What Does Alexandria Expect?Border Crossing Locations Lined With Free Holiday Inn Like Hotels?

Congress and the Press are not allowed inside of the facilities. You won't see any pictures of the conditions unless it's taken from outside the facility. Most of the conditions come from the people that were housed there. You need to allow the press and others inside to see it for themselves. But, oh wait, that would be all over the news and the American Public would want all of your heads and your Orange One would be out of a job in a matter of days.
How long has this been allowed to go on for?

You go by the rules of the Private Companies, not the Government that hasn't made any rules. If it's a government ran facility, hell or high water would not stop a Congress Critter from entering. But a privateer ran company can have a policy that they can't enter and neither can the press. So how long has that been going on? You tell me how long private companies have ran the children immigrant lockups on the borders without either the States nor the Feds doing oversight.
This is your claim not mine...So how long has this been going on? How long have you been concerned and calling attention to this problem? do you know the answer to that at least?

You are skirting the problem. It exists right now. It doens't matter how long. The fact remains, it's exists right now. I stated why it exists. Are you saying it doesn't? Are you trying to weasel your way out of it and say it doesn't exist? Are you afraid that someone is going to say it's Trump's fault? Actually, it's Trump's fault, Congresses fault, the States Fault, it's everyone's fault. And since you are trying to weasel your way out of it, it's YOUR fault as well. Stop weaseling and accept that it exists and they still haven't done a damned thing about it.
I'm guessing your nickname is old brown eyes since you're so full of shit. I watched Congress critter Talib on This Week on ABC yesterday morning and when asked WHY she voted against funding the relief needed in the detention centers while she was ranting about them, she just doubled down on her ranting and never answered the question. The truth is, the Democrats don't REALLY give a shit, they just want an issue they can scream about to make the other side look bad. Don't complain about the conditions if you aren't willing to alleviate the conditions. She can go pound sand.
Congress and the Press are not allowed inside of the facilities. You won't see any pictures of the conditions unless it's taken from outside the facility. Most of the conditions come from the people that were housed there. You need to allow the press and others inside to see it for themselves. But, oh wait, that would be all over the news and the American Public would want all of your heads and your Orange One would be out of a job in a matter of days.
How long has this been allowed to go on for?

You go by the rules of the Private Companies, not the Government that hasn't made any rules. If it's a government ran facility, hell or high water would not stop a Congress Critter from entering. But a privateer ran company can have a policy that they can't enter and neither can the press. So how long has that been going on? You tell me how long private companies have ran the children immigrant lockups on the borders without either the States nor the Feds doing oversight.
This is your claim not mine...So how long has this been going on? How long have you been concerned and calling attention to this problem? do you know the answer to that at least?

You are skirting the problem. It exists right now. It doens't matter how long. The fact remains, it's exists right now. I stated why it exists. Are you saying it doesn't? Are you trying to weasel your way out of it and say it doesn't exist? Are you afraid that someone is going to say it's Trump's fault? Actually, it's Trump's fault, Congresses fault, the States Fault, it's everyone's fault. And since you are trying to weasel your way out of it, it's YOUR fault as well. Stop weaseling and accept that it exists and they still haven't done a damned thing about it.
I'm guessing your nickname is old brown eyes since you're so full of shit. I watched Congress critter Talib on This Week on ABC yesterday morning and when asked WHY she voted against funding the relief needed in the detention centers while she was ranting about them, she just doubled down on her ranting and never answered the question. The truth is, the Democrats don't REALLY give a shit, they just want an issue they can scream about to make the other side look bad. Don't complain about the conditions if you aren't willing to alleviate the conditions. She can go pound sand.

The problem is, Trump says it's all hunky dory. That translates that any funds allocated to take care of the inhuman conditions will be side tracked to other things that are on Trumps honey dew list. The sticking point in congress is the Republicans keep denying the addition of the wording specifying exactly where those funds must be spent. If you honestly believe Trump will spend it on the housing and conditions on the Border, you are wrong. He won't even admit that there is a problem. It's all well ran, good conditions and it's all Obama's and the Democrats fault. Enough of the blame game. Specify where that money must go and get the money allocated and shut that stupid MOF up for a change.
How long has this been allowed to go on for?

You go by the rules of the Private Companies, not the Government that hasn't made any rules. If it's a government ran facility, hell or high water would not stop a Congress Critter from entering. But a privateer ran company can have a policy that they can't enter and neither can the press. So how long has that been going on? You tell me how long private companies have ran the children immigrant lockups on the borders without either the States nor the Feds doing oversight.
This is your claim not mine...So how long has this been going on? How long have you been concerned and calling attention to this problem? do you know the answer to that at least?

You are skirting the problem. It exists right now. It doens't matter how long. The fact remains, it's exists right now. I stated why it exists. Are you saying it doesn't? Are you trying to weasel your way out of it and say it doesn't exist? Are you afraid that someone is going to say it's Trump's fault? Actually, it's Trump's fault, Congresses fault, the States Fault, it's everyone's fault. And since you are trying to weasel your way out of it, it's YOUR fault as well. Stop weaseling and accept that it exists and they still haven't done a damned thing about it.
I'm guessing your nickname is old brown eyes since you're so full of shit. I watched Congress critter Talib on This Week on ABC yesterday morning and when asked WHY she voted against funding the relief needed in the detention centers while she was ranting about them, she just doubled down on her ranting and never answered the question. The truth is, the Democrats don't REALLY give a shit, they just want an issue they can scream about to make the other side look bad. Don't complain about the conditions if you aren't willing to alleviate the conditions. She can go pound sand.

The problem is, Trump says it's all hunky dory. That translates that any funds allocated to take care of the inhuman conditions will be side tracked to other things that are on Trumps honey dew list. The sticking point in congress is the Republicans keep denying the addition of the wording specifying exactly where those funds must be spent. If you honestly believe Trump will spend it on the housing and conditions on the Border, you are wrong. He won't even admit that there is a problem. It's all well ran, good conditions and it's all Obama's and the Democrats fault. Enough of the blame game. Specify where that money must go and get the money allocated and shut that stupid MOF up for a change.
So for the record, the bottom line is you're all talk and actually good with letting the children suffer. Noted.
You go by the rules of the Private Companies, not the Government that hasn't made any rules. If it's a government ran facility, hell or high water would not stop a Congress Critter from entering. But a privateer ran company can have a policy that they can't enter and neither can the press. So how long has that been going on? You tell me how long private companies have ran the children immigrant lockups on the borders without either the States nor the Feds doing oversight.
This is your claim not mine...So how long has this been going on? How long have you been concerned and calling attention to this problem? do you know the answer to that at least?

You are skirting the problem. It exists right now. It doens't matter how long. The fact remains, it's exists right now. I stated why it exists. Are you saying it doesn't? Are you trying to weasel your way out of it and say it doesn't exist? Are you afraid that someone is going to say it's Trump's fault? Actually, it's Trump's fault, Congresses fault, the States Fault, it's everyone's fault. And since you are trying to weasel your way out of it, it's YOUR fault as well. Stop weaseling and accept that it exists and they still haven't done a damned thing about it.
I'm guessing your nickname is old brown eyes since you're so full of shit. I watched Congress critter Talib on This Week on ABC yesterday morning and when asked WHY she voted against funding the relief needed in the detention centers while she was ranting about them, she just doubled down on her ranting and never answered the question. The truth is, the Democrats don't REALLY give a shit, they just want an issue they can scream about to make the other side look bad. Don't complain about the conditions if you aren't willing to alleviate the conditions. She can go pound sand.

The problem is, Trump says it's all hunky dory. That translates that any funds allocated to take care of the inhuman conditions will be side tracked to other things that are on Trumps honey dew list. The sticking point in congress is the Republicans keep denying the addition of the wording specifying exactly where those funds must be spent. If you honestly believe Trump will spend it on the housing and conditions on the Border, you are wrong. He won't even admit that there is a problem. It's all well ran, good conditions and it's all Obama's and the Democrats fault. Enough of the blame game. Specify where that money must go and get the money allocated and shut that stupid MOF up for a change.
So for the record, the bottom line is you're all talk and actually good with letting the children suffer. Noted.

Then have your corporate paid cronies get the hell out of the way, pass that bill that specifies where and how the money is to be spent and get it done.
folks who dont want a wall: drug cartels, El Chapo, sex traffickers, smugglers, MS-13, rapists...and Democrats
This is your claim not mine...So how long has this been going on? How long have you been concerned and calling attention to this problem? do you know the answer to that at least?

You are skirting the problem. It exists right now. It doens't matter how long. The fact remains, it's exists right now. I stated why it exists. Are you saying it doesn't? Are you trying to weasel your way out of it and say it doesn't exist? Are you afraid that someone is going to say it's Trump's fault? Actually, it's Trump's fault, Congresses fault, the States Fault, it's everyone's fault. And since you are trying to weasel your way out of it, it's YOUR fault as well. Stop weaseling and accept that it exists and they still haven't done a damned thing about it.
I'm guessing your nickname is old brown eyes since you're so full of shit. I watched Congress critter Talib on This Week on ABC yesterday morning and when asked WHY she voted against funding the relief needed in the detention centers while she was ranting about them, she just doubled down on her ranting and never answered the question. The truth is, the Democrats don't REALLY give a shit, they just want an issue they can scream about to make the other side look bad. Don't complain about the conditions if you aren't willing to alleviate the conditions. She can go pound sand.

The problem is, Trump says it's all hunky dory. That translates that any funds allocated to take care of the inhuman conditions will be side tracked to other things that are on Trumps honey dew list. The sticking point in congress is the Republicans keep denying the addition of the wording specifying exactly where those funds must be spent. If you honestly believe Trump will spend it on the housing and conditions on the Border, you are wrong. He won't even admit that there is a problem. It's all well ran, good conditions and it's all Obama's and the Democrats fault. Enough of the blame game. Specify where that money must go and get the money allocated and shut that stupid MOF up for a change.
So for the record, the bottom line is you're all talk and actually good with letting the children suffer. Noted.

Then have your corporate paid cronies get the hell out of the way, pass that bill that specifies where and how the money is to be spent and get it done.
Why do you hate brown children so much?
You are skirting the problem. It exists right now. It doens't matter how long. The fact remains, it's exists right now. I stated why it exists. Are you saying it doesn't? Are you trying to weasel your way out of it and say it doesn't exist? Are you afraid that someone is going to say it's Trump's fault? Actually, it's Trump's fault, Congresses fault, the States Fault, it's everyone's fault. And since you are trying to weasel your way out of it, it's YOUR fault as well. Stop weaseling and accept that it exists and they still haven't done a damned thing about it.
I'm guessing your nickname is old brown eyes since you're so full of shit. I watched Congress critter Talib on This Week on ABC yesterday morning and when asked WHY she voted against funding the relief needed in the detention centers while she was ranting about them, she just doubled down on her ranting and never answered the question. The truth is, the Democrats don't REALLY give a shit, they just want an issue they can scream about to make the other side look bad. Don't complain about the conditions if you aren't willing to alleviate the conditions. She can go pound sand.

The problem is, Trump says it's all hunky dory. That translates that any funds allocated to take care of the inhuman conditions will be side tracked to other things that are on Trumps honey dew list. The sticking point in congress is the Republicans keep denying the addition of the wording specifying exactly where those funds must be spent. If you honestly believe Trump will spend it on the housing and conditions on the Border, you are wrong. He won't even admit that there is a problem. It's all well ran, good conditions and it's all Obama's and the Democrats fault. Enough of the blame game. Specify where that money must go and get the money allocated and shut that stupid MOF up for a change.
So for the record, the bottom line is you're all talk and actually good with letting the children suffer. Noted.

Then have your corporate paid cronies get the hell out of the way, pass that bill that specifies where and how the money is to be spent and get it done.
Why do you hate brown children so much?

So we pass the bill with no restraints, right? The Trump funnels it to something else it was never intended for. Business as usual. I hear that the #9 hole in Maro Largo needs reconditioning.
i suggest we build about 100 to 200 McDonalds/Burger Kings out there,,at least for now

that's like asking all them PERSONS OF COLOR ----to eat cauliflower -----and watercress on white buttered toast-------and crumpets (watevah da hell dey are)
i suggest we build about 100 to 200 McDonalds/Burger Kings out there,,at least for now

that's like asking all them PERSONS OF COLOR ----to eat cauliflower -----and watercress on white buttered toast-------and crumpets (watevah da hell dey are)

A crumpet
I'm guessing your nickname is old brown eyes since you're so full of shit. I watched Congress critter Talib on This Week on ABC yesterday morning and when asked WHY she voted against funding the relief needed in the detention centers while she was ranting about them, she just doubled down on her ranting and never answered the question. The truth is, the Democrats don't REALLY give a shit, they just want an issue they can scream about to make the other side look bad. Don't complain about the conditions if you aren't willing to alleviate the conditions. She can go pound sand.

The problem is, Trump says it's all hunky dory. That translates that any funds allocated to take care of the inhuman conditions will be side tracked to other things that are on Trumps honey dew list. The sticking point in congress is the Republicans keep denying the addition of the wording specifying exactly where those funds must be spent. If you honestly believe Trump will spend it on the housing and conditions on the Border, you are wrong. He won't even admit that there is a problem. It's all well ran, good conditions and it's all Obama's and the Democrats fault. Enough of the blame game. Specify where that money must go and get the money allocated and shut that stupid MOF up for a change.
So for the record, the bottom line is you're all talk and actually good with letting the children suffer. Noted.

Then have your corporate paid cronies get the hell out of the way, pass that bill that specifies where and how the money is to be spent and get it done.
Why do you hate brown children so much?

So we pass the bill with no restraints, right? The Trump funnels it to something else it was never intended for. Business as usual. I hear that the #9 hole in Maro Largo needs reconditioning.
Perhaps you should quit commenting on subjects that you know absolutely nothing about because it removes any doubt for folks who wonder if you're as big of a dumbass as you sound. There is no mechanism for a President to channel funds appropriated from Congress from one thing to another. How do you think he would do that? Go down to some bank, withdraw the money and hand it to someone else? LOL The funds already given to the military and him declaring a national emergency is apples and oranges compared to what you're clutching your pearls so tightly over. In short, you're making shit up just so you can bitch. Grow up.
The problem is, Trump says it's all hunky dory. That translates that any funds allocated to take care of the inhuman conditions will be side tracked to other things that are on Trumps honey dew list. The sticking point in congress is the Republicans keep denying the addition of the wording specifying exactly where those funds must be spent. If you honestly believe Trump will spend it on the housing and conditions on the Border, you are wrong. He won't even admit that there is a problem. It's all well ran, good conditions and it's all Obama's and the Democrats fault. Enough of the blame game. Specify where that money must go and get the money allocated and shut that stupid MOF up for a change.
So for the record, the bottom line is you're all talk and actually good with letting the children suffer. Noted.

Then have your corporate paid cronies get the hell out of the way, pass that bill that specifies where and how the money is to be spent and get it done.
Why do you hate brown children so much?

So we pass the bill with no restraints, right? The Trump funnels it to something else it was never intended for. Business as usual. I hear that the #9 hole in Maro Largo needs reconditioning.
Perhaps you should quit commenting on subjects that you know absolutely nothing about because it removes any doubt for folks who wonder if you're as big of a dumbass as you sound. There is no mechanism for a President to channel funds appropriated from Congress from one thing to another. How do you think he would do that? Go down to some bank, withdraw the money and hand it to someone else? LOL The funds already given to the military and him declaring a national emergency is apples and oranges compared to what you're clutching your pearls so tightly over. In short, you're making shit up just so you can bitch. Grow up.

The Orange One already tried to grab the money from improving Military Housing (that is bordering on slum) for his pet project. If he came with hat in hand and wanted that money to increase conditions for incarcerated children on the borders I would like to thing that America would get behind that. But to just "Build that wall" with it when there is a much more serious problem then the backlash is justified. It's already been shown that he does "Repurpose" funds. At what point does Congress finally say, enough. At what point does the Supreme Court say enough. You denying or approving of this and me pointing it out is not me making shit up. It's you lying about your Orange One and you covering up some pretty nasty behavior.
So for the record, the bottom line is you're all talk and actually good with letting the children suffer. Noted.

Then have your corporate paid cronies get the hell out of the way, pass that bill that specifies where and how the money is to be spent and get it done.
Why do you hate brown children so much?

So we pass the bill with no restraints, right? The Trump funnels it to something else it was never intended for. Business as usual. I hear that the #9 hole in Maro Largo needs reconditioning.
Perhaps you should quit commenting on subjects that you know absolutely nothing about because it removes any doubt for folks who wonder if you're as big of a dumbass as you sound. There is no mechanism for a President to channel funds appropriated from Congress from one thing to another. How do you think he would do that? Go down to some bank, withdraw the money and hand it to someone else? LOL The funds already given to the military and him declaring a national emergency is apples and oranges compared to what you're clutching your pearls so tightly over. In short, you're making shit up just so you can bitch. Grow up.

The Orange One already tried to grab the money from improving Military Housing (that is bordering on slum) for his pet project. If he came with hat in hand and wanted that money to increase conditions for incarcerated children on the borders I would like to thing that America would get behind that. But to just "Build that wall" with it when there is a much more serious problem then the backlash is justified. It's already been shown that he does "Repurpose" funds. At what point does Congress finally say, enough. At what point does the Supreme Court say enough. You denying or approving of this and me pointing it out is not me making shit up. It's you lying about your Orange One and you covering up some pretty nasty behavior.
OK brown eyes.

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