What Does Alexandria Expect?Border Crossing Locations Lined With Free Holiday Inn Like Hotels?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
God, she just wont stop complaining! We dont have enough food! diapers! Water, Tacos, bathrooms, showers, food in general. Well what did she expect? when they crossed in, we would provide all 999,000 of them a hotel stay with all of the ammenaties for a few weeks until they were sent on a bus to San Fran/Los Angeles?
Get My Point?
next week AOC will demand that 1000 plumbers go to the border and install about 5000 new toilets
God, she just wont stop complaining! We dont have enough food! diapers! Water, Tacos, bathrooms, showers, food in general. Well what did she expect? when they crossed in, we would provide all 999,000 of them a hotel stay with all of the ammenaties for a few weeks until they were sent on a bus to San Fran/Los Angeles?
Get My Point?

Migrants and Mexico need help to set up safe, legal and adequate accommodations on THEIR side of the border. That way no illegal crossings would be necessary if people could already access places to go for work, training,
education and services. If there are 12-20 million Mexican nationals currently living on US soil, Trump and Mexican officials
should work out a deal where 4-5 cities the size of Houston could be built on the Mexican side, outside each of the border states,
for Mexican nationals to claim legal residency. And start granting this land to workers to develop as their hometowns, based on
campus style programs, housing and services on site.

That way, people would have places to go to register for legal residency,
including access to job training, education and social services. (Priority should be given to people willing to train to replicate these campus plans and start building them in other countries and cities to stop the flow of emigration away from areas of poverty by sustainable development there.)

The churches, nonprofits and even political donors who BELIEVE in helping migrant workers and families as their top
priority could invest in developing these Campus Communities on the MEXICAN side of the Border.
(Examples of campus development plans:
www.campusplan.org -- community campus plans through federal HUD reform laws
www.paceuniversal.com -- building schools to stop trafficking through independent nonprofit
www.patientphysiciancooperatives.com - building health care cooperatives by nonprofit set up without relying on govt or citizenship)

But it would take a concerted effort between US Military and Mexican officials to OVERCOME the current
corruption of Mexican media and govt by DRUG CARTELS that have overrun both sides of the border.

That is why Liberals are screaming at the US Govt to intervene, because Mexico's govt is even more overrun by corruption.

The SOCIAL PROGRAMS should be supported by churches, charities, schools and political donors OUTSIDE govt
so it's not forced on taxpayers but VOLUNTARY to contribute or participate.

The SECURITY can only be handled by US Govt and Military.

i suggest we build about 100 to 200 McDonalds/Burger Kings out there,,at least for now
then ask her for any proof,,,shes off and running away like a mouse
She lied her A*S off!’ Hispanic pastors tour border facility lambasted by AOC and are ‘SHOCKED by her misinformation’

Surprised? When does AOC get anything right?

Hispanic pastors tour border facility lambasted by AOC and say they are ‘shocked by misinformation’ Hispanic pastors tour border facility lambasted by AOC and say they are ‘shocked by misinformation’ #FoxNews — Rep. Steven Smith (@RepStevenSmith) July 2, 2019
You might as well read the whole thing.

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez was “full of indignation” when he saw the reports and heard from politicians about the deplorable and inhumane conditions for illegal immigrants at an El Paso County, Texas migrant detention center. But what he saw at the same facility toured by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. with a group of pastors was “drastically different.”

The president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, the world’s largest Hispanic Christian organization, and senior pastor of New Seasons Christian Worship Center in Sacramento shared his firsthand experience touring a migrant detention center during a press briefing Monday.

But wait, it gets better:

“I read the reports, saw the news clips. I just wanted to see what was actually happening in order to better enable our efforts to find a fair and a just solution to our broken immigration system,” Rodriguez, who has advised President Trump and both Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush on immigration reform, noted. “To my surprise, I saw something drastically different from the stories I’ve been hearing in our national discourse. Even as a veteran of immigration advocacy in the U.S., I was shocked at the misinformation of the crisis at the border.”

From 'She lied her A*S off!' Hispanic pastors tour border facility lambasted by AOC and are 'SHOCKED by her misinformation'
i wonder if alexandria took a photo of immigrants drinking out of the toilets when she was there

That would have been difficult, considering she declined to tour the part of the facility where the immigrants are being detained. She opted instead to pose for pictures outside, pretending to cry next to fences that were nowhere near the detained immigrants.
Why not house them on Trump properties?
Right after they fill up Nancy and Chuck's places.
Trump has plenty of room for Mexican guests
He already has them changing the sheets
In a few decades we will be changing the sheets for the Asians. Then you will see your total equality. Only the Asians don't play the games we see here. Industrious and waiting for their turn at world dominance.
Why not house them on Trump properties?
That's actually a great idea...trump buys property in Central or south SA and houses them there, would you go along with that?...would the left?...I think you may have hit on something here, good job.
...that said, I notice you want nothing to do with them in liberal areas, any reason for that? perhaps too dangerous?
i wonder if alexandria took a photo of immigrants drinking out of the toilets when she was there

That would have been difficult, considering she declined to tour the part of the facility where the immigrants are being detained. She opted instead to pose for pictures outside, pretending to cry next to fences that were nowhere near the detained immigrants.

Congress and the Press are not allowed inside of the facilities. You won't see any pictures of the conditions unless it's taken from outside the facility. Most of the conditions come from the people that were housed there. You need to allow the press and others inside to see it for themselves. But, oh wait, that would be all over the news and the American Public would want all of your heads and your Orange One would be out of a job in a matter of days.
Congress and the Press are not allowed inside of the facilities. You won't see any pictures of the conditions unless it's taken from outside the facility. Most of the conditions come from the people that were housed there. You need to allow the press and others inside to see it for themselves. But, oh wait, that would be all over the news and the American Public would want all of your heads and your Orange One would be out of a job in a matter of days.
How long has this been allowed to go on for?
God, she just wont stop complaining! We dont have enough food! diapers! Water, Tacos, bathrooms, showers, food in general. Well what did she expect? when they crossed in, we would provide all 999,000 of them a hotel stay with all of the ammenaties for a few weeks until they were sent on a bus to San Fran/Los Angeles?
Get My Point?
Of course the detention centers are overcrowded
and there isn’t adequate supplies...

If there wasn’t an abnormally high number of immigrants
there wouldn’t be any problems
Hmm. Set up sanctuary cities, promise that, as soon as you take power, you'll give loads of free shit to anyone who manages to sneak in. Then, when hundreds of thousands of people show up at your border, withhold funding so that there's no chance of processing the influx neatly, then publicly blame your political opponents for the conditions that result from an overloaded system that you've deliberately starved of funding while declaring said overload to be a "manufactured crisis."

What AOC, or at least her handlers, seem to intend, is to force an open borders system on an oppositional majority of the nation by creating a humanitarian catastrophe and then blatantly blocking any proposed solution in order to pressure the Trump administration to just let everybody in with no barrier. Maybe, if they feel like greasing up their political phallus before jamming it into the electorate, they'll propose that we make the incoming migrants promise their bestest pinky swear that, at some vague future date when resources allow, they'll come back and submit themselves to a proper intake process.

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