Zone1 What does it mean that Jews are "God's Chosen People"?

oh---now its a "hierarchy" the vast anti-christian conspiracy. I read and heard all about it as a child-----your islamo nazi propaganda littered the town
of my childhood. That was even before the comic MAD MAGAZINE was
published. Do you know what it says about Jesus in the Talmud book named
What are you talking about?
before the talmud was written down or before Jesus was written down?

lol, both.

According to the gospels Jesus called what became known as the Talmud "The traditions of men" which rendered the Law null and void, for instance, by changing the subject of Kashrut from what goes into your mind and out of your mouth to what goes into your mouth and out of your ass.
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lol, both.

Apparently, according to the gospels, Jesus called what became known as the Talmud "The traditions of men" which rendered the Law null and void by changing the subjects from what goes into your mind and out of your mouth to what goes into your mouth and out of your ass.

For instance.....
that ^^^^ is bullshit sophistry---based on a statement attributed to Jesus
in the NT that you would have to be really stupid to believe. Washing your hands prior to supper is not a "tradition of men"-----it's an order from my mother
he baptized people therefore he was a mikvah man. Why does the Jordan river change anything?
It was away from the temple and therefore disassociated with it. Also, John's baptism was a once-only public statement of repentance of sins and new life free from sin for the individual. Actually, a metaphor for burial of the old man and resurrection to a new spiritual life. The mikvah is more like the RCC confession in that Jews do it numerous times for numerous reasons for ritual purity, not for repentance. In the Christian church baptism is followed by the laying on of hands by the ministry conferring the Holy Spirit onto/into the repentant person.
that ^^^^ is bullshit sophistry---based on a statement attributed to Jesus
in the NT that you would have to be really stupid to believe. Washing your hands prior to supper is not a "tradition of men"-----it's an order from my mother
Like I said 'the traditions of men' turned the subject of flesh in Kosher law from teaching to food.

Now thats some bullshit. How stupid does a person have to be to 'believe' that the subjects of the Law, the concern of God, is diet, fashion, and the sexual preferences of consenting adults?

As if a Holy (separate) God who is incorporeal could be so petty, puerile, perverse, and profane.

Don't take it too hard. Many devout Christians and dedicated Muslims are also that dumb.....
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It was away from the temple and therefore disassociated with it. Also, John's baptism was once-only public statement of repentance of sins and new life free from sin. Actually, a metaphor for burial of the old man and resurrection to a new spiritual life. The mikvah is more like the RCC confession in that Jews do it numerous times for numerous reasons for ritual purity, not for repentance. In the Christian church baptism is followed by the laying on of hands by the ministry conferring the Holy Spirit onto/into the repentant person.
try again---using a river as a Mikvah is STANDARD PROCEDURE for jews
anywhere in the world. John was doing the standard of the day because
he had an idea that the "LAST DAYS" were upon us----Paul had the same
idea in his addled brain. Try reading the book
Like I said the traditions of men turned the subject of flesh in kosher law from teaching to food.

Now thats some bullshit. How stupid does a person have to be to 'believe' that the subjects of the Law, the concern of God, is diet, fashion, and the sexual preferences of consenting adults?
Specific laws of society were imposed on the JOOOISH PEOPLE---as a
nation. Try not to take it personally
Specific laws of society were imposed on the JOOOISH PEOPLE---as a
nation. Try not to take it personally
The Law was specifically given as a "light to the nations" which means it is meant for everyone.

"No one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel; they put it on a lamp stand so everyone in the room can see" (Jesus H. Christ)

Try not to be so.......selfish. Trying to keep it to yourselves is defying a direct command of God.
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Why would God choose one Group of people over another? What does it even mean to be "Chosen"? Chosen for what? Does it mean all Jews will go to Heaven?

They're just pretentious, arrogant, narcissistic, xenophobic, misanthropic pretenders, who think their souls come from a higher dimension, and everybody else is ontologically inferior to them. They see themselves as the center of the universe and have an extremely condescending, degrading opinion about non-Jews. Of course, they'll deny it and claim that they don't and when they say the word "goy" or "goyim"(gentiles), it never has any negative connotations or is ever used pejoratively or as a denigrating label. It is. For those of us who know better, we see right through their lies.

It's astounding how American Evangelicals insist that these anti-Christ Jews are the "chosen people". It makes no sense.
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They're just pretentious, arrogant, narcissistic, xenophobic, misanthropic pretenders, who think their souls come from a higher dimension, and everybody else is ontologically inferior to them.
Who said anything about Trump and his supporters?
The Law was specifically given as a "light to the nations" which means it is for everyone.

Try not to be so.......selfish.
Isaiah wanted the law of DA JOOOS to be Universal-----Paul wanted to
modify the law of DA JOOOS and then make them Universal (because no
self respecting roman would wash his hands every time he decided to
INDULGE in a Bacchanal) Nor would a roman give up his beloved BLTs
or RIBS. Each had a personal agenda. Try to expand your mind
try again---using a river as a Mikvah is STANDARD PROCEDURE for jews
anywhere in the world. John was doing the standard of the day because
he had an idea that the "LAST DAYS" were upon us----Paul had the same
idea in his addled brain. Try reading the book
Who officiates at a Jewish mikvah?

We can do without the sarcasm. ;)
They're just pretentious, arrogant, narcissistic, xenophobic, misanthropic pretenders, who think their souls come from a higher dimension, and everybody else is ontologically inferior to them. They see themselves as the center of the universe and have an extremely condescending, degrading opinion about non-Jews. Of course, they'll deny it and claim that they don't and when they say the word "goy" or "goyim"(gentiles), it never has any negative connotations or is ever used pejoratively or as a denigrating label. It is. For those of us who know better, we see right through their lies.

It's astounding how American Evangelicals insist that these anti-Christ Jews are the "chosen people". It makes no sense.
Your viral anti Semitism is noted.

Now, go away.
You're the anti-Semite for using that term exclusively for the Jews as if they were the only Semites. You're the anti-Semite, so get out of here. Bye bye.
try again. Words are defined by the people who speak the respective languages. The term 'anti-semite' was FOUNDED, specifically to refer to
rejection of JEWS. A quart of milk is defined as 32 ounces of milk
You're the anti-Semite for using that term exclusively for the Jews as if they were the only Semites. You're the anti-Semite, so get out of here. Bye bye.
Nah. We all know that the term Anti Semite refers to the kind of irrational hatred which scumbags like you reserve for Jews. Fuck off.

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