What do you think of Trump admin. banning E-cigs?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
While they're at it ban:

Fucking edibles. I can't believe they make deserts of it. Who else likes desert? dogs, elderly and children. Don't tell me it aint left around the house either. I've seen otherwise. I know adults who think it's a game "oh look what I got, how fun). It's natural to consider candy candy,. Smoke a fucking joint or take a chill-pill, this aint Walt Disney.

All man-made recreational drugs. They're all toxic, can kill and disable.

I'm all for Capitalism, but this crap is lunacy.
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While they're at it ban:

Fucking edibles. I can't believe they make deserts of it. Who else likes desert? dogs, elderly and children. Don't tell me it aint left around the house either. I've seen otherwise. I know adults who think it's a game "oh look what I got, blah blah blah). It's natural to consider candy candy,. Smoke a fucking joint or take a chill-pill, this aint Walt Disney.

All man-made recreational drugs. They're all toxic, can kill and disable.
You could eat 100 pot brownies and be fine. Vaping, apparently, is way more dangerous. So calm down, snowflake.
I can't believe they make deserts of it. Who else likes desert?

Ecigs have not been banned. Why not just ban THC vapes. That's what's killing teens.

They're trying to ban it.

I agree, get rid of THC vapes too. I smoked a vape twice. I have low tolerance so can tell when things are very bad for you. I got sick both times off a hit or two.
While they're at it ban:

Fucking edibles. I can't believe they make deserts of it. Who else likes desert? dogs, elderly and children. Don't tell me it aint left around the house either. I've seen otherwise. I know adults who think it's a game "oh look what I got, blah blah blah). It's natural to consider candy candy,. Smoke a fucking joint or take a chill-pill, this aint Walt Disney.

All man-made recreational drugs. They're all toxic, can kill and disable.
You could eat 100 pot brownies and be fine. Vaping, apparently, is way more dangerous. So calm down, snowflake.

Q: What are the safety concerns of edibles for kids and adolescents?
Jacobson: There are many concerns. First, the dosage amount of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) listed on the packaging of an edible is the recommended adult serving. An adult serving may be a bite of a cookie or a square of chocolate bar. A child, however, might not think anything of eating two whole cookies or a handful of gummy bears in one sitting. One gummy bear has the same THC level as one marijuana joint. If a child eats more than the recommended serving for an adult, they are at serious risk. They may end up in the emergency room with serious toxicity. Marijuana toxicity symptoms can include dizziness, paranoia, anxiety, hallucinations, difficulty breathing, and panic attacks. There is potential for an acute psychotic episode if there is a genetic predisposition to mental illness. I’ll add brain damage. Because a child's brain is still in development. Ever see a stoner in their early teens? You figure there are residuals, even if they quit?

The other significant concern is the cross-interaction of cannabis with other prescription and over-the-counter medications.
I used to be a very heavy smoker. I tried my first ecig and never had another tobacco cigarette. Over the years I cut down the nicotine percentage to zero. I've been at zero nic since 2011.
While they're at it ban:

Fucking edibles. I can't believe they make deserts of it. Who else likes desert? dogs, elderly and children. Don't tell me it aint left around the house either. I've seen otherwise. I know adults who think it's a game "oh look what I got, blah blah blah). It's natural to consider candy candy,. Smoke a fucking joint or take a chill-pill, this aint Walt Disney.

All man-made recreational drugs. They're all toxic, can kill and disable.
You could eat 100 pot brownies and be fine. Vaping, apparently, is way more dangerous. So calm down, snowflake.

So the drug that millions have been sent to jail for long considered somewhere between soul depraving and communist-induced madness turns out to be really safe for children but vaping, which came about as a totally safe alternative is now found to be about as dangerous as sticking a loaded revolver in your mouth while having a sneezing attack?
Some of these products have things like Vitamin e in them...you are not suppose to suck that into your lungs...some people can be allergic to certain additives they are putting in them these days...they put additives in for flavor and to be more like real smoking as well as to entice young people....
I used to be a very heavy smoker. I tried my first ecig and never had another tobacco cigarette. Over the years I cut down the nicotine percentage to zero. I've been at zero nic since 2011.

. . . and there you go.

You can't have something that effectively helps people quit smoking be easily and cheaply available.

I quit smoking last year with the help of a cheap ecig. It was simple and painless.

. . . well, for eight months. When the weather warmed and I started drinking outside? Wow, I had the urge for a cigar or two, and then I was right back to it. I figured, what the hell, why not, if quitting is that easy, right?

So the weather turned, and I wanted to quit again. So, I had a coupon left for that ecig, went to the gas station where I had purchased it, and lo and behold, what do I find? The new governor made them illegal?


Well, I have a mighty strong will power. I was still able to quit again all right, but Werther's Original hard candy just weren't quite as effective at easing cravings. I don't think I will be having a cigar next summer with the micro brews in the sunshine knowing what I know now.

Fucking government.
People have been vaping for years and all of a sudden 7 people die from it. That would point to something recent and toxic has been introduced. Let's find out what's causing the deaths.
I am with Dan in this one.

Dan Bongino‏Verified account @dbongino 8h8 hours ago
A big no to this vaping ban. Educate people about the risks and let them make their own decisions. Big boy rules.

Yup, that's the ticket .. putting crap in your lungs is stupid but I use a wimpy e-cig anyway, as a young adult I started smoking cigarettes and kept the habit up until 4-ish years ago. The e-sig was an easy transition and I'm down to zero nicotine and occasional vape.

Sure, when your young you can bounce back from doing the stupid stuff you do to your body, it's not so easy the older you get and then there's those fun things like bypass surgeries, arterial stints, constant medications and hell if you want to mow the lawn, do long walks, burn quick energy expect to take plenty of breaks.

bottom line .. do stupid things and eventually you will pay a price no matter how indestructible you think you are.

This wasn't directed at you personally Skye but I was having such fun unloading the realities..

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