The leftist worship of the party/state is analogous with fascism

Care to demonstrate? I'm kind of a collector.

Countless times my man. He says and tweets a lot of stupid things. I disagree with his approach on North Korea. I disagree with his handling of NATO. I harshly criticized him when he announced his intentions to have the G7 at his own freaking resort. I have criticized him for his lack of transparency for what his resorts are charging the government for secret service, etc. staying at his resorts when he's there visiting. I've criticized him for promising to release his taxes and then failing to do so. I've criticized him for promising to reduce the deficit and then raising it. I've criticized him for how his kids initially handled their email accounts upon first entering office. I've criticized him for his statements on Mexicans (my wife is Mexican, by the way). There's more, but that should suffice for now.

How about you? Did you ever criticize Obama or Hillary?

Oh man! You’re rich.
Of course, you could always renounce your Pledge of Allegiance and start again. That would work.

Well, my first allegiance is to God, but you don't believe in him either. In fact, everything deemed evil by God, you support, right?

Look at this! This dude has gone from accusing “the left” of being fascist to “carrying a cross wrapped in a flag” in the span of a few hours. A total and complete defeat. Well done cnm. Well done.
Here's another revisionist desperately trying to play "mirror image" with the political spectrum.
It's kind of sad that y'all think that's ever going to work.

Petty_Peasant You'll notice that leftists like this guy say I'm wrong, but can't actually produce an argument to demonstrate how I'm wrong. Some leftist, academic put in a dictionary that fascism is "right-wing" and that's what folks like Pogo rely on.

Every fascist regime that has ever existed REJECTED free-market capitalism in favor of a government-managed economy. The first tent of the modern right IS free-market capitalism and the rejection of over-regulation by government. Fascism demands endless and massive government regulations over business and so does the modern Democrat. Fascism demands federal control of healthcare and education and so does the modern Democrat. Fascism opposes free-market capitalism and so does many modern Democrats, particularly folks like Bernie and AOC, darlings of the Democratic Party.

You can't make the argument because there is no argument. Fascism is left-wing ideology at the extreme.

"Rejection of free market capitalism" does not make for right wing; it makes for anti-Liberal. Which the fascists certainly were. Clearly you have no clue where you're going with this neo-revisionism thing, which, if there were a place to go with it, would have been gone to long before our time. We kind of already figured out you were wandering aimlessly into this PoliSci forest when you tried to equate the Democratic Party with "the left". Fascism was/is utterly opposed to Liberalism, Socialism and Communism. The Socialists and Communists of 1920s-'30s Germany were in fact Hitler's primary points of opposition, which he immediately set out to undermine with the SS ("Brownshirts"), declaring the Socialist Party illegal, and making them the first wave of "guests" at the first concentration camp, Dachau.

What makes fascism right-wing is its ideals of striated classes with a supreme ruling class; hypernationalism; elevation of the State über alles; its jingoistic appeals to bring back some "glorious" past (e.g. Roman Empire, e.g. Prussia), usually (but not always, see Franco in Spain) leading to some massive conquest; its authoritarian bent in general including the hypertraditonal relegation of women to "Kinder, Kirche, Kuche". It's especially strong on religion, nationalism, militarism, machismo, class designations, anything that serves to subjugate the masses to the will of its designated Authority. Fascism is where authoritarian paternalism supplants social fraternalism.

And it need not be a government; for an example see "Ku Klux Klan", who were practicing fascism before the term was invented.
Last edited:
And fascism is on the right side of the political spectrum.

That's a lie that's been perpetrated by leftists since the end of WW2. Remember, FDR admired Mussolini and, more importantly, Mussolini's ideology on governance and economics. Once Mussolini invaded Ethiopia, FDR changed his tune.

Here's another revisionist desperately trying to play "mirror image" with the political spectrum.
It's kind of sad that y'all think that's ever going to work.
You must be a graduate of the new public reeducation system (indoctrination through stupidity).. Bet you are proud of that degree....
This is the third post in a row you've responded to one of my posts begging to be recognized as having no response to it.

This one though wasn't even addressed to you. Guess you're branching out.
You'll also notice that many leftists will attribute "nationalism" as being a tenet of fascism.

Well, our founding fathers were nationalists. They wanted, like all "nationalists", self-determination instead of being dictated to by a foreign power. Were they also fascists?

:lmao: No Virginia, the FFs were not "nationalists" as the term is used. You can't be a 'nationalist' without a nation. Once you establish one, THEN you can be a nationalist for it. The nationalists of that period were the Royalists, those who wished to remain a British colony. In other words the conservatives,
Obama’s Socialist Army of Political Thugs spent 8 years breaking every law they could to pocket taxpayer dollars and enrich themselves and their friends all the while trying to undermine The Constitution, Our Economy, Our Military, Our Healthcare system, Our Courts, and Our Military.

They thought they had The 2016 Election rigged and that’s why Obama left so many court appointments for Clinton. It’s also why Clinton thought it was time to propose “A Borderless North America” and it was “Time to replace the dollar with The Amero”!

These Son of a Bitches thought they were on pace to End America.

And if you think we dodged a bullet, we did, but it isn’t over.

It will NEVER be over till The Return of Christ ends all this Globalism.

Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation of America” in to a Socialist Hell Hole, is the same as Warren’s “Structural Change”
Same as every Democrat talking points running for President Right Now!

UN Agenda 21 is now Agenda 2030.

If we don’t keep fighting like we do, we are going to witness America being overrun by Socialist Tyrants as it falls under The Yoke of Global Government.

All this talk about democrats being the bad guys. Who are the guys going to jail? trumpbots or repubs or conservatives. Half a dozen trumpsters in prison, one waiting for sentencing, and anybody's guess about Guiliani. Then of course there's the big kahunatard trump getting his dumb ass impeached. Democrats just don't do the crimes that republicans do. They're for the most part fairly honest. Well, Clinton got impeached, but not for a serious crime like bribing the president of another count ry, but for getting a blow job.. For free too. Trump had to pay $150k for a night with an over the hill hooker. Then there's this stuff you picked up on some whacko right wing website about 'socialist tyrants that fall under the yoke of global governance etc.' Where the heck do get this garbage from?
Democrats just don't do the crimes that republicans do.
I would say that your IQ is around 30... Now lets see what you have said.
Demoncrats just dont do the crimes that repugnicans do.
1. Reps do stupid stuff like put their gay foot under a bathroom stall, he gets voted out of office.

Actually Larry Craig didn't run again so no he wasn't "voted out". Perhaps you're thinking of Diaper Boy David Vitter who did run again, but was voted back in.
Larry Craig didnt run again, because he "KNEW" that he would lose the election. Dumbasses like you think that doesnt mean anything, but notice how the retard didnt refute any of the other claims I made, and left out the rest of what I had said. Typical MF liberal shit for brains....

Finally after five swings and misses, a post that actually at least makes a reference to its quote.

Now why don't you link us to your certificate of authority on "what Larry Craig knew" hm? The simple ***FACT*** REMAINS that you LIED; he was NOT "voted out of office" at all. And your lie got busted.

Matter of fact he was sued by the Federal Election Commission for having used $217,000 of campaign funds to pay for legal defense for soliciting a frickin' bathroom hand job, which is kind of what your post was trying to do. He got busted and so did you. Here's an ides --- try that again expecting different results. Ya feel lucky, punk?
Obama’s Socialist Army of Political Thugs spent 8 years breaking every law they could to pocket taxpayer dollars and enrich themselves and their friends all the while trying to undermine The Constitution, Our Economy, Our Military, Our Healthcare system, Our Courts, and Our Military.

They thought they had The 2016 Election rigged and that’s why Obama left so many court appointments for Clinton. It’s also why Clinton thought it was time to propose “A Borderless North America” and it was “Time to replace the dollar with The Amero”!

These Son of a Bitches thought they were on pace to End America.

And if you think we dodged a bullet, we did, but it isn’t over.

It will NEVER be over till The Return of Christ ends all this Globalism.

Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation of America” in to a Socialist Hell Hole, is the same as Warren’s “Structural Change”
Same as every Democrat talking points running for President Right Now!

UN Agenda 21 is now Agenda 2030.

If we don’t keep fighting like we do, we are going to witness America being overrun by Socialist Tyrants as it falls under The Yoke of Global Government.

All this talk about democrats being the bad guys. Who are the guys going to jail? trumpbots or repubs or conservatives. Half a dozen trumpsters in prison, one waiting for sentencing, and anybody's guess about Guiliani. Then of course there's the big kahunatard trump getting his dumb ass impeached. Democrats just don't do the crimes that republicans do. They're for the most part fairly honest. Well, Clinton got impeached, but not for a serious crime like bribing the president of another country, but for getting a blow job. For free too. Trump had to pay $150k for a night with an over the hill hooker. Then there's this stuff you picked up on some whacko right wing website about 'socialist tyrants that fall under the yoke of global governance etc.' Where the heck do get this this garbage from?

pulled right out of their ass.
Additionally, an objective person will notice how many on the right criticize Trump but it's rare for anyone on the left to have criticized Obama when he was in office or even thereafter.

Complete bullshit. I've never believed people like yourself have ever understood objectivity.That's the inherent problem dealing with brainwashed morons.
Obama’s Socialist Army of Political Thugs spent 8 years breaking every law they could to pocket taxpayer dollars and enrich themselves and their friends all the while trying to undermine The Constitution, Our Economy, Our Military, Our Healthcare system, Our Courts, and Our Military.

They thought they had The 2016 Election rigged and that’s why Obama left so many court appointments for Clinton. It’s also why Clinton thought it was time to propose “A Borderless North America” and it was “Time to replace the dollar with The Amero”!

These Son of a Bitches thought they were on pace to End America.

And if you think we dodged a bullet, we did, but it isn’t over.

It will NEVER be over till The Return of Christ ends all this Globalism.

Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation of America” in to a Socialist Hell Hole, is the same as Warren’s “Structural Change”
Same as every Democrat talking points running for President Right Now!

UN Agenda 21 is now Agenda 2030.

If we don’t keep fighting like we do, we are going to witness America being overrun by Socialist Tyrants as it falls under The Yoke of Global Government.

All this talk about democrats being the bad guys. Who are the guys going to jail? trumpbots or repubs or conservatives. Half a dozen trumpsters in prison, one waiting for sentencing, and anybody's guess about Guiliani. Then of course there's the big kahunatard trump getting his dumb ass impeached. Democrats just don't do the crimes that republicans do. They're for the most part fairly honest. Well, Clinton got impeached, but not for a serious crime like bribing the president of another count ry, but for getting a blow job.. For free too. Trump had to pay $150k for a night with an over the hill hooker. Then there's this stuff you picked up on some whacko right wing website about 'socialist tyrants that fall under the yoke of global governance etc.' Where the heck do get this garbage from?
Democrats just don't do the crimes that republicans do.
I would say that your IQ is around 30... Now lets see what you have said.
Demoncrats just dont do the crimes that repugnicans do.
1. Reps do stupid stuff like put their gay foot under a bathroom stall, he gets voted out of office.

Actually Larry Craig didn't run again so no he wasn't "voted out". Perhaps you're thinking of Diaper Boy David Vitter who did run again, but was voted back in.
Larry Craig didnt run again, because he "KNEW" that he would lose the election. Dumbasses like you think that doesnt mean anything, but notice how the retard didnt refute any of the other claims I made, and left out the rest of what I had said. Typical MF liberal shit for brains....

Finally after five swings and misses, a post that actually at least makes a reference to its quote.

Now why don't you link us to your certificate of authority on "what Larry Craig knew" hm? The simple ***FACT*** REMAINS that you LIED; he was NOT "voted out of office" at all. And your lie got busted.

Matter of fact he was sued by the Federal Election Commission for having used $217,000 of campaign funds to pay for legal defense for soliciting a frickin' bathroom hand job, which is kind of what your post was trying to do. He got busted and so did you. Here's an ides --- try that again expecting different results. Ya feel lucky, punk?
The Scandal of Larry Craig
In the end what really affected Larry Craig was that the incident cost him his political career. Larry Craig ended up serving the rest of his term as Senator because he refused to resign, but he did not end up running for re-election for the position because he knew just like everyone else did, that he would not win the re-election for Senator.
Because morons (idiots have more IQ than you) like you dont have a fucking clue about what is going on, people like Eric(the racist) Holder can kill 10,000 Mexican citizens and 1 border agent, and get away with it. All you can do is "try" to use the rules for radicals and divert from the other bullshit things liberals have done far worse than a repugnicant. Again, I laugh at how stupid you are....

All this talk about democrats being the bad guys. Who are the guys going to jail? trumpbots or repubs or conservatives. Half a dozen trumpsters in prison, one waiting for sentencing, and anybody's guess about Guiliani. Then of course there's the big kahunatard trump getting his dumb ass impeached. Democrats just don't do the crimes that republicans do. They're for the most part fairly honest. Well, Clinton got impeached, but not for a serious crime like bribing the president of another count ry, but for getting a blow job.. For free too. Trump had to pay $150k for a night with an over the hill hooker. Then there's this stuff you picked up on some whacko right wing website about 'socialist tyrants that fall under the yoke of global governance etc.' Where the heck do get this garbage from?
Democrats just don't do the crimes that republicans do.
I would say that your IQ is around 30... Now lets see what you have said.
Demoncrats just dont do the crimes that repugnicans do.
1. Reps do stupid stuff like put their gay foot under a bathroom stall, he gets voted out of office.

Actually Larry Craig didn't run again so no he wasn't "voted out". Perhaps you're thinking of Diaper Boy David Vitter who did run again, but was voted back in.
Larry Craig didnt run again, because he "KNEW" that he would lose the election. Dumbasses like you think that doesnt mean anything, but notice how the retard didnt refute any of the other claims I made, and left out the rest of what I had said. Typical MF liberal shit for brains....

Finally after five swings and misses, a post that actually at least makes a reference to its quote.

Now why don't you link us to your certificate of authority on "what Larry Craig knew" hm? The simple ***FACT*** REMAINS that you LIED; he was NOT "voted out of office" at all. And your lie got busted.

Matter of fact he was sued by the Federal Election Commission for having used $217,000 of campaign funds to pay for legal defense for soliciting a frickin' bathroom hand job, which is kind of what your post was trying to do. He got busted and so did you. Here's an ides --- try that again expecting different results. Ya feel lucky, punk?

The Scandal of Larry Craig
In the end what really affected Larry Craig was that the incident cost him his political career. Larry Craig ended up serving the rest of his term as Senator because he refused to resign, but he did not end up running for re-election for the position because he knew just like everyone else did, that he would not win the re-election for Senator.
Because morons (idiots have more IQ than you) like you dont have a fucking clue about what is going on, people like Eric(the racist) Holder can kill 10,000 Mexican citizens and 1 border agent, and get away with it. All you can do is "try" to use the rules for radicals and divert from the other bullshit things liberals have done far worse than a repugnicant. Again, I laugh at how stupid you are....

At the risk of pointing out the obvious, some unknown blogger in something called "UK Essays" ***STILL*** does not prove jack shit about "what Larry Craig was thinking", amounts to the same lame pure speculation fallacy you tried to get away with. *NONE* of which addresses the fact that you lied about his nonexistent re-election in the first place.

Roll the fucking tape.

put their gay foot under a bathroom stall, he gets voted out of office

Look fuckbreath, don't blame me for your being a liar.
I would say that your IQ is around 30... Now lets see what you have said.
Demoncrats just dont do the crimes that repugnicans do.
1. Reps do stupid stuff like put their gay foot under a bathroom stall, he gets voted out of office.

Actually Larry Craig didn't run again so no he wasn't "voted out". Perhaps you're thinking of Diaper Boy David Vitter who did run again, but was voted back in.
Larry Craig didnt run again, because he "KNEW" that he would lose the election. Dumbasses like you think that doesnt mean anything, but notice how the retard didnt refute any of the other claims I made, and left out the rest of what I had said. Typical MF liberal shit for brains....

Finally after five swings and misses, a post that actually at least makes a reference to its quote.

Now why don't you link us to your certificate of authority on "what Larry Craig knew" hm? The simple ***FACT*** REMAINS that you LIED; he was NOT "voted out of office" at all. And your lie got busted.

Matter of fact he was sued by the Federal Election Commission for having used $217,000 of campaign funds to pay for legal defense for soliciting a frickin' bathroom hand job, which is kind of what your post was trying to do. He got busted and so did you. Here's an ides --- try that again expecting different results. Ya feel lucky, punk?

The Scandal of Larry Craig
In the end what really affected Larry Craig was that the incident cost him his political career. Larry Craig ended up serving the rest of his term as Senator because he refused to resign, but he did not end up running for re-election for the position because he knew just like everyone else did, that he would not win the re-election for Senator.
Because morons (idiots have more IQ than you) like you dont have a fucking clue about what is going on, people like Eric(the racist) Holder can kill 10,000 Mexican citizens and 1 border agent, and get away with it. All you can do is "try" to use the rules for radicals and divert from the other bullshit things liberals have done far worse than a repugnicant. Again, I laugh at how stupid you are....

At the risk of pointing out the obvious, some unknown blogger in something called "UK Essays" ***STILL*** does not prove jack shit about "what Larry Craig was thinking", amounts to the same lame pure speculation fallacy you tried to get away with. *NONE* of which addresses the fact that you lied about his nonexistent re-election in the first place.

Roll the fucking tape.

put their gay foot under a bathroom stall, he gets voted out of office

Look fuckbreath, don't blame me for your being a liar.
Just one more thing, but now I am done with you, you lying sack of excrement. Go fuck yourself.
Actually Larry Craig didn't run again so no he wasn't "voted out". Perhaps you're thinking of Diaper Boy David Vitter who did run again, but was voted back in.
Larry Craig didnt run again, because he "KNEW" that he would lose the election. Dumbasses like you think that doesnt mean anything, but notice how the retard didnt refute any of the other claims I made, and left out the rest of what I had said. Typical MF liberal shit for brains....

Finally after five swings and misses, a post that actually at least makes a reference to its quote.

Now why don't you link us to your certificate of authority on "what Larry Craig knew" hm? The simple ***FACT*** REMAINS that you LIED; he was NOT "voted out of office" at all. And your lie got busted.

Matter of fact he was sued by the Federal Election Commission for having used $217,000 of campaign funds to pay for legal defense for soliciting a frickin' bathroom hand job, which is kind of what your post was trying to do. He got busted and so did you. Here's an ides --- try that again expecting different results. Ya feel lucky, punk?

The Scandal of Larry Craig
In the end what really affected Larry Craig was that the incident cost him his political career. Larry Craig ended up serving the rest of his term as Senator because he refused to resign, but he did not end up running for re-election for the position because he knew just like everyone else did, that he would not win the re-election for Senator.
Because morons (idiots have more IQ than you) like you dont have a fucking clue about what is going on, people like Eric(the racist) Holder can kill 10,000 Mexican citizens and 1 border agent, and get away with it. All you can do is "try" to use the rules for radicals and divert from the other bullshit things liberals have done far worse than a repugnicant. Again, I laugh at how stupid you are....

At the risk of pointing out the obvious, some unknown blogger in something called "UK Essays" ***STILL*** does not prove jack shit about "what Larry Craig was thinking", amounts to the same lame pure speculation fallacy you tried to get away with. *NONE* of which addresses the fact that you lied about his nonexistent re-election in the first place.

Roll the fucking tape.

put their gay foot under a bathroom stall, he gets voted out of office

Look fuckbreath, don't blame me for your being a liar.
Just one more thing, but now I am done with you, you lying sack of excrement. Go fuck yourself.

Enough claptrap from the LIAR trying to cover his tracks. Just show the class where we may find the results of his 2008 run for re-election and the results thereof.
The irony involved in a tRumpling accusing anyone else of "worshipping" someone or something is staggering.

Can you take Obama's cock out of your mouth and repeat that? It was kind of garbled....
Don't be stupider than you have to be. I'm not one of those who thought Obama could do no wrong.

Seems to me you're projecting your desire to fellate tRump on to me.
Larry Craig didnt run again, because he "KNEW" that he would lose the election. Dumbasses like you think that doesnt mean anything, but notice how the retard didnt refute any of the other claims I made, and left out the rest of what I had said. Typical MF liberal shit for brains....

Finally after five swings and misses, a post that actually at least makes a reference to its quote.

Now why don't you link us to your certificate of authority on "what Larry Craig knew" hm? The simple ***FACT*** REMAINS that you LIED; he was NOT "voted out of office" at all. And your lie got busted.

Matter of fact he was sued by the Federal Election Commission for having used $217,000 of campaign funds to pay for legal defense for soliciting a frickin' bathroom hand job, which is kind of what your post was trying to do. He got busted and so did you. Here's an ides --- try that again expecting different results. Ya feel lucky, punk?

The Scandal of Larry Craig
In the end what really affected Larry Craig was that the incident cost him his political career. Larry Craig ended up serving the rest of his term as Senator because he refused to resign, but he did not end up running for re-election for the position because he knew just like everyone else did, that he would not win the re-election for Senator.
Because morons (idiots have more IQ than you) like you dont have a fucking clue about what is going on, people like Eric(the racist) Holder can kill 10,000 Mexican citizens and 1 border agent, and get away with it. All you can do is "try" to use the rules for radicals and divert from the other bullshit things liberals have done far worse than a repugnicant. Again, I laugh at how stupid you are....

At the risk of pointing out the obvious, some unknown blogger in something called "UK Essays" ***STILL*** does not prove jack shit about "what Larry Craig was thinking", amounts to the same lame pure speculation fallacy you tried to get away with. *NONE* of which addresses the fact that you lied about his nonexistent re-election in the first place.

Roll the fucking tape.

put their gay foot under a bathroom stall, he gets voted out of office

Look fuckbreath, don't blame me for your being a liar.
Just one more thing, but now I am done with you, you lying sack of excrement. Go fuck yourself.

Enough claptrap from the LIAR trying to cover his tracks. Just show the class where we may find the results of his 2008 run for re-election and the results thereof.

Oh look, sluggo is trying to BULLY his intellectual superiors again....

Here's another revisionist desperately trying to play "mirror image" with the political spectrum.
It's kind of sad that y'all think that's ever going to work.

Petty_Peasant You'll notice that leftists like this guy say I'm wrong, but can't actually produce an argument to demonstrate how I'm wrong. Some leftist, academic put in a dictionary that fascism is "right-wing" and that's what folks like Pogo rely on.

Every fascist regime that has ever existed REJECTED free-market capitalism in favor of a government-managed economy. The first tent of the modern right IS free-market capitalism and the rejection of over-regulation by government. Fascism demands endless and massive government regulations over business and so does the modern Democrat. Fascism demands federal control of healthcare and education and so does the modern Democrat. Fascism opposes free-market capitalism and so does many modern Democrats, particularly folks like Bernie and AOC, darlings of the Democratic Party.

You can't make the argument because there is no argument. Fascism is left-wing ideology at the extreme.

"Rejection of free market capitalism" does not make for right wing; it makes for anti-Liberal. Which the fascists certainly were. Clearly you have no clue where you're going with this neo-revisionism thing, which, if there were a place to go with it, would have been gone to long before our time. We kind of already figured out you were wandering aimlessly into this PoliSci forest when you tried to equate the Democratic Party with "the left". Fascism was/is utterly opposed to Liberalism, Socialism and Communism. The Socialists and Communists of 1920s-'30s Germany were in fact Hitler's primary points of opposition, which he immediately set out to undermine with the SS ("Brownshirts"), declaring the Socialist Party illegal, and making them the first wave of "guests" at the first concentration camp, Dachau.

What makes fascism right-wing is its ideals of striated classes with a supreme ruling class; hypernationalism; elevation of the State über alles; its jingoistic appeals to bring back some "glorious" past (e.g. Roman Empire, e.g. Prussia), usually (but not always, see Franco in Spain) leading to some massive conquest; its authoritarian bent in general including the hypertraditonal relegation of women to "Kinder, Kirche, Kuche". It's especially strong on religion, nationalism, militarism, machismo, class designations, anything that serves to subjugate the masses to the will of its designated Authority. Fascism is where authoritarian paternalism supplants social fraternalism.

And it need not be a government; for an example see "Ku Klux Klan", who were practicing fascism before the term was invented.

The first tenet of the right is the free-market economy. It is the left that wants and imposes endless regulations to try and control the market. The extreme of leftist ideology rejects free-market capitalism in favor of a government managed economic. These are basic concepts that you refuse to acknowledge.

Yes, fascism was born from socialism and is its ideological sibling.

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