The leftist worship of the party/state is analogous with fascism

Of course, you could always renounce your Pledge of Allegiance and start again. That would work.

Well, my first allegiance is to God, but you don't believe in him either. In fact, everything deemed evil by God, you support, right?
The Pledge of Allegiance to the FLAG is not a pledge of servitude to the State by any means.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag is simply a statement that you support and will defend those NOBLE things that it represents.

I don't think cnm even knows what the actual words are.....and apparently he/she cannot understand the last part....
"With Liberty and Justice for ALL"
(or just as likely, Liberty and Justice for All implies those who don't think like cnm...unacceptable to those as limited as cnm, I'm sure)

K9Buck, cnm simply wants to be irritating and as you pointed out, has nothing to offer.

You are wasting your is so often the case with the indoctrinated, lockstep lemming Radical Leftist. You have been patient if not generous and kind here.
K9Buck, cnm simply wants to be irritating and as you pointed out, has nothing to offer.

Yes, I know. But I'm happy that the reader can see the logic of my arguments compared to the desperate trolling on his part.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the FLAG is not a pledge of servitude to the State by any means.
Rather of unqualified allegiance to it.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands
The Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag is simply a statement that you support and will defend those NOBLE things that it represents.
Yes. It represents the state. Indoctrinated since what, kindergarten?

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands
Countless times on this forum I have asked leftists why they love the Democratic Party more than they love average Americans. I'm still waiting for an answer.

And 9 pages into this thread, I'm still waiting for a leftist to explain why they love the Democratic Party more than they love average Americans.
For starters, they tell us what words we can and cant use. They define genders and give sanctuary to illegals without our permission. The liberals dictate this to US and they are alarmed we don't like them and vote for Trump,.Imagine that.

True. In fact, they (Democrats in the House) are attempting to dictate to the Senate how it MUST conduct the senate impeachment trial proceedings.
These people are flawed and if good men leave them to have their way, the suffering will be remarkable. Venezuela is a perfect, modern example.

We allow them to rename abortion to "Pro Choice", yet what "CHOICE" are they giving the child?
Pro Death would be more appropriate. Yet we allow them to manipulate our culture so easily this way.

It's past time to stop accommodating. Way past time.
This series of posts shows the essential dilemma of conservatives. They want both total loyalty to the state and for the state not to exist. It's hilarious.
This series of posts shows the essential dilemma of conservatives. They want both total loyalty to the state and for the state not to exist. It's hilarious.

It isn't conservatives calling for government to take over the nation's healthcare system. It isn't conservative calling for an endless list of government regulations. It isn't conservatives constantly complaining about America's economic system. That's your side.
I implied that I should have denounced the pledge of allegiance when I was 8 years of age? Is that your statement?

You make repeated, idiotic statements and then run from them when pressed.
Do you want to answer this question?

When cnm doesn't like the answer to a question he either lies or hides under his bed, which is typical of the lying, delusional left.

Yes. It represents the state. Indoctrinated since what, kindergarten?
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands

Truth be told,
Until the rise of Radical Leftism, the state was nothing to be feared. True to the Constitution, real republicans (not RINO pretenders) always worked to LIMIT government.
Whereas you people always work to empower and grow government.
Unfortunately, People like Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama (who weaponized the IRS) have transformed our Republic in a neo fascist state.

Still, it is NOT the one the Pledge of Allegiance was written about or intended for.
This series of posts shows the essential dilemma of conservatives. They want both total loyalty to the state and for the state not to exist. It's hilarious.

No, you just are confused as to what the "State" is.

Conservatives want CONSTITUTIONAL government. To THAT State loyalty would be easy and beneficial.

It's the Neo fascist, all controlling, authoritative state that your side promises that we don't want any part of.
No, you just are confused as to what the "State" is.
Nah, I use dictionaries.

2 a territory governed by a single political body; a nation.
any of a number of locally governed areas making up a nation or federation under the ultimate control of a central government, as in the US.
5 (also State or the State) a the political entity of a nation, including the government and all its apparatus, eg the civil service and the armed forces;
Conservatives want CONSTITUTIONAL government. To THAT State loyalty would be easy and beneficial.
There you go again, doing the conservative trick of applying your own, your very own, meaning to words. Nowhere is 'constitutional government' given as a definition of either 'republic' or 'state'.
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The far left is fascist!

They are just too stupid to see it!

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