What does the current iteration of conservatives have in common with fascism?

Another meme of the history revisionists to put to rest:

"Fascists made no secret of their hatred of Marxists of all stripes, from totalitarian communists to democratic socialists. Fascists promised to deal more “firmly” with Marxists than had earlier, more democratic rightist parties. Mussolini first made his reputation as a fascist by unleashing armed squads of Blackshirts on striking workers and peasants in 1920–21. Many early Nazis had served in the Freikorps, the paramilitary groups formed by ex-soldiers to suppress leftist activism in Germany at the end of World War I. The Nazi SA (Sturmabteilung [“Assault Division”], or Brownshirts) clashed regularly with German leftists in the streets before 1933, and when Hitler came to power he sent hundreds of Marxists to concentration camps and intimidated “red” neighbourhoods with police raids and beatings."

I suppose Gov. Walker must be considered fascist lite, he only wanted to take away the right to collective bargaining.

Hmmm. is this a familar refran from the right?

"Some of the ugliest aspects of fascism—intolerance, repression, and violence—were fueled by what fascists saw as a morally justified struggle against “decadence.” For fascists, decadence meant a number of things: materialism, self-indulgence, hedonism, cowardice, and physical and moral softness. It was also associated with rationalism, skepticism, atheism, humanitarianism, and political, economic, and gender democracy, as well as rule by the Darwinian unfit, by the weak and the “female.” For anti-Semitic fascists, Jews were the most decadent of all.""

Both from the link at the Encyclopedia Britannica posted above.
Last edited:
Another meme of the history revisionists to put to rest:

"Fascists made no secret of their hatred of Marxists of all stripes, from totalitarian communists to democratic socialists. Fascists promised to deal more “firmly” with Marxists than had earlier, more democratic rightist parties. Mussolini first made his reputation as a fascist by unleashing armed squads of Blackshirts on striking workers and peasants in 1920–21. Many early Nazis had served in the Freikorps, the paramilitary groups formed by ex-soldiers to suppress leftist activism in Germany at the end of World War I. The Nazi SA (Sturmabteilung [“Assault Division”], or Brownshirts) clashed regularly with German leftists in the streets before 1933, and when Hitler came to power he sent hundreds of Marxists to concentration camps and intimidated “red” neighbourhoods with police raids and beatings."

I suppose Gov. Walker must be considered fascist lite, he only wanted to take away the right to collective bargaining.

Hmmm. is this a familar refran from the right?

"Some of the ugliest aspects of fascism—intolerance, repression, and violence—were fueled by what fascists saw as a morally justified struggle against “decadence.” For fascists, decadence meant a number of things: materialism, self-indulgence, hedonism, cowardice, and physical and moral softness. It was also associated with rationalism, skepticism, atheism, humanitarianism, and political, economic, and gender democracy, as well as rule by the Darwinian unfit, by the weak and the “female.” For anti-Semitic fascists, Jews were the most decadent of all.""

Both from the link at the Encyclopedia Britannica posted above.
Here is some right wing intolerance, repression and violence for you
Another meme of the history revisionists to put to rest:

"Fascists made no secret of their hatred of Marxists of all stripes, from totalitarian communists to democratic socialists. Fascists promised to deal more “firmly” with Marxists than had earlier, more democratic rightist parties. Mussolini first made his reputation as a fascist by unleashing armed squads of Blackshirts on striking workers and peasants in 1920–21. Many early Nazis had served in the Freikorps, the paramilitary groups formed by ex-soldiers to suppress leftist activism in Germany at the end of World War I. The Nazi SA (Sturmabteilung [“Assault Division”], or Brownshirts) clashed regularly with German leftists in the streets before 1933, and when Hitler came to power he sent hundreds of Marxists to concentration camps and intimidated “red” neighbourhoods with police raids and beatings."

I suppose Gov. Walker must be considered fascist lite, he only wanted to take away the right to collective bargaining.

Hmmm. is this a familar refran from the right?

"Some of the ugliest aspects of fascism—intolerance, repression, and violence—were fueled by what fascists saw as a morally justified struggle against “decadence.” For fascists, decadence meant a number of things: materialism, self-indulgence, hedonism, cowardice, and physical and moral softness. It was also associated with rationalism, skepticism, atheism, humanitarianism, and political, economic, and gender democracy, as well as rule by the Darwinian unfit, by the weak and the “female.” For anti-Semitic fascists, Jews were the most decadent of all.""

Both from the link at the Encyclopedia Britannica posted above.
Here is some right wing intolerance, repression and violence for you

IF you had read any of the links (and if you could do so without reading with bias, which is impossible for you) you would see the behavior of people on the far left, and people on the far right are not different, and few on my side of the aisle would disagree. Extremism in terms of intolerance, violence and repression is common and not restricted to one side of the aisle or the other.

We saw violence from the far left (The SLA being the most graphic) and violence from the far right at the Atlanta Olympics and by the same AH who murdered human beings at the Abortion Clinic, (Rudolph) and the other murder who killed Dr. Tiller (Roeder). I put the Unabomber and the bomber of the Fed. Bld in OKC in the category of evil pieces of shit, not left, not right just evil.
Another meme of the history revisionists to put to rest:

"Fascists made no secret of their hatred of Marxists of all stripes, from totalitarian communists to democratic socialists. Fascists promised to deal more “firmly” with Marxists than had earlier, more democratic rightist parties. Mussolini first made his reputation as a fascist by unleashing armed squads of Blackshirts on striking workers and peasants in 1920–21. Many early Nazis had served in the Freikorps, the paramilitary groups formed by ex-soldiers to suppress leftist activism in Germany at the end of World War I. The Nazi SA (Sturmabteilung [“Assault Division”], or Brownshirts) clashed regularly with German leftists in the streets before 1933, and when Hitler came to power he sent hundreds of Marxists to concentration camps and intimidated “red” neighbourhoods with police raids and beatings."

I suppose Gov. Walker must be considered fascist lite, he only wanted to take away the right to collective bargaining.

Hmmm. is this a familar refran from the right?

"Some of the ugliest aspects of fascism—intolerance, repression, and violence—were fueled by what fascists saw as a morally justified struggle against “decadence.” For fascists, decadence meant a number of things: materialism, self-indulgence, hedonism, cowardice, and physical and moral softness. It was also associated with rationalism, skepticism, atheism, humanitarianism, and political, economic, and gender democracy, as well as rule by the Darwinian unfit, by the weak and the “female.” For anti-Semitic fascists, Jews were the most decadent of all.""

Both from the link at the Encyclopedia Britannica posted above.
Here is some right wing intolerance, repression and violence for you

IF you had read any of the links (and if you could do so without reading with bias, which is impossible for you) you would see the behavior of people on the far left, and people on the far right are not different, and few on my side of the aisle would disagree. Extremism in terms of intolerance, violence and repression is common and not restricted to one side of the aisle or the other.

We saw violence from the far left (The SLA being the most graphic) and violence from the far right at the Atlanta Olympics and by the same AH who murdered human beings at the Abortion Clinic, (Rudolph) and the other murder who killed Dr. Tiller (Roeder). I put the Unabomber and the bomber of the Fed. Bld in OKC in the category of evil pieces of shit, not left, not right just evil.

One nutjob killing people represents the "far right"? This is why arguing with you is impossible. You are simply too stupid.
Another meme of the history revisionists to put to rest:

"Fascists made no secret of their hatred of Marxists of all stripes, from totalitarian communists to democratic socialists. Fascists promised to deal more “firmly” with Marxists than had earlier, more democratic rightist parties. Mussolini first made his reputation as a fascist by unleashing armed squads of Blackshirts on striking workers and peasants in 1920–21. Many early Nazis had served in the Freikorps, the paramilitary groups formed by ex-soldiers to suppress leftist activism in Germany at the end of World War I. The Nazi SA (Sturmabteilung [“Assault Division”], or Brownshirts) clashed regularly with German leftists in the streets before 1933, and when Hitler came to power he sent hundreds of Marxists to concentration camps and intimidated “red” neighbourhoods with police raids and beatings."

I suppose Gov. Walker must be considered fascist lite, he only wanted to take away the right to collective bargaining.

Hmmm. is this a familar refran from the right?

"Some of the ugliest aspects of fascism—intolerance, repression, and violence—were fueled by what fascists saw as a morally justified struggle against “decadence.” For fascists, decadence meant a number of things: materialism, self-indulgence, hedonism, cowardice, and physical and moral softness. It was also associated with rationalism, skepticism, atheism, humanitarianism, and political, economic, and gender democracy, as well as rule by the Darwinian unfit, by the weak and the “female.” For anti-Semitic fascists, Jews were the most decadent of all.""

Both from the link at the Encyclopedia Britannica posted above.
Here is some right wing intolerance, repression and violence for you

IF you had read any of the links (and if you could do so without reading with bias, which is impossible for you) you would see the behavior of people on the far left, and people on the far right are not different, and few on my side of the aisle would disagree. Extremism in terms of intolerance, violence and repression is common and not restricted to one side of the aisle or the other.

We saw violence from the far left (The SLA being the most graphic) and violence from the far right at the Atlanta Olympics and by the same AH who murdered human beings at the Abortion Clinic, (Rudolph) and the other murder who killed Dr. Tiller (Roeder). I put the Unabomber and the bomber of the Fed. Bld in OKC in the category of evil pieces of shit, not left, not right just evil.

One nutjob killing people represents the "far right"? This is why arguing with you is impossible. You are simply too stupid.

I'm stupid? Thanks for your opinion, and please explain to me how you comport my example so broadly, especially when a graphic example of the far left was part of the statement? Of course this is a rhetorical question, I know the answer as do most of the regulars here: Because you're a dishonest piece of shit!
Another meme of the history revisionists to put to rest:

"Fascists made no secret of their hatred of Marxists of all stripes, from totalitarian communists to democratic socialists. Fascists promised to deal more “firmly” with Marxists than had earlier, more democratic rightist parties. Mussolini first made his reputation as a fascist by unleashing armed squads of Blackshirts on striking workers and peasants in 1920–21. Many early Nazis had served in the Freikorps, the paramilitary groups formed by ex-soldiers to suppress leftist activism in Germany at the end of World War I. The Nazi SA (Sturmabteilung [“Assault Division”], or Brownshirts) clashed regularly with German leftists in the streets before 1933, and when Hitler came to power he sent hundreds of Marxists to concentration camps and intimidated “red” neighbourhoods with police raids and beatings."

I suppose Gov. Walker must be considered fascist lite, he only wanted to take away the right to collective bargaining.

Hmmm. is this a familar refran from the right?

"Some of the ugliest aspects of fascism—intolerance, repression, and violence—were fueled by what fascists saw as a morally justified struggle against “decadence.” For fascists, decadence meant a number of things: materialism, self-indulgence, hedonism, cowardice, and physical and moral softness. It was also associated with rationalism, skepticism, atheism, humanitarianism, and political, economic, and gender democracy, as well as rule by the Darwinian unfit, by the weak and the “female.” For anti-Semitic fascists, Jews were the most decadent of all.""

Both from the link at the Encyclopedia Britannica posted above.
Here is some right wing intolerance, repression and violence for you

IF you had read any of the links (and if you could do so without reading with bias, which is impossible for you) you would see the behavior of people on the far left, and people on the far right are not different, and few on my side of the aisle would disagree. Extremism in terms of intolerance, violence and repression is common and not restricted to one side of the aisle or the other.

We saw violence from the far left (The SLA being the most graphic) and violence from the far right at the Atlanta Olympics and by the same AH who murdered human beings at the Abortion Clinic, (Rudolph) and the other murder who killed Dr. Tiller (Roeder). I put the Unabomber and the bomber of the Fed. Bld in OKC in the category of evil pieces of shit, not left, not right just evil.

One nutjob killing people represents the "far right"? This is why arguing with you is impossible. You are simply too stupid.

I'm stupid? Thanks for your opinion, and please explain to me how you comport my example so broadly, especially when a graphic example of the far left was part of the statement? Of course this is a rhetorical question, I know the answer as do most of the regulars here: Because you're a dishonest piece of shit!

How does one "comport an example"? Oh yeah, if you're barely literate it makes perfect sense. Like most of your posts. Because you are stupid.
Another meme of the history revisionists to put to rest:

"Fascists made no secret of their hatred of Marxists of all stripes, from totalitarian communists to democratic socialists. Fascists promised to deal more “firmly” with Marxists than had earlier, more democratic rightist parties. Mussolini first made his reputation as a fascist by unleashing armed squads of Blackshirts on striking workers and peasants in 1920–21. Many early Nazis had served in the Freikorps, the paramilitary groups formed by ex-soldiers to suppress leftist activism in Germany at the end of World War I. The Nazi SA (Sturmabteilung [“Assault Division”], or Brownshirts) clashed regularly with German leftists in the streets before 1933, and when Hitler came to power he sent hundreds of Marxists to concentration camps and intimidated “red” neighbourhoods with police raids and beatings."

I suppose Gov. Walker must be considered fascist lite, he only wanted to take away the right to collective bargaining.

Hmmm. is this a familar refran from the right?

"Some of the ugliest aspects of fascism—intolerance, repression, and violence—were fueled by what fascists saw as a morally justified struggle against “decadence.” For fascists, decadence meant a number of things: materialism, self-indulgence, hedonism, cowardice, and physical and moral softness. It was also associated with rationalism, skepticism, atheism, humanitarianism, and political, economic, and gender democracy, as well as rule by the Darwinian unfit, by the weak and the “female.” For anti-Semitic fascists, Jews were the most decadent of all.""

Both from the link at the Encyclopedia Britannica posted above.
Here is some right wing intolerance, repression and violence for you

IF you had read any of the links (and if you could do so without reading with bias, which is impossible for you) you would see the behavior of people on the far left, and people on the far right are not different, and few on my side of the aisle would disagree. Extremism in terms of intolerance, violence and repression is common and not restricted to one side of the aisle or the other.

We saw violence from the far left (The SLA being the most graphic) and violence from the far right at the Atlanta Olympics and by the same AH who murdered human beings at the Abortion Clinic, (Rudolph) and the other murder who killed Dr. Tiller (Roeder). I put the Unabomber and the bomber of the Fed. Bld in OKC in the category of evil pieces of shit, not left, not right just evil.

One nutjob killing people represents the "far right"? This is why arguing with you is impossible. You are simply too stupid.

I'm stupid? Thanks for your opinion, and please explain to me how you comport my example so broadly, especially when a graphic example of the far left was part of the statement? Of course this is a rhetorical question, I know the answer as do most of the regulars here: Because you're a dishonest piece of shit!

How does one "comport an example"? Oh yeah, if you're barely literate it makes perfect sense. Like most of your posts. Because you are stupid.

Mea culpa, I wrote comport, I meant conflate.

My mistake was not in my conclusion, you remain a dishonest piece of shit.
Here is some right wing intolerance, repression and violence for you

IF you had read any of the links (and if you could do so without reading with bias, which is impossible for you) you would see the behavior of people on the far left, and people on the far right are not different, and few on my side of the aisle would disagree. Extremism in terms of intolerance, violence and repression is common and not restricted to one side of the aisle or the other.

We saw violence from the far left (The SLA being the most graphic) and violence from the far right at the Atlanta Olympics and by the same AH who murdered human beings at the Abortion Clinic, (Rudolph) and the other murder who killed Dr. Tiller (Roeder). I put the Unabomber and the bomber of the Fed. Bld in OKC in the category of evil pieces of shit, not left, not right just evil.

One nutjob killing people represents the "far right"? This is why arguing with you is impossible. You are simply too stupid.

I'm stupid? Thanks for your opinion, and please explain to me how you comport my example so broadly, especially when a graphic example of the far left was part of the statement? Of course this is a rhetorical question, I know the answer as do most of the regulars here: Because you're a dishonest piece of shit!

How does one "comport an example"? Oh yeah, if you're barely literate it makes perfect sense. Like most of your posts. Because you are stupid.

Mea culpa, I wrote comport, I meant conflate.

My mistake was not in my conclusion, you remain a dishonest piece of shit.

How do you "conflate an example"? Your mistake was in thinking you have something beyond a 4th grade education.
IF you had read any of the links (and if you could do so without reading with bias, which is impossible for you) you would see the behavior of people on the far left, and people on the far right are not different, and few on my side of the aisle would disagree. Extremism in terms of intolerance, violence and repression is common and not restricted to one side of the aisle or the other.

We saw violence from the far left (The SLA being the most graphic) and violence from the far right at the Atlanta Olympics and by the same AH who murdered human beings at the Abortion Clinic, (Rudolph) and the other murder who killed Dr. Tiller (Roeder). I put the Unabomber and the bomber of the Fed. Bld in OKC in the category of evil pieces of shit, not left, not right just evil.
One nutjob killing people represents the "far right"? This is why arguing with you is impossible. You are simply too stupid.

I'm stupid? Thanks for your opinion, and please explain to me how you comport my example so broadly, especially when a graphic example of the far left was part of the statement? Of course this is a rhetorical question, I know the answer as do most of the regulars here: Because you're a dishonest piece of shit!
How does one "comport an example"? Oh yeah, if you're barely literate it makes perfect sense. Like most of your posts. Because you are stupid.

Mea culpa, I wrote comport, I meant conflate.

My mistake was not in my conclusion, you remain a dishonest piece of shit.
How do you "conflate an example"? Your mistake was in thinking you have something beyond a 4th grade education.

By expanding one or two data points into a hyperbole, as you did.

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