Zone1 What does it mean that Jews are "God's Chosen People"?

You're the one making an imbecile of himself because you fail to get the point. No one should give Jews the privilege of that term being exclusively theirs. You don't deserve it, especially now after you've murdered 15K Gazan children, 33 thousand civilians. The "chosen people". Scumbags.
I certainly got to my point. I pointed out that your linguistic claim fails in the face of actual history. Now you want to move the goal posts to discuss some other idea because you know you have no response. That's not intellectually honest.
So just because people speed means we don't also drive the speed limit? Historically, Jews very often lost their way and were punished for it. That changes nothing about the law and the fact that we try not to make those same errors as we follow it now.
Then try to adjust to the fact that the subject of Kosher law is what goes into and out of your mind, not whats for dinner, the forbidden animals described are universal metaphors for human archetypes, their flesh, teaching, defiles and contaminates the mind. You don't notice this?

Here is the wisdom of God.
That contradicts itself since the Pharisees and the common folk all went out to John the Baptist
You're the one making an imbecile of himself because you fail to get the point. No one should give Jews the privilege of that term being exclusively theirs. You don't deserve it, especially now after you've murdered 15K Gazan children, 33 thousand civilians. The "chosen people". Scumbags.
the muzzie shit murdered 1.5 MILLION BIAFRAN (christian) children---the minions of the rapist of mecca were and are and will be DISGUSTING ANIMALS
I certainly got to my point. I pointed out that your linguistic claim fails in the face of actual history. Now you want to move the goal posts to discuss some other idea because you know you have no response. That's not intellectually honest.
You're an idiot unable to comprehend what you read. I was clear that you self-entitled Jerks don't deserve humanity or other Semites granting you the privilege of that term being exclusively yours.

Humanity, Semites, shouldn't allow you to monopolize the term anti-Semitic or anti-Semite that way. You shouldn't get that privilege. You feel entitled to it, but the world shouldn't grant you such special favors, you don't deserve it."
Then try to adjust to the fact that the subject of Kosher law is what goes into and out of your mind, not whats for dinner
maybe to a Christain. To a Jew, there are other laws governing those things.
, the forbidden animals described are universal metaphors for human archetypes,
to a Christian. To a Jew, they refer to animals.
their flesh, teaching, defiles and contaminates the mind. You don't notice this?
Well, I'm not a Christian. You don't notice that actual animals are named?
Nice try but it doesn't matter if Jews decided to redefine the English language to say something that exalts them at the expense of others, excluding and denigrating non-Jewish Semites. There is now a movement started by the youth to correctly define and include non-Jewish Semites, whenever the term anti-Semite is used. In a few years, anti-Semite will also mean anti-Arab, or anyone who is anti-anyone of Middle Eastern ethnicity.
^^^^^ A really idiotic agenda----typical of the followers of the filthy
RAPIST DOG of mecca

the muzzie shit murdered 1.5 MILLION BIAFRAN (christian) children---the minions of the rapist of mecca were and are and will be DISGUSTING ANIMALS
In your filthy Zionazi mind, the Muslims did that. You live in a fantasy world. Humanity is waking up to your evil.
You're an idiot unable to comprehend what you read.
Sure I can -- you made a claim about the word "anti-semite" and were proven wrong. Everyone can see that you are now running away and trying to find other points because you have been shown to be ignorant.
I was clear that you self-entitled Jerks don't deserve humanity
or other Semites granting you the privilege of that term being exclusively yours.
You were clear in that you, personally, are offended that a word was coined refering to Jews and you are jealous that you don't get to use it also. It is sad that you can be jealous of a word's use. That doesn't change anything other than making you look sad.
In your filthy Zionazi mind, the Muslims did that. You live in a fantasy world. Humanity is waking up to your evil.
In my mind? it's history. I woke up to your evil long long ago---I read
your literature, talked to lots of muslims and lots of their victims and read
the idiot koran long before you were born. October 7 was no surprise to me
Sure I can -- you made a claim about the word "anti-semite" and were proven wrong. Everyone can see that you are now running away and trying to find other points because you have been shown to be ignorant.

You were clear in that you, personally, are offended that a word was coined refering to Jews and you are jealous that you don't get to use it also. It is sad that you can be jealous of a word's use. That doesn't change anything other than making you look sad.

From the very beginning, I said that anti-Semitism shouldn't be a term exclusively used for Jews because there are many Semites who aren't Jewish. The monopolization of that term by Jews only fuels their elitist pretensions and sociopathic xenophobia. Anyone who uses that word assuming that it just applies to Jewish Semites is feeding the Jew's delusions:

..And unnecessarily excluding non-Jewish Semites.
Nah. We all know that the term Anti Semite refers to ....

they have a point -

are all semites delirious as those they believe themselves as chosen ... surrendering their souls to a single individual and their hereditary idolatry, very confusing, just the way they like it alouse in dark shadows.
try again---I am the counselor

You're the one with the mind full of filth and rape, not me. That's all you talk about to justify your slaughter of those 33 thousand Gazan civilians, at least half of them were minors. Children. The world is watching.
So I told myself about a week back: Bet this poster NEVER comes to a conclusion. About 5 minutes after posing this "important'question he was asking 'hey, what's for dinner"
From the very beginning, I said that anti-Semitism shouldn't be a term exclusively used for Jews because there are many Semites who aren't Jewish. The monopolization of that term by Jews only fuels their elitist pretensions and sociopathic xenophobia. Anyone who uses that word assuming that it just applies to Jewish Semites is feeding the Jew's delusions:

..And unnecessarily excluding non-Jewish Semites.

and I explained that the history of the word argues against you. The term was coined to mean something and it means that. Wishing and hoping that it means something else does nothing to change reality. A term isn't "monopolized" simply because it refers to a particular group. The term "righty" excludes left-handed people. By design. That's the point. The term "anti-semite" (and associated formulations) refer to particular sentiments against Jews. That's what the word was intended to mean and how it was used by anti-semites from way back. You don't have to like it. Facts don't care.
and I explained that the history of the word argues against you. The term was coined to mean something and it means that. Wishing and hoping that it means something else does nothing to change reality. A term isn't "monopolized" simply because it refers to a particular group. The term "righty" excludes left-handed people. By design. That's the point. The term "anti-semite" (and associated formulations) refer to particular sentiments against Jews. That's what the word was intended to mean and how it was used by anti-semites from way back. You don't have to like it. Facts don't care.
Appealing to the majority doesn't make it correct or ethical. Like I said, Jewish ZioNazis, shouldn't be granted the privilege to monopolize such terms, as "anti-Semite". There is a movement now among college students to extend the meaning of anti-Semitism in the English-speaking world to all Semites, not just Jews. That's how it should be and in light of what is happening now in Gaza, with the mass slaughter of civilians by Jewish ZioNazis, I wouldn't be surprised if this movement succeeds. You can continue harping away as to why anti-Semiticism should only be applied to Jewish Semites. Have at it.
Well, I'm not a Christian. You don't notice that actual animals are named?
Well yes I did. I also noticed that the specific reason given by God why the flesh of swine is unclean is because swine do not ruminate , chew the cud, which has direct human implications.

Didn't you notice that in every nation tribe kingdom and language people have compared other people to lower beasts to either praise or insult ever since people could talk. Think already!

People who "just believe" in any garbage without ruminating defile and contaminate their minds and lose their ability to reason rationally, the defining quality of a "living being". Look at AqlAlim.

This is "the death", a curse, insanity.... Am I telling you something you don't already know?

Failing to instruct "the nations" about the wisdom of God in giving the Law, sharing the light, just insures that you will always be surrounded and hated by insane, perverse, and violent creatures.
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Appealing to the majority doesn't make it correct or ethical. Like I said, Jewish ZioNazis, shouldn't be granted the privilege to monopolize such terms, as "anti-Semite". There is a movement now among college students to extend the meaning of anti-Semitism in the English-speaking world to all Semites, not just Jews. That's how it should be and in light of what is happening now in Gaza, with the mass slaughter of civilians by Jewish ZioNazis, I wouldn't be surprised if this movement succeeds. You can continue harping away as to why anti-Semiticism should only be applied to Jewish Semites. Have at it.
appealing to the majority? You also know very little about the concept of rhetorical fallacies. I'm citing the history and intent of the word. You again claim that there is a monopoly but there isn't any more than there is a monopoly on people with no hair when they get to be called "bald." You don't like the meaning and want it to change. So what? There are people who want to expand the word (instead of using another available term, or coining a more appropriate one) but so what? There are a lot of people who try to redefine "marriage" or "family" or "female." Do you follow along with every linguistic fad?

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