously a homo" about him?
Limp wrist, effeminate voice and mannerisms, swishy walk; the obvious traits of a homo.

No, sorry. There are many butchy men who are gay and there are many straight men who come across as effeminate. I've seen my share of both. Again, your finite view of the world is not an accurate view of the world.
So, I'm gathering you deal in finites. Ok...that's cool. But just a little friendly advice. The world itself does not deal in finites.

Kharma will come calling some day. And kharma just adores shreading finites.

If you want to believe in astroloy, tarot cards, karma, palm reading, be my guest.

But I have seen zero evidence of any of these activities being valid.
What was "obviously a homo" about him?
Limp wrist, effeminate voice and mannerisms, swishy walk; the obvious traits of a homo.

No, sorry. There are many butchy men who are gay and there are many straight men who come across as effeminate. I've seen my share of both. Again, your finite view of the world is not an accurate view of the world.
I am sure there are all kinds of homo perverts.

But the operating word in my post was "obvious" homo.
There's always been gay people on tv, in our lives, in history. Remember that anywhere from 2-10% of the people you know are gay.

There has also been murderers, rapists, child molesters, and other perverts, all throughtout history.

But that doesn't make it right or normal.

And no, I don't know any homos; and don't want to know any. Period
You're equating homosexuality to murder, rape and child molestation? Really?

Who died and made you Rick Santorum?
Limp wrist, effeminate voice and mannerisms, swishy walk; the obvious traits of a homo.

No, sorry. There are many butchy men who are gay and there are many straight men who come across as effeminate. I've seen my share of both. Again, your finite view of the world is not an accurate view of the world.
I am sure there are all kinds of homo perverts.

But the operating word in my post was "obvious" homo.
And what if they were not gay. Not all effeminate looking men are gay, you know.
There's always been gay people on tv, in our lives, in history. Remember that anywhere from 2-10% of the people you know are gay.

There has also been murderers, rapists, child molesters, and other perverts, all throughtout history.

But that doesn't make it right or normal.

And no, I don't know any homos; and don't want to know any. Period
You're equating homosexuality to murder, rape and child molestation? Really?

Who died and made you Rick Santorum?

Sunni Man deals in finites. There is the "good" category and the "bad" category. There are no sub-categories.

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