What Does Alexandria Expect?Border Crossing Locations Lined With Free Holiday Inn Like Hotels?

Congress and the Press are not allowed inside of the facilities. You won't see any pictures of the conditions unless it's taken from outside the facility. Most of the conditions come from the people that were housed there. You need to allow the press and others inside to see it for themselves. But, oh wait, that would be all over the news and the American Public would want all of your heads and your Orange One would be out of a job in a matter of days.
How long has this been allowed to go on for?

You go by the rules of the Private Companies, not the Government that hasn't made any rules. If it's a government ran facility, hell or high water would not stop a Congress Critter from entering. But a privateer ran company can have a policy that they can't enter and neither can the press. So how long has that been going on? You tell me how long private companies have ran the children immigrant lockups on the borders without either the States nor the Feds doing oversight.
Congress and the Press are not allowed inside of the facilities. You won't see any pictures of the conditions unless it's taken from outside the facility. Most of the conditions come from the people that were housed there. You need to allow the press and others inside to see it for themselves. But, oh wait, that would be all over the news and the American Public would want all of your heads and your Orange One would be out of a job in a matter of days.
How long has this been allowed to go on for?

You go by the rules of the Private Companies, not the Government that hasn't made any rules. If it's a government ran facility, hell or high water would not stop a Congress Critter from entering. But a privateer ran company can have a policy that they can't enter and neither can the press. So how long has that been going on? You tell me how long private companies have ran the children immigrant lockups on the borders without either the States nor the Feds doing oversight.
This is your claim not mine...So how long has this been going on? How long have you been concerned and calling attention to this problem? do you know the answer to that at least?
Congress and the Press are not allowed inside of the facilities. You won't see any pictures of the conditions unless it's taken from outside the facility. Most of the conditions come from the people that were housed there. You need to allow the press and others inside to see it for themselves. But, oh wait, that would be all over the news and the American Public would want all of your heads and your Orange One would be out of a job in a matter of days.
How long has this been allowed to go on for?

You go by the rules of the Private Companies, not the Government that hasn't made any rules. If it's a government ran facility, hell or high water would not stop a Congress Critter from entering. But a privateer ran company can have a policy that they can't enter and neither can the press. So how long has that been going on? You tell me how long private companies have ran the children immigrant lockups on the borders without either the States nor the Feds doing oversight.
This is your claim not mine...So how long has this been going on? How long have you been concerned and calling attention to this problem? do you know the answer to that at least?

You are skirting the problem. It exists right now. It doens't matter how long. The fact remains, it's exists right now. I stated why it exists. Are you saying it doesn't? Are you trying to weasel your way out of it and say it doesn't exist? Are you afraid that someone is going to say it's Trump's fault? Actually, it's Trump's fault, Congresses fault, the States Fault, it's everyone's fault. And since you are trying to weasel your way out of it, it's YOUR fault as well. Stop weaseling and accept that it exists and they still haven't done a damned thing about it.
Congress and the Press are not allowed inside of the facilities. You won't see any pictures of the conditions unless it's taken from outside the facility. Most of the conditions come from the people that were housed there. You need to allow the press and others inside to see it for themselves. But, oh wait, that would be all over the news and the American Public would want all of your heads and your Orange One would be out of a job in a matter of days.
How long has this been allowed to go on for?

You go by the rules of the Private Companies, not the Government that hasn't made any rules. If it's a government ran facility, hell or high water would not stop a Congress Critter from entering. But a privateer ran company can have a policy that they can't enter and neither can the press. So how long has that been going on? You tell me how long private companies have ran the children immigrant lockups on the borders without either the States nor the Feds doing oversight.
This is your claim not mine...So how long has this been going on? How long have you been concerned and calling attention to this problem? do you know the answer to that at least?

You are skirting the problem. It exists right now. It doens't matter how long. The fact remains, it's exists right now. I stated why it exists. Are you saying it doesn't? Are you trying to weasel your way out of it and say it doesn't exist? Are you afraid that someone is going to say it's Trump's fault? Actually, it's Trump's fault, Congresses fault, the States Fault, it's everyone's fault. And since you are trying to weasel your way out of it, it's YOUR fault as well. Stop weaseling and accept that it exists and they still haven't done a damned thing about it.

Trump wants to secure the border, which would decrease illegal crossing, thus decreasing the over-crowding. Democrats just want to complain about over-crowding without stopping the influx of people. It really is that simple. Only an idiot would not see which party is using common sense here.
Congress and the Press are not allowed inside of the facilities. You won't see any pictures of the conditions unless it's taken from outside the facility. Most of the conditions come from the people that were housed there. You need to allow the press and others inside to see it for themselves. But, oh wait, that would be all over the news and the American Public would want all of your heads and your Orange One would be out of a job in a matter of days.
How long has this been allowed to go on for?

You go by the rules of the Private Companies, not the Government that hasn't made any rules. If it's a government ran facility, hell or high water would not stop a Congress Critter from entering. But a privateer ran company can have a policy that they can't enter and neither can the press. So how long has that been going on? You tell me how long private companies have ran the children immigrant lockups on the borders without either the States nor the Feds doing oversight.
This is your claim not mine...So how long has this been going on? How long have you been concerned and calling attention to this problem? do you know the answer to that at least?

You are skirting the problem. It exists right now. It doens't matter how long. The fact remains, it's exists right now. I stated why it exists. Are you saying it doesn't? Are you trying to weasel your way out of it and say it doesn't exist? Are you afraid that someone is going to say it's Trump's fault? Actually, it's Trump's fault, Congresses fault, the States Fault, it's everyone's fault. And since you are trying to weasel your way out of it, it's YOUR fault as well. Stop weaseling and accept that it exists and they still haven't done a damned thing about it.

Trump wants to secure the border, which would decrease illegal crossing, thus decreasing the over-crowding. Democrats just want to complain about over-crowding without stopping the influx of people. It really is that simple. Only an idiot would not see which party is using common sense here.

Trump created the problem in the first place. In his haste to "Stop the Muslim Horde" he stopped the ability to apply for entry into the US at the overseas embassies. It was meant for Muslims. The problem is, it also affected Central and South America as well. The Coyotes started selling the idea that the only way the people could get into the united states was to hire their services and come up in a large force. The "Caravan of Hundreds and Thousands" was invented. There were thousands of people every year applying at the Embassies and only about 15% of those people were granted visas. They knew before the journey whether they would be allowed entry or not. People coming to the Mexican Border were not allowed the "Feet Wet" that the Cubans were. When Trump stopped the Embassies from doing this, the "Crisis" was created. And it became an emergency far beyond what your border could handle. Yah, I know, you have both hands over your eyes right now and are loudly saying, "LaLaLaLa".

But that doesn't matter. Those are children, not criminals. No US court in the Nation would handle them as criminals. And the conditions are inhuman. We can do better. We must do better. Congress, the President and the States should be ashamed and accept the blame. But like you, just blame the other guy. Nothing gets fixed and the children are still being harmed. Shame on you.
You are skirting the problem. It exists right now. It doens't matter how long. The fact remains, it's exists right now. I stated why it exists. Are you saying it doesn't? Are you trying to weasel your way out of it and say it doesn't exist? Are you afraid that someone is going to say it's Trump's fault? Actually, it's Trump's fault, Congresses fault, the States Fault, it's everyone's fault. And since you are trying to weasel your way out of it, it's YOUR fault as well. Stop weaseling and accept that it exists and they still haven't done a damned thing about it.
How long have you been concerned enough to complain about it/this is the question? Surely you must know that....and even if you want to pretend it does not matter you can still answer the question rather than try to hide from it...and in the interest of honesty you should divulge who it is that has said publicly "there is no crisis on the border" ya know, to expose the real weasels...and if you are going to pretend not to know who said it you should refrain from pointing fingers until you can bring yourself to admit who it was/is.
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How long has this been allowed to go on for?

You go by the rules of the Private Companies, not the Government that hasn't made any rules. If it's a government ran facility, hell or high water would not stop a Congress Critter from entering. But a privateer ran company can have a policy that they can't enter and neither can the press. So how long has that been going on? You tell me how long private companies have ran the children immigrant lockups on the borders without either the States nor the Feds doing oversight.
This is your claim not mine...So how long has this been going on? How long have you been concerned and calling attention to this problem? do you know the answer to that at least?

You are skirting the problem. It exists right now. It doens't matter how long. The fact remains, it's exists right now. I stated why it exists. Are you saying it doesn't? Are you trying to weasel your way out of it and say it doesn't exist? Are you afraid that someone is going to say it's Trump's fault? Actually, it's Trump's fault, Congresses fault, the States Fault, it's everyone's fault. And since you are trying to weasel your way out of it, it's YOUR fault as well. Stop weaseling and accept that it exists and they still haven't done a damned thing about it.

Trump wants to secure the border, which would decrease illegal crossing, thus decreasing the over-crowding. Democrats just want to complain about over-crowding without stopping the influx of people. It really is that simple. Only an idiot would not see which party is using common sense here.

Trump created the problem in the first place. In his haste to "Stop the Muslim Horde" he stopped the ability to apply for entry into the US at the overseas embassies. It was meant for Muslims. The problem is, it also affected Central and South America as well. The Coyotes started selling the idea that the only way the people could get into the united states was to hire their services and come up in a large force. The "Caravan of Hundreds and Thousands" was invented. There were thousands of people every year applying at the Embassies and only about 15% of those people were granted visas. They knew before the journey whether they would be allowed entry or not. People coming to the Mexican Border were not allowed the "Feet Wet" that the Cubans were. When Trump stopped the Embassies from doing this, the "Crisis" was created. And it became an emergency far beyond what your border could handle. Yah, I know, you have both hands over your eyes right now and are loudly saying, "LaLaLaLa".

But that doesn't matter. Those are children, not criminals. No US court in the Nation would handle them as criminals. And the conditions are inhuman. We can do better. We must do better. Congress, the President and the States should be ashamed and accept the blame. But like you, just blame the other guy. Nothing gets fixed and the children are still being harmed. Shame on you.

Sounds neat, but you are factually incorrect. For starters, the "ban" wasn't just for Muslims, it was anyone from 1 of 11 countries identified by the Obama administration as terrorist strongholds. Secondly, asylum seekers have not been able to seek asylum at US embassies due to Section 208 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. This has not been amended since 2008 and no amendment has been made with regards to applying for citizenship at a US Embassy. You also forget to mention that these folks could also go to any legal port of entry to apply for asylum as opposed to sneaking over the border. Thirdly, non-citizens can and always have been allowed to start the process of applying for citizenship at a US Embassy. Seems you may have been getting your news from uninformed sources.

You are correct, we can do better. We can provide better facilities to assist with the current people but it MUST be coupled with securing the border, otherwise, it will be a total waste of money. The bottom line is that it is political. Democrats WANT as many migrants as possible to enter our country in the hopes they will be voters at some point. That is rather obvious.
i guess these 100-200K migrants were lied to,,,guess they were all told that room/board/food would be waiting for them once they cross the boarder,.....but it turned out to be more like living on the streets of LA/San Fran......hope they all brought lots of TP
You are skirting the problem. It exists right now. It doens't matter how long. The fact remains, it's exists right now. I stated why it exists. Are you saying it doesn't? Are you trying to weasel your way out of it and say it doesn't exist? Are you afraid that someone is going to say it's Trump's fault? Actually, it's Trump's fault, Congresses fault, the States Fault, it's everyone's fault. And since you are trying to weasel your way out of it, it's YOUR fault as well. Stop weaseling and accept that it exists and they still haven't done a damned thing about it.
How long have you been concerned enough to complain about it/this is the question? Surely you must know that....and even if you want to pretend it does not matter you can still answer the question rather than try to hide from it...and in the interest of honesty you should divulge who it is that has said publicly "there is no crisis on the border" ya know, to expose the real weasels...and if you are going to pretend not to know who said it you should refrain from pointing fingers until you can bring yourself to admit who it was/is.

Then you deny that the current crisis is caused by the current President, Congress AND various states. You should be able to do that. Just leave out all the BS and that is what is left. I don't give a rats ass who you claim or think claims that there is no border crisis (there wasn't until really late 2016 when it was just forming up and you will not admit why that is). But, forget about the adults, it's become about the small children who are in a crisis mode. You want me to admit there is a crisis in care of small children immigrants? Sure, why not, there is. You want me to say that it's Obama's fault? Considering it became a crisis in 2017 guess who was President then. And it continued to just get worse. Over 60% of the Border Control is now caring for incarcerated immigrants including children. Those were the folks that stopped the border jumping, criminals, and drugs from entering the US across from Mexico. You tell me if there is a crisis?

Now, stop playing your stupid little games and let's talk about fixing this problem instead of this blame game of "It's Obama's fault".
You go by the rules of the Private Companies, not the Government that hasn't made any rules. If it's a government ran facility, hell or high water would not stop a Congress Critter from entering. But a privateer ran company can have a policy that they can't enter and neither can the press. So how long has that been going on? You tell me how long private companies have ran the children immigrant lockups on the borders without either the States nor the Feds doing oversight.
This is your claim not mine...So how long has this been going on? How long have you been concerned and calling attention to this problem? do you know the answer to that at least?

You are skirting the problem. It exists right now. It doens't matter how long. The fact remains, it's exists right now. I stated why it exists. Are you saying it doesn't? Are you trying to weasel your way out of it and say it doesn't exist? Are you afraid that someone is going to say it's Trump's fault? Actually, it's Trump's fault, Congresses fault, the States Fault, it's everyone's fault. And since you are trying to weasel your way out of it, it's YOUR fault as well. Stop weaseling and accept that it exists and they still haven't done a damned thing about it.

Trump wants to secure the border, which would decrease illegal crossing, thus decreasing the over-crowding. Democrats just want to complain about over-crowding without stopping the influx of people. It really is that simple. Only an idiot would not see which party is using common sense here.

Trump created the problem in the first place. In his haste to "Stop the Muslim Horde" he stopped the ability to apply for entry into the US at the overseas embassies. It was meant for Muslims. The problem is, it also affected Central and South America as well. The Coyotes started selling the idea that the only way the people could get into the united states was to hire their services and come up in a large force. The "Caravan of Hundreds and Thousands" was invented. There were thousands of people every year applying at the Embassies and only about 15% of those people were granted visas. They knew before the journey whether they would be allowed entry or not. People coming to the Mexican Border were not allowed the "Feet Wet" that the Cubans were. When Trump stopped the Embassies from doing this, the "Crisis" was created. And it became an emergency far beyond what your border could handle. Yah, I know, you have both hands over your eyes right now and are loudly saying, "LaLaLaLa".

But that doesn't matter. Those are children, not criminals. No US court in the Nation would handle them as criminals. And the conditions are inhuman. We can do better. We must do better. Congress, the President and the States should be ashamed and accept the blame. But like you, just blame the other guy. Nothing gets fixed and the children are still being harmed. Shame on you.

Sounds neat, but you are factually incorrect. For starters, the "ban" wasn't just for Muslims, it was anyone from 1 of 11 countries identified by the Obama administration as terrorist strongholds. Secondly, asylum seekers have not been able to seek asylum at US embassies due to Section 208 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. This has not been amended since 2008 and no amendment has been made with regards to applying for citizenship at a US Embassy. You also forget to mention that these folks could also go to any legal port of entry to apply for asylum as opposed to sneaking over the border. Thirdly, non-citizens can and always have been allowed to start the process of applying for citizenship at a US Embassy. Seems you may have been getting your news from uninformed sources.

You are correct, we can do better. We can provide better facilities to assist with the current people but it MUST be coupled with securing the border, otherwise, it will be a total waste of money. The bottom line is that it is political. Democrats WANT as many migrants as possible to enter our country in the hopes they will be voters at some point. That is rather obvious.

INA ASYLUM PROCEDURES: sec 208, 209 and 241(b)(3) - Birdsong's Law Blog
INA ASYLUM PROCEDURES: sec 208, 209 and 241(b)(3)
September 9, 2008

Pretty well covers it all. And it did NOT remove the ability for a person to apply for entry into the US by going into a Friendly Country and applying at a US Embassy. In fact, it spelled it out. Before, it was a bit vague. The law just clarified it and took the mystery out of it. Not a whole lot changed. Since it spells out that you are full of crap I doubt you will bother to read it. Yes, keep saying over and over, "It's Obama's Fault".

Trump listed countries that were considered unfriendly and were barred from being able to use Sec 209, 209 and 241. Before, the Central Americans could jump across the Mexican Border, apply to the US in a US Embassy and about 15% would receive the go ahead. Those 15% would make arrangements through non profits and travel agents and come in legally. Most would fly in or come in on Ships. Most of the others would just go back home or stay in Mexico and work. But Trump took Mexico off the Favorable Nations List to stop all those "Muslim Islamic Terrorist Bombers". Newsflash: Not one single Islamic Terrorist captured in the US or have committed a terrorist act came over the Mexican Border. It's much easier and safer to get a green card of a visa or walk across the Canadian border. And you buy Trumps Hysteria.

With or without the wall, we are less safe no than we were before because those Border Agents that were doing a bangup job one the border, 60% of them are now playing nursemaid to illegal immigrants that are locked up. We are now more likely to have Trumps Hysteria happen than before even with a wall. Ask the Chinese how well their wall worked for them? It just slowed the horde down and they went around it and conquered most of China anyway. Here is a tidbit of information. History did not begin the day that Trump was elected President.
This is your claim not mine...So how long has this been going on? How long have you been concerned and calling attention to this problem? do you know the answer to that at least?

You are skirting the problem. It exists right now. It doens't matter how long. The fact remains, it's exists right now. I stated why it exists. Are you saying it doesn't? Are you trying to weasel your way out of it and say it doesn't exist? Are you afraid that someone is going to say it's Trump's fault? Actually, it's Trump's fault, Congresses fault, the States Fault, it's everyone's fault. And since you are trying to weasel your way out of it, it's YOUR fault as well. Stop weaseling and accept that it exists and they still haven't done a damned thing about it.

Trump wants to secure the border, which would decrease illegal crossing, thus decreasing the over-crowding. Democrats just want to complain about over-crowding without stopping the influx of people. It really is that simple. Only an idiot would not see which party is using common sense here.

Trump created the problem in the first place. In his haste to "Stop the Muslim Horde" he stopped the ability to apply for entry into the US at the overseas embassies. It was meant for Muslims. The problem is, it also affected Central and South America as well. The Coyotes started selling the idea that the only way the people could get into the united states was to hire their services and come up in a large force. The "Caravan of Hundreds and Thousands" was invented. There were thousands of people every year applying at the Embassies and only about 15% of those people were granted visas. They knew before the journey whether they would be allowed entry or not. People coming to the Mexican Border were not allowed the "Feet Wet" that the Cubans were. When Trump stopped the Embassies from doing this, the "Crisis" was created. And it became an emergency far beyond what your border could handle. Yah, I know, you have both hands over your eyes right now and are loudly saying, "LaLaLaLa".

But that doesn't matter. Those are children, not criminals. No US court in the Nation would handle them as criminals. And the conditions are inhuman. We can do better. We must do better. Congress, the President and the States should be ashamed and accept the blame. But like you, just blame the other guy. Nothing gets fixed and the children are still being harmed. Shame on you.

Sounds neat, but you are factually incorrect. For starters, the "ban" wasn't just for Muslims, it was anyone from 1 of 11 countries identified by the Obama administration as terrorist strongholds. Secondly, asylum seekers have not been able to seek asylum at US embassies due to Section 208 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. This has not been amended since 2008 and no amendment has been made with regards to applying for citizenship at a US Embassy. You also forget to mention that these folks could also go to any legal port of entry to apply for asylum as opposed to sneaking over the border. Thirdly, non-citizens can and always have been allowed to start the process of applying for citizenship at a US Embassy. Seems you may have been getting your news from uninformed sources.

You are correct, we can do better. We can provide better facilities to assist with the current people but it MUST be coupled with securing the border, otherwise, it will be a total waste of money. The bottom line is that it is political. Democrats WANT as many migrants as possible to enter our country in the hopes they will be voters at some point. That is rather obvious.

INA ASYLUM PROCEDURES: sec 208, 209 and 241(b)(3) - Birdsong's Law Blog
INA ASYLUM PROCEDURES: sec 208, 209 and 241(b)(3)
September 9, 2008

Pretty well covers it all. And it did NOT remove the ability for a person to apply for entry into the US by going into a Friendly Country and applying at a US Embassy. In fact, it spelled it out. Before, it was a bit vague. The law just clarified it and took the mystery out of it. Not a whole lot changed. Since it spells out that you are full of crap I doubt you will bother to read it. Yes, keep saying over and over, "It's Obama's Fault".

Trump listed countries that were considered unfriendly and were barred from being able to use Sec 209, 209 and 241. Before, the Central Americans could jump across the Mexican Border, apply to the US in a US Embassy and about 15% would receive the go ahead. Those 15% would make arrangements through non profits and travel agents and come in legally. Most would fly in or come in on Ships. Most of the others would just go back home or stay in Mexico and work. But Trump took Mexico off the Favorable Nations List to stop all those "Muslim Islamic Terrorist Bombers". Newsflash: Not one single Islamic Terrorist captured in the US or have committed a terrorist act came over the Mexican Border. It's much easier and safer to get a green card of a visa or walk across the Canadian border. And you buy Trumps Hysteria.

With or without the wall, we are less safe no than we were before because those Border Agents that were doing a bangup job one the border, 60% of them are now playing nursemaid to illegal immigrants that are locked up. We are now more likely to have Trumps Hysteria happen than before even with a wall. Ask the Chinese how well their wall worked for them? It just slowed the horde down and they went around it and conquered most of China anyway. Here is a tidbit of information. History did not begin the day that Trump was elected President.

So tell us what sort of proof would you think they need to show that they deserve Asylum? They have to PROVE they need it
You are skirting the problem. It exists right now. It doens't matter how long. The fact remains, it's exists right now. I stated why it exists. Are you saying it doesn't? Are you trying to weasel your way out of it and say it doesn't exist? Are you afraid that someone is going to say it's Trump's fault? Actually, it's Trump's fault, Congresses fault, the States Fault, it's everyone's fault. And since you are trying to weasel your way out of it, it's YOUR fault as well. Stop weaseling and accept that it exists and they still haven't done a damned thing about it.

Trump wants to secure the border, which would decrease illegal crossing, thus decreasing the over-crowding. Democrats just want to complain about over-crowding without stopping the influx of people. It really is that simple. Only an idiot would not see which party is using common sense here.

Trump created the problem in the first place. In his haste to "Stop the Muslim Horde" he stopped the ability to apply for entry into the US at the overseas embassies. It was meant for Muslims. The problem is, it also affected Central and South America as well. The Coyotes started selling the idea that the only way the people could get into the united states was to hire their services and come up in a large force. The "Caravan of Hundreds and Thousands" was invented. There were thousands of people every year applying at the Embassies and only about 15% of those people were granted visas. They knew before the journey whether they would be allowed entry or not. People coming to the Mexican Border were not allowed the "Feet Wet" that the Cubans were. When Trump stopped the Embassies from doing this, the "Crisis" was created. And it became an emergency far beyond what your border could handle. Yah, I know, you have both hands over your eyes right now and are loudly saying, "LaLaLaLa".

But that doesn't matter. Those are children, not criminals. No US court in the Nation would handle them as criminals. And the conditions are inhuman. We can do better. We must do better. Congress, the President and the States should be ashamed and accept the blame. But like you, just blame the other guy. Nothing gets fixed and the children are still being harmed. Shame on you.

Sounds neat, but you are factually incorrect. For starters, the "ban" wasn't just for Muslims, it was anyone from 1 of 11 countries identified by the Obama administration as terrorist strongholds. Secondly, asylum seekers have not been able to seek asylum at US embassies due to Section 208 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. This has not been amended since 2008 and no amendment has been made with regards to applying for citizenship at a US Embassy. You also forget to mention that these folks could also go to any legal port of entry to apply for asylum as opposed to sneaking over the border. Thirdly, non-citizens can and always have been allowed to start the process of applying for citizenship at a US Embassy. Seems you may have been getting your news from uninformed sources.

You are correct, we can do better. We can provide better facilities to assist with the current people but it MUST be coupled with securing the border, otherwise, it will be a total waste of money. The bottom line is that it is political. Democrats WANT as many migrants as possible to enter our country in the hopes they will be voters at some point. That is rather obvious.

INA ASYLUM PROCEDURES: sec 208, 209 and 241(b)(3) - Birdsong's Law Blog
INA ASYLUM PROCEDURES: sec 208, 209 and 241(b)(3)
September 9, 2008

Pretty well covers it all. And it did NOT remove the ability for a person to apply for entry into the US by going into a Friendly Country and applying at a US Embassy. In fact, it spelled it out. Before, it was a bit vague. The law just clarified it and took the mystery out of it. Not a whole lot changed. Since it spells out that you are full of crap I doubt you will bother to read it. Yes, keep saying over and over, "It's Obama's Fault".

Trump listed countries that were considered unfriendly and were barred from being able to use Sec 209, 209 and 241. Before, the Central Americans could jump across the Mexican Border, apply to the US in a US Embassy and about 15% would receive the go ahead. Those 15% would make arrangements through non profits and travel agents and come in legally. Most would fly in or come in on Ships. Most of the others would just go back home or stay in Mexico and work. But Trump took Mexico off the Favorable Nations List to stop all those "Muslim Islamic Terrorist Bombers". Newsflash: Not one single Islamic Terrorist captured in the US or have committed a terrorist act came over the Mexican Border. It's much easier and safer to get a green card of a visa or walk across the Canadian border. And you buy Trumps Hysteria.

With or without the wall, we are less safe no than we were before because those Border Agents that were doing a bangup job one the border, 60% of them are now playing nursemaid to illegal immigrants that are locked up. We are now more likely to have Trumps Hysteria happen than before even with a wall. Ask the Chinese how well their wall worked for them? It just slowed the horde down and they went around it and conquered most of China anyway. Here is a tidbit of information. History did not begin the day that Trump was elected President.

So tell us what sort of proof would you think they need to show that they deserve Asylum? They have to PROVE they need it

Did I say that they deserved Asylum? Or did I say they deserve humanity treatment while they are here. Stop this nonsense. Nothing is going to be done while you are playing this stupid game. Get out of the house, shut off Hannity and Rush, in fact, shut off the TV and Radio and go outside and interact with real people. Maybe go fishing.
Trump wants to secure the border, which would decrease illegal crossing, thus decreasing the over-crowding. Democrats just want to complain about over-crowding without stopping the influx of people. It really is that simple. Only an idiot would not see which party is using common sense here.

Trump created the problem in the first place. In his haste to "Stop the Muslim Horde" he stopped the ability to apply for entry into the US at the overseas embassies. It was meant for Muslims. The problem is, it also affected Central and South America as well. The Coyotes started selling the idea that the only way the people could get into the united states was to hire their services and come up in a large force. The "Caravan of Hundreds and Thousands" was invented. There were thousands of people every year applying at the Embassies and only about 15% of those people were granted visas. They knew before the journey whether they would be allowed entry or not. People coming to the Mexican Border were not allowed the "Feet Wet" that the Cubans were. When Trump stopped the Embassies from doing this, the "Crisis" was created. And it became an emergency far beyond what your border could handle. Yah, I know, you have both hands over your eyes right now and are loudly saying, "LaLaLaLa".

But that doesn't matter. Those are children, not criminals. No US court in the Nation would handle them as criminals. And the conditions are inhuman. We can do better. We must do better. Congress, the President and the States should be ashamed and accept the blame. But like you, just blame the other guy. Nothing gets fixed and the children are still being harmed. Shame on you.

Sounds neat, but you are factually incorrect. For starters, the "ban" wasn't just for Muslims, it was anyone from 1 of 11 countries identified by the Obama administration as terrorist strongholds. Secondly, asylum seekers have not been able to seek asylum at US embassies due to Section 208 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. This has not been amended since 2008 and no amendment has been made with regards to applying for citizenship at a US Embassy. You also forget to mention that these folks could also go to any legal port of entry to apply for asylum as opposed to sneaking over the border. Thirdly, non-citizens can and always have been allowed to start the process of applying for citizenship at a US Embassy. Seems you may have been getting your news from uninformed sources.

You are correct, we can do better. We can provide better facilities to assist with the current people but it MUST be coupled with securing the border, otherwise, it will be a total waste of money. The bottom line is that it is political. Democrats WANT as many migrants as possible to enter our country in the hopes they will be voters at some point. That is rather obvious.

INA ASYLUM PROCEDURES: sec 208, 209 and 241(b)(3) - Birdsong's Law Blog
INA ASYLUM PROCEDURES: sec 208, 209 and 241(b)(3)
September 9, 2008

Pretty well covers it all. And it did NOT remove the ability for a person to apply for entry into the US by going into a Friendly Country and applying at a US Embassy. In fact, it spelled it out. Before, it was a bit vague. The law just clarified it and took the mystery out of it. Not a whole lot changed. Since it spells out that you are full of crap I doubt you will bother to read it. Yes, keep saying over and over, "It's Obama's Fault".

Trump listed countries that were considered unfriendly and were barred from being able to use Sec 209, 209 and 241. Before, the Central Americans could jump across the Mexican Border, apply to the US in a US Embassy and about 15% would receive the go ahead. Those 15% would make arrangements through non profits and travel agents and come in legally. Most would fly in or come in on Ships. Most of the others would just go back home or stay in Mexico and work. But Trump took Mexico off the Favorable Nations List to stop all those "Muslim Islamic Terrorist Bombers". Newsflash: Not one single Islamic Terrorist captured in the US or have committed a terrorist act came over the Mexican Border. It's much easier and safer to get a green card of a visa or walk across the Canadian border. And you buy Trumps Hysteria.

With or without the wall, we are less safe no than we were before because those Border Agents that were doing a bangup job one the border, 60% of them are now playing nursemaid to illegal immigrants that are locked up. We are now more likely to have Trumps Hysteria happen than before even with a wall. Ask the Chinese how well their wall worked for them? It just slowed the horde down and they went around it and conquered most of China anyway. Here is a tidbit of information. History did not begin the day that Trump was elected President.

So tell us what sort of proof would you think they need to show that they deserve Asylum? They have to PROVE they need it

Did I say that they deserved Asylum? Or did I say they deserve humanity treatment while they are here. Stop this nonsense. Nothing is going to be done while you are playing this stupid game. Get out of the house, shut off Hannity and Rush, in fact, shut off the TV and Radio and go outside and interact with real people. Maybe go fishing.

The facilities are what they are. The Dems refused to spend more money there twice
Stuff your partisan shit kid, I'm not a Pub
If they don't like the facilities they can go home.
As I recall Trump offered to transport them to the sanctuary cities across America and theses cities were not in favor of that.
Why doesn’t he transport them to one of Trumps Hotels?
You go by the rules of the Private Companies, not the Government that hasn't made any rules. If it's a government ran facility, hell or high water would not stop a Congress Critter from entering. But a privateer ran company can have a policy that they can't enter and neither can the press. So how long has that been going on? You tell me how long private companies have ran the children immigrant lockups on the borders without either the States nor the Feds doing oversight.
When private companies rely on people being convicted of a crime in order to improve the bottom line, there is great temptation to manufacture crime or influence lawmakers to make more conduct criminal. For that reason, private prisons are a threat to liberty, in my opinion.

Privateers operating the detention facilities could have the same incentive to get more detainees, but it is more difficult to manufacture detainees and is a much smaller threat to liberty. However, congress should ALWAYS have oversight. Maybe not the press, but congress should be allowed to investigate at congresses discretion. That includes any member of congress.


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