What does the current iteration of conservatives have in common with fascism?

Seriously? That is the end goal of this current bunch of loonbats currently occupying the white house. Please just scurry along. I feel sorry for your ineptitude.

What evidence do you have which you believe is credible and proved your conclusion (end goal is to nationalize healthcare0. Do you know what the Nationalization of an industry entails?

Nationalization refers to the process of a government taking control of a company or industry, which can occur for a variety of reasons. When nationalization occurs, the former owners of the companies may or may not be compensated for their loss in net worth and potential income.

Nationalization is most common in developing countries subject to frequent leadership and regime changes. In these instances, nationalization is often a way for a government to expand its economic resources and power.

The opposite of nationalization is privatization, when government-owned companies are spun off into the private business sector.

See: Nationalization Definition | Investopedia

Once we establish enough rules for industries and create rules that force them to do the government's will then what is the difference between that and having and government owned industry that happens to do the same thing?

First consider this:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,"

Now, consider industry without controls, where every industry and business can operate without external rules and regulations. Dosa that make sense to you? No rules to regulate the disposal of chemicals, garbage, no zoning laws, no rules / regulation on polluting the air, water or soil.

How would you feel if a fish monger open his market in a home next to yours? Who buried the guts of fish cleaned in his backyard, adjacent to yours? Would that have an impact on your Rights?

Now, consider this:

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes"

The words written by Jefferson in the DoI clearly should give you pause to think about the ideology you seem to advocate. IMO there is no need to alter or abolish are system of government, especially because we can and have changed the course of governance by free, open and regular elections. Only by suppression of the Right to vote can one consider any iteration of governance becomes destructive to those ends.
You seem unclear on the concept of property rights.

You property rights end, where mine begin.
OK so you get it. So a fish monger opening a store next to my house and causing disgusting smells etc etc would be sued for violating my property rights. No regulation needed.
Some bullet points to consider:

  • Powerful and Continuing Expressions of Nationalism
  • Disdain for the Importance of Human Rights
  • Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
  • The Supremacy of the Military/Avid Militarism
  • Rampant Sexism
  • A Controlled Mass Media
  • Obsession with National Security
  • Religion and Ruling Elite Tied Together
  • Power of Corporations Protected
  • Power of Labor Suppressed or Eliminated
  • Disdain and Suppression of Intellectuals and the Arts
  • Obsession with Crime and Punishment
  • Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
  • Fraudulent Elections
What is Fascism?

Thanks to "Jim Bowie" for his suggestion that this post on a different thread be posted on its own. Now, I fully expect many responses will be ad hominem insults, idiot-grams and emoticons, and no actual effort to rebut the argument that the conservative movement has devolved into fascism.

It is obvious it has, and putting a flashlight on it is necessary to get some who support those whose rhetoric is framed by the bullet points to actually think.

There are two parts to your list. One part, the lion's share, can be applied to any form of government and the second part, those things don't even apply to fascism.

Why on Earth can people who are supposed to be so much smarter than the rest of us not know what fascism is?

I mean, damn! Read a fucking book!...lol
The O. P. threw out a list of highly provocative propaganda points..obviously developed by a Socialist...and pretended they were all accepted facts...the opposite being true. Then he says, like he has already made his case:

"Now, I fully expect many responses will be ad hominem insults, idiot-grams and emoticons, and no actual effort to rebut the argument that the conservative movement has devolved into fascism".

And he got the opposite...he got routed it looks like to me. He got beat about the head and shoulders by Logic and Reason. And he ended up resorting to responses that amounted to ad hominem insults and idiot-grams.

The conservative movement in America is based purely on Jeffersonian Ideal of individual Liberty and Responsibility. And there have been valid points made to that effect, and the O. P has simply lost his argument...leaving him with nothing more than the ultimate left-wing fallback--elementary school name-calling.


".obviously developed by a Socialist...and pretended they were all accepted facts...the opposite being true. Then he says, like he has already made his case:"

Are you a liar, or a moron, or both?

The question asked in the OP is this:

What does the current iteration of conservatives have in common with fascism?

And then I wrote:
Thanks to "Jim Bowie" for his suggestion that this post on a different thread be posted on its own. Now, I fully expect many responses will be ad hominem insults, idiot-grams and emoticons, and no actual effort to rebut the argument that the conservative movement has devolved into fascism.

It is obvious it has, and putting a flashlight on it is necessary to get some who support those whose rhetoric is framed by the bullet points to actually think.

Now, you are either as stupid or as intellectual lazy or as dishonest as most of the other clowns who posted above. And that is the problem manifest in the Crazy Right Wing!
The answer to the OP is "Nothing." Conservatism is the opposite of fascism. Socialism the mirror image of fascism. Trump is not a conservative. But Bernie Sanders is a socialist and he is a fascist.

lol, you're insane.
You are an idiot.
Impressive display of the same left wing talking points we have heard for years. Other than giving hyper partisans something to fill their day aruging over they serve no purpose.
Except for the whole Holocaust thing...

Wait, didn't Bush nationalize airport security?

Yeah, he did. He also created more govt, HS. O came along after that and nationalized healthcare. Theyre both doucheheads.

Nationalized healthcare? How did you come to this foolish conclusion?

Seriously? That is the end goal of this current bunch of loonbats currently occupying the white house. Please just scurry along. I feel sorry for your ineptitude.

What evidence do you have which you believe is credible and proved your conclusion (end goal is to nationalize healthcare0. Do you know what the Nationalization of an industry entails?

Nationalization refers to the process of a government taking control of a company or industry, which can occur for a variety of reasons. When nationalization occurs, the former owners of the companies may or may not be compensated for their loss in net worth and potential income.

Nationalization is most common in developing countries subject to frequent leadership and regime changes. In these instances, nationalization is often a way for a government to expand its economic resources and power.

The opposite of nationalization is privatization, when government-owned companies are spun off into the private business sector.

See: Nationalization Definition | Investopedia

Once we establish enough rules for industries and create rules that force them to do the government's will then what is the difference between that and having and government owned industry that happens to do the same thing?

Here's a question which may open your mind:

Why is their a rule in baseball which requires the Umpire to call "time out" before a substitution can be made by a team's manager?
Except for the whole Holocaust thing...

Wait, didn't Bush nationalize airport security?

Yeah, he did. He also created more govt, HS. O came along after that and nationalized healthcare. Theyre both doucheheads.

Nationalized healthcare? How did you come to this foolish conclusion?

Seriously? That is the end goal of this current bunch of loonbats currently occupying the white house. Please just scurry along. I feel sorry for your ineptitude.

What evidence do you have which you believe is credible and proved your conclusion (end goal is to nationalize healthcare0. Do you know what the Nationalization of an industry entails?
Barney Frank said he favoted single payer but didnt have the votes.
Barack Obama said he favored single payer.
Bernie Sanders favors single payer.
These people are mainstream in the Democratic Party so their views are widely shared. Single payer is the goal. Clearly.

A single payer system is not Socialism. It simply eliminates death panels which exists still even though some of the power of insurance companies to withhold payments has been reduced thanks to the PPACA.
Nationalized healthcare? How did you come to this foolish conclusion?

Seriously? That is the end goal of this current bunch of loonbats currently occupying the white house. Please just scurry along. I feel sorry for your ineptitude.

What evidence do you have which you believe is credible and proved your conclusion (end goal is to nationalize healthcare0. Do you know what the Nationalization of an industry entails?
Barney Frank said he favoted single payer but didnt have the votes.
Barack Obama said he favored single payer.
Bernie Sanders favors single payer.
These people are mainstream in the Democratic Party so their views are widely shared. Single payer is the goal. Clearly.

The argument comes down to semantic; whether single payer is technically nationalizing the industry, or not.
Who do you think the "single payer" is?

For one taking the profit out of healthcare. Did Jesus charge to treat the sick? For another it does not eliminate private for profit medical providers.
Last edited:
Impressive display of the same left wing talking points we have heard for years. Other than giving hyper partisans something to fill their day aruging over they serve no purpose.

True, however, this follows the lib tactic of shaming language. They've become quite adept at this nonsense recently and tagging anyone or anything they don't agree with a bigot, a hater, a fascist etc is what this is all about.

It's a conscious tactic that they use to shape the drones' opinions so they can all get on Facebook or wherever and claim moral high ground.

Never mind that it's senseless malarkey, that fact is left behind and all we see is the new faux reality that they'd like us to see. Say otherwise and out come the labels.....
What evidence do you have which you believe is credible and proved your conclusion (end goal is to nationalize healthcare0. Do you know what the Nationalization of an industry entails?

Nationalization refers to the process of a government taking control of a company or industry, which can occur for a variety of reasons. When nationalization occurs, the former owners of the companies may or may not be compensated for their loss in net worth and potential income.

Nationalization is most common in developing countries subject to frequent leadership and regime changes. In these instances, nationalization is often a way for a government to expand its economic resources and power.

The opposite of nationalization is privatization, when government-owned companies are spun off into the private business sector.

See: Nationalization Definition | Investopedia

Once we establish enough rules for industries and create rules that force them to do the government's will then what is the difference between that and having and government owned industry that happens to do the same thing?

First consider this:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,"

Now, consider industry without controls, where every industry and business can operate without external rules and regulations. Dosa that make sense to you? No rules to regulate the disposal of chemicals, garbage, no zoning laws, no rules / regulation on polluting the air, water or soil.

How would you feel if a fish monger open his market in a home next to yours? Who buried the guts of fish cleaned in his backyard, adjacent to yours? Would that have an impact on your Rights?

Now, consider this:

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes"

The words written by Jefferson in the DoI clearly should give you pause to think about the ideology you seem to advocate. IMO there is no need to alter or abolish are system of government, especially because we can and have changed the course of governance by free, open and regular elections. Only by suppression of the Right to vote can one consider any iteration of governance becomes destructive to those ends.
You seem unclear on the concept of property rights.

You property rights end, where mine begin.
OK so you get it. So a fish monger opening a store next to my house and causing disgusting smells etc etc would be sued for violating my property rights. No regulation needed.

Your ignorance is amazing. What are the elements necessary to win a civil suit, do you know?

  1. The defendant must have a duty to the plaintiff (in this case to be a good neighbor is likely too subjective)
  2. The defendant must have breached that duty (thus they must have violated a law, such as a zoning ordinance in the example)
  3. The plaintiff needs to prove damages
And, BTW, filing a law suit is costly, takes months to get on calendar, and if the defendant fails to pay any damages found by the court, there is no means of collecting said judgment - keep in mind one can ask the court (for a fee and after a long delay) to attach wages (maybe) or put a lean on a property or business which only last (CA law) for ten years, and then can be extended by once again paying a fee and pleading before the court.
The O. P. threw out a list of highly provocative propaganda points..obviously developed by a Socialist...and pretended they were all accepted facts...the opposite being true. Then he says, like he has already made his case:

"Now, I fully expect many responses will be ad hominem insults, idiot-grams and emoticons, and no actual effort to rebut the argument that the conservative movement has devolved into fascism".

And he got the opposite...he got routed it looks like to me. He got beat about the head and shoulders by Logic and Reason. And he ended up resorting to responses that amounted to ad hominem insults and idiot-grams.

The conservative movement in America is based purely on Jeffersonian Ideal of individual Liberty and Responsibility. And there have been valid points made to that effect, and the O. P has simply lost his argument...leaving him with nothing more than the ultimate left-wing fallback--elementary school name-calling.


".obviously developed by a Socialist...and pretended they were all accepted facts...the opposite being true. Then he says, like he has already made his case:"

Are you a liar, or a moron, or both?

The question asked in the OP is this:

What does the current iteration of conservatives have in common with fascism?

And then I wrote:
Thanks to "Jim Bowie" for his suggestion that this post on a different thread be posted on its own. Now, I fully expect many responses will be ad hominem insults, idiot-grams and emoticons, and no actual effort to rebut the argument that the conservative movement has devolved into fascism.

It is obvious it has, and putting a flashlight on it is necessary to get some who support those whose rhetoric is framed by the bullet points to actually think.

Now, you are either as stupid or as intellectual lazy or as dishonest as most of the other clowns who posted above. And that is the problem manifest in the Crazy Right Wing!
The answer to the OP is "Nothing." Conservatism is the opposite of fascism. Socialism the mirror image of fascism. Trump is not a conservative. But Bernie Sanders is a socialist and he is a fascist.

lol, you're insane.
You are an idiot.

Even idiots comprehend reality, the insane, by definition, do not.
Seriously? That is the end goal of this current bunch of loonbats currently occupying the white house. Please just scurry along. I feel sorry for your ineptitude.

What evidence do you have which you believe is credible and proved your conclusion (end goal is to nationalize healthcare0. Do you know what the Nationalization of an industry entails?
Barney Frank said he favoted single payer but didnt have the votes.
Barack Obama said he favored single payer.
Bernie Sanders favors single payer.
These people are mainstream in the Democratic Party so their views are widely shared. Single payer is the goal. Clearly.

The argument comes down to semantic; whether single payer is technically nationalizing the industry, or not.
Who do you think the "single payer" is?

For one taking the profit out of healthcare. Did Jesus charge to treat the sick? For another it does not eliminate private for profit medical providers.

Lol. Dont even try to get all sanctimonious on us. Jesus healing the sick has nothing to do with our worthless obamacare.
Yeah, he did. He also created more govt, HS. O came along after that and nationalized healthcare. Theyre both doucheheads.

Nationalized healthcare? How did you come to this foolish conclusion?

Seriously? That is the end goal of this current bunch of loonbats currently occupying the white house. Please just scurry along. I feel sorry for your ineptitude.

What evidence do you have which you believe is credible and proved your conclusion (end goal is to nationalize healthcare0. Do you know what the Nationalization of an industry entails?

Nationalization refers to the process of a government taking control of a company or industry, which can occur for a variety of reasons. When nationalization occurs, the former owners of the companies may or may not be compensated for their loss in net worth and potential income.

Nationalization is most common in developing countries subject to frequent leadership and regime changes. In these instances, nationalization is often a way for a government to expand its economic resources and power.

The opposite of nationalization is privatization, when government-owned companies are spun off into the private business sector.

See: Nationalization Definition | Investopedia

Once we establish enough rules for industries and create rules that force them to do the government's will then what is the difference between that and having and government owned industry that happens to do the same thing?

Here's a question which may open your mind:

Why is their a rule in baseball which requires the Umpire to call "time out" before a substitution can be made by a team's manager?

The O. P. threw out a list of highly provocative propaganda points..obviously developed by a Socialist...and pretended they were all accepted facts...the opposite being true. Then he says, like he has already made his case:

"Now, I fully expect many responses will be ad hominem insults, idiot-grams and emoticons, and no actual effort to rebut the argument that the conservative movement has devolved into fascism".

And he got the opposite...he got routed it looks like to me. He got beat about the head and shoulders by Logic and Reason. And he ended up resorting to responses that amounted to ad hominem insults and idiot-grams.

The conservative movement in America is based purely on Jeffersonian Ideal of individual Liberty and Responsibility. And there have been valid points made to that effect, and the O. P has simply lost his argument...leaving him with nothing more than the ultimate left-wing fallback--elementary school name-calling.


".obviously developed by a Socialist...and pretended they were all accepted facts...the opposite being true. Then he says, like he has already made his case:"

Are you a liar, or a moron, or both?

The question asked in the OP is this:

What does the current iteration of conservatives have in common with fascism?

And then I wrote:
Thanks to "Jim Bowie" for his suggestion that this post on a different thread be posted on its own. Now, I fully expect many responses will be ad hominem insults, idiot-grams and emoticons, and no actual effort to rebut the argument that the conservative movement has devolved into fascism.

It is obvious it has, and putting a flashlight on it is necessary to get some who support those whose rhetoric is framed by the bullet points to actually think.

Now, you are either as stupid or as intellectual lazy or as dishonest as most of the other clowns who posted above. And that is the problem manifest in the Crazy Right Wing!
The answer to the OP is "Nothing." Conservatism is the opposite of fascism. Socialism the mirror image of fascism. Trump is not a conservative. But Bernie Sanders is a socialist and he is a fascist.

lol, you're insane.
You are an idiot.

Even idiots comprehend reality, the insane, by definition, do not.

Your own quote from the post that started this thread:

"Now, I fully expect many responses will be ad hominem insults, idiot-grams and emoticons, and no actual effort to rebut the argument..."

Feel like a Fool? Probably, but can never admit it.

Look like a Fool to others? Absolutely
Impressive display of the same left wing talking points we have heard for years. Other than giving hyper partisans something to fill their day aruging over they serve no purpose.

144 posts, mostly ad hominems or other logical fallacies and yet not one rebuttal of substance. In one respect you are spot on, an impression display of denial - putting a flashlight on the words and actions of the extreme element which has infected the Republican Party has had an effect - not of enlightenment or even a mild case of introspection no one is so blind, as the willfully ignorant and the brainwashed.
What evidence do you have which you believe is credible and proved your conclusion (end goal is to nationalize healthcare0. Do you know what the Nationalization of an industry entails?
Barney Frank said he favoted single payer but didnt have the votes.
Barack Obama said he favored single payer.
Bernie Sanders favors single payer.
These people are mainstream in the Democratic Party so their views are widely shared. Single payer is the goal. Clearly.

The argument comes down to semantic; whether single payer is technically nationalizing the industry, or not.
Who do you think the "single payer" is?

For one taking the profit out of healthcare. Did Jesus charge to treat the sick? For another it does not eliminate private for profit medical providers.

Lol. Dont even try to get all sanctimonious on us. Jesus healing the sick has nothing to do with our worthless obamacare.

The point is, Jesus didn't profit from good works, nor did he teach the hungry how to fish, he feed them. So let's not pretend the New Right, the callous conservatives, are Christian in deeds, wearing a cross and a flag pin does not make one a patriot or a Christian.
Nationalized healthcare? How did you come to this foolish conclusion?

Seriously? That is the end goal of this current bunch of loonbats currently occupying the white house. Please just scurry along. I feel sorry for your ineptitude.

What evidence do you have which you believe is credible and proved your conclusion (end goal is to nationalize healthcare0. Do you know what the Nationalization of an industry entails?

Nationalization refers to the process of a government taking control of a company or industry, which can occur for a variety of reasons. When nationalization occurs, the former owners of the companies may or may not be compensated for their loss in net worth and potential income.

Nationalization is most common in developing countries subject to frequent leadership and regime changes. In these instances, nationalization is often a way for a government to expand its economic resources and power.

The opposite of nationalization is privatization, when government-owned companies are spun off into the private business sector.

See: Nationalization Definition | Investopedia

Once we establish enough rules for industries and create rules that force them to do the government's will then what is the difference between that and having and government owned industry that happens to do the same thing?

Here's a question which may open your mind:

Why is their a rule in baseball which requires the Umpire to call "time out" before a substitution can be made by a team's manager?

".obviously developed by a Socialist...and pretended they were all accepted facts...the opposite being true. Then he says, like he has already made his case:"

Are you a liar, or a moron, or both?

The question asked in the OP is this:

What does the current iteration of conservatives have in common with fascism?

And then I wrote:
Thanks to "Jim Bowie" for his suggestion that this post on a different thread be posted on its own. Now, I fully expect many responses will be ad hominem insults, idiot-grams and emoticons, and no actual effort to rebut the argument that the conservative movement has devolved into fascism.

It is obvious it has, and putting a flashlight on it is necessary to get some who support those whose rhetoric is framed by the bullet points to actually think.

Now, you are either as stupid or as intellectual lazy or as dishonest as most of the other clowns who posted above. And that is the problem manifest in the Crazy Right Wing!
The answer to the OP is "Nothing." Conservatism is the opposite of fascism. Socialism the mirror image of fascism. Trump is not a conservative. But Bernie Sanders is a socialist and he is a fascist.

lol, you're insane.
You are an idiot.

Even idiots comprehend reality, the insane, by definition, do not.

Your own quote from the post that started this thread:

"Now, I fully expect many responses will be ad hominem insults, idiot-grams and emoticons, and no actual effort to rebut the argument..."

Feel like a Fool? Probably, but can never admit it.

Look like a Fool to others? Absolutely

Thanks for sharing, I don't feel like a fool; feelings are emotions exemplified by your post - and therefore subject to a realtiy test. Do you believe I'm a fool, I suppose you do since you expressed that opinion; yet my use of syntax and language are sufficient to prove otherwise - non sequiturs and emotional opinions such as yours, not so much.

You have every right and the privilege to disagree with my conclusion, but you have misconstrued the essence of this thread. Read the title and offer evidence (prove the negative) that each bullet point does not refect the words and actions of some, not all conservatives, and that generally applies to the current powers in control of the Republican Party in this decade of the 21st Century.

That is a task very difficult, but along with your right to call me names and express your opinion comes responsibility; when modified by personal, responsibility is used often by biased callous conservatives to portray a character flaw in the working poor, and minorities stuck in poverty.

Prove you do not have such a character flaw!
Seriously? That is the end goal of this current bunch of loonbats currently occupying the white house. Please just scurry along. I feel sorry for your ineptitude.

What evidence do you have which you believe is credible and proved your conclusion (end goal is to nationalize healthcare0. Do you know what the Nationalization of an industry entails?

Nationalization refers to the process of a government taking control of a company or industry, which can occur for a variety of reasons. When nationalization occurs, the former owners of the companies may or may not be compensated for their loss in net worth and potential income.

Nationalization is most common in developing countries subject to frequent leadership and regime changes. In these instances, nationalization is often a way for a government to expand its economic resources and power.

The opposite of nationalization is privatization, when government-owned companies are spun off into the private business sector.

See: Nationalization Definition | Investopedia

Once we establish enough rules for industries and create rules that force them to do the government's will then what is the difference between that and having and government owned industry that happens to do the same thing?

Here's a question which may open your mind:

Why is their a rule in baseball which requires the Umpire to call "time out" before a substitution can be made by a team's manager?

The answer to the OP is "Nothing." Conservatism is the opposite of fascism. Socialism the mirror image of fascism. Trump is not a conservative. But Bernie Sanders is a socialist and he is a fascist.

lol, you're insane.
You are an idiot.

Even idiots comprehend reality, the insane, by definition, do not.

Your own quote from the post that started this thread:

"Now, I fully expect many responses will be ad hominem insults, idiot-grams and emoticons, and no actual effort to rebut the argument..."

Feel like a Fool? Probably, but can never admit it.

Look like a Fool to others? Absolutely

Thanks for sharing, I don't feel like a fool; feelings are emotions exemplified by your post - and therefore subject to a realtiy test. Do you believe I'm a fool, I suppose you do since you expressed that opinion; yet my use of syntax and language are sufficient to prove otherwise - non sequiturs and emotional opinions such as yours, not so much.

You have every right and the privilege to disagree with my conclusion, but you have misconstrued the essence of this thread. Read the title and offer evidence (prove the negative) that each bullet point does not refect the words and actions of some, not all conservatives, and that generally applies to the current powers in control of the Republican Party in this decade of the 21st Century.

That is a task very difficult, but along with your right to call me names and express your opinion comes responsibility; when modified by personal, responsibility is used often by biased callous conservatives to portray a character flaw in the working poor, and minorities stuck in poverty.

Prove you do not have such a character flaw!

No sir...I will not address your bull-shit bullet points which amount to you opinion...which you somehow thinks are facts. You should be proving that they apply to conservatives. You have not done that; not even started....they are allegations. Fuck you.
The O. P. threw out a list of highly provocative propaganda points..obviously developed by a Socialist...and pretended they were all accepted facts...the opposite being true. Then he says, like he has already made his case:

"Now, I fully expect many responses will be ad hominem insults, idiot-grams and emoticons, and no actual effort to rebut the argument that the conservative movement has devolved into fascism".

And he got the opposite...he got routed it looks like to me. He got beat about the head and shoulders by Logic and Reason. And he ended up resorting to responses that amounted to ad hominem insults and idiot-grams.

The conservative movement in America is based purely on Jeffersonian Ideal of individual Liberty and Responsibility. And there have been valid points made to that effect, and the O. P has simply lost his argument...leaving him with nothing more than the ultimate left-wing fallback--elementary school name-calling.


".obviously developed by a Socialist...and pretended they were all accepted facts...the opposite being true. Then he says, like he has already made his case:"

Are you a liar, or a moron, or both?

The question asked in the OP is this:

What does the current iteration of conservatives have in common with fascism?

And then I wrote:
Thanks to "Jim Bowie" for his suggestion that this post on a different thread be posted on its own. Now, I fully expect many responses will be ad hominem insults, idiot-grams and emoticons, and no actual effort to rebut the argument that the conservative movement has devolved into fascism.

It is obvious it has, and putting a flashlight on it is necessary to get some who support those whose rhetoric is framed by the bullet points to actually think.

Now, you are either as stupid or as intellectual lazy or as dishonest as most of the other clowns who posted above. And that is the problem manifest in the Crazy Right Wing!
The answer to the OP is "Nothing." Conservatism is the opposite of fascism. Socialism the mirror image of fascism. Trump is not a conservative. But Bernie Sanders is a socialist and he is a fascist.

lol, you're insane.
You are an idiot.

Even idiots comprehend reality, the insane, by definition, do not.
Only an idiot would actually believe that....
What evidence do you have which you believe is credible and proved your conclusion (end goal is to nationalize healthcare0. Do you know what the Nationalization of an industry entails?

Nationalization refers to the process of a government taking control of a company or industry, which can occur for a variety of reasons. When nationalization occurs, the former owners of the companies may or may not be compensated for their loss in net worth and potential income.

Nationalization is most common in developing countries subject to frequent leadership and regime changes. In these instances, nationalization is often a way for a government to expand its economic resources and power.

The opposite of nationalization is privatization, when government-owned companies are spun off into the private business sector.

See: Nationalization Definition | Investopedia

Once we establish enough rules for industries and create rules that force them to do the government's will then what is the difference between that and having and government owned industry that happens to do the same thing?

Here's a question which may open your mind:

Why is their a rule in baseball which requires the Umpire to call "time out" before a substitution can be made by a team's manager?

lol, you're insane.
You are an idiot.

Even idiots comprehend reality, the insane, by definition, do not.

Your own quote from the post that started this thread:

"Now, I fully expect many responses will be ad hominem insults, idiot-grams and emoticons, and no actual effort to rebut the argument..."

Feel like a Fool? Probably, but can never admit it.

Look like a Fool to others? Absolutely

Thanks for sharing, I don't feel like a fool; feelings are emotions exemplified by your post - and therefore subject to a realtiy test. Do you believe I'm a fool, I suppose you do since you expressed that opinion; yet my use of syntax and language are sufficient to prove otherwise - non sequiturs and emotional opinions such as yours, not so much.

You have every right and the privilege to disagree with my conclusion, but you have misconstrued the essence of this thread. Read the title and offer evidence (prove the negative) that each bullet point does not refect the words and actions of some, not all conservatives, and that generally applies to the current powers in control of the Republican Party in this decade of the 21st Century.

That is a task very difficult, but along with your right to call me names and express your opinion comes responsibility; when modified by personal, responsibility is used often by biased callous conservatives to portray a character flaw in the working poor, and minorities stuck in poverty.

Prove you do not have such a character flaw!

No sir...I will not address your bull-shit bullet points which amount to you opinion...which you somehow thinks are facts. You should be proving that they apply to conservatives. You have not done that; not even started....they are allegations. Fuck you.

LOL Mea Culpa, I was wrong in suggesting you might have a character flaw when it is now obvious you suffer from a personality disorder.
This is just a reminder......the points in the very first thread are just cosmetic....they are used by the left to hide the fact that the left is the home of socialism...of which Fascism is just one flavor.........our democrat party and their brownshirts are the fascists of the United States...

Fascism: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer. The word derives from fasces, the Roman symbol of collectivism and power: a tied bundle of rods with a protruding ax. In its day (the 1920s and 1930s), fascism was seen as the happy medium between boom-and-bust-prone liberal capitalism, with its alleged class conflict, wasteful competition, and profit-oriented egoism, and revolutionary Marxism, with its violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie.
Fascism substituted the particularity of nationalism and racialism—“blood and soil”—for the internationalism of both classical liberalism and Marxism.
Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners.

Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest”—that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it. (Nevertheless, a few industries were operated by the state.)
Where socialism abolished all market relations outright, fascism left the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities. Where socialism abolished money and prices, fascism controlled the monetary system and set all prices and wages politically.

In doing all this, fascism denatured the marketplace.Entrepreneurship was abolished. State ministries, rather than consumers, determined what was produced and under what conditions.
".obviously developed by a Socialist...and pretended they were all accepted facts...the opposite being true. Then he says, like he has already made his case:"

Are you a liar, or a moron, or both?

The question asked in the OP is this:

What does the current iteration of conservatives have in common with fascism?

And then I wrote:
Thanks to "Jim Bowie" for his suggestion that this post on a different thread be posted on its own. Now, I fully expect many responses will be ad hominem insults, idiot-grams and emoticons, and no actual effort to rebut the argument that the conservative movement has devolved into fascism.

It is obvious it has, and putting a flashlight on it is necessary to get some who support those whose rhetoric is framed by the bullet points to actually think.

Now, you are either as stupid or as intellectual lazy or as dishonest as most of the other clowns who posted above. And that is the problem manifest in the Crazy Right Wing!
The answer to the OP is "Nothing." Conservatism is the opposite of fascism. Socialism the mirror image of fascism. Trump is not a conservative. But Bernie Sanders is a socialist and he is a fascist.

lol, you're insane.
You are an idiot.

Even idiots comprehend reality, the insane, by definition, do not.
Only an idiot would actually believe that....

LOL You have not posted anything to suggest you are not intellectually challenged and/or brainwashed by RW propaganda.

BTW, Idiot is not defined in the DSM, nor is insane. Both are archaic terms and used today used as pejoratives. by posting, "lol, you're insane" was meant to insult you, and to express my opinion based on your remarks (evidence) that you are not open to thinking about things which challenge your beliefs (biases). I find nothing you've posted in this matter thoughtful or thought provoking.

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