What does Baltimore have in common with these 10 cities???

It's good to see the community of Baltimore doing things the right way.
They are taking control of their own community and not letting hate filled outsiders take over.
Believing the repeated lie that they are "outsiders" is confusing you. Most of those thugs probably lived there, they are just outnumbered now. The ones that sat at home responsibly the first few nights are now out and pushing the trash to the background. Watch your city burn long enough & eventually you get off your ass to stop it.

How can you say that when it was very clear that the kids had been led by outsiders. Many had coordinated clothing, they all had the same bricks and rocks, someone other than the thugs in the community had to fund it for the clothes and rocks.
It's no coincidence that the rocks were all the same size and color as well as the black hoodies and black scarfs over their mouths.

Former NBPP head Malik Zulu Shabazz seen as a leader of Baltimore riots - National Policy Issues Examiner.com
On Monday, WND said that Malik Zulu Shabazz, the former head of the New Black Panther Party and current head of Black Lawyers for Justice, is seen as one of the leaders spearheading the riots in Baltimore. Aaron Klein cited the New York Times, the Associated Press, the New York Daily News, CBS and other local media outlets. According to Klein, all of the outlets named Shabazz as a leader of the chaotic protests, but only mentioned his affiliation with the Black Lawyers for Justice.
It's being funded by the Black Lawyers for Justice and Black Panthers.
So you condone the behavior of the "kids" in Baltimore?
Obviously you are a "kid" yourself.
Grow up. Accept some responsibility.
Besides what is so wrong with "behaving"?

OK you totally missed that point. Poor urban people vote democrat because the GOP openly despises them to the point that it verges on open racism, if you didn't get that then I can't help you.

They do?
Then why is the GOP trying to get them a better education by getting them out of the poorly run ghetto schools?

Yeah, the GOP is so supportive that the last Republican Convention had a piddling of minorities attending.


Go ahead and count the number of minorities in this picture.
How many blacks are in YOUR house? None? You must be racist then eh dummy?

I live in a mixed race community. Neighbors on both sides are African American. Two of my oldest friends are African American. You?

But you miss the point. I don't represent the American people. The people in that photograph do. And yet, there are very few minorities in it. And so when I hear Republicans say that they have the best interest of minorities at heart, I just have to smile and advise you to be careful that you don't step in the bullshit.

Don't be so POMPOUS!!!!
I am a white person minority in my neighborhood for 20 years!
So don't give me that crap!
I had a black cousin in Iowa in the 50s!
I had a Black business partner in Texas in the 70s!
I worked for black bosses in Texas and here in Florida don't give me that crap about your pompous life style!

I am 100% confident that Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Condolezza Rice, J.C. Watt, among the many blacks in the GOP especially who have like Rice born in Mobile Al and in spite of that humble upbringing like Herman Cain... who's dad was a driver for Coke's CEO and Herman former CEO of GodFather's pizza... examples of what conservatives like us WANT for the black community!
UNLIKE pompous supposedly "compassionate" beat your chest people like you WE conservatives like Rice, Carson,etc.. we rather
work behind the scenes teaching blacks to fish rather then handouts like you supposedly "compassionate" elitists think you are being !

More importantly GUESS who said this:
Lyndon Johnson A DEMOCRAT!!!! said the word “******” a lot.

In Senate cloakrooms and staff meetings, Johnson was practically a connoisseur of the word. According to Johnson biographer Robert Caro, Johnson would calibrate his pronunciations by region, using “nigra” with some southern legislators and “negra” with others. Discussing civil rights legislation with men like Mississippi Democrat James Eastland, who committed most of his life to defending white supremacy, he’d simply call it “the ****** bill.”

Then in 1957, Johnson would help get the “****** bill” passed, known to most as the Civil Rights Act of 1957. With the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, the segregationists would go to their graves knowing the cause they’d given their lives to had been betrayed, Frank Underwood style, by a man they believed to be one of their own. When Caro asked segregationist Georgia Democrat Herman Talmadge how he felt when Johnson, signing the Civil Rights Act, saidwe shall overcome,” Talmadge said “sick.”

So this is your "sh..." YOU have to carry with you!
It's good to see the community of Baltimore doing things the right way.
They are taking control of their own community and not letting hate filled outsiders take over.
Believing the repeated lie that they are "outsiders" is confusing you. Most of those thugs probably lived there, they are just outnumbered now. The ones that sat at home responsibly the first few nights are now out and pushing the trash to the background. Watch your city burn long enough & eventually you get off your ass to stop it.

How can you say that when it was very clear that the kids had been led by outsiders. Many had coordinated clothing, they all had the same bricks and rocks, someone other than the thugs in the community had to fund it for the clothes and rocks.
It's no coincidence that the rocks were all the same size and color as well as the black hoodies and black scarfs over their mouths.

Former NBPP head Malik Zulu Shabazz seen as a leader of Baltimore riots - National Policy Issues Examiner.com
On Monday, WND said that Malik Zulu Shabazz, the former head of the New Black Panther Party and current head of Black Lawyers for Justice, is seen as one of the leaders spearheading the riots in Baltimore. Aaron Klein cited the New York Times, the Associated Press, the New York Daily News, CBS and other local media outlets. According to Klein, all of the outlets named Shabazz as a leader of the chaotic protests, but only mentioned his affiliation with the Black Lawyers for Justice.
It's being funded by the Black Lawyers for Justice and Black Panthers.

I did a Google search on this claim, and every single reference to Malik Zulu Shabazz being a leader of the rioters came from right wing blogs. Every single one. I did not find a single msm report to support this claim, which itself, is from a right wing source.
What do the top ten cities with the highest poverty rate have in common with Baltimore?


Contrary to the emotional blackmail some leftists are attempting to peddle, Baltimore is not America’s problem or shame. That failed city is solely and completely a Democrat problem.
Like many failed cities, Detroit comes to mind, and every city besieged recently by rioting,
Democrats and their union pals have had carte blanche to inflict their ideas and policies on Baltimore since 1967, the last time there was a Republican Mayor.

In 2012, after four years of his own failed policies, President Obama won a whopping 87.4% of the Baltimore City vote. Democrats run the city of Baltimore, the unions, the schools, and, yes, the police force.

Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn’t elected
a Republican mayor since 1961;

Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH (3rd)… since 1984;

Cleveland, OH (4th)… since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

St. Louis, MO (6th)…. since 1949;

El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

Milwaukee, WI (8th)… since 1908;

Philadelphia, PA (9th)… since 1952;

Newark, NJ (10th)… since 1907.

Democrats Run America s Ten Poorest Cities - Eagle Rising

And who keeps hollering for more money for the "poor"???

What have Republicans offered the people in those cities?
What have the Ds offered the people in those cities?

How pathetic are Republicans when given the poor shape these cities are in, they can't offer ONE valid reason to vote Republican?
Because the Democrats have obviously failed? Just a guess.

How pathetic is the Republican Party that in spite of crumbling cities, poverty, corruption they can't convince anyone that they have a better plan?
So you condone the behavior of the "kids" in Baltimore?
Obviously you are a "kid" yourself.
Grow up. Accept some responsibility.
Besides what is so wrong with "behaving"?

OK you totally missed that point. Poor urban people vote democrat because the GOP openly despises them to the point that it verges on open racism, if you didn't get that then I can't help you.

They do?
Then why is the GOP trying to get them a better education by getting them out of the poorly run ghetto schools?

Yeah, the GOP is so supportive that the last Republican Convention had a piddling of minorities attending.


Go ahead and count the number of minorities in this picture.
How many blacks are in YOUR house? None? You must be racist then eh dummy?

I live in a mixed race community. Neighbors on both sides are African American. Two of my oldest friends are African American. You?

But you miss the point. I don't represent the American people. The people in that photograph do. And yet, there are very few minorities in it. And so when I hear Republicans say that they have the best interest of minorities at heart, I just have to smile and advise you to be careful that you don't step in the bullshit.
No YOU missed the point. I am the GOP. I am as much the GOP as any politician. I like you have black neighbors & friends. If given the chance I would happily attend a GOP convention. Blacks don't attend many rock or country concerts either. Does that make the bands or patrons racist?

Stop being a tool of the left.
It's good to see the community of Baltimore doing things the right way.
They are taking control of their own community and not letting hate filled outsiders take over.
Believing the repeated lie that they are "outsiders" is confusing you. Most of those thugs probably lived there, they are just outnumbered now. The ones that sat at home responsibly the first few nights are now out and pushing the trash to the background. Watch your city burn long enough & eventually you get off your ass to stop it.

How can you say that when it was very clear that the kids had been led by outsiders. Many had coordinated clothing, they all had the same bricks and rocks, someone other than the thugs in the community had to fund it for the clothes and rocks.
It's no coincidence that the rocks were all the same size and color as well as the black hoodies and black scarfs over their mouths.

Former NBPP head Malik Zulu Shabazz seen as a leader of Baltimore riots - National Policy Issues Examiner.com
On Monday, WND said that Malik Zulu Shabazz, the former head of the New Black Panther Party and current head of Black Lawyers for Justice, is seen as one of the leaders spearheading the riots in Baltimore. Aaron Klein cited the New York Times, the Associated Press, the New York Daily News, CBS and other local media outlets. According to Klein, all of the outlets named Shabazz as a leader of the chaotic protests, but only mentioned his affiliation with the Black Lawyers for Justice.
It's being funded by the Black Lawyers for Justice and Black Panthers.
I can say it because poor black kids don't fly in from out of state to burn down a pharmacy. Are there outsiders? Sure. Are they the majority? Hell no
OK you totally missed that point. Poor urban people vote democrat because the GOP openly despises them to the point that it verges on open racism, if you didn't get that then I can't help you.

They do?
Then why is the GOP trying to get them a better education by getting them out of the poorly run ghetto schools?

Yeah, the GOP is so supportive that the last Republican Convention had a piddling of minorities attending.


Go ahead and count the number of minorities in this picture.
How many blacks are in YOUR house? None? You must be racist then eh dummy?

I live in a mixed race community. Neighbors on both sides are African American. Two of my oldest friends are African American. You?

But you miss the point. I don't represent the American people. The people in that photograph do. And yet, there are very few minorities in it. And so when I hear Republicans say that they have the best interest of minorities at heart, I just have to smile and advise you to be careful that you don't step in the bullshit.
No YOU missed the point. I am the GOP. I am as much the GOP as any politician. I like you have black neighbors & friends. If given the chance I would happily attend a GOP convention. Blacks don't attend many rock or country concerts either. Does that make the bands or patrons racist?

Stop being a tool of the left.

So your excuse for the fact that very few minorities are in the GOP is because they don't attend rock or country concerts? Bhwhahahahahaha

Do you know what they do attend?


Democratic National Conventions.
What do the top ten cities with the highest poverty rate have in common with Baltimore?


Contrary to the emotional blackmail some leftists are attempting to peddle, Baltimore is not America’s problem or shame. That failed city is solely and completely a Democrat problem.
Like many failed cities, Detroit comes to mind, and every city besieged recently by rioting,
Democrats and their union pals have had carte blanche to inflict their ideas and policies on Baltimore since 1967, the last time there was a Republican Mayor.

In 2012, after four years of his own failed policies, President Obama won a whopping 87.4% of the Baltimore City vote. Democrats run the city of Baltimore, the unions, the schools, and, yes, the police force.

Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn’t elected
a Republican mayor since 1961;

Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH (3rd)… since 1984;

Cleveland, OH (4th)… since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

St. Louis, MO (6th)…. since 1949;

El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

Milwaukee, WI (8th)… since 1908;

Philadelphia, PA (9th)… since 1952;

Newark, NJ (10th)… since 1907.

Democrats Run America s Ten Poorest Cities - Eagle Rising

And who keeps hollering for more money for the "poor"???

What have Republicans offered the people in those cities?
What have the Ds offered the people in those cities?

How pathetic are Republicans when given the poor shape these cities are in, they can't offer ONE valid reason to vote Republican?
Because the Democrats have obviously failed? Just a guess.

How pathetic is the Republican Party that in spite of crumbling cities, poverty, corruption they can't convince anyone that they have a better plan?

It's hard to get the message out when the Dems control the media and news papers and Hollywood.
What have Republicans offered the people in those cities?
What have the Ds offered the people in those cities?

How pathetic are Republicans when given the poor shape these cities are in, they can't offer ONE valid reason to vote Republican?
Because the Democrats have obviously failed? Just a guess.

How pathetic is the Republican Party that in spite of crumbling cities, poverty, corruption they can't convince anyone that they have a better plan?

It's hard to get the message out when the Dems control the media and news papers and Hollywood.

Gee, they won Congress, but can't get the message out. Wah!

Probably can't come up with a better plan for the cities, either.
They do?
Then why is the GOP trying to get them a better education by getting them out of the poorly run ghetto schools?

Yeah, the GOP is so supportive that the last Republican Convention had a piddling of minorities attending.


Go ahead and count the number of minorities in this picture.
How many blacks are in YOUR house? None? You must be racist then eh dummy?

I live in a mixed race community. Neighbors on both sides are African American. Two of my oldest friends are African American. You?

But you miss the point. I don't represent the American people. The people in that photograph do. And yet, there are very few minorities in it. And so when I hear Republicans say that they have the best interest of minorities at heart, I just have to smile and advise you to be careful that you don't step in the bullshit.
No YOU missed the point. I am the GOP. I am as much the GOP as any politician. I like you have black neighbors & friends. If given the chance I would happily attend a GOP convention. Blacks don't attend many rock or country concerts either. Does that make the bands or patrons racist?

Stop being a tool of the left.

So your excuse for the fact that very few minorities are in the GOP is because they don't attend rock or country concerts? Bhwhahahahahaha

Do you know what they do attend?


Democratic National Conventions.
So what? You have no point. I goto sci-fi movies but not comidies. Know what that means?

It's good to see the community of Baltimore doing things the right way.
They are taking control of their own community and not letting hate filled outsiders take over.
Believing the repeated lie that they are "outsiders" is confusing you. Most of those thugs probably lived there, they are just outnumbered now. The ones that sat at home responsibly the first few nights are now out and pushing the trash to the background. Watch your city burn long enough & eventually you get off your ass to stop it.

How can you say that when it was very clear that the kids had been led by outsiders. Many had coordinated clothing, they all had the same bricks and rocks, someone other than the thugs in the community had to fund it for the clothes and rocks.
It's no coincidence that the rocks were all the same size and color as well as the black hoodies and black scarfs over their mouths.

Former NBPP head Malik Zulu Shabazz seen as a leader of Baltimore riots - National Policy Issues Examiner.com
On Monday, WND said that Malik Zulu Shabazz, the former head of the New Black Panther Party and current head of Black Lawyers for Justice, is seen as one of the leaders spearheading the riots in Baltimore. Aaron Klein cited the New York Times, the Associated Press, the New York Daily News, CBS and other local media outlets. According to Klein, all of the outlets named Shabazz as a leader of the chaotic protests, but only mentioned his affiliation with the Black Lawyers for Justice.
It's being funded by the Black Lawyers for Justice and Black Panthers.
I can say it because poor black kids don't fly in from out of state to burn down a pharmacy. Are there outsiders? Sure. Are they the majority? Hell no

It is the outsiders who are controlling the poor black kids who live there.
Yeah, the GOP is so supportive that the last Republican Convention had a piddling of minorities attending.


Go ahead and count the number of minorities in this picture.
How many blacks are in YOUR house? None? You must be racist then eh dummy?

I live in a mixed race community. Neighbors on both sides are African American. Two of my oldest friends are African American. You?

But you miss the point. I don't represent the American people. The people in that photograph do. And yet, there are very few minorities in it. And so when I hear Republicans say that they have the best interest of minorities at heart, I just have to smile and advise you to be careful that you don't step in the bullshit.
No YOU missed the point. I am the GOP. I am as much the GOP as any politician. I like you have black neighbors & friends. If given the chance I would happily attend a GOP convention. Blacks don't attend many rock or country concerts either. Does that make the bands or patrons racist?

Stop being a tool of the left.

So your excuse for the fact that very few minorities are in the GOP is because they don't attend rock or country concerts? Bhwhahahahahaha

Do you know what they do attend?


Democratic National Conventions.
So what? You have no point. I goto sci-fi movies but not comidies. Know what that means?


I've already stated my point. If you are having comprehension problems (and a lot of righties do these day), that's on you, pal.
Orogenicman is an obvious race baiting piece of shit leftist.
Growing up I water skied a lot. I never saw any blacks on skis so I guess by his standard skiing is a racist sport.
My local home Depot doesn't have many blacks in it so I guess it along with all it's employees are racists.

Why do leftists have such simpleton brains.
It's good to see the community of Baltimore doing things the right way.
They are taking control of their own community and not letting hate filled outsiders take over.
Believing the repeated lie that they are "outsiders" is confusing you. Most of those thugs probably lived there, they are just outnumbered now. The ones that sat at home responsibly the first few nights are now out and pushing the trash to the background. Watch your city burn long enough & eventually you get off your ass to stop it.

How can you say that when it was very clear that the kids had been led by outsiders. Many had coordinated clothing, they all had the same bricks and rocks, someone other than the thugs in the community had to fund it for the clothes and rocks.
It's no coincidence that the rocks were all the same size and color as well as the black hoodies and black scarfs over their mouths.

Former NBPP head Malik Zulu Shabazz seen as a leader of Baltimore riots - National Policy Issues Examiner.com
On Monday, WND said that Malik Zulu Shabazz, the former head of the New Black Panther Party and current head of Black Lawyers for Justice, is seen as one of the leaders spearheading the riots in Baltimore. Aaron Klein cited the New York Times, the Associated Press, the New York Daily News, CBS and other local media outlets. According to Klein, all of the outlets named Shabazz as a leader of the chaotic protests, but only mentioned his affiliation with the Black Lawyers for Justice.
It's being funded by the Black Lawyers for Justice and Black Panthers.
I can say it because poor black kids don't fly in from out of state to burn down a pharmacy. Are there outsiders? Sure. Are they the majority? Hell no

It is the outsiders who are controlling the poor black kids who live there.
Lol wut???

You think a 17 year old isn't capable of knowing right from wrong? The kids are responsible for their actions. Period
How many blacks are in YOUR house? None? You must be racist then eh dummy?

I live in a mixed race community. Neighbors on both sides are African American. Two of my oldest friends are African American. You?

But you miss the point. I don't represent the American people. The people in that photograph do. And yet, there are very few minorities in it. And so when I hear Republicans say that they have the best interest of minorities at heart, I just have to smile and advise you to be careful that you don't step in the bullshit.
No YOU missed the point. I am the GOP. I am as much the GOP as any politician. I like you have black neighbors & friends. If given the chance I would happily attend a GOP convention. Blacks don't attend many rock or country concerts either. Does that make the bands or patrons racist?

Stop being a tool of the left.

So your excuse for the fact that very few minorities are in the GOP is because they don't attend rock or country concerts? Bhwhahahahahaha

Do you know what they do attend?


Democratic National Conventions.
So what? You have no point. I goto sci-fi movies but not comidies. Know what that means?


I've already stated my point. If you are having comprehension problems (and a lot of righties do these day), that's on you, pal.
Your point is based on the rational of a simple minded moron. It is also baseless
Outsiders, the Klan, CIA, Embedded cops, Pnac, and the Koch's are reAlly the ones behind the violence !!!

How many blacks are in YOUR house? None? You must be racist then eh dummy?

I live in a mixed race community. Neighbors on both sides are African American. Two of my oldest friends are African American. You?

But you miss the point. I don't represent the American people. The people in that photograph do. And yet, there are very few minorities in it. And so when I hear Republicans say that they have the best interest of minorities at heart, I just have to smile and advise you to be careful that you don't step in the bullshit.
No YOU missed the point. I am the GOP. I am as much the GOP as any politician. I like you have black neighbors & friends. If given the chance I would happily attend a GOP convention. Blacks don't attend many rock or country concerts either. Does that make the bands or patrons racist?

Stop being a tool of the left.

So your excuse for the fact that very few minorities are in the GOP is because they don't attend rock or country concerts? Bhwhahahahahaha

Do you know what they do attend?


Democratic National Conventions.
So what? You have no point. I goto sci-fi movies but not comidies. Know what that means?


I've already stated my point. If you are having comprehension problems (and a lot of righties do these day), that's on you, pal.

You are seeing two different ways that Ferguson and Baltimore is being handled.
One is working (conservative way of the community), one is not (liberal way of the community) and you accuse someone else of having a comprehension problem?
Orogenicman is an obvious race baiting piece of shit leftist.
Growing up I water skied a lot. I never saw any blacks on skis so I guess by his standard skiing is a racist sport.
My local home Depot doesn't have many blacks in it so I guess it along with all it's employees are racists.

Why do leftists have such simpleton brains.

Race bating? That's hilarious.

Son, Skiers don't represent the American people in political office. Workers at Home Depot aren't representatives of the American people. Politicians do. And so it matters that they not only represent the people, but are representative OF the people. Until you people get this simply concept, you will never attract minorities in substantial numbers to your party.
Orogenicman is an obvious race baiting piece of shit leftist.
Growing up I water skied a lot. I never saw any blacks on skis so I guess by his standard skiing is a racist sport.
My local home Depot doesn't have many blacks in it so I guess it along with all it's employees are racists.

Why do leftists have such simpleton brains.

Race bating? That's hilarious.

Son, Skiers don't represent the American people in political office. Workers at Home Depot aren't representatives of the American people. Politicians do. And so it matters that they not only represent the people, but are representative OF the people. Until you people get this simply concept, you will never attract minorities in substantial numbers to your party.
More jibberish.


That is neither a reflection of the event or the blacks that didn't attend.

Yes, you are a race baiting pos
Orogenicman is an obvious race baiting piece of shit leftist.
Growing up I water skied a lot. I never saw any blacks on skis so I guess by his standard skiing is a racist sport.
My local home Depot doesn't have many blacks in it so I guess it along with all it's employees are racists.

Why do leftists have such simpleton brains.

Race bating? That's hilarious.

Son, Skiers don't represent the American people in political office. Workers at Home Depot aren't representatives of the American people. Politicians do. And so it matters that they not only represent the people, but are representative OF the people. Until you people get this simply concept, you will never attract minorities in substantial numbers to your party.
More jibberish.


That is neither a reflection of the event or the blacks that didn't attend.

Yes, you are a race baiting pos

And this attitude of yours is typical of Republicans today and is why your party will always be three cans short of a minority six pack. Congratulations.

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