What does the "computer crash erased the emails" story tell us about the IRS scandal?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
What does this "A computer crash deleted the emails" story tell us about what's going on in the iRS, really?

The Obamanites have admitted:

1.) The emails vanished because Lerner's own computer (presumably a desktop system provided by the IRS that she personally used) crashed.

(We know this would not have caused the emails to vanish, since they are contained on servers for from Lois Lerner that are backed up daily. This means that if emails are truly gone, they were deliberately and carefully deleted by somebody with detailed knowledge of the IRS email system AND the system of the external agencies that the emails were sent to.)

2.) The missing emails were between Lerner and external agencies such as Treasury, Dept. of Justice, the White House, etc.

(From this, we know that whatever was in the emails the Obamanites wanted covered up, wasn't just stuff that went on in IRS offices. Outside agencies were involved, such as the White House.)

3.) They vanished because "the dog ate my homework".

("Computer crash" is so clearly a bogus excuse, that it is clear that the person who deleted the emails, would much rather face the blizzard of accusations of lying and obstruction it is clearly guilty of here, than face the consequences of whatever is being covered up by this email deletion. Therefore the thing(s) being covered up, are much worse than some low-level person lying and obstructing an investigation.)

4.) Consider too, that the Articles of Impeachment against Richard Nixon, approved by the House committee in 1974, stated that he should be impeached for (a) trying to misuse the IRS to go after his political enemies; (b) lying to Congress's investigative committees, (c) withholding documents subpoenaed by Congress; (d) lying to the public to fool them into thinking a thorough investigation had been done; (e) interfering with investigations by Congressional committees.

So far, we have clear evidence that SOMEBODY did all these things. But all that evidence can be applied, so far, to people inside the IRS - there is no clear evidence that anybody outside the IRS was involved.

Until a bunch of emails between the suspects in the IRS, and people in outside agencies, was suddenly and deliberately deleted. And with an excuse that nobody would ever buy.

Once that happened, it became clear that somebody wanted the communications between the IRS and those outside agencies (Treas, DoJ, White House) covered up... and was willing to face the consequences of such blatant destruction of evidence.

Nixon was about to be impeached for doing exactly that. But as of today, we don't have evidence that Barack Obama ordered documents subpoenaed by Congress withheld. Or that Obama ordered his employees to lie about what they knew. Or that Obama ordered the emails deleted. Or that Obama ordered the IRS to hold up approvals for conservative groups.

We only know, that someone did.

Did the emails between Lois Lerner and groups such as the White House, contain clear evidence that the orders came from the White House? Emails that just got so carefully and thoroughly deleted?

Answer: We don't know what was in those emails. But clearly, somebody certainly didn't want us to know what was in them.

The game just shifted into the big leagues.

Until today, only lower offices of the IRS, were guilty. But now we know that somebody didn't want their communications with higher offices, revealed. And was willing to commit an obviously obstructive act, to keep them secret.

Some IRS IT flunky who decided on his own to delete the emails (which is the lowest level this can now be spun at), can't be impeached. The most that can happen to him, is a firing... no doubt with a very generous separation package, reward for services rendered, and a quiet job with an obscure Democrat consulting firm.

But such a blatant and obvious act of obstruction, sufficient to get Richard Nixon impeached, created a situation much LESS dangerous to the people involved... than the revealing of the contents of those emails, would have created.

That's why those emails were deliberately and thoroughly deleted, in an act that couldn't possibly have been an accident, or a crash of just one computer.

The game just shifted into the big leagues. And it's barely in the first inning. This has just begun to get interesting.
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No doubt a sacrificial lamb will be identified, chastised, fired, and be given a nice home in a quiet suburb with an Obamaphone for every family member, a magic Food Stamp ATM card that can be used to buy anything - not just the standard limited shopping list. Surely, in addition, a pension from some Democrat contributing corporation with dummied up records showing eligility.

Now if that were under a Hillary regime the end likely would be different, quicker, and more prejudicial but it would start out the same way.
No doubt a sacrificial lamb will be identified, chastised, fired, and be given a nice home in a quiet suburb with an Obamaphone for every family member, a magic Food Stamp ATM card that can be used to buy anything - not just the standard limited shopping list. Surely, in addition, a pension from some Democrat contributing corporation with dummied up records showing eligility.

Now if that were under a Hillary regime the end likely would be different, quicker, and more prejudicial but it would start out the same way.

Yep, Ft. Marcy Park is still open, and available.
Out of all the lame excuses they could pick, a computer crash erased the E-mail, is perfect.

First off, we know the government does not do anything on the cheapest equipment on the planet.

Even if they did, the lowest cost server system in the entire world today, has multiple redundant backups. Hard Drives are cheap. When you can buy a 1 Terabyte for $50, which could hold several years worth of IRS emails, and most systems would have dozens of Hard Drives with multiple copies of the data on several at a time...

The idea that a computer cash 'lost' the emails is just down right insulting to the public. They assume the everyone is simply too stupid to know any better. That might be true for leftard who would accept any excuse to ignore the corruption of their party.... but no one else who knows anything about computers would laugh at them, and I sure hope the few decent people in government, don't let this slide.
It's the arrogance and high handedness. They know their base will believe anything because they're just a mindless Cult of Drones and Fluffers, but the idea that in 2014, the IRS does not have a back up -- it's Stalinesque in scope
It tells me that if this is true, someone high up is up to their eyeballs in some bad shit that's going to explode soon.
I suspect if you gave that computer to someone with computer/IT skills and I mean real skills not the people they set up the Obamacare website they could recover those e-mails.
No doubt a sacrificial lamb will be identified, chastised, fired, and be given a nice home in a quiet suburb with an Obamaphone for every family member, a magic Food Stamp ATM card that can be used to buy anything - not just the standard limited shopping list. Surely, in addition, a pension from some Democrat contributing corporation with dummied up records showing eligility.

Now if that were under a Hillary regime the end likely would be different, quicker, and more prejudicial but it would start out the same way.

Maybe that's where the missing $6 billion from state is going...
What form will the "Oh, come on, there's no way Lerner's computer crashing, could cause the emails on a remote server to vanish" remonstration take place?

And how will the liberals stall and divert the next stage of the investigation?
BTW, any chance Jay Carney quit because he got wind of this "Computer crash caused the emails to vanish" load coming up soon, and didn't want to be in the position of having to explain something THAT ridiculous to people who knew better?
You see, what is even more mindblowingly ridiculous, is they said, only the ones to multiple outside agencies crashed and burned. Anyone with any knowledge of computers knows how asinine that lie is. It doesn't have even a quarter ounce of believability to it. How stupid they must be to think others would not see right through it!
What does this "A computer crash deleted the emails" story tell us about what's going on in the iRS, really?

The Obamanites have admitted:

1.) The emails vanished because Lerner's own computer (presumably a desktop system provided by the IRS that she personally used) crashed.

(We know this would not have caused the emails to vanish, since they are contained on servers for from Lois Lerner that are backed up daily. This means that if emails are truly gone, they were deliberately and carefully deleted by somebody with detailed knowledge of the IRS email system AND the system of the external agencies that the emails were sent to.)

2.) The missing emails were between Lerner and external agencies such as Treasury, Dept. of Justice, the White House, etc.

(From this, we know that whatever was in the emails the Obamanites wanted covered up, wasn't just stuff that went on in IRS offices. Outside agencies were involved, such as the White House.)

3.) They vanished because "the dog ate my homework".

("Computer crash" is so clearly a bogus excuse, that it is clear that the person who deleted the emails, would much rather face the blizzard of accusations of lying and obstruction it is clearly guilty of here, than face the consequences of whatever is being covered up by this email deletion. Therefore the thing(s) being covered up, are much worse than some low-level person lying and obstructing an investigation.)

4.) Consider too, that the Articles of Impeachment against Richard Nixon, approved by the House committee in 1974, stated that he should be impeached for (a) trying to misuse the IRS to go after his political enemies; (b) lying to Congress's investigative committees, (c) withholding documents subpoenaed by Congress; (d) lying to the public to fool them into thinking a thorough investigation had been done; (e) interfering with investigations by Congressional committees.

So far, we have clear evidence that SOMEBODY did all these things. But all that evidence can be applied, so far, to people inside the IRS - there is no clear evidence that anybody outside the IRS was involved.

Until a bunch of emails between the suspects in the IRS, and people in outside agencies, was suddenly and deliberately deleted. And with an excuse that nobody would ever buy.

Once that happened, it became clear that somebody wanted the communications between the IRS and those outside agencies (Treas, DoJ, White House) covered up... and was willing to face the consequences of such blatant destruction of evidence.

Nixon was about to be impeached for doing exactly that. But as of today, we don't have evidence that Barack Obama ordered documents subpoenaed by Congress withheld. Or that Obama ordered his employees to lie about what they knew. Or that Obama ordered the emails deleted. Or that Obama ordered the IRS to hold up approvals for conservative groups.

We only know, that someone did.

Did the emails between Lois Lerner and groups such as the White House, contain clear evidence that the orders came from the White House? Emails that just got so carefully and thoroughly deleted?

Answer: We don't know what was in those emails. But clearly, somebody certainly didn't want us to know what was in them.

The game just shifted into the big leagues.

Until today, only lower offices of the IRS, were guilty. But now we know that somebody didn't want their communications with higher offices, revealed. And was willing to commit an obviously obstructive act, to keep them secret.

Some IRS IT flunky who decided on his own to delete the emails (which is the lowest level this can now be spun at), can't be impeached. The most that can happen to him, is a firing... no doubt with a very generous separation package, reward for services rendered, and a quiet job with an obscure Democrat consulting firm.

But such a blatant and obvious act of obstruction, sufficient to get Richard Nixon impeached, created a situation much LESS dangerous to the people involved... than the revealing of the contents of those emails, would have created.

That's why those emails were deliberately and thoroughly deleted, in an act that couldn't possibly have been an accident, or a crash of just one computer.

The game just shifted into the big leagues. And it's barely in the first inning. This has just begun to get interesting.

The IRS are liars acting on the orders of the DOJ and the President himself. IT Professionals have already come forward and told Congress that the IRS is lying. "It is not feasible that in a layered system - as in the IRS - Emails would simple vanish"

When was the last time they lost YOUR IRS records. Perhaps the American people should just refuse to file taxes for the next 2 years and tell the IRS that "My records just vanished"

Wonder how that would go over?

This brought to you by the "most transparent administration" in History. Goddamned liars and criminal thugs.
BTW, any chance Jay Carney quit because he got wind of this "Computer crash caused the emails to vanish" load coming up soon, and didn't want to be in the position of having to explain something THAT ridiculous to people who knew better?

Now hang on there......remember what we were told...."Not a smidgeon of corruption" in the IRS. Surely the half-breed King wouldn't lie to us, now would he???? :D

These son-of-a bitches make Nixon look like a boy scout.
Now, if they tell us that the same people who built the Obamacare website set up the IRS computers, it might be believable. LOL

This excuse tells us that it is a scandal and they are guilty. The people in this administration are quite comfortable lying to the American people and feel that any excuse will do. This is lame, yet they expect that a good number of people are trained not to question them. The rest will be accused of racism, sexism or anti-government nuts.

Many libs will defend, or at least remain silent, because they aren't about to admit that their idols act like they are stupid enough to believe anything they are told. I expect the source(s) will be attacked whenever this is reported. Or they will say it happens all the time. Maybe somehow it's the Republican's fault. Bush did it. Blah blah blah

Anyone willing to look at this matter honestly can only conclude that some people are covering their asses. When lies fail and investigators are looking for answers, you must destroy the evidence.

What Nixon did was child's play compared to this group. And Hillary proved to be more corrupt than Nixon considering what she was willing to do to take him down. Glad she got caught. What Nixon did was serious, yet the things we've seen in recent years are far more serious and libs are okay with blatant corruption because the hands that feed them are involved.
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BTW, any chance Jay Carney quit because he got wind of this "Computer crash caused the emails to vanish" load coming up soon, and didn't want to be in the position of having to explain something THAT ridiculous to people who knew better?

Now hang on there......remember what we were told...."Not a smidgeon of corruption" in the IRS. Surely the half-breed King wouldn't lie to us, now would he???? :D

These son-of-a bitches make Nixon look like a boy scout.

Nixon was a Boy Scout!

How Many Us Presidents Were Boy Scouts? - Ask.com
BTW, any chance Jay Carney quit because he got wind of this "Computer crash caused the emails to vanish" load coming up soon, and didn't want to be in the position of having to explain something THAT ridiculous to people who knew better?

Oh how I would love to have seen that !!!!

He would be squirming, like it's a new dance, and back pedaling like a clown on a unicycle at a Barnum and Bailey circus !

He would have made Porky the Pig sound like a smooth speaker !
BTW, any chance Jay Carney quit because he got wind of this "Computer crash caused the emails to vanish" load coming up soon, and didn't want to be in the position of having to explain something THAT ridiculous to people who knew better?

Oh how I would love to have seen that !!!!

He would be squirming, like it's a new dance, and back pedaling like a clown on a unicycle at a Barnum and Bailey circus !

He would have made Porky the Pig sound like a smooth speaker !

There's still a lot of 'splainin' to do. Carney won't be doing it, but someone else will.

Paid liars are a dime a dozen in this administration.

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