The leftist worship of the party/state is analogous with fascism

So someone who pledges allegiance to the flag, while simultaneously advocating for limited government, is a "mindless" servant of the state?
The pledge has no condition of limited government in it, merely unconditional support of the state.

You'll notice the need for Democrats, as evidenced in this thread, to engage in dishonest rhetoric, hyperbole and lies. Never will they acknowledge basic facts and truths. Nor will they attempt to argue what I've posited here because they have no argument.
The pledge has no condition of limited government in it, merely unconditional support of the state.


You'll also notice that leftists love to ask questions, but are loathe to answer them.

cnm Why don't you be honest, for a change, and just answer my question?
Nor will they attempt to argue what I've posited here
You've posted you've pledged allegiance to the state. How is it other posters' fault you've contradicted your OP and can't make a congruent argument? A trifle hard on your part.
So someone who pledges allegiance to the flag, while simultaneously advocating for limited government, is a "mindless" servant of the state?
I've answered that question. What part of my reply did you not understand?
Having pledges indoctrinated? Agree.

It was a tradition started a long time ago and, often times, traditions are difficult to change.

As I said, if we're going to pledge allegiance to anything, it should probably be to our constitution and our bill of rights, a statement that I previously made and for which you skipped.
Oh. You mean you altered the pledge when you recited it. My bad, got it now.

So what is your version?
I've answered that question. What part of my reply did you not understand?


You'll again notice the lying by the resident leftist. I asked a simple question. He didn't actually answer my question but then claims that he did. He is unwilling, or perhaps incapable, of engaging in honest discussion. Fundamentally, the left is dishonest and this poster is no different. He isn't here to engage in good faith, back-and-forth sharing of ideas and to learn, he is here to win an argument, which he clearly cannot do.
See, your problem is you think words mean whatever you want them to mean, rather than what everyone else who uses dictionaries understand them to mean. A very common conservative trend, I've observed it a lot on this site.
Of course, you could always renounce your Pledge of Allegiance and start again. That would work.
You're going to attack little kids for reciting the pledge of allegiance as they're taught to do in school? LOL.
Oh? I thought you simultaneously called for limited government.
Honesty test.

Hey cnm

Did Obama tell the truth when he said that he hadn't previously known about Hillary's secret server until he heard about it in the news?
The modern American left's loyalty is to the Democratic Party and to the state. For the left, they are virtually one-in-the-same. What happens to average Americans is irrelevant compared to what happens to the party and state. Countless times on this forum I have asked leftists why they love the Democratic Party more than they love average Americans. I'm still waiting for an answer. Their total devotion to the party and state is exactly what Benito Mussolini wanted from Italian Fascists as evidenced by his writings, some of which I will share below.

Anti-individualistic, the Fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State.

Fascism reasserts the rights of the State as expressing the real essence of the individual

Fascism stands for liberty, and for the only liberty worth having, the liberty of the State and of the individual within the State

No individuals or groups (political parties, cultural associations, economic unions, social classes) outside the State

but first and foremost they form the State

advancing, as one conscience and one will

the State which creates the nation

It arises, in short, from the existence, at least in fieri, of a State.

A nation, as expressed in the State, is a living, ethical entity only in so far as it is active. Inactivity is death. Therefore the State is not only Authority which governs and confers legal form and spiritual value on individual wills, but it is also Power which makes its will felt and respected beyond its own frontiers


The Fascist State, as a higher and more powerful expression of personality, is a force, but a spiritual one. It sums up all the manifestations of the moral and intellectual life of man.

Fascism, in short, is not only a law-giver and a founder of institutions, but an educator and a promoter of spiritual life.

Here are some interesting statements by Mussolini on fascism growing out of socialism:


in the great river of Fascism one can trace currents which had their source in Sorel, Peguy, Lagardelle of the Movement Socialists

And here Mussolini points out how fascism is opposed to both political and economic "liberalism". He is referring to, of course, economic and political freedom. The concept of "liberalism" in the 1920's (when this was written) is altogether different than what it is today.


Fascism is definitely and absolutely opposed to the doctrines of liberalism, both in the political and the economic sphere.

For starters, they tell us what words we can and cant use. They define genders and give sanctuary to illegals without our permission. The liberals dictate this to US and they are alarmed we don't like them and vote for Trump,.Imagine that.
Oh. You mean you altered the pledge when you recited it.

You are again being dishonest and intentionally mischaracterizing what I said.
What, this?
So someone who pledges allegiance to the flag, while simultaneously advocating for limited government, is a "mindless" servant of the state?
How can you do that unless you alter the pledge? I mean, you do know what 'simultaneous' means, right?

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