What do you think when you read this?


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
If I were a black man on the other hand, I most likely would grow up poor because my parents haven't had much opportunity, and we'd live in a bad neighborhood, my chances for success would be far less than that of a white man and my opportunities the same because I went to some shitty public school and my family doesn't believe that education is relevant, maybe I'd go to college with help from a non-profit organization, or a government one, or a government program like affirmative action, but most likely I'd believe that there was little reason to get an education since Tyrone makes bank selling dope to suburban white kids and why work hard when it won't help in the end. I'd feel left out by my own society, angry and bitter, wondering why my parents were such failures and coming to the conclusion that its because of the Man, I'd become an alcoholic or addict of some kind, end up committing armed robbery to maintain my habit, then go to prison and end up being in and out of prison for the rest of my life. Or I'd become President of the United States!!
(emphasis added)

Note that there is no smiley or commentary to suggest anything other than seriousness
Basing logic on statistics and probability is not racist. Racism is ignoring facts actually, and those are the facts, so no, it's not.
It makes me think you didn't understand the tone of my post.

It makes me think that you took my quote out of context to get a specific reaction to validate what you WANT to believe.

It makes me think you have an ax to grind for some unknown reason....?

And it confirms my thinking that you're an asshole. Good job!:clap2:
It makes me think you didn't understand the tone of my post.

It makes me think that you took my quote out of context to get a specific reaction to validate what you WANT to believe.

It makes me think you have an ax to grind for some unknown reason....?

And it confirms my thinking that you're an asshole. Good job!:clap2:

It would seem, based on many of his other posts, that it's only racist to say anything bad about black folks ... while he himself is willing to post truly racist comments about others.
Basing logic on statistics and probability is not racist. Racism is ignoring facts actually, and those are the facts, so no, it's not.

But as society sees it, KK, FACTS are RACIST! REALITY is racist. Ignoring facts and reality is "multiculturalism." Facing facts and reality is complete and total racism.
If I were a black man on the other hand, I most likely would grow up poor because my parents haven't had much opportunity, and we'd live in a bad neighborhood, my chances for success would be far less than that of a white man and my opportunities the same because I went to some shitty public school and my family doesn't believe that education is relevant, maybe I'd go to college with help from a non-profit organization, or a government one, or a government program like affirmative action, but most likely I'd believe that there was little reason to get an education since Tyrone makes bank selling dope to suburban white kids and why work hard when it won't help in the end. I'd feel left out by my own society, angry and bitter, wondering why my parents were such failures and coming to the conclusion that its because of the Man, I'd become an alcoholic or addict of some kind, end up committing armed robbery to maintain my habit, then go to prison and end up being in and out of prison for the rest of my life. Or I'd become President of the United States!!
(emphasis added)

Note that there is no smiley or commentary to suggest anything other than seriousness

No commentary, huh? How about "Or, I'd become President of the United Stated!"?

Or, did you simply, but purposely overlook that?
Sounds like a man suffering from white guilt.

That's exactly what it is, and the attitude that enables everyone who fucks up and makes bad decisions be the victim.
Until someone, (regardless if they are white, black, pink, or purple), stands up and takes responsibility for themselves, and their actions, they can't better themselves.
If I were a black man on the other hand, I most likely would grow up poor because my parents haven't had much opportunity, and we'd live in a bad neighborhood, my chances for success would be far less than that of a white man and my opportunities the same because I went to some shitty public school and my family doesn't believe that education is relevant, maybe I'd go to college with help from a non-profit organization, or a government one, or a government program like affirmative action, but most likely I'd believe that there was little reason to get an education since Tyrone makes bank selling dope to suburban white kids and why work hard when it won't help in the end. I'd feel left out by my own society, angry and bitter, wondering why my parents were such failures and coming to the conclusion that its because of the Man, I'd become an alcoholic or addict of some kind, end up committing armed robbery to maintain my habit, then go to prison and end up being in and out of prison for the rest of my life. Or I'd become President of the United States!!
(emphasis added)

Note that there is no smiley or commentary to suggest anything other than seriousness

To begin with you prick, you have not provided the entire dialog or even a reference to where this was posted to make any assessment on bigotry or racism.

Secondly, Colorado is one of the most sincere, diplomatic, decent and candid members I've come across on this board and in just about any board I've been a member. I have a great deal of respect for him for that reason. You are a complete fucking asshole to imagine that you could viably challenge anything he has to say.

Don't quote someone without properly presenting enough information to make any of your ridiculous claims. It compromises their ability to properly present their case and quite frankly it's underhanded.

Anne Marie
Sounds like a man suffering from white guilt.

White guilt? What is this white guilt bullshit? Is it like reverse racism?

I don't feel guilty because I'm white. I feel sympathy for people who don't have equal opportunity in this country, the land of the free. The country where its said we have equality, when really, we don't. I feel this nation should live up to its principles of equality, principles I vowed to defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic. YOU are one of those enemies, though you might not intend to be.

I can understand why you think affirmative action isn't capitalism, and it isn't equality; but it helps to level the playing field out between the minorities and the majority (white males - you and I). It might suck for you if you're a white male who has stellar credentials yet is not hired for a job that a black woman is hired to do. But, you are a white male, go find another job, because there are plenty of them out there and you have more and better opportunities. Instead of thinking about yourself, think about society as a whole and how, years down the road, institutionalized racism could be reduced to a fraction of a percent among US companies and organizations, and minorities won't be so heavily affected by poverty and disenchantment with the society to which they belong - and therefore less likely to turn to crime. Less crime and less poverty! Less drug use and abuse! Fewer welfare mothers! That should be right up your conservative alley. Sounds nice, doesn't it? Your children could grow up in a better world!

Unless, of course, you think that hispanics and, as you put it, blacks, are just more likely to be criminals no matter what?
I can understand why you think affirmative action isn't capitalism, and it isn't equality; but it helps to level the playing field out between the minorities and the majority (white males - you and I).

White males aren't a majority, you twit

It might suck for you if you're a white male who has stellar credentials yet is not hired for a job that a black woman is hired to do. But, you are a white male, go find another job, because there are plenty of them out there and you have more and better opportunities.
Unless the next job does the same thing :cuckoo:

Instead of thinking about yourself, think about society as a whole and how, years down the road, institutionalized racism could be reduced to a fraction of a percent among US companies and organizations,
By instituting racist laws like AA? :cuckoo:

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