What Does Alexandria Expect?Border Crossing Locations Lined With Free Holiday Inn Like Hotels?

Trump created the problem in the first place. In his haste to "Stop the Muslim Horde" he stopped the ability to apply for entry into the US at the overseas embassies. It was meant for Muslims. The problem is, it also affected Central and South America as well. The Coyotes started selling the idea that the only way the people could get into the united states was to hire their services and come up in a large force. The "Caravan of Hundreds and Thousands" was invented. There were thousands of people every year applying at the Embassies and only about 15% of those people were granted visas. They knew before the journey whether they would be allowed entry or not. People coming to the Mexican Border were not allowed the "Feet Wet" that the Cubans were. When Trump stopped the Embassies from doing this, the "Crisis" was created. And it became an emergency far beyond what your border could handle. Yah, I know, you have both hands over your eyes right now and are loudly saying, "LaLaLaLa".

But that doesn't matter. Those are children, not criminals. No US court in the Nation would handle them as criminals. And the conditions are inhuman. We can do better. We must do better. Congress, the President and the States should be ashamed and accept the blame. But like you, just blame the other guy. Nothing gets fixed and the children are still being harmed. Shame on you.

Sounds neat, but you are factually incorrect. For starters, the "ban" wasn't just for Muslims, it was anyone from 1 of 11 countries identified by the Obama administration as terrorist strongholds. Secondly, asylum seekers have not been able to seek asylum at US embassies due to Section 208 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. This has not been amended since 2008 and no amendment has been made with regards to applying for citizenship at a US Embassy. You also forget to mention that these folks could also go to any legal port of entry to apply for asylum as opposed to sneaking over the border. Thirdly, non-citizens can and always have been allowed to start the process of applying for citizenship at a US Embassy. Seems you may have been getting your news from uninformed sources.

You are correct, we can do better. We can provide better facilities to assist with the current people but it MUST be coupled with securing the border, otherwise, it will be a total waste of money. The bottom line is that it is political. Democrats WANT as many migrants as possible to enter our country in the hopes they will be voters at some point. That is rather obvious.

INA ASYLUM PROCEDURES: sec 208, 209 and 241(b)(3) - Birdsong's Law Blog
INA ASYLUM PROCEDURES: sec 208, 209 and 241(b)(3)
September 9, 2008

Pretty well covers it all. And it did NOT remove the ability for a person to apply for entry into the US by going into a Friendly Country and applying at a US Embassy. In fact, it spelled it out. Before, it was a bit vague. The law just clarified it and took the mystery out of it. Not a whole lot changed. Since it spells out that you are full of crap I doubt you will bother to read it. Yes, keep saying over and over, "It's Obama's Fault".

Trump listed countries that were considered unfriendly and were barred from being able to use Sec 209, 209 and 241. Before, the Central Americans could jump across the Mexican Border, apply to the US in a US Embassy and about 15% would receive the go ahead. Those 15% would make arrangements through non profits and travel agents and come in legally. Most would fly in or come in on Ships. Most of the others would just go back home or stay in Mexico and work. But Trump took Mexico off the Favorable Nations List to stop all those "Muslim Islamic Terrorist Bombers". Newsflash: Not one single Islamic Terrorist captured in the US or have committed a terrorist act came over the Mexican Border. It's much easier and safer to get a green card of a visa or walk across the Canadian border. And you buy Trumps Hysteria.

With or without the wall, we are less safe no than we were before because those Border Agents that were doing a bangup job one the border, 60% of them are now playing nursemaid to illegal immigrants that are locked up. We are now more likely to have Trumps Hysteria happen than before even with a wall. Ask the Chinese how well their wall worked for them? It just slowed the horde down and they went around it and conquered most of China anyway. Here is a tidbit of information. History did not begin the day that Trump was elected President.

So tell us what sort of proof would you think they need to show that they deserve Asylum? They have to PROVE they need it

Did I say that they deserved Asylum? Or did I say they deserve humanity treatment while they are here. Stop this nonsense. Nothing is going to be done while you are playing this stupid game. Get out of the house, shut off Hannity and Rush, in fact, shut off the TV and Radio and go outside and interact with real people. Maybe go fishing.

The facilities are what they are. The Dems refused to spend more money there twice
Stuff your partisan shit kid, I'm not a Pub
If they don't like the facilities they can go home.

The money has been misappropriated. And the Dems are trying to make sure the new funds are targeted directly to the children housing problem and cannot be hijacked for something else. What good is it to give the money when it gets used for something else that it was not intended for.
this STUPIDSHIT should've been stopped years ago
limit the number of people
cut immigration/etc until it's under control
put the military on the border --plain and simple
Sounds neat, but you are factually incorrect. For starters, the "ban" wasn't just for Muslims, it was anyone from 1 of 11 countries identified by the Obama administration as terrorist strongholds. Secondly, asylum seekers have not been able to seek asylum at US embassies due to Section 208 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. This has not been amended since 2008 and no amendment has been made with regards to applying for citizenship at a US Embassy. You also forget to mention that these folks could also go to any legal port of entry to apply for asylum as opposed to sneaking over the border. Thirdly, non-citizens can and always have been allowed to start the process of applying for citizenship at a US Embassy. Seems you may have been getting your news from uninformed sources.

You are correct, we can do better. We can provide better facilities to assist with the current people but it MUST be coupled with securing the border, otherwise, it will be a total waste of money. The bottom line is that it is political. Democrats WANT as many migrants as possible to enter our country in the hopes they will be voters at some point. That is rather obvious.

INA ASYLUM PROCEDURES: sec 208, 209 and 241(b)(3) - Birdsong's Law Blog
INA ASYLUM PROCEDURES: sec 208, 209 and 241(b)(3)
September 9, 2008

Pretty well covers it all. And it did NOT remove the ability for a person to apply for entry into the US by going into a Friendly Country and applying at a US Embassy. In fact, it spelled it out. Before, it was a bit vague. The law just clarified it and took the mystery out of it. Not a whole lot changed. Since it spells out that you are full of crap I doubt you will bother to read it. Yes, keep saying over and over, "It's Obama's Fault".

Trump listed countries that were considered unfriendly and were barred from being able to use Sec 209, 209 and 241. Before, the Central Americans could jump across the Mexican Border, apply to the US in a US Embassy and about 15% would receive the go ahead. Those 15% would make arrangements through non profits and travel agents and come in legally. Most would fly in or come in on Ships. Most of the others would just go back home or stay in Mexico and work. But Trump took Mexico off the Favorable Nations List to stop all those "Muslim Islamic Terrorist Bombers". Newsflash: Not one single Islamic Terrorist captured in the US or have committed a terrorist act came over the Mexican Border. It's much easier and safer to get a green card of a visa or walk across the Canadian border. And you buy Trumps Hysteria.

With or without the wall, we are less safe no than we were before because those Border Agents that were doing a bangup job one the border, 60% of them are now playing nursemaid to illegal immigrants that are locked up. We are now more likely to have Trumps Hysteria happen than before even with a wall. Ask the Chinese how well their wall worked for them? It just slowed the horde down and they went around it and conquered most of China anyway. Here is a tidbit of information. History did not begin the day that Trump was elected President.

So tell us what sort of proof would you think they need to show that they deserve Asylum? They have to PROVE they need it

Did I say that they deserved Asylum? Or did I say they deserve humanity treatment while they are here. Stop this nonsense. Nothing is going to be done while you are playing this stupid game. Get out of the house, shut off Hannity and Rush, in fact, shut off the TV and Radio and go outside and interact with real people. Maybe go fishing.

The facilities are what they are. The Dems refused to spend more money there twice
Stuff your partisan shit kid, I'm not a Pub
If they don't like the facilities they can go home.

The money has been misappropriated. And the Dems are trying to make sure the new funds are targeted directly to the children housing problem and cannot be hijacked for something else. What good is it to give the money when it gets used for something else that it was not intended for.

You're a liar, the Dems refused to vote for it twice. Grow up.
INA ASYLUM PROCEDURES: sec 208, 209 and 241(b)(3) - Birdsong's Law Blog
INA ASYLUM PROCEDURES: sec 208, 209 and 241(b)(3)
September 9, 2008

Pretty well covers it all. And it did NOT remove the ability for a person to apply for entry into the US by going into a Friendly Country and applying at a US Embassy. In fact, it spelled it out. Before, it was a bit vague. The law just clarified it and took the mystery out of it. Not a whole lot changed. Since it spells out that you are full of crap I doubt you will bother to read it. Yes, keep saying over and over, "It's Obama's Fault".

Trump listed countries that were considered unfriendly and were barred from being able to use Sec 209, 209 and 241. Before, the Central Americans could jump across the Mexican Border, apply to the US in a US Embassy and about 15% would receive the go ahead. Those 15% would make arrangements through non profits and travel agents and come in legally. Most would fly in or come in on Ships. Most of the others would just go back home or stay in Mexico and work. But Trump took Mexico off the Favorable Nations List to stop all those "Muslim Islamic Terrorist Bombers". Newsflash: Not one single Islamic Terrorist captured in the US or have committed a terrorist act came over the Mexican Border. It's much easier and safer to get a green card of a visa or walk across the Canadian border. And you buy Trumps Hysteria.

With or without the wall, we are less safe no than we were before because those Border Agents that were doing a bangup job one the border, 60% of them are now playing nursemaid to illegal immigrants that are locked up. We are now more likely to have Trumps Hysteria happen than before even with a wall. Ask the Chinese how well their wall worked for them? It just slowed the horde down and they went around it and conquered most of China anyway. Here is a tidbit of information. History did not begin the day that Trump was elected President.

So tell us what sort of proof would you think they need to show that they deserve Asylum? They have to PROVE they need it

Did I say that they deserved Asylum? Or did I say they deserve humanity treatment while they are here. Stop this nonsense. Nothing is going to be done while you are playing this stupid game. Get out of the house, shut off Hannity and Rush, in fact, shut off the TV and Radio and go outside and interact with real people. Maybe go fishing.

The facilities are what they are. The Dems refused to spend more money there twice
Stuff your partisan shit kid, I'm not a Pub
If they don't like the facilities they can go home.

The money has been misappropriated. And the Dems are trying to make sure the new funds are targeted directly to the children housing problem and cannot be hijacked for something else. What good is it to give the money when it gets used for something else that it was not intended for.

You're a liar, the Dems refused to vote for it twice. Grow up.

Each time, the Dems wanted to include the rider that included that the money HAD to be spent on the child services. Each time, Trump categorically said he would veto it and his Butt Boy in the Senate said he would not allow it to be heard on the floor with that condition. Sounds like the bill is a good bill. It's fiscally responsible. I happen to be a fiscal Conservative and it meets the requirement that any fiscal conservative demands. We need more bills and laws like that to balance the budget.
Why not house them on Trump properties?
Why not kick the shit stains back into Mexico, they are not our responsibility. This country cannot afford these Pieces of shit.
They are not worth the cages they are in....
So tell us what sort of proof would you think they need to show that they deserve Asylum? They have to PROVE they need it

Did I say that they deserved Asylum? Or did I say they deserve humanity treatment while they are here. Stop this nonsense. Nothing is going to be done while you are playing this stupid game. Get out of the house, shut off Hannity and Rush, in fact, shut off the TV and Radio and go outside and interact with real people. Maybe go fishing.

The facilities are what they are. The Dems refused to spend more money there twice
Stuff your partisan shit kid, I'm not a Pub
If they don't like the facilities they can go home.

The money has been misappropriated. And the Dems are trying to make sure the new funds are targeted directly to the children housing problem and cannot be hijacked for something else. What good is it to give the money when it gets used for something else that it was not intended for.

You're a liar, the Dems refused to vote for it twice. Grow up.

Each time, the Dems wanted to include the rider that included that the money HAD to be spent on the child services. Each time, Trump categorically said he would veto it and his Butt Boy in the Senate said he would not allow it to be heard on the floor with that condition. Sounds like the bill is a good bill. It's fiscally responsible. I happen to be a fiscal Conservative and it meets the requirement that any fiscal conservative demands. We need more bills and laws like that to balance the budget.

Your words aren't shit punk, prove it.
How long has this been allowed to go on for?

You go by the rules of the Private Companies, not the Government that hasn't made any rules. If it's a government ran facility, hell or high water would not stop a Congress Critter from entering. But a privateer ran company can have a policy that they can't enter and neither can the press. So how long has that been going on? You tell me how long private companies have ran the children immigrant lockups on the borders without either the States nor the Feds doing oversight.
This is your claim not mine...So how long has this been going on? How long have you been concerned and calling attention to this problem? do you know the answer to that at least?

You are skirting the problem. It exists right now. It doens't matter how long. The fact remains, it's exists right now. I stated why it exists. Are you saying it doesn't? Are you trying to weasel your way out of it and say it doesn't exist? Are you afraid that someone is going to say it's Trump's fault? Actually, it's Trump's fault, Congresses fault, the States Fault, it's everyone's fault. And since you are trying to weasel your way out of it, it's YOUR fault as well. Stop weaseling and accept that it exists and they still haven't done a damned thing about it.

Trump wants to secure the border, which would decrease illegal crossing, thus decreasing the over-crowding. Democrats just want to complain about over-crowding without stopping the influx of people. It really is that simple. Only an idiot would not see which party is using common sense here.

Trump created the problem in the first place. In his haste to "Stop the Muslim Horde" he stopped the ability to apply for entry into the US at the overseas embassies. It was meant for Muslims. The problem is, it also affected Central and South America as well. The Coyotes started selling the idea that the only way the people could get into the united states was to hire their services and come up in a large force. The "Caravan of Hundreds and Thousands" was invented. There were thousands of people every year applying at the Embassies and only about 15% of those people were granted visas. They knew before the journey whether they would be allowed entry or not. People coming to the Mexican Border were not allowed the "Feet Wet" that the Cubans were. When Trump stopped the Embassies from doing this, the "Crisis" was created. And it became an emergency far beyond what your border could handle. Yah, I know, you have both hands over your eyes right now and are loudly saying, "LaLaLaLa".

But that doesn't matter. Those are children, not criminals. No US court in the Nation would handle them as criminals. And the conditions are inhuman. We can do better. We must do better. Congress, the President and the States should be ashamed and accept the blame. But like you, just blame the other guy. Nothing gets fixed and the children are still being harmed. Shame on you.
Did I say that they deserved Asylum? Or did I say they deserve humanity treatment while they are here. Stop this nonsense. Nothing is going to be done while you are playing this stupid game. Get out of the house, shut off Hannity and Rush, in fact, shut off the TV and Radio and go outside and interact with real people. Maybe go fishing.

The facilities are what they are. The Dems refused to spend more money there twice
Stuff your partisan shit kid, I'm not a Pub
If they don't like the facilities they can go home.

The money has been misappropriated. And the Dems are trying to make sure the new funds are targeted directly to the children housing problem and cannot be hijacked for something else. What good is it to give the money when it gets used for something else that it was not intended for.

You're a liar, the Dems refused to vote for it twice. Grow up.

Each time, the Dems wanted to include the rider that included that the money HAD to be spent on the child services. Each time, Trump categorically said he would veto it and his Butt Boy in the Senate said he would not allow it to be heard on the floor with that condition. Sounds like the bill is a good bill. It's fiscally responsible. I happen to be a fiscal Conservative and it meets the requirement that any fiscal conservative demands. We need more bills and laws like that to balance the budget.

Your words aren't shit punk, prove it.

I don't have to prove a thing. It's been all over the news and on this board. You just stand with your fingers in your ears with two hands with your other two hands covering your eyes while you scream "LaLaLaLa" over and over again when you should have had one set of hands covering your mouth and the other set covering your ass. Like your sets of hands, your mouth and ass are interchangeable.
The facilities are what they are. The Dems refused to spend more money there twice
Stuff your partisan shit kid, I'm not a Pub
If they don't like the facilities they can go home.

The money has been misappropriated. And the Dems are trying to make sure the new funds are targeted directly to the children housing problem and cannot be hijacked for something else. What good is it to give the money when it gets used for something else that it was not intended for.

You're a liar, the Dems refused to vote for it twice. Grow up.

Each time, the Dems wanted to include the rider that included that the money HAD to be spent on the child services. Each time, Trump categorically said he would veto it and his Butt Boy in the Senate said he would not allow it to be heard on the floor with that condition. Sounds like the bill is a good bill. It's fiscally responsible. I happen to be a fiscal Conservative and it meets the requirement that any fiscal conservative demands. We need more bills and laws like that to balance the budget.

Your words aren't shit punk, prove it.

I don't have to prove a thing. It's been all over the news and on this board. You just stand with your fingers in your ears with two hands with your other two hands covering your eyes while you scream "LaLaLaLa" over and over again when you should have had one set of hands covering your mouth and the other set covering your ass. Like your sets of hands, your mouth and ass are interchangeable.

Punk you made the claim, you have the burden of proof. Go fuck yourself. I travel a lot boy, where can we meet? I'm not a hypothetical guy...let's meet?
The money has been misappropriated. And the Dems are trying to make sure the new funds are targeted directly to the children housing problem and cannot be hijacked for something else. What good is it to give the money when it gets used for something else that it was not intended for.

You're a liar, the Dems refused to vote for it twice. Grow up.

Each time, the Dems wanted to include the rider that included that the money HAD to be spent on the child services. Each time, Trump categorically said he would veto it and his Butt Boy in the Senate said he would not allow it to be heard on the floor with that condition. Sounds like the bill is a good bill. It's fiscally responsible. I happen to be a fiscal Conservative and it meets the requirement that any fiscal conservative demands. We need more bills and laws like that to balance the budget.

Your words aren't shit punk, prove it.

I don't have to prove a thing. It's been all over the news and on this board. You just stand with your fingers in your ears with two hands with your other two hands covering your eyes while you scream "LaLaLaLa" over and over again when you should have had one set of hands covering your mouth and the other set covering your ass. Like your sets of hands, your mouth and ass are interchangeable.

Punk you made the claim, you have the burden of proof. Go fuck yourself. I travel a lot boy, where can we meet? I'm not a hypothetical guy...let's meet?

Sorry, pervert, I ain't made that way. Can't quite reach. But you must be able to, perv. But I do know you are a pathetic kind of guy. And why would I want to meet you? Do you regularly troll for dates in here?
You're a liar, the Dems refused to vote for it twice. Grow up.

Each time, the Dems wanted to include the rider that included that the money HAD to be spent on the child services. Each time, Trump categorically said he would veto it and his Butt Boy in the Senate said he would not allow it to be heard on the floor with that condition. Sounds like the bill is a good bill. It's fiscally responsible. I happen to be a fiscal Conservative and it meets the requirement that any fiscal conservative demands. We need more bills and laws like that to balance the budget.

Your words aren't shit punk, prove it.

I don't have to prove a thing. It's been all over the news and on this board. You just stand with your fingers in your ears with two hands with your other two hands covering your eyes while you scream "LaLaLaLa" over and over again when you should have had one set of hands covering your mouth and the other set covering your ass. Like your sets of hands, your mouth and ass are interchangeable.

Punk you made the claim, you have the burden of proof. Go fuck yourself. I travel a lot boy, where can we meet? I'm not a hypothetical guy...let's meet?

Sorry, pervert, I ain't made that way. Can't quite reach. But you must be able to, perv. But I do know you are a pathetic kind of guy. And why would I want to meet you? Do you regularly troll for dates in here?

(smile) You're just one more coward. You aren't alone kid.
So tell us what sort of proof would you think they need to show that they deserve Asylum? They have to PROVE they need it

Did I say that they deserved Asylum? Or did I say they deserve humanity treatment while they are here. Stop this nonsense. Nothing is going to be done while you are playing this stupid game. Get out of the house, shut off Hannity and Rush, in fact, shut off the TV and Radio and go outside and interact with real people. Maybe go fishing.

The facilities are what they are. The Dems refused to spend more money there twice
Stuff your partisan shit kid, I'm not a Pub
If they don't like the facilities they can go home.

The money has been misappropriated. And the Dems are trying to make sure the new funds are targeted directly to the children housing problem and cannot be hijacked for something else. What good is it to give the money when it gets used for something else that it was not intended for.

You're a liar, the Dems refused to vote for it twice. Grow up.

Each time, the Dems wanted to include the rider that included that the money HAD to be spent on the child services. Each time, Trump categorically said he would veto it and his Butt Boy in the Senate said he would not allow it to be heard on the floor with that condition. Sounds like the bill is a good bill. It's fiscally responsible. I happen to be a fiscal Conservative and it meets the requirement that any fiscal conservative demands. We need more bills and laws like that to balance the budget.

Of course you are a fiscal conservative. I have never heard of an independent who is fiscally liberal and socially conservative mainly because liberals have ZERO clue about fiscal responsibility, which brings me to my point. Appropriating money to the humanitarian side of this crisis and not to the physical side is like putting a band-aid on a three year old and sending him back into a playroom full of ginsu knifes. At some point you are going to need much more than a band-aid unless you address the cause of the problem. BUILD A WALL. Yeah, it is an antiquated idea, much like the wheel, but hey, it still works. A wall would drastically cut illegal crossings and would eliminate the need to take more militant action that would certainly give the leftist more photo ops to gain sympathy for the illegals.
Did I say that they deserved Asylum? Or did I say they deserve humanity treatment while they are here. Stop this nonsense. Nothing is going to be done while you are playing this stupid game. Get out of the house, shut off Hannity and Rush, in fact, shut off the TV and Radio and go outside and interact with real people. Maybe go fishing.

The facilities are what they are. The Dems refused to spend more money there twice
Stuff your partisan shit kid, I'm not a Pub
If they don't like the facilities they can go home.

The money has been misappropriated. And the Dems are trying to make sure the new funds are targeted directly to the children housing problem and cannot be hijacked for something else. What good is it to give the money when it gets used for something else that it was not intended for.

You're a liar, the Dems refused to vote for it twice. Grow up.

Each time, the Dems wanted to include the rider that included that the money HAD to be spent on the child services. Each time, Trump categorically said he would veto it and his Butt Boy in the Senate said he would not allow it to be heard on the floor with that condition. Sounds like the bill is a good bill. It's fiscally responsible. I happen to be a fiscal Conservative and it meets the requirement that any fiscal conservative demands. We need more bills and laws like that to balance the budget.

Of course you are a fiscal conservative. I have never heard of an independent who is fiscally liberal and socially conservative mainly because liberals have ZERO clue about fiscal responsibility, which brings me to my point. Appropriating money to the humanitarian side of this crisis and not to the physical side is like putting a band-aid on a three year old and sending him back into a playroom full of ginsu knifes. At some point you are going to need much more than a band-aid unless you address the cause of the problem. BUILD A WALL. Yeah, it is an antiquated idea, much like the wheel, but hey, it still works. A wall would drastically cut illegal crossings and would eliminate the need to take more militant action that would certainly give the leftist more photo ops to gain sympathy for the illegals.

And how did the wall work out for the Chinese? The Horde just went around it and invaded anyway. They put their faith in one of the greatest feats of mankind and didn't do anything else because it would "Save" them. They never faced the root of the problem and lost their kingdom in the process. You are right back to the "Wall" once again as the "Savior" of all things. It sounds so good. It rolls off the tongue so easily, "Build that wall, Build that wall". You refuse to take it to the root of the problem. This whole series was created by one Man who came up with these silly "Slogans" that you childishly latched on to that you foolishly believe will cure all that is wrong in your life. Oh, the problems were already there, but that one Man just made them worse.

You want to use Federal Troops on the border to fire on the "Invaders"? By law, you picked the wrong border. You want to use Federal Troops, you take it to the source. That source isn't in the US or even in Mexico. It's south of that. Or you can send those troops to assist in helping those countries either clean their act up or have an old fashion revolution there and help them rebuild where the "Invaders" have reasons to stay home. Meanwhile, you can show that the US of A is a Humanitarian Country and not lock children up in the conditions we put people in prison for if we find they do it to their dogs. How does it feel to have Mexico rated higher on the Humanity scale than the United States on this one.

The "Invaders" are already here. "Build that Wall" is like installing the lock on the hen house after the Foxes have set up their slaughter shop inside the hen house. You have to get the Foxes out humanely without killing off all the chickens. At the same time, you have to stop more foxes from coming in from the source. And, again, that source is not Mexico, it's south of that. So what do you do? You send money and aid to help them so that those corrupt people causing the problem can live even larger. Next, you cut that aid. You still haven't done a thing to curb the source. So the "Invaders" keep coming and coming and coming. Then you want to "Build that Wall" that will only make them go into other parts that are more dangerous and cause more loss of life. Meanwhile, the ones that are already here are living in conditions lower than we would tolerate for even caged dogs.

You want to use our Federal Troops on a Border? I got at least 3 borders you can send them to that would stop it at the source and make the world a much better place. But "Build that Wall" wouldn't be necessary after we get those "Invaders" humanely home to their respective countries where they don't have the incentives to come thousands of miles on such a treacherous journey. Sorry I don't have any 3 word slogans for your simple mind to grasp on to because it's not a simple single problem that can be cured with one simple 3 world slogan. So I don't expect you to understand.
As I recall Trump offered to transport them to the sanctuary cities across America and theses cities were not in favor of that.
Why doesn’t he transport them to one of Trumps Hotels?
Because he is not the one offering them sanctuary.
He is the President

It is his problem
Just like it was the problem of the Presidents who came before him who did nothing about it. Lets not forget the this situation is the result of stupid ass immigration policies and their loopholes which the President can't change only Congress can do that so people should put the blame and the responsibilty for fixing this where it truly belongs Congress. Note I did not single out Democrats or Republicans for blame I said Congress which is both parties.
As I recall Trump offered to transport them to the sanctuary cities across America and theses cities were not in favor of that.
Why doesn’t he transport them to one of Trumps Hotels?
Because he is not the one offering them sanctuary.
He is the President

It is his problem
Just like it was the problem of the Presidents who came before him who did nothing about it. Lets not forget the this situation is the result of stupid ass immigration policies and their loopholes which the President can't change only Congress can do that so people should put the blame and the responsibilty for fixing this where it truly belongs Congress. Note I did not single out Democrats or Republicans for blame I said Congress which is both parties.

It's up to the discretion of the head of State on how section 108 is interpreted. It was written that way in 2008. Trump changed it where he listed unfavorable countries that can be excluded from refugees coming to those countries and applying at the Embassies for entry into the United States. The problem is, Trump included Mexico in 2017 and all those people no longer could come up from Central America or South America and apply in Southern Mexico for asylum. They now had no choice but to travel to the border of the US. Trump created an industry to get them to the US border ran by criminals. Before, a person could come over the border into Mexico, apply at the nearest embassy where about 15% of the applicants would be accepted and those 15% would be able to contact a non profit for travel arrangements. The rest would either apply to Mexico to stay there and work or return home. There might be a couple or three hundred that would make the journey under Obamas or the previous Presidents so the system was not bogged down. Under Trump, it's in the hundreds of thousands. The Border Patrol was never designed to handle that type of load. You want to blame congress? Sure, congress should saddle some of the blame but the bulk of the blame needs to be placed securely at Trumps feet.

Okay, let's here it....."But What about Obama". Get it out of your system.
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God, she just wont stop complaining! We dont have enough food! diapers! Water, Tacos, bathrooms, showers, food in general. Well what did she expect? when they crossed in, we would provide all 999,000 of them a hotel stay with all of the ammenaties for a few weeks until they were sent on a bus to San Fran/Los Angeles?
Get My Point?
Anyplace where child abuse and neglect were not practiced by poorly trained or perverted and sick government agents and officials would probably pass her muster. Private companies collecting almost $800 per day per derained individual seems like a highly corrupt figure. So, we should stop neglecting and abusing children and stop allowing private jailers from robbing us.

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